View Full Version : Bernie Sanders: "I'm a Racist"

Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 07:19 AM





Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 07:20 AM

03-07-2016, 07:43 AM
"Whites don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" Yeah, because whites don't turn neighbourhoods into ghettos. No matter how much $$$ the government throws at improving the living standards of blacks, they somehow manage to fvck it up.

That being said, blacks in America today are the richest, most educated, highest standard of living, longest living blacks in the history of the world.

I'd say a "thank you white people" is in order.

03-07-2016, 08:29 AM
BLM is a joke. 7 percent of the population is black male whom commits over 50 percent of the crime. But point the finger at whitey.

03-07-2016, 09:07 AM
i watched parts of the debate last night, and it pretty much cemented what a loop-job sanders is. the dude seems stuck in a 60's mentality, repeatedly throwing out 'power to the people', fringe-activist-type bullshit.

he seems to have no idea what the actual office of the president has influence over, or maybe he's just saying what all the bernie bros want to hear.

what a farce.

Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 10:17 AM
Bernie is in panic mode. The Hillbot has the old man by the neck... Slowly oozing the life out of him. Natural Born Killer.

03-07-2016, 10:42 AM
"Whites don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" Yeah, because whites don't turn neighbourhoods into ghettos. No matter how much $$$ the government throws at improving the living standards of blacks, they somehow manage to fvck it up.

That being said, blacks in America today are the richest, most educated, highest standard of living, longest living blacks in the history of the world.

I'd say a "thank you white people" is in order.

Of the 17 poorest counties in the US, 16 of them are in the SE. Don't know about the rest of the counties, but I can almost guarantee you that the two counties from KY are probably 99% white.

Yeah, whites don't know nothing about being po'. :lol :lol

More Democrat delusion.

03-07-2016, 12:48 PM
i watched parts of the debate last night, and it pretty much cemented what a loop-job sanders is. the dude seems stuck in a 60's mentality, repeatedly throwing out 'power to the people', fringe-activist-type bullshit.

he seems to have no idea what the actual office of the president has influence over, or maybe he's just saying what all the bernie bros want to hear.

what a farce.
I've said it many times. In a presidential race that includes Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders is by far the most ridiculous candidate.

Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 01:08 PM
Bernie is by far the most radical candidate. He's totally unelectable. Panders to minorities, the poor, the lazy the uninspired. Attracts the emotionally charged youth driven by warped media, education and internet pencil neck philosophy. He essentially just collectively called blacks ghetto trash. Tell me who the racist is again CNN? Pathetic.

03-07-2016, 02:03 PM
I've said it many times. In a presidential race that includes Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders is by far the most ridiculous candidate.
How could Colonel Sanders POSSIBLY be more ridiculous than Donald Trump?

At least SANDERS spent his life on activist causes, actually trying to help people out and work for equality, year after year. I mean, cmon, the dude gave everything he had to that cause. If you can't respect that, then I can't respect you.

True, I think he kind of lost it at some point, but it seems pretty clear that he really does believe in what he's saying. And i'm willing to respect that.

By comparison, Trump is an incompetent con-artist. Look at his financial history, look at the way he buys up cheap properties, stamps his name on things, and then vacates his shares... but also, look at what type of person that thinks Trump would be a good POTUS.

The world is ALREADY paying a huge price because conservatives of the USA elected a dipshit president (Bush Jr) who equated anti-terrorism with marching in to Iraq... directly leading to Muslim extremism, like da-esh (ISIS)... which is now bringing Europe to its knees.

Now an incompetent buffoon like Trump is going to bring us OUT of this mess...? Right.

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 02:07 PM
Bernie is by far the most radical candidate. He's totally unelectable. Panders to minorities, the poor, the lazy the uninspired. Attracts the emotionally charged youth driven by warped media, education and internet pencil neck philosophy. He essentially just collectively called blacks ghetto trash. Tell me who the racist is again CNN? Pathetic.
Bernie and Hillary "Superpredators must be brought to heel" Clinton are both mega racist-no surprise coming from the party that created the KKK and interned Japanese Americans in concentration camps and fought AGAINST the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Civil Rights movement in the 50s.

