View Full Version : Westbrook's averages with Oscar's min. and pace

03-29-2016, 09:37 AM
39.3 points, 17.3 assists, 12.8 boards

03-29-2016, 09:50 AM
Sounds good, do some math in here gimme some formulas and calculations

03-29-2016, 09:52 AM
Looks a bit low. You should also account for the athletic gap.

03-29-2016, 09:53 AM
Looks a bit low. You should also account for the athletic gap.

If we accounted for that, it would be about 50-20-20

03-29-2016, 09:55 AM
Looks a bit low. You should also account for the athletic gap.
Inb4 the geriatrics.

03-29-2016, 09:55 AM
Sounds good, do some math in here gimme some formulas and calculations

This dude posted it on Espn:

Tom Haberstroh @tomhaberstroh

Russell Westbrook's averages with Oscar mins and pace: 39.3 points, 17.3 assists, 12.8 rebounds.

03-29-2016, 09:56 AM

If anyone wants the insider text to be posted i'll get around and post it.

03-29-2016, 09:57 AM
I don't think you can just blindly adjust like that, it doesn't account for fatigue or anything. Also i for some reason doubt that 39 ppg is accurate, if Westbrook ever averaged 39 ppg it would be on sub 50 ts%. And in pace like that he'd probably average 5-6 tov.

03-29-2016, 09:57 AM
There's no math .

Edit ;

Correct numbers ( 1964 Based) ,

33 Pts , 10.5 Reb , 14.5 Ast

And when adjusting to Ast%,Poss Rtg , Reb % ,

29.5 pts , 12.5 Reb , 10 Ast

And also TS% Lg Adjusting , West would has %45 TS .

Oscar - 30 Pts , 10 Reb , 11 Ast , %56 TS .

03-29-2016, 09:59 AM
If we accounted for that, it would be about 50-20-20

Are we accounting for time travel as well?

03-29-2016, 03:34 PM
Then let them play at 100 possessions or Oscar's era possessions and enjoy them produce these supposed numbers. Why the **** hold them back? :rolleyes:

03-29-2016, 03:48 PM
Then let them play at 100 possessions or Oscar's era possessions and enjoy them produce these supposed numbers. Why the **** hold them back? :rolleyes:

Exactly. Play him 45 mpg and speed up the pace or stfu about it.

03-29-2016, 03:50 PM
Everyone knows the Big Empty's stats were inflated greatly due to extremely high pace and lack of competition...The hallmark of the 1960's. That is why basketball experts take statistics from that era with a grain of salt.

Stringer Bell
03-29-2016, 04:03 PM
It's pretty much impossible to compare eras. Averaging a triple-double nowadays is harder with the pacing and less rebounds available (the way they counted rebounds also seems different http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=400482), but it's not like it wasn't extremely impressive that Robertson did. He was still the only guy who did it in the era, and was among the league leaders in scoring and assists for numerous years.

03-29-2016, 04:28 PM
39.3 points, 17.3 assists, 12.8 boards

03-29-2016, 04:44 PM
There's no math .

Edit ;

Correct numbers ( 1964 Based) ,

33 Pts , 10.5 Reb , 14.5 Ast

And when adjusting to Ast%,Poss Rtg , Reb % ,

29.5 pts , 12.5 Reb , 10 Ast

And also TS% Lg Adjusting , West would has %45 TS .

Oscar - 30 Pts , 10 Reb , 11 Ast , %56 TS .


Hell, Westbrook, in a lower-paced era, had a season of 22.0 FGAs and in only 34.4 mpg. Oscar's HIGH was 22.9 FGAs in 44.3 mpg.

Using the famous PER/36, Westbrook was a FAR greater shot-jacker than Oscar. Furthermore, Oscar shot MUCH HIGHER against the league average eFG%, while Westbrick has shot MUCH WORSE against his.

Hmmm...move Oscar to 2016, let him shoot as much as Westbrook, and on a FAR greater efficiency...and probably 40 ppg in the same mpg.

Oscar >>>>>>> Westbrick.

03-29-2016, 04:47 PM

Hell, Westbrook, in a lower-paced era, had a season of 22.0 FGAs and in only 34.4 mpg. Oscar's HIGH was 22.9 FGAs in 44.3 mpg.

Using the famous PER/36, Westbrook was a FAR greater shot-jacker than Oscar. Furthermore, Oscar shot MUCH HIGHER against the league average eFG%, while Westbrick has shot MUCH WORSE against his.

Hmmm...move Oscar to 2016, let him shoot as much as Westbrook, and on a FAR greater efficiency...and probably 40 ppg in the same mpg.

Oscar >>>>>>> Westbrick.


03-29-2016, 05:08 PM
Holy shit can we not post pictures on ISH anymore :oldlol: :oldlol:


^^^^^^^^ This is why nobody gives two shits about the inflated stats in the 60's.

03-29-2016, 05:10 PM
Score keepers didn't award assists as liberally as they do now, so his assist number would come down as well.

Also he would get called for travel and carry about 10 times per game. So quadruple double maybe.

Im Still Ballin
03-29-2016, 05:12 PM

03-29-2016, 05:31 PM

:lol :lol

03-29-2016, 05:38 PM
Score keepers didn't award assists as liberally as they do now, so his assist number would come down as well.

Also he would get called for travel and carry about 10 times per game. So quadruple double maybe.

