View Full Version : American hasn't been great in over 100 years according to Trump.

03-27-2016, 07:11 PM

According to Trump America was never great during his lifetime.

When America Was ‘Great’
Question: ....I’m just wondering what is the era when you think the United States last had the right balance, either in terms of defense footprint or in terms of trade?

TRUMP: Well sometime long before that. Because one of the presidents that I really liked was Ronald Reagan but I never felt on trade we did great. O.K.? So it was actually, it would be long before that.

Question: So was it Eisenhower, was it Truman, was it F.D.R.?

TRUMP: No if you really look at it, it was the turn of the century, that’s when we were a great, when we were really starting to go robust.

03-27-2016, 07:13 PM
Shut up you pathetic partisan hack.

03-27-2016, 07:16 PM
Of course, it typical Trump style when he tries to sound informed, he contradicts himself in the same paragraph.

TRUMP: No if you really look at it, it was the turn of the century, that’s when we were a great, when we were really starting to go robust. But if you look back, it really was, there was a period of time when we were developing at the turn of the century which was a pretty wild time for this country and pretty wild in terms of building that machine, that machine was really based on entrepreneurship etc, etc. And then I would say, yeah, prior to, I would say during the 1940s and the late ‘40s and ‘50s we started getting, we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do, yeah around that period.

so 116 years ago or maybe 66 years ago.

03-27-2016, 07:17 PM
Shut up you pathetic partisan hack.

Nick Young
03-27-2016, 07:23 PM
Greatness is both relative and subjective.

According to Trump, we have not been great enough and we can be greater.

Nick Young
03-27-2016, 07:29 PM
Of course, it typical Trump style when he tries to sound informed, he contradicts himself in the same paragraph.

so 116 years ago or maybe 66 years ago.
why so shook bro?:confusedshrug:

oh the horror
03-27-2016, 09:32 PM
Greatness is both relative and subjective.

According to Trump, we have not been great enough and we can be greater.

Donald Trump could fart into a can and seal it and you'd buy it from him just so you could inhale it later. Get real. The guy is an idiot.

03-27-2016, 09:32 PM
So completely discredit arguably the greatest generation of our country? Those who fought in WW2 honorably?

Really Trump? lol

Nick Young
03-27-2016, 09:33 PM
Donald Trump could fart into a can and seal it and you'd buy it from him just so you could inhale it later. Get real. The guy is an idiot.
Why so shook bro? I can guarantee the man is much smarter and capable than you.

If Trump is an idiot, what are you?:confusedshrug:

03-27-2016, 09:35 PM
its mind bottling how trump supporters would defend some of his statements. Its not like hes the only republican to support either.

03-27-2016, 09:39 PM
So completely discredit arguably the greatest generation of our country? Those who fought in WW2 honorably?

Really Trump? lol

03-27-2016, 09:41 PM

Nick Young
03-27-2016, 09:46 PM
its mind bottling how trump supporters would defend some of his statements. Its not like hes the only republican to support either.
good ol' lefties :cheers:

03-27-2016, 09:48 PM
'Murrica was great in the 90s. Arguably the GOAT era across the board. A Clinton was in the big chair then.


Only one way to find out, and find out we will. :applause:

03-27-2016, 10:02 PM
good ol' lefties :cheers:

a joke is beyond you my brethren.

03-27-2016, 10:32 PM
'Murrica was great in the 90s. Arguably the GOAT era across the board. A Clinton was in the big chair then.


Only one way to find out, and find out we will. :applause:

The era of super predators and riots. The birth of what we are seeing today.

03-27-2016, 10:44 PM
Conservatives are going to keep taking the L.
The remaining candidates are all atheists beside Cruz who has no chance .

03-27-2016, 10:49 PM
'Murrica was great in the 90s. Arguably the GOAT era across the board. A Clinton was in the big chair then.


Only one way to find out, and find out we will. :applause:

Whom was America great for?

Everyone, would you say?

03-27-2016, 10:51 PM
Conservatives are going to keep taking the L.
The remaining candidates are all atheists beside Cruz who has no chance .

Why is this relevant?

Trump has plenty of support, from both religious and non religious conservatives.

Why is this an L for conservatives?

03-27-2016, 11:01 PM
Whom was America great for?

Everyone, would you say?

Indeed I would.