03-07-2016, 06:11 PM
That's just rhetoric by Bernie - look at the idiotic question asked by the emotional dude at the mic. When emotions are brought into the question, you only have 2 choices: not answering the question (like Hillary did) or try to draw an emotional connection (Bernie attempts this).

Keep in mind that emotional people, such as minorities, dealing with issues like with the police are looking for hope through emotional connections when they listen. Black voters are looking for answers to questions like "What will he do for us? He is a old white man. Does he give a shit about us?" Bernie is trying to reach those folks specifically with that answer. That was who the question was from and who it was concerning. You have to consider all that because that is politics, my friend.

03-07-2016, 06:12 PM
On Trump level of racism man

03-07-2016, 06:19 PM
"Whites don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" .

Then he goes on to say how his fathers family were all killed during the Holocaust, were in concentration camps. Is that not a ghetto or worse?

And even in the U.S. maybe you could define ghetto to just mean inner city, but look around rural american, it's full of poor white trailer parks.

Even with the Flint water thing, look up stories about poor white towns in West Virginia that have been poisoned by big business and no one cares about or holds debates there. Not to minimize what the people in Flint are going through, it's terrible and they should be outraged. And yes, if it happened in a rich white suburb it would be a bigger story, but when it happens in poor white rural areas it is no story at all.

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 06:22 PM
Then he goes on to say how his fathers family were all killed during the Holocaust, were in concentration camps. Is that not a ghetto or worse?

And even in the U.S. maybe you could define ghetto to just mean inner city, but look around rural american, it's full of poor white trailer parks.

Even with the Flint water thing, look up stories about poor white towns in West Virginia that have been poisoned by big business and no one cares about or holds debates there. Not to minimize what the people in Flint are going through, it's terrible and they should be outraged. And yes, if it happened in a rich white suburb it would be a bigger story, but when it happens in poor white rural areas it is no story at all.
Exactly. Jewish white people experienced the worst ghettos, ghettos so bad that the modern African American cannot even imagine the level of squalor.

Not to mention Nazi murder camps.

Compared to white Jews, black people will never know what true racism and bigotry looks like.

03-07-2016, 06:42 PM
How could Colonel Sanders POSSIBLY be more ridiculous than Donald Trump?

At least SANDERS spent his life on activist causes, actually trying to help people out and work for equality, year after year. I mean, cmon, the dude gave everything he had to that cause. If you can't respect that, then I can't respect you.

True, I think he kind of lost it at some point, but it seems pretty clear that he really does believe in what he's saying. And i'm willing to respect that.

By comparison, Trump is an incompetent con-artist. Look at his financial history, look at the way he buys up cheap properties, stamps his name on things, and then vacates his shares... but also, look at what type of person that thinks Trump would be a good POTUS.

The world is ALREADY paying a huge price because conservatives of the USA elected a dipshit president (Bush Jr) who equated anti-terrorism with marching in to Iraq... directly leading to Muslim extremism, like da-esh (ISIS)... which is now bringing Europe to its knees.

Now an incompetent buffoon like Trump is going to bring us OUT of this mess...? Right.

Of course Trump is running with a ridiculous flair, but to me it seems like his persona is carefully constructed to win the nomination by captivating the minds of uneducated southerners, and it has been working so far.

He has said it himself that he is "very flexible" and is willing to change his mind on certain policies after learning more about them, while Sanders is locked into his beliefs and is not willing to compromise.

Sanders truly believes the radical ideas he is shouting about, he isn't exaggerating for effect in most cases, which is why people are hesitant to support him. Hillary is more reasonable when discussing sensitive issues while he bursts out the gate with bold statements (Fracking for example) and it is a major reason why he is down big.

In conclusion, yes, Bernie is the most ridiculous candidate when you look at their policies, beliefs, and willingness to compromise, Trump just acts crazier.

03-07-2016, 06:45 PM
"Whites don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" Yeah, because whites don't turn neighbourhoods into ghettos. No matter how much $$$ the government throws at improving the living standards of blacks, they somehow manage to fvck it up.

