View Full Version : Sonny Weems And Ricky Rubio Admit The Truth, NBA Isn't As Hard Or Tough As Euroleague

03-05-2016, 08:44 PM
Ricky Rubio says that it's easier to score and get to the rim in the NBA than it is in the Euroleague, because of the defensive 3 seconds rule.


Sonny Weems says that the Euroleague is more physical than the NBA, that it's harder to score in Euroleague because of the defensive 3 seconds, which allows 3 men in the lane at all times, and that players in the Euroleague have to be able to shoot and have all around skills to play well there, whereas in the NBA, a lot of players can have roles without being able to shoot, or without having all around skills.

He also says that European basketball is better at developing the skills and all around games of players.


03-05-2016, 08:46 PM
If it's easy then how come Rubio has never even made the playoffs?:oldlol:

03-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Didn't he win championships in Euroleague yet continues to scrub it up in the NBA?

03-05-2016, 08:50 PM
Suns just released Weems some hours ago.

So easy, eh?

03-05-2016, 08:55 PM
Didn't he win championships in Euroleague yet continues to scrub it up in the NBA?

Rubio won ONE single championship in Euroleague, being the 12th best player on his team. He also has much better stats and performance in the NBA, than he ever did in Euroleague.

Bosnian Sajo
03-05-2016, 08:58 PM
Why does Rubio shoot 36% from the field then? And that's his career average people, his best season he shot 38% from the field. ****in losers.

03-05-2016, 08:58 PM
Suns just released Weems some hours ago.

So easy, eh?

It looked way easier for him every time I saw him play this year. He was scoring in all kinds of ways easily, handling the ball, making good passes. He was having it much easier than he had it in Euroleague, where they actually play defense, where there is a defensive 3 seconds rule, and where the refs are not inclined to give out free throws for the most minimal of contact, like they are in the NBA.

03-05-2016, 09:00 PM
euroleague how old are you?

03-05-2016, 09:01 PM
Why does Rubio shoot 36% from the field then? And that's his career average people, his best season he shot 38% from the field. ****in losers.

Why did he set an all time Euroleague record for the most air balls shot in a season, with 19?

Why are his NBA stats, even from his rookie season, much better than any of his stats in Euroleague?

And don't give me the "he was 14-16 when he was playing in Euroleague" made up bullshit lie that outbreak uses here all the time.

Rubio was 20 the last season he was in Europe, and still had worse play and stats than he did the next season in the NBA.

Black and White
03-05-2016, 09:02 PM
Is that why they aren't stars in this league then?

On the other side of it however, you have Anthony Parker

03-05-2016, 09:04 PM
Why are they known for flopping and avoiding contact ie shooting jumpers instead of banging in the paint

No where except for fake NBA hype marketing and the delusional minds of NBA only fans is that seen as being the case.

Euroleague has had for years an anti flopping rule, and it is strictly enforced.

The whole Euroleague is soft bullshit comes purely from the NBA marketing gimmicks and from xenophobic and racist stereotyping. And NBA only fans refuse to watch the Euroleague, so they actually believe the much softer NBA is actually "more physical" than the Euroleague, which is in reality at least probably like 3 times more physical than the NBA is.

03-05-2016, 09:11 PM
Is that why they aren't stars in this league then?

On the other side of it however, you have Anthony Parker

The same Anthony Parker that was the 2nd or 3rd best player on his team (after Sarunas Jasikevicius and Nikola Vujcic) in Maccabi 10-15 years ago, when Euroleague was much worse than it is now (the budgets of the biggest teams in Europe then, were lower than the budgets of teams with the lowest budgets in Europe now).

The same Anthony Parker that was a starter in the NBA for 6 years, and started on NBA playoff teams?

Your Euroleague bashing NBA only fan Anthony Parker troll shtick was debunked as myth years ago.

At least actually try to use some tact and come with something even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand, if you are going to troll.

Black and White
03-05-2016, 09:14 PM
The same Anthony Parker that was the 2nd or 3rd best player on his team (after Sarunas Jasikevicius and Nikola Vujcic) in Maccabi 10-15 years ago, when Euroleague was much worse than it is now (the biggest teams in Europe then had budgets lower than the teams with the lowest budgets in Europe now).

The same Anthony Parker that was a starter in the NBA for 6 years, and started on NBA playoff teams?

Your Euroleague bashing NBA only fan Anthony Parker troll shtick was debunked as myth years ago.