[INDENT]Yet over the next eight years, President Clinton presided over one of the most impressive economic turnarounds in modern history. By the end of his term, 22.7 million new jobs had been created, unemployment dropped to a 30-year low, and gross domestic product grew by 35 percent overall through the longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history.


Patrick Chewing
03-27-2016, 11:07 PM
Why is this an L for conservatives?

Because Trump will not beat Hillary. I'll bet you top dollar.

You're pulling for the wrong guy. A classless piece of shit narcissist. The United States will not vote for that. You need to have decency and respect for the position first if you ever want to come close to obtaining it. Respect and decency are two things Donald Trump has never had.

Why can't you be against Obama and Liberals and want to turn the country around, but without the vile insults and attitude a la Ted Cruz??

03-27-2016, 11:28 PM
So back when it was OK to be racist.

03-27-2016, 11:31 PM
So back when it was OK to be racist.


03-27-2016, 11:34 PM
Because Trump will not beat Hillary. I'll bet you top dollar.

He'd certainly be the underdog, I have no illusions about that.

You're pulling for the wrong guy. A classless piece of shit narcissist. The United States will not vote for that. You need to have decency and respect for the position first if you ever want to come close to obtaining it. Respect and decency are two things Donald Trump has never had.

Why can't you be against Obama and Liberals and want to turn the country around, but without the vile insults and attitude a la Ted Cruz??

For me, a guy's 'public face' is not what I care about in a candidate. People can fake that easily. Remember how classy everyone thought Derek Fisher was because he spoke mild-mannerly and "said the right things." He was a politician and so are a lot of these guys who smile and pose with their wife and kids for the camera.

I dont want ideas to be suffocated. The establishment candidates on both sides will not talk about something if their donors or their base will react poorly. Trump doesnt have all the answers, obviously, but no candidate does. However, it's like the old saying goes: "It's not about who has the answers. It's about who's asking the right questions?"

I have the most confidence in Trump to ask the necessary questions.

03-27-2016, 11:39 PM
Indeed I would.

Yet over the next eight years, President Clinton presided over one of the most impressive economic turnarounds in modern history. By the end of his term, 22.7 million new jobs had been created, unemployment dropped to a 30-year low, and gross domestic product grew by 35 percent overall through the longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history.

What’s more, the growth was broadly shared and unemployment plummeted across the board, including those groups for whom the economy never worked very well. Average hourly wages increased by 6 percent after accounting for inflation, and median household income grew by 14 percent, the highest increase for a two-term president. The median income of African American families increased by a third and Hispanic families saw their median incomes rise by almost $7,000. Poverty rates dropped to near record lows. And of course the federal budget went from enormous deficits to enormous surpluses, with the federal government on track to becoming effectively debt free by 2009—for the first time since Andrew Jackson was president.


Slick Willy Da GOAT :hammertime:

Fair enough, Im glad the 90's boom brought increased prosperity across the board. Ofc, Im not naive enough to just blindly attribute it to Bubba, but Im glad the whole country was able to benefit regardless.

However, I interpreted your remarks to imply everyone was satisfied with things as they were in the 90s. I know some groups were. It would surprise me to learn they all were. I dont quite remember it happening that way. But then again, I was fairly young then.

03-28-2016, 12:09 AM
Funny how Clinton massively slashed welfare spending and yet gets props for it by the same people who proclaim it evil if any Republican were to dare suggest such a thing.

Damn hypocrites.

edit: America hasn't been great since that ********** Henry Clay was set up as Speaker of the House so he could beat the drum for war and bring about the following:


Damn embarrassing :facepalm.

And they let that fool run American politics for the next four decades :oldlol:

03-28-2016, 12:11 AM
I don't really see how this is controversial. Other than maybe

So completely discredit arguably the greatest generation of our country? Those who fought in WW2 honorably?

Really Trump? lol

But then again there's no shortage of veterans of other wars, and I wouldn't say that they are "lesser" because they saw their friends die unceremoniously in a trench or to vietcong instead of on the Pacific Front or beaches of Normandy. In any event, the whole thing doesn't really hold water because he explicitly mentioned the WW2 generation at one point, giving them their due.

Is it so surprising that a businessman of his background finds the GOAT era of America to be the days when Carnegie and Rockefeller reigned, when the first skyscrapers were rising in the world, and when America overtook war-torn Britain as the great power of the world?

