View Full Version : Donald Trump's former PR expert tells of why hes a phony.

03-28-2016, 11:00 PM
Pretty much trumps former PR persons who helped him early in the campaign tells of why she dislikes him as president and part of the reason being is that he is fake and has no intentions to back up what hes saying. Its a good read and i hope you trump supporters dont feel too embarrassed getting played like a bandclass bassoon


03-28-2016, 11:01 PM
Sounds like every politician.

03-28-2016, 11:17 PM
OP melting

03-28-2016, 11:23 PM
Pretty much trumps former PR persons who helped him early in the campaign tells of why she dislikes him as president and part of the reason being is that he is fake and has no intentions to back up what hes saying. Its a good read and i hope you trump supporters dont feel too embarrassed getting played like a bandclass bassoon

My father-in-law shares the theory that Trump doesn't actually want to be President.

HitandRun Reggie
03-28-2016, 11:25 PM
Article says she was one of "Trump's most trusted advisors" yet, there's no proof of them even being in the same room together. :oldlol:

This is 100% trolling. :facepalm

03-28-2016, 11:28 PM
Article says she was one of "Trump's most trusted advisors" yet, there's no proof of them even being in the same room together. :oldlol:

This is 100% trolling. :facepalm

100 percent? a trumptard strikes again.

03-28-2016, 11:29 PM
My father-in-law shares the theory that Trump doesn't actually want to be President.

I actually share this theory too.

However, I'd still rather him do it than any of the other candidates in the running right now.

So Trump it is!

HitandRun Reggie
03-28-2016, 11:33 PM
100 percent? trumptardom strikes again.

Article says she was one of Trump'so most trusted advisors. You say she was one of Trump's PR experts. Why are there no photos of them together? Where's the proof that she's anything other than a media headline shill?

C'mon. Even you guys are better than this :oldlol:

03-28-2016, 11:33 PM
Stephanie Cegielski, who wrote anti-Trump column, was NOT ex-Trump strategist. Worked for unauthorized SuperPAC, no "inside" insight on DJT.


the panic is real

HitandRun Reggie
03-28-2016, 11:36 PM

Stephanie Cegielski, who wrote anti-Trump column, was NOT ex-Trump strategist. Worked for unauthorized SuperPAC, no "inside" insight on DJT

the panic is real

OP...rekt :oldlol:

03-28-2016, 11:43 PM
Article says she was one of Trump'so most trusted advisors. You say she was one of Trump's PR experts. Why are there no photos of them together? Where's the proof that she's anything other than a media headline shill?

C'mon. Even you guys are better than this :oldlol:

no it doesnt you moron, read the first line of the article again and think harder this time. you have terrible reading comprehension.

03-28-2016, 11:44 PM

the panic is real


level red meltdown

Nick Young
03-28-2016, 11:45 PM
Sounds like every politician.
Yep. Sounds like every single politician ever going back to the days of Ancient Mesopotamia.

Dems shook as hell.:lol

Nick Young
03-28-2016, 11:46 PM
no it doesnt you moron, read the first line of the article again and think harder this time. you have terrible reading comprehension.



HitandRun Reggie
03-28-2016, 11:53 PM
no it doesnt you moron, read the first line of the article again and think harder this time. you have terrible reading comprehension.

Article CLEARLY implies she is one of "Trump's most trusted advisors", you say she was a Trump "PR Expert". Where's the proof?

I know you feel really stupid for firing away this troll quality article, so just crawl back under the rock you came from. It's not like this doesn't happen to you all the time.:lol

03-29-2016, 12:15 AM
OP getting bukkaked

03-29-2016, 12:37 AM
People who don't like Trump should just keep their damn mouths shut and let Trump lead the GOP to disaster in the GE. Stop trying to convince the Trumpettes that their guy is a joke, sensible conservatives already know this, his followers are the idiot bottom of the barrell mouthbreathers.

Anti-Trump people...shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Dray n Klay
03-29-2016, 12:43 AM
People who don't like Trump should just keep their damn mouths shut and let Trump lead the GOP to disaster in the GE. Stop trying to convince the Trumpettes that their guy is a joke, sensible conservatives already know this, his followers are the idiot bottom of the barrell mouthbreathers.