At least actually try to use some tact and come with something even remotely relevant to the discussion at hand, if you are going to troll.

Starter for 6 years vs. repeat MVP in Euroleague

I wonder where he was better......

03-05-2016, 09:14 PM
Euroleague is a joke nobody cares about that crap.

03-05-2016, 09:14 PM
So Weems says NBA is easier yet he's dropped by one of the worst teams in the league and was a star in Euroleague?


03-05-2016, 09:20 PM
Starter for 6 years vs. repeat MVP in Euroleague

I wonder where he was better......

The fans decide the Euroleague MVP vote.

Parker was the 2nd or 3rd best player on his own team.

In the All-Europe Player of the Year award voting, the one just chosen by the media (like NBA MVP), Jasikevicius was named best player both years.

All of your claims here are NBA only fan myths that were debunked years ago.

I wonder how long it will be before you claim that "Josh Childress, Linas Kleiza, and Trajan Langdon were the greatest Euroleague players of all time"....


03-05-2016, 09:24 PM
So Weems says NBA is easier yet he's dropped by one of the worst teams in the league and was a star in Euroleague?


Sonny Weems was between being the 4th to 6th best player on his team during the entire time he was with CSKA Moscow.

He was a "Euroleague star" only in the delusional minds of NBA only fans like you.

He was certainly a good player, but nothing remotely near to being a "Euroleague star".

Euroleague stars are/were guys like Dejan Bodiroga, Sarunas Jasikevicius, Theo Papaloukas, Ramunas Siskauskas, Juan Carlos Navarro, Dimitris Diamantidis, Vassilis Spanoulis....Sonny Weems was not anywhere even near that discussion in Euroleague.

But yeah, you are not a troll or anything... Sureeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Black and White
03-05-2016, 09:26 PM
The fans decide the Euroleague MVP vote.

Parker was the 2nd or 3rd best player on his own team.

In the All-Europe Player of the Year award voting, the one just chosen by the media (like NBA MVP), Jasikevicius was named best player both years.

All of your claims here are NBA only fan myths that were debunked years ago.

I wonder how long it will be before you claim that "Josh Childress, Linas Kleiza, and Trajan Langdon were the greatest Euroleague players of all time"....

How about V-Span, why was he trash in the NBA? Sorry bro, you've been owned too many times to be taken seriously.

03-05-2016, 09:29 PM
How about V-Span, why was he trash in the NBA? Sorry bro, you've been owned too many times to be taken seriously.

His coach hated European players. It's well-known and documented.

NBA only fans are the ones that have always been "owned" here. Every single time they are dumb enough to start their trolling.

03-05-2016, 09:37 PM
His coach hated European players. It's well-known and documented.

NBA only fans are the ones that have always been "owned" here. Every single time they are dumb enough to start their trolling.

What does his coach have to do with his performance when the ball was in his hands? We saw V Span get his ass handed to him when he faced the superior competition in the NBA.

Before you were claiming Georgios Papagiannis was going to be some great player and he sucks:


03-05-2016, 09:38 PM
If it's easy then how come Rubio has never even made the playoffs?:oldlol:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

03-05-2016, 09:49 PM
The rookies and sophomores on the Suns are better than that veteran Sonny Weems. He's pure shit

Old Man River
03-05-2016, 11:45 PM
They probably didn't say that we need a Spanish language speaking person.

03-06-2016, 12:34 AM
So Weems says NBA is easier yet he's dropped by one of the worst teams in the league and was a star in Euroleague?


All euroleague first team in 2014.


03-06-2016, 01:12 AM
Euroleague, the league on a steady decline, Euroleague the poster, same old shit.

Euroleague needs to worry more about China catching it from behind than its pipedream of being in the same stratosphere as the NBA. China pumping players into the NBA, Euroleague taking NBA garbage.

03-06-2016, 01:20 AM
Euroleague is a masochist, he has been owned in all the forms, and he keeps trolling.

Please have some dignity, bro.

03-06-2016, 04:37 AM
All euroleague first team in 2014.


For the 100th time, Euroleague team has no analogy to all NBA. It's voted online by the fans and it's 99% based on team record.

This has been explained to you in exact and thorough detail on many, many occasions, by basically every single poster here that watches Euroleague, yet you continue to troll about it like a total jackass.

03-06-2016, 04:38 AM
What does his coach have to do with his performance when the ball was in his hands? We saw V Span get his ass handed to him when he faced the superior competition in the NBA.