This is most important. I saw Westbrook get awarded an assist the other night after throwing the ball to Durant as soon as he crossed half court. Durant catching the ball at the 3 point line, proceeded to dribble forward, crossover his defender, and then dunk. In the 60's an assist was only awarded if the scorer did not dribble.

03-29-2016, 05:41 PM
This is most important. I saw Westbrook get awarded an assist the other night after throwing the ball to Durant as soon as he crossed half court. Durant catching the ball at the 3 point line, proceeded to dribble forward, crossover his defender, and then dunk. In the 60's an assist was only awarded if the scorer did not dribble.
how do you know that?

03-29-2016, 05:44 PM

Hell, Westbrook, in a lower-paced era, had a season of 22.0 FGAs and in only 34.4 mpg. Oscar's HIGH was 22.9 FGAs in 44.3 mpg.

Using the famous PER/36, Westbrook was a FAR greater shot-jacker than Oscar. Furthermore, Oscar shot MUCH HIGHER against the league average eFG%, while Westbrick has shot MUCH WORSE against his.

Hmmm...move Oscar to 2016, let him shoot as much as Westbrook, and on a FAR greater efficiency...and probably 40 ppg in the same mpg.

Oscar >>>>>>> Westbrick.


His Durant,Dirk,Nash level shooting talent made him amazing efficient on shooting . He played with +5 better than lg average Efg% at 1964 . Westbrook has -1 worse than lg average Efg% in this season .

Also , there are their Offensive Win Share Numbers ;

Oscar ,

61 - 13.0

62 - 13.4

63 - 14.1

64 - 16.2

65 - 14.3

66 - 13.6

67 - 14.7

Westbrook ,

2011 - 6.3

2012 - 5.5

2013 - 7.7

And 2016 - 9.6


I guess people can get realize that .

03-29-2016, 08:17 PM
Everyone knows the Big Empty's stats were inflated greatly due to extremely high pace and lack of competition...The hallmark of the 1960's. That is why basketball experts take statistics from that era with a grain of salt.

You can throw out the 80's, and by extension, the 90's, as well.

A 38-39 year old KAJ averaged 37.7 mpg in his 10 straight H2H's with a 22-23 year old Hakeem.

Oh, and 32.0 ppg on a .630 FG%, as well.

Had three games of 40+ (40, 43, and 46), too, and the 46 point game came in 37 minutes (and on 70% shooting from the field.)

BTW, in the same week he was plastering Hakeem with that 46 point carpet-bombing, he leveled Patrick Ewing with a 40 point game (on 15-22 shooting...while Patric scored 9 points on 3-17 shooting.)

Interesting, too, that a peak Kareem faced a fading full-time Nate Thurmond in 34 H2H's (18 regular season H2H's, and then 16 more post-season H2H's), and scored a total of 30+ points in FIVE of them....with a high of 34. And in those 34 H2H's, KAJ shot .447 from the floor.

Also interesting...Bob McAdoo routinely outscored a prime KAJ in their H2H's, and his high game against Kareem was 45 points.

Transport those 80's clowns, like Hakeem and Ewing, into the 60's (and early to mid 70's), and up against Thurmond, Bellamy, Wilt, McAdoo, and KAJ, at their peaks...and they would have been subjected to nightly beatdowns.

Of course, we know that Hakeem and Ewing couldn't do shit in the 90's, either. Neither did their peers. For instance, a peak Shaq's high game against a fading Hakeem was 37 points. An old Kareem was scoring at will against a much more athletic Olajuwon, and his 46 point game was on pace for 60 had he played 48 minutes.

03-29-2016, 08:34 PM
all trolling aside, westbrook would probably average 60/20/25.

03-29-2016, 08:35 PM
all trolling aside, westbrook would probably average 60/20/25.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

60 FGAs , 20% on his FGA's, and 25 turnovers...per game.

03-29-2016, 10:45 PM
There's no math .

Edit ;

Correct numbers ( 1964 Based) ,

33 Pts , 10.5 Reb , 14.5 Ast

And when adjusting to Ast%,Poss Rtg , Reb % ,

29.5 pts , 12.5 Reb , 10 Ast

And also TS% Lg Adjusting , West would has %45 TS .

Oscar - 30 Pts , 10 Reb , 11 Ast , %56 TS .

Some more interesting facts...

In Oscar's '63-64 season, he averaged 45.1 mpg, 22.0 FGA per game, 31.4 ppg, and shot an eFG% of .483 in a league that an eFG% of .433.

Furthermore, the Royals averaged 97 FGA per game.

How about Westbrick's '14-15 season?

He averaged 34.4 mpg, 22.0 FGA per game, 28.1 ppg, and shot an eFG% of .455, in a league that shot an eFG% of .496.

Furthermore, his Thunder averaged 87 FGA per game.

Westbrick took a FAR higher percentage of his team's FGAs when he was on the floor than Oscar did.

Move Oscar's .483 FG% in a league that shot .433, to a league that shot .496, and the Big O's eFG% would have risen to .553. Instead of making 10.6 FGM, he would have made 12.2 in '15. So his ppg would have gone up from 31.4 ppg to an 35.0 ppg in '15 (on the same number of FGA per game, as 'Bricks 28.1 ppg.)

03-30-2016, 07:23 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

60 FGAs , 20% on his FGA's, and 25 turnovers...per game.
Nobody's talking about Wilts' Finals stats, bro.

03-30-2016, 07:26 AM
In all seriousness, adjusting stats up or down is retarded and entry level analysis. ESPN should be ashamed of themselves.