View Full Version : Do you care who sponsors who?

03-08-2016, 06:16 PM
Reading this article on all the sponsors pulling out of the their deals with Maria Sharapova... and I've got to ask...

Does anyone care?

I mean did anyone care that Nike was sponsoring Tiger Woods? Like did the fact that Nike was sponsoring Tiger make anyone not want to buy Nike anymore?

I am hoping someone here feel that way so that I can ask...why?

03-08-2016, 06:21 PM
It's cringeworthy. If she really did anything harshly wrong, but she took the same med she took for years. Nike should stop endorsing any pro that pops a headache pill then.

And, no, I don't care unless it's Hugo Boss-level.

03-08-2016, 06:25 PM
I don't personally care. If she was doing meth, cocaine, crack, weed, whatever. It's her life. It's their life. It's our life. I understand why a person would need to go out of their way to hinder the next few hours of their lives within their own personal, private and limited space to escape.

However, it's not accepted entirely for the public's perspective. We all have to be professional at all times. Given that any one of us were professional athletes, we take responsibility over anything that can degrade our self value.

03-08-2016, 06:25 PM
I don't really care but I get why they'd pull out as it's bad press if they don't.

Sharapova was stupid though, does anyone really believe she ignored WADA telling her the drug she takes is illegal? Does anyone really believe a drug with a huge list of positive athlete enhancing side effects isn't help ful? Does anyone really believe she has been playing a carido based sport for 10 years with major health problems?

03-08-2016, 06:52 PM
The fans don't really care, but the athlete does.

They are getting paid millions from the sponsorships, so its a big hit to them
Yeah the athletes care...

But is anyone out in the world about to buy a Tag Heuer watch and then... remember they sponsor Maria Sharapova and then change their mind?

I mean I don't follow who sponsors who and who has their own shoes and who doesn't, but I wouldn't have even known they sponsored her had I not read they pulled their sponsorship.