Anti-Trump people...shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Bro how you gonna hide when Border Security comes knocking on your door to haul your @ss to Mexico :biggums:

Nick Young
03-29-2016, 12:47 AM
People who don't like Trump should just keep their damn mouths shut and let Trump lead the GOP to disaster in the GE. Stop trying to convince the Trumpettes that their guy is a joke, sensible conservatives already know this, his followers are the idiot bottom of the barrell mouthbreathers.

Anti-Trump people...shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

03-29-2016, 01:11 AM
I'm getting deja-vu with all these "Trump got you scared as hell" posts from the reichwingers. Remember when liberals were supposedly scared of Sarah Palin too?


:lol @ History repeating itself.

03-29-2016, 04:55 AM
no it doesnt you moron, read the first line of the article again and think harder this time. you have terrible reading comprehension.


03-29-2016, 04:56 AM

03-29-2016, 05:34 AM

Happens every time with OP.

03-29-2016, 05:42 AM
Happens every time with OP.

Believe me, I know all about that :roll:

03-29-2016, 05:43 AM
So some idot tried to scam people with a superpac, trump disavowed them and this idiot is butthurt even tho he never met Trump.

OP embarassing himself again

03-29-2016, 06:34 AM
Bro how you gonna hide when Border Security comes knocking on your door to haul your @ss to Mexico :biggums:
They won't...my family were Texans even before the Great US Land Grab :confusedshrug:

My family have been in the US longer than Drumpf's :pimp:

Im Still Ballin
03-29-2016, 06:34 AM

Im Still Ballin
03-29-2016, 06:34 AM
They won't...my family were Texans even before the Great US Land Grab :confusedshrug:

My family have been in the US longer than Drumpf's :pimp:
That's it pal

back over the border you go

03-29-2016, 06:38 AM
That's it pal

back over the border you go
I don't understand ferner you Aussie fggot :confusedshrug:

03-29-2016, 06:58 AM
As a foreigner I'm not really into these presidential candidates campaigns, but considering the level of pro-Trump trolling in this forum, I was wondering why there isn't an Official Presidential Elections Bet thread already.

I am sure they'd be glad to back up their words with some high-risk bet, wouldn't they?

03-29-2016, 07:04 AM
They won't...my family were Texans even before the Great US Land Grab :confusedshrug:

My family have been in the US longer than Drumpf's :pimp:

Maybe if you guys weren't so weak on immigrants you'd still have the land.


03-29-2016, 07:26 AM
As a foreigner I'm not really into these presidential candidates campaigns, but considering the level of pro-Trump trolling in this forum, I was wondering why there isn't an Official Presidential Elections Bet thread already.

I am sure they'd be glad to back up their words with some high-risk bet, wouldn't they?

Our liberal government is very corrupt. There is a reason why we don't put a wager on the election.

Just like people wouldn't want to wager when FIFA chose Qatar as its next WC location.

Trump is trying to get rid of all these corrupted politicians.

03-29-2016, 07:30 AM
Our liberal government is very corrupt. There is a reason why we don't put a wager on the election.

Just like people wouldn't want to wager when FIFA chose Qatar as its next WC location.

Trump is trying to get rid of all these corrupted politicians.

So let me get this straight, if Trump doesn't win it will be because the elections are rigged?

03-29-2016, 07:34 AM
So let me get this straight, if Trump doesn't win it will be because the elections are rigged?

The general election hasn't even started and the people want to elect Trump to run for the presidency but the corrupted officials from both sides are trying to prevent this. Trump's own party wants to hold a convention to go against the people's vote so they can put their own candidate in the upcoming race.

Yes, its very corrupted. Don't let both establishments tell you that our government is clean.

03-29-2016, 09:19 AM
Article CLEARLY implies she is one of "Trump's most trusted advisors", you say she was a Trump "PR Expert". Where's the proof?

no you moron, it implies that his "closest advisor's" didnt expect him to get this far because she knew the goal of the campaign and the people (his closest advisors) that were apart of it was to come second and to just make a statement. It does not imply her at all or else it would have been stated as "one of trumps closest advisors". pretty simple to understand moron.

03-29-2016, 09:40 AM
[QUOTE]Imagine Trump wronged you, even in the smallest possible way. He would go to the grave denying he had ever done anything wrong to you

03-29-2016, 09:57 AM
Trump's campaign has said she worked for his Super PAC, but not for him. They have not disavowed her. They have just said she doesn't really know about his campaign.