Nick Young
03-28-2016, 12:24 AM
Trump is such a "non-factor doe" that the Dems cannot shut up about him.

The John Cena effect.

03-28-2016, 12:37 AM
Trump is such a "non-factor doe" that the Dems cannot shut up about him.

The John Cena effect.


Like Ive said, in terms of absolute numbers I dont know that any living person in the modern era has had so many people shook.

Mississippi klan members were practically endorsing Obama's candidacy by comparison with the jimmie rustling Trump has induced from the left. Ive not seen the mindless mobs react in such a frenzy like this in all my life.

03-28-2016, 06:15 AM

Like Ive said, in terms of absolute numbers I dont know that any living person in the modern era has had so many people shook.

Mississippi klan members were practically endorsing Obama's candidacy by comparison with the jimmie rustling Trump has induced from the left. Ive not seen the mindless mobs react in such a frenzy like this in all my life.

It's worldwide dude. I said something positive about Trump at a function and this chick (ugly) refused to talk to me anymore and told my friend (her going away function) to not be friends with me anymore. Of course, she agreed with me...

But then I give my reasons and you get a lot of agreement as to why Trump is doing well. Trump winning will blow up the politics of America and that's a great thing. Plus most people concentrate on his rapist/criminal statement and extrapolate it to Mexican when he clearly is talking about illegal immigrants.

It's the #1 talking point across the world and makes me laugh when people literally think he'll cause WW3 just because. I then inform them of the drone strikes, Hillary voting for the Iraq War and then the Libya **** up and they shut up real quick. Real indicative of those that actually pay attention to the issues and people's actions and those that just pay attention to just what politicians say.

03-28-2016, 07:17 AM
Donald Trump could fart into a can and seal it and you'd buy it from him just so you could inhale it later. Get real. The guy is an idiot.

The 'idiot' that every liberal softy passed off as a reality TV show clown.

Now look at him. Winning American votes all over the country. You say there's a lot of dumb Americans, what makes you think you are one of the smart one's?

Because your vote somehow means more than a Trump voter because your another run of the mill lefty who would rather see America go to shit to ensure the wrong type of people get handouts and asylum over those far more deserving? How about starting at taking in LEGAL migrants? Oh no, Trump is a racist because he mentioned Mexicans.


Your kind really need a head check. How about identifying the good stuff Trump proposes instead of smearing him for things he hasn't said or done. Trump dares to tread on a few toes in order to take control of the ugly truth.

Just seems like a big witch hunt going on atm and irrational BLM's and liberals are chucking a tanty because they might be facing the prospect of a no nonsense president.

03-28-2016, 07:24 AM
Because Trump will not beat Hillary. I'll bet you top dollar.

You're pulling for the wrong guy. A classless piece of shit narcissist. The United States will not vote for that. You need to have decency and respect for the position first if you ever want to come close to obtaining it. Respect and decency are two things Donald Trump has never had.

Why can't you be against Obama and Liberals and want to turn the country around, but without the vile insults and attitude a la Ted Cruz??

You think the only nasty shit goes on in front of the TV? We only know half of the truth behind closed doors.

I find it hilarious that you point out that no one will vote for Trump because of a lack of decency and respect, yet he's dominating the republican elections by a landslide. :oldlol:

I also find it hilarious that decency and respect is the condition to get into presidency when you have Hillary fcking Clinton on the other side.


03-28-2016, 07:25 AM
The 'idiot' that every liberal softy passed off as a reality TV show clown.

Now look at him. Winning American votes all over the country. You say there's a lot of dumb Americans, what makes you think you are one of the smart one's?

Because your vote somehow means more than a Trump voter because your another run of the mill lefty who would rather see America go to shit to ensure the wrong type of people get handouts and asylum over those far more deserving? How about starting at taking in LEGAL migrants? Oh no, Trump is a racist because he mentioned Mexicans.


Your kind really need a head check. How about identifying the good stuff Trump proposes instead of smearing him for things he hasn't said or done. Trump dares to tread on a few toes in order to take control of the ugly truth.

Just seems like a big witch hunt going on atm and irrational BLM's and liberals are chucking a tanty because they might be facing the prospect of a no nonsense president.