That being said, blacks in America today are the richest, most educated, highest standard of living, longest living blacks in the history of the world.

I'd say a "thank you white people" is in order.
lol, way to sell his exterminated family down members the river to try and steal some black votes from Hilary. Talk about being a masochist :facepalm .

03-07-2016, 06:45 PM
who cares 3ball got banned

03-07-2016, 06:52 PM
Of course Trump is running with a ridiculous flair, but to me it seems like his persona is carefully constructed to win the nomination by captivating the minds of uneducated southerners, and it has been working so far.

He has said it himself that he is "very flexible" and is willing to change his mind on certain policies after learning more about them, while Sanders is locked into his beliefs and is not willing to compromise.

Sanders truly believes the radical ideas he is shouting about, he isn't exaggerating for effect in most cases, which is why people are hesitant to support him. Hillary is more reasonable when discussing sensitive issues while he bursts out the gate with bold statements (Fracking for example) and it is a major reason why he is down big.

In conclusion, yes, Bernie is the most ridiculous candidate when you look at their policies, beliefs, and willingness to compromise, Trump just acts crazier.So much anti-southern prejudice in the US. I mean, you've already subordinated them, so what's the need to constantly rub salt in the wounds? And it's a myth that Trump is most popular in the South anyway: he won his biggest margin of victory (by a distance) in Massachusetts, which is (apparently) the most educated State in the nation.

03-07-2016, 07:03 PM
So much anti-southern prejudice in the US. I mean, you've already subordinated them, so what's the need to constantly rub salt in the wounds? And it's a myth that Trump is most popular in the South anyway: he won his biggest margin of victory (by a distance) in Massachusetts, which is (apparently) the most educated State in the nation.

Can't help it, I live in MN, another state that likes to claim that they are the most educated, and the people here (in my age range, at least) are not fond of him at all and he came in 3rd, so no, it is not a "myth". It may not be entirely accurate but you know what I meant, no need to dwell on semantics, but it looks like that is your gimmick so I should have seen it coming lol

I'm not against Trump, either, but it is clear that a certain demographic is behind him under false pretenses, they want him to be this big racist bully when that isn't the case, that's all I was trying to say.

03-07-2016, 07:24 PM
Sorry, but i can't take the idea that anyone who chooses to live in Minnesota could possibly be intelligent very seriously. Biggest piece of shit place to live in the entire United States.

And it's not "semantic" to point out that what you were saying doesn't square with the facts. FYI, the amount of people who voted for Trump in Massachusetts was more than double the number of people who voted in the Minnesota primary, total. In fact, he got more votes than people voted in either the dem or repub primaries in Min combined. Minny is completely irrelevant :lol

03-07-2016, 07:38 PM
"Whites don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto" Yeah, because whites don't turn neighbourhoods into ghettos.

a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure


03-07-2016, 07:47 PM
Sorry, but i can't take the idea that anyone who chooses to live in Minnesota could possibly be intelligent very seriously. Biggest piece of shit place to live in the entire United States.

And it's not "semantic" to point out that what you were saying doesn't square with the facts. FYI, the amount of people who voted for Trump in Massachusetts was more than double the number of people who voted in the Minnesota primary, total. In fact, he got more votes than people voted in either the dem or repub primaries in Min combined. Minny is completely irrelevant :lol

Didn't "choose" to live here and I agree, it does suck for the most part, but there are plenty of smart people here and that is factual, I figured you would know that lol. I guess you aren't as bright as you seem.

My point still stands, college educated voters are voting for him less than those without higher education.

03-07-2016, 07:52 PM
Whites can be a minority too y'know. There a plenty of places in the US where the whites live in a small area and non-whites are majorities throughout the rest.

"Minority" is not a synonym for "non-white"

03-07-2016, 07:53 PM
How could Colonel Sanders POSSIBLY be more ridiculous than Donald Trump?

At least SANDERS spent his life on activist causes, actually trying to help people out and work for equality, year after year. I mean, cmon, the dude gave everything he had to that cause. If you can't respect that, then I can't respect you.