03-29-2016, 09:59 AM
That's a very good point. I can't imagine how people can trust Trump.

How many politicians would tell you they are wrong?


03-29-2016, 11:31 AM
As a foreigner I'm not really into these presidential candidates campaigns, but considering the level of pro-Trump trolling in this forum, I was wondering why there isn't an Official Presidential Elections Bet thread already.

I am sure they'd be glad to back up their words with some high-risk bet, wouldn't they?

Speak for yourself. Many foreigners are melting down over the idea of a Trump presidency, including the British parliament which is considering a petition to block Trump from even entering the country.

He hasn't even mass-murdered thousands of civilians on phony pretexts like Bush and Obama yet. :biggums:

03-29-2016, 11:34 AM
Speak for yourself. Many foreigners are melting down over the idea of a Trump presidency

Very true.

The US presidential race is features in prime time news almost daily here, and Trump gets all the (overwhelmingly negative) media attention.

03-29-2016, 11:37 AM
I was in fact speaking for myself :confusedshrug:

03-29-2016, 11:39 AM
I was in fact speaking for myself :confusedshrug:

How is the race reported in Italy? Is it big, or not really?

I assume bigger countries than mine are a bit less into it.

03-29-2016, 11:47 AM
How is the race reported in Italy? Is it big, or not really?

I assume bigger countries than mine are a bit less into it.

Not so big, but yeah Trump is definitely taking the most part of the coverage.

HitandRun Reggie
03-29-2016, 11:55 AM
no you moron, it implies that his "closest advisor's" didnt expect him to get this far because she knew the goal of the campaign and the people (his closest advisors) that were apart of it was to come second and to just make a statement. It does not imply her at all or else it would have been stated as "one of trumps closest advisors". pretty simple to understand moron.

Just stop. It clearly does, and you aren't even defending your PR expert title. You are just digging yourself a bigger hole everytime you post. For the love of gawd just stop. :lol

03-30-2016, 09:18 AM

03-30-2016, 10:13 AM
All of these politicians are phonies maybe aside from Bernie Sanders and someone like Ron Paul that ran in the past. All Trump has done is lift the political charade and turned the debates into a free-for-all. Trump doesn't try to give vague generic answers filled with empty promises instead he gives direct albeit sometimes vague answers. He appeals to the mass because he is straight forward and not many politicians are straight forward because it opens you up for political attacks. Politicians try to tiptoe when it comes to singling out groups because of the possibility of losing votes and Trump doesn't care.

I think people are too caught up into Trump and have morphed him into this fascists demagogue which is true to some extent but I think Trump is exactly what the country needed. A rich guy telling the establishment and media to go **** themselves, and him pointing at the Politicians and calling them whores to their constituents. The political system in this country has become a joke to the point where a multi-billionaire reality star is probably going to win the republic election. Trump is a two time divorced, liberal for most of his life, a Yankee, probably an atheists and he's winning the republican election. Trump would of never had a chance to win the ticket 4 years ago but the climate in this country has changed.

If Trump ran on a liberal platform he would basically be Bill Maher and maybe he would still be hated by the left because the left has been heavily influenced by SJWs. The left wants someone like Obama to go on stage and give an hour speech on unity and multi-culturalism but behind closed doors droning and killing Muslim innocent civilians in record numbers, deporting illegal immigrants on a grand scale, limiting our personal freedoms (i.e. not doing anything about the NSA), bailing out corporations and so forth. The right wants pretty much the same thing behind closed doors because both party systems are pretty much the same aside from some social issues.


Libs going apeshit at Trump but are more than fine with a political crook like Hilary Clinton getting into office.


03-30-2016, 10:29 AM
Libs going apeshit at Trump but are more than fine with a political crook like Hilary Clinton getting into office.

:biggums:What's the crime, toughguy?

03-30-2016, 05:14 PM
This was my take on him always. He wants to be denied the opportunity to be in the general election so he can say "i WOULD have fixed the country if you let me try, but you didn't. Let me tell you how. Buy Trump products and revel in me".

The cards are stacked against him in the general election just how the math works and his scorched earth campaign. But getting out before then means claiming victory forever and ever.

Nick Young
03-30-2016, 05:26 PM

03-30-2016, 05:27 PM
What's the crime, toughguy?

crook = crooked.

Hillary takes oodles of Big Wall Street's money and does their bidding in Washington. That's crooked.