Before you were claiming Georgios Papagiannis was going to be some great player and he sucks:


Newsflash, making up lies isn't the same thing as fact.


03-06-2016, 04:40 AM
So Rubio says it's easier to score at the rim in the NBA, yet he is one of the worst finishers between 0-3 feet in the history of the league?

03-06-2016, 04:41 AM
Euroleague, the league on a steady decline, Euroleague the poster, same old shit.

Euroleague needs to worry more about China catching it from behind than its pipedream of being in the same stratosphere as the NBA. China pumping players into the NBA, Euroleague taking NBA garbage.

The NBA is going on 6 straight years now that they chickened out and refused to accept to have the NBA champion play against the Euroleague champion in an official world club cup.

6 straight years that FIBA offered to organize it, pay for it, market it, and give a multi million dollar prize to the NBA team just to play in it.

6 straight years that the NBA and the NBA champion team chickened out and declined the offer.

The NBA is scared as hell of the Euroleague.

03-06-2016, 04:43 AM
Euroleague is a masochist, he has been owned in all the forms, and he keeps trolling.

Please have some dignity, bro.


03-06-2016, 04:45 AM
Sonny Weems NBA career stats:
6.7/2/1 46%/28%/70%

Sonny Weems Euroleague career stats:
13/4/3/1 45%/37%/77%

03-06-2016, 04:45 AM
So Rubio says it's easier to score at the rim in the NBA, yet he is one of the worst finishers between 0-3 feet in the history of the league?

He averaged 3 assists a game in Euroleague. That basically says it all right there, at least to anyone with an IQ over 65.

03-06-2016, 04:47 AM
He averaged 3 assists a game in Euroleague. That basically says it all right there, at least to anyone with an IQ over 65.
Why are you bringing up assists, when Rubio makes a statement about finishing at the rim as you said in the OP? Please explain how it's (apparently) easier in the NBA than in the Euroleague, when Rubio himself made only 33% of his attempts near the rim (0-3 feet) last season.

03-06-2016, 04:48 AM
Sonny Weems NBA career stats:
6.7/2/1 46%/28%/70%

Sonny Weems Euroleague career stats:
13/4/3/1 45%/37%/77%

I can list 50 players at least that had better stats in the NBA than they did in Euroleague.

If you can find even 10 that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, then kudos to you.

03-06-2016, 04:49 AM

We all know it

Euroleague is 2nd in the world.

03-06-2016, 04:49 AM
Why are you bringing up assists, when Rubio makes a statement about finishing at the rim as you said in the OP? Please explain how it's (apparently) easier in the NBA than in the Euroleague, when Rubio himself made only 33% of his attempts near the rim (0-3 feet) last season.

Why would I bother to explain something to you? You are obviously either retarded, or a troll, or both.

03-06-2016, 04:50 AM
Why would I bother to explain something to you? You are obviously either retarded, or a troll, or both.
You're the one who makes a topic about finishing, and then comes up with assists. Are you mentally challenged, perhaps?

03-06-2016, 04:51 AM
I can list 50 players at least that had better stats in the NBA than they did in Euroleague.

If you can find even 10 that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, then kudos to you.
Are they going to be Sonny Weems stats? I didn't think so.

03-06-2016, 04:51 AM

We all know it

Euroleague is 2nd in the world.

Larry Bird
Mike Fratello
Chris Kaman
Joakim Noah

and a whole bunch of other NBA coaches and players have said Euroleague is better than the NBA. So many have said that, I've lost count.

The "we" you are referring to consists of NBA only fans.

03-06-2016, 04:53 AM
You're the one who makes a topic about finishing, and then comes up with assists. Are you mentally challenged, perhaps?

Yep, you are a mega troll at the same level as someone like Milbuck, 3ball, CavsFTW, Rooster, etc.

03-06-2016, 04:54 AM
Are they going to be Sonny Weems stats? I didn't think so.

I like how you didn't mention Rubio's stats.

I tell you what, come up with 20 NBA players that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, and I will come up with 30 that had better stats in NBA than in the Euroleague.

Then you agree to a 3 month long ban.

Also, if you bring up players from 25-30 years ago, when leagues in Europe were not even professional, you can immediately take the ban, just for being such a colossal douche bag.

03-06-2016, 04:55 AM
Yep, you are a mega troll at the same level as someone like Milbuck, 3ball, CavsFTW, Rooster, etc.
A mega troll because I'm asking for an explanation. Noted. This is what people who lose discussions every other day always say. I'll take it as a win.

