View Full Version : Curry has changed the game of basketball

Nick Young
03-24-2016, 04:01 AM
There's a kid at the park I play at who was always a decent three point shooter. Recently, since the Curry OKC game, he's started taking threes from farther and farther away. Tonight the dude just started taking 32 and 35 footers and was hitting them at a consistent basis. I was setting screens for this dude 6-8 feet behind the line and he was just knocking down the open looks.

Now this is just some random ass kid playing like that. Kids are realizing that these long ass threes are good shots to practice, and it turns out if you practice them it's possible to get consistent at hitting them.

No one knows how to defend this consistently yet.

There's going to be a generation of kids growing up and practicing their 3s and handles with dedicated work ethic now. Soon, 35 footers like Curry's game winner vs OKC are going to be considered normal shots that all teams have to defend against vs every team every time down the court.

It's insane how much this dude Curry influenced basketball. JJ Reddick, after a career of being a roleplayer has even managed to become an offensive force simply by being given the green light by his coach to chuck up a 3 every time he has an inch of space.

It turns out 3 point chucking is the best way to win at basketball. I don't know why, but suddenly the old addage "live by the three die by the three" has become untrue. Living by the three is the best way to play basketball. And if you learn how to hit 32+ foot shots, you are virtually unguardable, atleast under current defensive schemes we know about.

Curry is one of the most influential players ever.

03-24-2016, 04:03 AM
op has no life

03-24-2016, 04:13 AM
I know that feel OP, theres this guy down the court who just has ridiculous range and a super fast release. He is a big bloke but agile for his size and even can consistently use the step back to great effect. Sometimes he hits like 4-5 super deep 3's.

Then you got this other agro 5'4 midget decked out in Curry gear that chucks 3's all night and is lucky to make 2 of them. Makes me lol.

Nick Young
03-24-2016, 04:46 AM
I know that feel OP, theres this guy down the court who just has ridiculous range and a super fast release. He is a big bloke but agile for his size and even can consistently use the step back to great effect. Sometimes he hits like 4-5 super deep 3's.

Then you got this other agro 5'4 midget decked out in Curry gear that chucks 3's all night and is lucky to make 2 of them. Makes me lol.
on the indoor gym, when the little kid 10-12 year old league is going on, all the teams these days are based on 3 point chucking, and these kids are hitting these sick shots! When I was playing on those teams, none of us could ever hit 3s. Seeing a three pointer was like a once a game experience. Now kids are chucking 3s every time up and down the court and hitting them at a decent clip.

Will the art of post play be lost completely as it becomes an arms race to put an elite 3 point shooter at every position?

The young generations are all basing their game and offense off Curry and the Warriors. A new epoch of basketball is upon us. The game will never be the same.

03-24-2016, 05:01 AM
Theres a big difference between shooting in a pickup game at a park and an actual game lol....

And you realize the 3 point line on outdoor courts are less than 20 feet right? You telling me the kid was shooting 15 feet out from the 3 point line? :roll:

Nick Young
03-24-2016, 05:05 AM
Theres a big difference between shooting in a pickup game at a park and an actual game lol....

And you realize the 3 point line on outdoor courts are less than 20 feet right? You telling me the kid was shooting 15 feet out from the 3 point line? :roll:
Im not saying that this random park kid will be as good as Curry. This is just some random kid.

What I'm saying is that kids these days are all emulating Curry's game as their main example, the same way a generation of kids grew up trying to play like MJ.

So no, this random park kid probably won't make it, but somewhere out there right now there are a shit ton of kids practicing 3s and Curry's moves. We already have massive guys like Durant and Anthony Davis able to knock down 3s consistently. Imagine if every kid trains to shoot 35 footers at a knockdown rate.

We are going to be seeing things never thought possible on the basketball court when the Curry generation matures and starts entering the NBA.

Im Still Ballin
03-24-2016, 05:09 AM
he's probably wondering why you'd shoot a man

before throwing him out of a plane

03-24-2016, 05:29 AM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

03-24-2016, 05:33 AM
I was setting moving screens for this dude 6-8 feet behind the line and he was just knocking down the open looks.


03-24-2016, 05:43 AM
are you serious? people have been practicing 3's and handles forever.. Curry doesn't even have the best handles in the NBA.

the game is moving towards 3 point shots and every position will be better at them in the future. this isn't really the Curry effect. this is Curry's 7th year in the league and he is just now attempting double digit three's per game. I'd say the league is have more of an effect on Curry than he is having on the league.

