View Full Version : Why does NBA allow travelling? NBA article

03-28-2016, 05:44 AM

Its funny because in real life when we play we are only allowed one step after the gather (with one foot on the ground when gathering) but in the NBA players often gather on one foot then take another 2 steps afterwards which is a travel in all basketball rules in any country. This article summarises that the NBA has allowed travelling to exist for pure entertainment

03-28-2016, 05:50 AM
if they enforced this shit Lebron literally wouldn't be able to score 10 points a game

thats the real reason

03-28-2016, 05:57 AM

Lebron and travelling

03-28-2016, 05:59 AM
if they enforced this shit Lebron literally wouldn't be able to score 10 points a game

thats the real reason
Amount of times Lebron catches the ball (takes 3 steps travel) then gathers with one foot on the ground and takes another 2 steps (3 step travel) is incredible. So many of his moves are travel on travels but the commentators go "STEAM TRAIN LOCOMOTIVE".

I chuckle and go yeah...lets see someone do that in real basketball without being called out instantly.

03-28-2016, 06:52 AM
Most of the things NBA players do that look good are rule violations. Their 'handles' are rule violations, carrying, palming. Their 'drives' to the basket are blatant travel.

NBA changed the rules because players became less skilled due to not going to college.

Modern NBA players under old rules is what the early 2000s looked like - UGLY!

Also, Lebron wouldn't score 20ppg if stiff arm and travel was called.

03-28-2016, 09:38 AM
Most of the things NBA players do that look good are rule violations. Their 'handles' are rule violations, carrying, palming. Their 'drives' to the basket are blatant travel.

NBA changed the rules because players became less skilled due to not going to college.

Modern NBA players under old rules is what the early 2000s looked like - UGLY!

Also, Lebron wouldn't score 20ppg if stiff arm and travel was called.

I'd argue players are faster, stronger, and the game is faster paced. Going to be hard to enforce those rules when guys get to the basket so fast a whistle can't call it.

Sometimes I feel like a lot of bball posters want to go back to the "Hoosier" days of dribble jump shot...dribble..post up.

03-28-2016, 09:42 AM
I'd argue players are faster, stronger, and the game is faster paced.

The game was faster paced in the 60s.

Going to be hard to enforce those rules when guys get to the basket so fast a whistle can't call it.

That doesn't count moving the pivot foot several times, or taking an extra step or two to get around the defenders.

Sometimes I feel like a lot of bball posters want to go back to the "Hoosier" days of dribble jump shot...dribble..post up.

Do other professional sports allow the rules to bent so much?

03-28-2016, 09:48 AM
Lebald would be in the D league or CBA is the rules were enforced

Dr Hawk
03-28-2016, 10:13 AM
Gotta protect LeQueen

03-28-2016, 10:17 AM
this started with Jordan

he was the emperor of travelling

03-28-2016, 10:56 AM
The game was faster paced in the 60s.

That doesn't count moving the pivot foot several times, or taking an extra step or two to get around the defenders.

Do other professional sports allow the rules to bent so much?

The game is faster up and down. Play calling you could say was more crisp but these players are track athletes up and down the court. It's more explosive than the 60's.

Basketball is entertainment. Entertainment appeals to universal fans. Football and Baseball are still american past times. Basketball is 3rd. They would lose viewers if they called numerous traveling plays. You could argue it would improve fundamentals but it would also be stagnant flowing basketball for a good portion of a season. Basketball purists hate it but the people that pay for it love the entertainment. WNBA is a better judge for basketball purists if they want to see the game played "the right way"

NFL notoriously has veteran players that push off and have tricks. Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, even Calvin Johnson have pushed off to gain seperation on defenders. They are subtle but every game that's fast paced involves some rule bending.

03-28-2016, 11:19 AM

Its funny because in real life when we play we are only allowed one step after the gather (with one foot on the ground when gathering) but in the NBA players often gather on one foot then take another 2 steps afterwards which is a travel in all basketball rules in any country. This article summarises that the NBA has allowed travelling to exist for pure entertainmentI acknowledge I've seen some wild travels over the years in the NBA (Steve Francis' self-bounce alley-oop from a step or two inside half court comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJIoDdxByoY).