03-06-2016, 04:58 AM
Nemanja Bjelica was the 2014/15 Euroleague MVP. He is scoring 4.5 points per game for the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2015/16 season.

03-06-2016, 05:00 AM
A mega troll because I'm asking for an explanation. Noted. This is what people who lose discussions every other day always say. I'll take it as a win.

Your troll shtick is incredibly weak. If you actually think this amateurish troll attempt at derailing the thread is going to work, then you clearly have no clue as to who you are trying to troll.

Also, this --->


03-06-2016, 05:01 AM
Sergio Rodriguez was the 2013/14 Euroleague MVP. He has a career average of 4.3 points during his 4 years in the NBA.

03-06-2016, 05:01 AM
Vassilis Spanoulis failed to average more than 3 points per game in the NBA.

03-06-2016, 05:04 AM
Juan Carlos Navarro actually cracked the 10 points per game barrier in the NBA. Though he needed more than 9 shots per game to do so (36%).

03-06-2016, 05:05 AM
Anthony Parker is a two time Euroleague MVP. He averaged 9.1 points over nearly 500 NBA games.

03-06-2016, 05:08 AM
Nemanja Bjelica was the 2014/15 Euroleague MVP. He is scoring 4.5 points per game for the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2015/16 season.

The Euroleague MVP is voted online by fans, and everyone knows Fenerbahce (which has one of the biggest fan bases of any sports club on the planet, at around 35 million fans) fans voted like 20 million times for him to win the award.

Besides that, what you said is completely irrelevant to the NBA being a ***** candy ass soft as hell league as compared to the Euroleague.

Welcome to ignore. Your thread derailment techniques are much too amateurish to be any further acknowledged.

Oh, and also this -->


03-06-2016, 05:09 AM
Nemanja Bjelica was the 2014/15 Euroleague MVP. He is scoring 4.5 points per game for the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2015/16 season.

Sergio Rodriguez was the 2013/14 Euroleague MVP. He has a career average of 4.3 points during his 4 years in the NBA.

Vassilis Spanoulis failed to average more than 3 points per game in the NBA.

Juan Carlos Navarro actually cracked the 10 points per game barrier in the NBA. Though he needed more than 9 shots per game to do so (36%).

Anthony Parker is a two time Euroleague MVP. He averaged 9.1 points over nearly 500 NBA games.


03-06-2016, 05:10 AM
How'd you quote my post when you just put me on your ignore list? Dodgy.

03-06-2016, 05:15 AM
How'd you quote my post when you just put me on your ignore list? Dodgy.

You really are not very bright.

The point of trying to derail a thread is to stop it, not help me in keeping its flames going. It's amazing how easy it is to toy with morons like you.


03-06-2016, 05:17 AM
Tyrese Rice was the 2013/14 Euroleague Final Four MVP. He went undrafted in the 2009 NBA Draft.

03-06-2016, 05:18 AM
Trajan Lagdon in an Euroleague Final Four MVP. He scored 5.4 points in his 3 years in the NBA.

03-06-2016, 05:18 AM
Tyrese Rice was the 2013/14 Euroleague Final Four MVP. He went undrafted in the 2009 NBA Draft.

Trajan Lagdon in an Euroleague Final Four MVP. He scored 5.4 points in his 3 years in the NBA.

Keep it up. Just keep the thread going like a good little brainwashed bitch.

03-06-2016, 05:20 AM
Šarūnas Jasikevičius is an Euroleague Final Four MVP. He went undrafted in the NBA.

03-06-2016, 05:22 AM

03-06-2016, 05:28 AM
Thanks to the colossal idiot troll kawhi, this thread will probably reach 8 or 9 pages now.

03-06-2016, 05:31 AM
Deron Williams only played a few months for Besiktas. They retired his jersey.

D. Toretto
03-06-2016, 08:44 AM
What euroleague is right about:
Handchecking and no defensive 3 seconds DO make it harder to go to the rim in Euroleague. James Harden for example wouldn't be having the time of his life (he would still dominate though, don't get me wrong). I guess this is why he thinks the NBA isn't as "hard or tough", which is still nonsense. Stick euroleague players into the NBA and you see the result.

What euroleague isn't right about:
He doesn't get that these NBA players are VASTLY superior athletically, and skill-wise individually. They absolutely obliterate almost any Euroleague player and it's not even close.