True, I think he kind of lost it at some point, but it seems pretty clear that he really does believe in what he's saying. And i'm willing to respect that.

By comparison, Trump is an incompetent con-artist. Look at his financial history, look at the way he buys up cheap properties, stamps his name on things, and then vacates his shares... but also, look at what type of person that thinks Trump would be a good POTUS.

The world is ALREADY paying a huge price because conservatives of the USA elected a dipshit president (Bush Jr) who equated anti-terrorism with marching in to Iraq... directly leading to Muslim extremism, like da-esh (ISIS)... which is now bringing Europe to its knees.

Now an incompetent buffoon like Trump is going to bring us OUT of this mess...? Right.

-Translation "He has LITERALLY never had a job."

-Yeah, do look at his finances, he is a BILLIONAIRE many times over, while Bernie has 65k in credit card debt, despite making 400k a year because he is financially incompetent

-Obama continued the same wars, ramped them up even, plus started new one. Iraq and Afghanistan were going to happen whether Gore or 43 won. It's an institutional thing. Trump however is actually the only candidate advocating a policy of non-intervention left in the race now that Rand Paul has dropped out.

But Bernie more competent right?

03-07-2016, 08:12 PM
As bad as the Bush administration was, Obama has had far more to do with the growth of IS as a worldwide force than Bush did, as he keeps creating safe-havens for jihadists to operate in (Libya, and then Syria, partially as a knock-on effect):

However, when the US pitched in to “lead from behind” and destroy the Libyan state at Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s urging, even though Libya was surrounded by relatively vulnerable, at-risk states unable or unwilling to project power beyond their borders, the U.S. refused to go “Pottery Barn”, to use Colin Powell’s analogy, and fill the power vacuum in Libya with its own forces.

The United States did worse than just walk away. In a misguided and morally and intellectually lazy (my opinion!) gambit it tried to “export” its way out of the Libyan problem by supporting the migration of destabilizing elements, i.e. the Islamist fighters who had brought down Qaddafi, to another adventure in Syria. Now, with the Syrian project faltering despite 5 years of foreign-funded Islamist insurrection, Libya has emerged as a preferred destination not only for returning Libyan fighters, but also a growing population of transnational fighters from dozens of countries.

Security analysts are quietly flummoxed about the establishment of the Islamist fighter “colony” in Libya, because after three decades of cynically exploiting Islamist fighters as a deniable asset against the Soviet Union and uncooperative secular regimes, the number of transnational Islamist fighters has roughly quintupled. Fact is, the number probably more than doubled in the last couple years alone, thanks to the competing recruitment efforts of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and ISIS in the Syria/Iraq theater.

Qaddafi was no friend of Libyan Islamists and not a few of them became radicalized fighters who fought all over Asia until the Libya regime change campaign provided a local outlet for their energies. They formed the core force, supported by US/NATO/GCC air and special operations forces, which overthrew Gaddafi.

Notably, after the deposition of Qaddafi in 2011, both Libyan fighters and leaders found their way to Syria in bulk. Solidarity with Sunni Islam against another apostate potentate undoubtedly played a role, but the United States was apparently anxious to give the US-backed civilian government of Mustafa Abdul Jalil some breathing space.

Abdul Hakim Belhadj, one of the renditioned Islamists, a veteran commander who received planeloads of aid from Qatar, whose Tripoli Brigade had broken through to the capital, occupied it, and administered it, and hoped to become Minister of Defense in the new order, was instead encouraged to take his talents to Syria—via Turkey on a ship with 400 tons of munitions. By early 2012, the US and GCC had responded to the collapse of the local Syrian democratic revolution by turning unambiguously to a strategy of foreign-supported insurrection using imported Islamist muscle and supplying them in part through the Libya ratline described by Seymour Hersh.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was regarded as the cleverest of clever tricks: channeling Libyan fighters to Syria where they would become Assad’s headache instead of our headache: two birds with one stone!