03-24-2016, 07:06 AM
OP plays basketball with little kids. b

03-24-2016, 09:33 AM

how playground/ alley ball rules

When I played if you took a jumper your were a weak a$$ baller,,, always always always had to take it to the rack and man up.

Weak a$$ ballers now days.

03-24-2016, 09:39 AM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

Here you go! Stay green

03-24-2016, 11:43 AM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

But it is possible he's moving screens around in his windows

03-24-2016, 11:50 AM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

03-24-2016, 11:55 AM
I've seen players bomb shots from well beyond the 3 point line in the past. The sad thing is, unless you shoot like Curry, you should never do this.

03-24-2016, 12:07 PM
Curry definitely has done something no one else has done since Wilt, change the way basketball is played. No one yet has figured out a way to stop him just like what happened with Wilt. Expect rule changes soon. Inb4 3 pointers are worth 2.5 points instead.


Nick Young
03-25-2016, 02:33 AM

how playground/ alley ball rules

When I played if you took a jumper your were a weak a$$ baller,,, always always always had to take it to the rack and man up.

Weak a$$ ballers now days.
sounds like a boring way to play the game

03-25-2016, 03:19 AM
I'm sure there will be more players with Curry's range. But at what cause. Around 8 years ago I noticed that often times many kids in the playground would often prefer to shoot half court shots, and yell, "OHHHHHHHhh," whenever the ball would go near the rim. They actually found that really fun despite not making the shots. And I thought how in the past kids would have at least been working on other aspects of the game. So if we start getting players from generations that just want to shoot threes, than basketball is going to get pretty mundane. Can you imagine if the evolution is running less plays, just walking down the court, and then just launching 3 pointers.

03-25-2016, 09:43 AM
sounds like a boring way to play the game

Obviously you have 'no' hops.

Sit back on your three line and play by your self.

03-26-2016, 07:46 PM
he's probably wondering why you'd shoot a man

before throwing him out of a plane



03-26-2016, 08:47 PM
he's probably wondering why you'd shoot a man

before throwing him out of a plane
nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

03-26-2016, 08:53 PM
true, i dont even bother crossing half court on offense anymore


03-26-2016, 10:28 PM
There's a kid at the park I play at who was always a decent three point shooter. Recently, since the Curry OKC game, he's started taking threes from farther and farther away. Tonight the dude just started taking 32 and 35 footers and was hitting them at a consistent basis. I was setting screens for this dude 6-8 feet behind the line and he was just knocking down the open looks.

Now this is just some random ass kid playing like that. Kids are realizing that these long ass threes are good shots to practice, and it turns out if you practice them it's possible to get consistent at hitting them.

No one knows how to defend this consistently yet.

There's going to be a generation of kids growing up and practicing their 3s and handles with dedicated work ethic now. Soon, 35 footers like Curry's game winner vs OKC are going to be considered normal shots that all teams have to defend against vs every team every time down the court.

It's insane how much this dude Curry influenced basketball. JJ Reddick, after a career of being a roleplayer has even managed to become an offensive force simply by being given the green light by his coach to chuck up a 3 every time he has an inch of space.

It turns out 3 point chucking is the best way to win at basketball. I don't know why, but suddenly the old addage "live by the three die by the three" has become untrue. Living by the three is the best way to play basketball. And if you learn how to hit 32+ foot shots, you are virtually unguardable, atleast under current defensive schemes we know about.

Curry is one of the most influential players ever.

I agree with your statement, but should it be the way kids are practicing? The coach still controls the game, so if you are missing deep 3's you are not going to be playing!!

03-27-2016, 12:25 AM
I said it before and I'll say it again.

There will be a player that will overtake MJ as the consensus GOAT.

He will almost as big as Shaq,athletic as f*ck, and shooting Majerle 3s at a 40% clip and the regular 3s at 50%.

He's probably very young now and his pops is probably trying to instill old school game. But as he gets older he's gonna be influenced by Curry and Durant, so he'll have a mixture of both.

We're gonna see him in our lifetime bet on it.

03-27-2016, 12:53 AM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

03-27-2016, 03:30 AM
Negs are gone :/

Nick Young
04-11-2016, 02:02 PM
We are all GOATnesses.

04-11-2016, 02:04 PM
OP just made up a fictional story about leaving his basement to support this thread, there was no kid or screens bro, just mountain dew :lol

04-11-2016, 03:37 PM
100% true. Kid with his dad at the gym. Kid was super wet from range...