03-06-2016, 08:56 AM

03-06-2016, 10:22 AM
euroleague u might be right, but the talent in the nba is typically far greater, just look at the average verticals of each league and you will have your answer.

03-06-2016, 10:34 AM
Rubio on his 08 Euroleague Championship team (at 18-19 yrs old): 60.7% FG

Rubio in his best NBA season: 38.1% FG

But it's harder to score in Europe. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

03-06-2016, 10:45 AM
I can list 50 players at least that had better stats in the NBA than they did in Euroleague.

If you can find even 10 that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, then kudos to you.

pls euru guru list it, i bet u cant

03-06-2016, 11:06 AM
I like how you didn't mention Rubio's stats.

I tell you what, come up with 20 NBA players that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, and I will come up with 30 that had better stats in NBA than in the Euroleague.

Then you agree to a 3 month long ban.

Also, if you bring up players from 25-30 years ago, when leagues in Europe were not even professional, you can immediately take the ban, just for being such a colossal douche bag.

So they went from amateur to best league in the world over a league that has been professional for over 60?

03-06-2016, 11:44 AM
Euroleague is a lot tougher, because hard work makes up for shitty talent.

03-06-2016, 11:46 AM
Andres Nocionni was a star in Euroleague, but was a bum in the NBA.

03-06-2016, 12:28 PM
So they went from amateur to best league in the world over a league that has been professional for over 60?

The NBA was semi professional up until 1983. It did not become fully pro until 1983. That's 33 years, not over 60 years.

Euroleague as a league itself, was amateur up until 1991, although some teams were semi professional / professional in the '70s and '80s.

03-06-2016, 12:32 PM
Andres Nocionni was a star in Euroleague, but was a bum in the NBA.

Except that he was never a star in Euroleague, and he was a long-time starter in the NBA.

You are yet another delusional clown.

03-06-2016, 12:33 PM
What euroleague is right about:
Handchecking and no defensive 3 seconds DO make it harder to go to the rim in Euroleague. James Harden for example wouldn't be having the time of his life (he would still dominate though, don't get me wrong). I guess this is why he thinks the NBA isn't as "hard or tough", which is still nonsense. Stick euroleague players into the NBA and you see the result.

What euroleague isn't right about:
He doesn't get that these NBA players are VASTLY superior athletically, and skill-wise individually. They absolutely obliterate almost any Euroleague player and it's not even close.

Harden would not last more than 1 month in any even half way decent Euroleague team. His ball hogging, shot chucking and zero defense would absolutely get him kicked out of at LEAST 80% of the teams in Euroleague.

The rest of your post is imaginary BULLSHIT.

03-06-2016, 12:37 PM
Deron Williams only played a few months for Besiktas. They retired his jersey.

It did not take this trolling imbecile long to make the same NBA only fan troll blunder this forum always makes....

Claiming Deron Williams, who played in EuroChallenge, which was at the time rated as the FOURTEENTH best league in Europe, "played in Euroleague" (Europe's best league).

Also, his number isn't retired anymore. The fans complained about it so much they took it down. And everyone knows he paid $200,000 for them to do it, as a marketing stunt.


03-06-2016, 12:44 PM
Rubio on his 08 Euroleague Championship team (at 18-19 yrs old): 60.7% FG

Rubio in his best NBA season: 38.1% FG

But it's harder to score in Europe. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Barca won the Euoleague in 2010, not 2008.

And Rubio shot 38.2% on 2 point field goals, 35.8% on 3 point field goals, and 37.0% in overall field goal percentage.

PROOF ---->


Yeah, go ahead and keep proving to everyone in the forum that you are a blatantly lying dumb ass with an IQ around 50.


03-06-2016, 12:46 PM
pls euru guru list it, i bet u cant

First, one of you gigantic morons has to name 20 NBA players that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA.

You have to actually use REAL stats from NBA and Euroleague (not other leagues you falsely claim are Euroleague), and you can't make up fake stats, like you fools do 100% of the time.

I won't hold my breath, since you are all lying assholes.

03-06-2016, 12:49 PM
Šarūnas Jasikevičius is an Euroleague Final Four MVP. He went undrafted in the NBA.

Tyrese Rice was the 2013/14 Euroleague Final Four MVP. He went undrafted in the 2009 NBA Draft.


03-06-2016, 12:50 PM
Except that he was never a star in Euroleague, and he was a long-time starter in the NBA.

You are yet another guy that doesn't watch Euroleague basketball.