However, just wanted to throw out the fact that I was raised with the two-rhythm system, not the one-step stuff. For reference, that's mid-sized Michigan schooling, University of Michigan basketball camp, and any other type of basketball input I've received from 1992 on forward. We've always been a two-steps-after-you-gather system and it's never really served me wrong no matter where else I've played.

That said, I understand sometimes there's confusion as to where someone decides a gather ends and steps begin, with both sides usually meaning the same thing. But as the article alluded, two steps has been a pretty natural occurrence on all levels for most of the modern era (at least 60's on forward - Charlie Scott UNC example in '68: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_k9LBuRriU#t=2m39s).

03-28-2016, 11:24 AM
this started with Jordan

he was the emperor of travelling
thank you

03-28-2016, 11:40 AM
Yeah, the blatant bending of rules, the flopping which has been curved a little, has really made the game look bad. Playing outside on the playground we have a better understanding of basketball rules. The nba is going further and further away from real basketball and becoming just plain entertainment, think of a circus or broadway show.

03-28-2016, 11:51 AM
The gather step has ALWAYS existed in basketball OP, its just now codified in a rulebook and certain players take liberties. It's always been two steps or a two count rhythm after terminating your dribble, the gray area is when the dribble is determined to have been terminated, the "gather step" rule attempts to clear up that grey area.

The gather step has ALWAYS existed, they just didnt have a term for it. Obviously there is always a step involved prior to a player's corralling the ball no matter the era, level or geography of basketball.

Now, these FLAGRANT travels where guys are literally taking 10 steps right in front of a ref or moonwalking/ doing the electric slide after establishing their pivot? that is a WHOLE nother matter.

03-28-2016, 11:57 AM
I don't think people complain about the two step.... I'm for the crowd who'd been taught played to take two steps for a layup after a gather, and I'm almost 35....

1) Step w/ final dribble
2) Gather
3) Two steps
4) Layup

It's the same principle how you could take a jumpshot after a dribble and not have to keep your pivot foot planted.

The issue me and most people have is the 3 steps that the Lebron James Hardens take and get away with. And it usually goes like this.

1) Step w/ final dribble
2) Gather while step, step, step (ok exaggerating here)
3) Two steps
4) Layup

The other side justifies that these athletes are so fast and so tall that it's not their fault they could complete 2-3 steps before the ball goes back up to their hand on the final dribble.

03-28-2016, 11:58 AM
Yeah, the blatant bending of rules, the flopping which has been curved a little, has really made the game look bad. Playing outside on the playground we have a better understanding of basketball rules. The nba is going further and further away from real basketball and becoming just plain entertainment, think of a circus or broadway show.

It's entertainment with decent fundamentals. These guys do things within the confines of a game that are amazing.

Curry shooting
Irving handles
Blake,Lebron, athleticism for their size...

There's a reason common fans pay for tickets and merchandise.

03-28-2016, 12:56 PM
Sometimes I feel like a lot of bball posters want to go back to the "Hoosier" days of dribble jump shot...dribble..post up.

I dont want to see that....but I want to see real basketball. If you arent calling some of this shit its a notch from And-1. Just change the rules if we dont care. Dudes out here double dribbling, traveling, carrying, and so on.....its the NBA. Supposed to be the top of the line. I was getting called for that shit in the second grade.

At this point someone getting called for taking 3 steps on a dunk or layup is just a joke. Same ref watched them do it 44 times this week. Just....alter the rule.

Its not too much to ask to follow the rule at least a little bit if they insist its real basketball being played.

03-28-2016, 01:21 PM
"Real Basketball" Hasn't been played in the NBA for at least 25+ years and it's gotten absolutely pathetic right now.

The NBA sold it's soul at the altar of the "young and raw athletes with upside" a long time ago in the search of the "Next MJ" and it has absolutely DESTROYED the basic fundamentals and overall basketball IQ of the modern players. What you have is a bunch of young, fundamentally flawed athletes playing on instinct without having the slightest idea how to maximize all the physical advantages they naturally posses.

Rookies used to come in and absolutely TEAR THE LEAGUE a new one because they were being properly taught in the nuances of the game since grade school and after that stayed 3 to 4 years in college, the only decent minor league the NBA has EVER HAD!

The rules have been consistently altered in the last 20+ years to accommodate the "lack" of basic skills of the modern players and this is the end result.