Funny how the left screamed their head off about someone like Cheney being crooked and corrupt, but some like Hillary, as long as she woke up today claiming to be okay with gay marriage, is perfectly suitable to represent the interests of Americans.

Simple minded sheep.

longtime lurker
03-30-2016, 05:42 PM
All of these politicians are phonies maybe aside from Bernie Sanders and someone like Ron Paul that ran in the past. All Trump has done is lift the political charade and turned the debates into a free-for-all. Trump doesn't try to give vague generic answers filled with empty promises instead he gives direct albeit sometimes vague answers. He appeals to the mass because he is straight forward and not many politicians are straight forward because it opens you up for political attacks. Politicians try to tiptoe when it comes to singling out groups because of the possibility of losing votes and Trump doesn't care.

I think people are too caught up into Trump and have morphed him into this fascists demagogue which is true to some extent but I think Trump is exactly what the country needed. A rich guy telling the establishment and media to go **** themselves, and him pointing at the Politicians and calling them whores to their constituents. The political system in this country has become a joke to the point where a multi-billionaire reality star is probably going to win the republic election. Trump is a two time divorced, liberal for most of his life, a Yankee, probably an atheists and he's winning the republican election. Trump would of never had a chance to win the ticket 4 years ago but the climate in this country has changed.

If Trump ran on a liberal platform he would basically be Bill Maher and maybe he would still be hated by the left because the left has been heavily influenced by SJWs. The left wants someone like Obama to go on stage and give an hour speech on unity and multi-culturalism but behind closed doors droning and killing Muslim innocent civilians in record numbers, deporting illegal immigrants on a grand scale, limiting our personal freedoms (i.e. not doing anything about the NSA), bailing out corporations and so forth. The right wants pretty much the same thing behind closed doors because both party systems are pretty much the same aside from some social issues.


Libs going apeshit at Trump but are more than fine with a political crook like Hilary Clinton getting into office.


The thing is Donald Trump is an ego maniac that will most certainly do nothing when if he were to get into office. He'd do zero about illegal immigration, bringing back jobs to the US or get a favourable trade deal with China. All these issues are enormously complex and Trump's elementary school explanations won't work in the real world.

And your constantly generalization of Liberals has you making completely illogical conclusions. The Liberal alternative to Hillary is Bernie Sanders who's another anti establishment candidate like Trump without all the bigotry and childish demeanor. Trump would be a disaster, Hillary would be business as usual and Bernie would actually bring about progress.

03-30-2016, 05:45 PM
The thing is Donald Trump is an ego maniac that will most certainly do nothing when if he were to get into office. He'd do zero about illegal immigration, bringing back jobs to the US or get a favourable trade deal with China. All these issues are enormously complex and Trump's elementary school explanations won't work in the real world.

And your constantly generalization of Liberals has you making completely illogical conclusions. The Liberal alternative to Hillary is Bernie Sanders who's another anti establishment candidate like Trump without all the bigotry and childish demeanor. Trump would be a disaster, Hillary would be business as usual and Bernie would actually bring about progress.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

You can tell how desperate and shook the leftwing puss1es are by their continued reliance on made up accusations of 'bigotry.'

But will they dare call Uncle Bernie "Women just wanna be gangraped" Sanders a misogynist?

"But bbb-b-but dats different...."

Nick Young
03-30-2016, 05:51 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

You can tell how desperate and shook the leftwing puss1es are by their continued reliance on made up accusations of 'bigotry.'

But will they dare call Uncle Bernie "Women just wanna be gangraped" Sanders a misogynist?

"But bbb-b-but dats different...."
No one has ever produced a shred of evidence of Donald Trump being racist. No one can provide a source when challenged.

Meanwhile, Hillary actually said on video that black kids are superpredators who need to be brought to heel, and none of the lefties bat an eyelash.

Their shookoldry is quite a site to behold.

03-30-2016, 05:54 PM
Sounds like every politician.

My exact thoughts...all politicians are liars and scam artists...so what's the difference?

03-30-2016, 05:54 PM
Trump's campaign is already a success just by getting this far.

The presidency is just a bonus at this point.

This is a movement and not just a few that are supporting him.

What we learn from his campaign is how bad the media is. We already know this but trump is putting it out there on blast.