03-06-2016, 12:53 PM
euroleague u might be right, but the talent in the nba is typically far greater, just look at the average verticals of each league and you will have your answer.

Every single Euroleague team has players with 38-40 inch verticals. Plenty of them have numerous players with such verticals.

Stop your racist bullshit nonsense.

Bosnian Sajo
03-06-2016, 01:04 PM
I can list 50 players at least that had better stats in the NBA than they did in Euroleague.

If you can find even 10 that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA, then kudos to you.

Do it, list 50 players and their stats in the NBA vs Euroleague.

03-06-2016, 01:11 PM
Do it, list 50 players and their stats in the NBA vs Euroleague.

The challenge was already given.

You clowns need to name 20 players that had better stats in Euroleague than in NBA, in modern pro era, using REAL Euroleague stats and ONLY for players that ACTUALLY played in Euroleague.

So in other words, that eliminates EVERY single example clowns like Rooster, CavsFTW, Milbuck, etc. ever used in this forum........

It's amazing, how much bullshit you ****ing dick wads talk here, how literally you claim that "thousands of American scrubs have totally dominated and completely destroyed Euroleague", yet you can't even name a mere 20 that had better stats there.

You are a bunch of dickless buffoons that are perfectly summed up like this,


03-06-2016, 02:05 PM
The NBA was semi professional up until 1983. It did not become fully pro until 1983. That's 33 years, not over 60 years.

Euroleague as a league itself, was amateur up until 1991, although some teams were semi professional / professional in the '70s and '80s.

So Wilt Chamberlain wasn't a professional player? The league was founded as a professional league in 1946

03-06-2016, 05:09 PM
First, one of you gigantic morons has to name 20 NBA players that had better stats in Euroleague than in the NBA.

You have to actually use REAL stats from NBA and Euroleague (not other leagues you falsely claim are Euroleague), and you can't make up fake stats, like you fools do 100% of the time.

I won't hold my breath, since you are all lying assholes.

im euro guy i watch el, i will make the list when i have time, start making urs

03-06-2016, 05:26 PM
David Andersen
De colo

i think its enough i done it in 10 minutes, i can backup all of them, or i can change them if u want i didint go young or old, like 2 season in row
ur turn B*tch

03-06-2016, 10:42 PM
Sonny Weems didn't do anything well this year.

Rubio is a good player. Suns would have done well to snag him for Kief and other stuff.

Nick Young
03-06-2016, 10:46 PM
LOL oh yeah I forgot that that ****ing scrub Sonny Weems went to Euroleague and became the Lebron James of Euroleague.

Nick Young
03-06-2016, 10:47 PM
Euroleage, the people need to know

Is Spanoulis a better basketball player than Giannis?

03-07-2016, 12:25 AM
You guys are all wrong, Spanoulis is GOAT. The 2 championships the Rockets had with Hakeem were all because of Spanoulis

Euroleague doesn't **** around man. There is no time for games.

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 12:49 AM
David Andersen
De colo

i think its enough i done it in 10 minutes, i can backup all of them, or i can change them if u want i didint go young or old, like 2 season in row
ur turn B*tch
so many scrubs

03-07-2016, 11:09 AM
im waiting for ur respone B*tch, i can find 50 more easy, or even 100

03-07-2016, 11:17 AM
Every single Euroleague team has players with 38-40 inch verticals. Plenty of them have numerous players with such verticals.

Stop your racist bullshit nonsense.


implying I was being derogatory about whites. Its a known fact that west African races have a genetic inclination to possessing a high abundance of twitch 2 muscle fibers and therefore explosiveness. In general they have higher calf insertions, elongated limbs and thicker bones when compared to other races which is another factor to consider.

If you actually consider these facts racist then I don't even.

03-07-2016, 11:39 AM
But Rubio sucks at getting to the rim and scoring in general

03-07-2016, 11:41 AM
The challenge was already given.

You clowns need to name 20 players that had better stats in Euroleague than in NBA, in modern pro era, using REAL Euroleague stats and ONLY for players that ACTUALLY played in Euroleague.

So in other words, that eliminates EVERY single example clowns like Rooster, CavsFTW, Milbuck, etc. ever used in this forum........

It's amazing, how much bullshit you ****ing dick wads talk here, how literally you claim that "thousands of American scrubs have totally dominated and completely destroyed Euroleague", yet you can't even name a mere 20 that had better stats there.

You are a bunch of dickless buffoons that are perfectly summed up like this,


What about Arroyo?