Libyan fighters established a significant presence in Syria, providing training to inexperienced locals as well as serving as a fighting force eventually organized as the Katibat al-Battar brigade. The brigade provided a home for a variety of European militants (the Libyan dialect is intelligible to the European descendants of Moroccan and Algerian immigrants who form the backbone of the radical Islamic groups in France and Belgium). Its Euro-alumni formed the core of the group that perpetrated the Paris outrage in November 2015.

Now the original fighters are coming home to Libya with their stature enhanced, their skills and connections upgraded, and their perspectives internationalized.

On top of homeward bound emigres, Libya can also attract a growing population of footloose transnational fighters brought into being by lavish Gulf and Turkish support of paramilitaries in Syria, and the fruits of an ISIS strategy to bulk up the Iraq/Syria Caliphate through the import of amateur enthusiasts as well as experienced fighters from around the world.

In addition, ISIS has taken advantage of the assets and opportunities offered by Libya to port its foreign-fighter driven insurrection model to the Libya platform and build a local operation from the ground up using freshly-recruited foreign fighters from places like Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria.

A March 2015 report commissioned by the United Nations Security Council found that the number of foreign fighters for Islamist causes worldwide was higher than it has ever been and had soared by 71 percent between mid-2014 and March 2015. The study concluded that Syria and Iraq, by far the biggest destinations for foreign fighters, had become a “finishing school for extremists.”



The Libya debacle has fostered the growth of Islamic extremism all over Africa and the Middle East. Can't blame Bush for that, sorry.

03-07-2016, 08:37 PM
"Minority" is not a synonym for "non-white"
Yeah, it is pretty much. Especially in that context. Minority generally refers to ethnic minorities in the US.

You can keep trying to poke little holes in what I'm saying in an attempt to invalidate my point, but it's not going to get you anywhere. :confusedshrug:

03-07-2016, 09:31 PM
Yeah, it is pretty much. Especially in that context. Minority generally refers to ethnic minorities in the US.

You can keep trying to poke little holes in what I'm saying in an attempt to invalidate my point, but it's not going to get you anywhere. :confusedshrug:
There are plenty of cities in the untied states where whites are a minority. It's not the 1950's anymore where whites are 90% of the population.

Nick Young
03-07-2016, 09:36 PM
lol, way to sell his exterminated family down members the river to try and steal some black votes from Hilary. Talk about being a masochist :facepalm .
why are black people voting for a woman who called them super predators and said they need to be "brought to heel"?:confusedshrug:

Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 09:40 PM
On Trump level of racism man
No. Trump has never said anything Racist. This is just outright racism from Bernie.

03-07-2016, 09:57 PM
Interesting stuff..


Hillary just looks bad at this point.

Im Still Ballin
03-07-2016, 10:03 PM
Interesting stuff..


Hillary just looks bad at this point.

The Democratic Party is in shambles. Sheesh Kapish.


Bosnian Sajo
03-07-2016, 11:36 PM
Yeah, it is pretty much. Especially in that context. Minority generally refers to ethnic minorities in the US.

You can keep trying to poke little holes in what I'm saying in an attempt to invalidate my point, but it's not going to get you anywhere. :confusedshrug:

No, it doesn't. I'm a minority in the United States (Muslim) and I'm white.

If it refers to race, why tf are gays referred to as a minority as well?

Nick Young
03-08-2016, 12:12 AM
No, it doesn't. I'm a minority in the United States (Muslim) and I'm white.

If it refers to race, why tf are gays referred to as a minority as well?
Identity politics obsessed dems would say you are an evil white devil who enjoyed his entire life living with straight white male privilege.

Just like they say about Jews, even though half of the Jewish population was murdered 70 years ago.

The only way you would be considered a "minority" to these people would be if you were gay or transexual.

White Jews and white Muslims are not "minorities" according to the arbiters who decide these things.

03-08-2016, 01:14 AM
No, it doesn't. I'm a minority in the United States (Muslim) and I'm white.

If it refers to race, why tf are gays referred to as a minority as well?
Do you know what "generally" means or can you just not read wtf

Of course there are White minorities in the US. But if you refer to "minorities" without specifying, it's assumed that you're talking about race or ethnicity.