Nick Young
03-30-2016, 05:59 PM
All of these politicians are phonies maybe aside from Bernie Sanders and someone like Ron Paul that ran in the past. All Trump has done is lift the political charade and turned the debates into a free-for-all. Trump doesn't try to give vague generic answers filled with empty promises instead he gives direct albeit sometimes vague answers. He appeals to the mass because he is straight forward and not many politicians are straight forward because it opens you up for political attacks. Politicians try to tiptoe when it comes to singling out groups because of the possibility of losing votes and Trump doesn't care.

I think people are too caught up into Trump and have morphed him into this fascists demagogue which is true to some extent but I think Trump is exactly what the country needed. A rich guy telling the establishment and media to go **** themselves, and him pointing at the Politicians and calling them whores to their constituents. The political system in this country has become a joke to the point where a multi-billionaire reality star is probably going to win the republic election. Trump is a two time divorced, liberal for most of his life, a Yankee, probably an atheists and he's winning the republican election. Trump would of never had a chance to win the ticket 4 years ago but the climate in this country has changed.

If Trump ran on a liberal platform he would basically be Bill Maher and maybe he would still be hated by the left because the left has been heavily influenced by SJWs. The left wants someone like Obama to go on stage and give an hour speech on unity and multi-culturalism but behind closed doors droning and killing Muslim innocent civilians in record numbers, deporting illegal immigrants on a grand scale, limiting our personal freedoms (i.e. not doing anything about the NSA), bailing out corporations and so forth. The right wants pretty much the same thing behind closed doors because both party systems are pretty much the same aside from some social issues.


Libs going apeshit at Trump but are more than fine with a political crook like Hilary Clinton getting into office.

Don't fool yourself. Bernie would never have risen to the position he's currently in if he wasn't a major phony.

03-30-2016, 06:11 PM
Hillary takes oodles of Big Wall Street's money and does their bidding in Washington. That's crooked.
Yeah, I'm the sheep. Everything you know is wrong

Clinton and Sanders were in the Senate for two years together, they voted the same 93% of the time.

Here's the free marketeer's at FreedomWorks scorecards on clinton

2005 voted wrong 15 of 15 times
2006 voted wrong 7 of 11 times.
2007 voted wrong 8 out of 8 times
2008 voted wrong 6 out of 7 times

How about the Wall Street friendly Club for Growth? Here's their scorecards on Clinton
2005 score = 0 out of 100
2006 score = 8 out of 1000
2007 score = 0 out of 100
2008 score = 3 out of 100

03-30-2016, 06:43 PM
Don't fool yourself. Bernie would never have risen to the position he's currently in if he wasn't a major phony.

I think he plays politics to the degree it's necessary to keep his job and influence, but I think he wants to be there to try and make some positive changes, misguided as tho many of his views are on how to do so. Seemingly every politician has to acquiesce to some degree to the irrational demands of their supporters and benefactors, even if they personally disagree.

Whereas a lot of these cons are just completely bought off and will vote for anything to advance their personal political ambitions. Shillary doesnt care about the public one bit. She's is a politician and a politician ONLY.

03-30-2016, 06:47 PM
Yeah, I'm the sheep. Everything you know is wrong

Clinton and Sanders were in the Senate for two years together, they voted the same 93% of the time.

Here's the free marketeer's at FreedomWorks scorecards on clinton

2005 voted wrong 15 of 15 times
2006 voted wrong 7 of 11 times.
2007 voted wrong 8 out of 8 times
2008 voted wrong 6 out of 7 times

How about the Wall Street friendly Club for Growth? Here's their scorecards on Clinton
2005 score = 0 out of 100
2006 score = 8 out of 1000
2007 score = 0 out of 100
2008 score = 3 out of 100

Actually I wasnt referrinng to you. I was referring to campus cuckolds who dont even pay attention to policy issues, but give DNC politicians carte blanche to do whatever they want in government as long as they tell the public theyre tolerant of transgenders or some frivolous shit. The democratic base is FILLED with voters like that.

Go to any bar and ask young people about politics. Tons of them are like "I dont really care, economic issues give me a headache. But gay marriage is really important, so basically I just vote based on that."

Cant tell you how many times Ive had that convo with liberal chicks at the bar :facepalm

03-30-2016, 11:33 PM
Actually I wasnt referrinng to you.
Fair enough, but what's the evidence she's crooked?

03-30-2016, 11:37 PM
Fair enough, but what's the evidence she's crooked?

Kenneth Starr agrees with you.