03-07-2016, 12:32 PM
What about Arroyo?

man im curious too, arroyo, papanikalou, childress, veseley, macijauskas, parker, garbajosa, jasikevicius are perfect examples they actually dominated in euroleague.
btw they are all great players.

03-07-2016, 12:33 PM
Ricky Rubio says that it's easier to score and get to the rim in the NBA than it is in the Euroleague, because of the defensive 3 seconds rule.


Sonny Weems says that the Euroleague is more physical than the NBA, that it's harder to score in Euroleague because of the defensive 3 seconds, which allows 3 men in the lane at all times, and that players in the Euroleague have to be able to shoot and have all around skills to play well there, whereas in the NBA, a lot of players can have roles without being able to shoot, or without having all around skills.

He also says that European basketball is better at developing the skills and all around games of players.


So easy that he's averaging 10 ppg, on 37% shooting :roll:

03-07-2016, 02:29 PM
David Andersen
De colo

i think its enough i done it in 10 minutes, i can backup all of them, or i can change them if u want i didint go young or old, like 2 season in row
ur turn B*tch

You forgot Goudeluck :oldlol: he was All Euroleague team and led Fener to first ever Final Four:bowdown:

Also Anthony Randolph is ballig out of control right now. :applause: He finally realizing his potential albeit it's in the minor league:bowdown:

03-07-2016, 02:38 PM
You forgot Goudeluck :oldlol: he was All Euroleague team and led Fener to first ever Final Four:bowdown:

Also Anthony Randolph is ballig out of control right now. :applause: He finally realizing his potential albeit it's in the minor league:bowdown:

as i sad before i can easy, easy name 50 and 50 more if i do 2hours work, but i think its enough here, now he need to name 50 who was better in nba ;-)i can think about 10-20 max, but hes gonna pull some greece magic this euro guru is such a fraud moron

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 03:22 PM
You forgot Goudeluck :oldlol: he was All Euroleague team and led Fener to first ever Final Four:bowdown:

Also Anthony Randolph is ballig out of control right now. :applause: He finally realizing his potential albeit it's in the minor league:bowdown:
I forgot that career 15th man Gaudeluck went to Europe and became Steph Curry over there :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

03-07-2016, 03:44 PM
Rubio's right :confusedshrug: Euroleague on the other hand is extending it to mean NBA in general is easier which isn't true tho.

Just watched the Rubio clip and didn't read/watch the rest. But he is right. There IS more space in the NBA and it is easier to get to the rim. This isn't really debatable. Just look at European or FIBA international ball. They're paint camping. This is why the US team always needed shooters on its teams instead of speedy guys with a broken jumper.

03-07-2016, 04:36 PM
So Wilt Chamberlain wasn't a professional player? The league was founded as a professional league in 1946

The NBA was not a fully professional league until 1983.

Just the fact you clowns don't know that shows you have incredibly low basketball knowledge, and don't even have basic sports knowledge either. Because you don't know what a fully professional league is.

Or maybe you don't even know what the word professional even means, because you are such idiots.

03-07-2016, 04:37 PM
David Andersen
De colo

i think its enough i done it in 10 minutes, i can backup all of them, or i can change them if u want i didint go young or old, like 2 season in row
ur turn B*tch

You did not post any stats.

Colossal FAIL so far.

03-07-2016, 04:39 PM
EuroLeague, I'm hoping it only takes a simple "stfu" for you to really stfu. Please STFU.

03-07-2016, 04:42 PM

implying I was being derogatory about whites. Its a known fact that west African races have a genetic inclination to possessing a high abundance of twitch 2 muscle fibers and therefore explosiveness. In general they have higher calf insertions, elongated limbs and thicker bones when compared to other races which is another factor to consider.

If you actually consider these facts racist then I don't even.

What you just did is make a post of eugenics. That is considered extremely racist in every nation on the planet. It's also something that was invented by Nazis and Satanists.

Anyone that believes in it, believes the same exact thing as a Nazi / Satanist.

It's also completely absurd and ludicrous, since Harvard did DNA tests of NBA "African American" players and found they all had at least 33% white European DNA, and half of them had at least 50% white European DNA.

It's further absurd, when considering the fact that more "west Africans" play in Euroleague than in the NBA.

Finally, hundreds of studies have shown that racists have exceptionally low IQs in general. That would be you.

03-07-2016, 04:46 PM
What about Arroyo?

Arroyo was a very good player in college and FIBA (and solid in NBA), but he has never done jack shit in the whole time he played in Euroleague (probably 5-6 years).

Last season he didn't so shit in Euroleague, as usual. Then he went and dominated the Puerto Rican League. He came back to Euroleague this season, and again this year does jack shit.

And this is the first time he ever even played in a big Euroleague team. So far he has been their THIRD string point guard.

03-07-2016, 04:47 PM
man im curious too, arroyo, papanikalou, childress, veseley, macijauskas, parker, garbajosa, jasikevicius are perfect examples they actually dominated in euroleague.
btw they are all great players.

You are absolutely certifiably INSANE.


03-07-2016, 04:48 PM
So easy that he's averaging 10 ppg, on 37% shooting :roll:

He averaged 6 points on 34% shooting in Euroleague.

03-07-2016, 04:50 PM
as i sad before i can easy, easy name 50 and 50 more if i do 2hours work, but i think its enough here, now he need to name 50 who was better in nba ;-)i can think about 10-20 max, but hes gonna pull some greece magic this euro guru is such a fraud moron

I already set the bar at 20, and said I will up it to 50.

So you damn well have to come with 50, and actually prove it with real stats. So far you have not done jack shit.

It is also obviously that you have never in your entire life ever seen a single Euroleague game, as this post of your PROVES --->

man im curious too, arroyo, papanikalou, childress, veseley, macijauskas, parker, garbajosa, jasikevicius are perfect examples they actually dominated in euroleague.
btw they are all great players.

Every single person in this forum that actually follows Euroleague knows you are an blatant liar, and that you are totally FULL OF SHIT after that post.

03-07-2016, 04:57 PM
EuroLeague, I'm hoping it only takes a simple "stfu" for you to really stfu. Please STFU.


03-07-2016, 05:40 PM
You did not post any stats.

Colossal FAIL so far.

oh i can post it, tell me which one? and i will post u, u are fraud, u just said, post me 20 and u post me 50, cmon..? tell me which one!? i can backup all, if i cant i change it, and i can make 20 more if u want. u a fuc*kin fraud, u dont know shit about euroball, i watch this shit since 1993

03-07-2016, 05:46 PM
I already set the bar at 20, and said I will up it to 50.

So you damn well have to come with 50, and actually prove it with real stats. So far you have not done jack shit.

It is also obviously that you have never in your entire life ever seen a single Euroleague game, as this post of your PROVES --->

Every single person in this forum that actually follows Euroleague knows you are an blatant liar, and that you are totally FULL OF SHIT after that post.

if i do it, u gonna end carrer of ISH deal? im gonna do it if u agree

03-07-2016, 06:28 PM
Rubio's right :confusedshrug: Euroleague on the other hand is extending it to mean NBA in general is easier which isn't true tho.

Just watched the Rubio clip and didn't read/watch the rest. But he is right. There IS more space in the NBA and it is easier to get to the rim. This isn't really debatable. Just look at European or FIBA international ball. They're paint camping. This is why the US team always needed shooters on its teams instead of speedy guys with a broken jumper.

wow someone talks sense in this thread, can't ****ing be :oldlol:

03-07-2016, 08:18 PM
What you just did is make a post of eugenics. That is considered extremely racist in every nation on the planet. It's also something that was invented by Nazis and Satanists.

Anyone that believes in it, believes the same exact thing as a Nazi / Satanist.

It's also completely absurd and ludicrous, since Harvard did DNA tests of NBA "African American" players and found they all had at least 33% white European DNA, and half of them had at least 50% white European DNA.

It's further absurd, when considering the fact that more "west Africans" play in Euroleague than in the NBA.

Finally, hundreds of studies have shown that racists have exceptionally low IQs in general. That would be you.

so its just chance that the majority of the top sprinters in the world are of African descent, nothing to do with genetic traits specific to certain races?

Also Eugenics is a philosophy whereby one seeks to improve the genetic quality of the human population by isolation of such genes. Not once did I advocate such a thing I just implicitly pointed out the United States was once a driving force behind eugenics whereby they isolated the best available genes in order to maximize the work rate of their slaves. You seem unable to have an objective outlook on such a situation, you need to emotionally remove yourself from the topic.

In regards to the Euroleague having more players of African descent, that I was unaware of.

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 08:24 PM
If you had to build your franchise around a Greek baller, who would be your pick:

Giannis or Spanoulis? :confusedshrug: