View Full Version : Top 3 worst gms

Mike smith
03-30-2016, 04:46 PM
Who are the 3 worst executives in the league? I have

2: philly

03-30-2016, 04:52 PM
Philly has a superb GM who will change the league once Embiid and Simmons/Ingram/Hield get together.

Sacremento is the worst. Has ruined countless careers. There's no way you can draft that many busts

Dr Seuss
03-30-2016, 04:54 PM
1. Lbj
2. Sac
3. Bkn

03-30-2016, 04:57 PM
1. Lbj
2. Sac
3. Bkn

Yup. Who could forget the 2014 Heat roster he put together because he thought it was gon b eazy

Mike smith
03-30-2016, 04:59 PM
Philly has a superb GM who will change the league once Embiid and Simmons/Ingram/Hield get together.

Sacremento is the worst. Has ruined countless careers. There's no way you can draft that many busts
Embid is oden 2.0

03-30-2016, 07:07 PM
The NBA has always been cursed with too many incompetent GMs.

Bill Simmons made a living out of mocking them, and among his classics is the annual Atrocious GM Summit:


Fire Colangelo
03-30-2016, 07:14 PM
Of all time? Or current?

All time we have to include guys like:

Isaiah Thomas
Billy King
Elgin Baylor

Bryan Colangelo - biased
Kevin McHale - Joe Smith scandal
Davuf Kahn

03-30-2016, 07:16 PM
Bryan Colangelo - biased

for the longest time now, ive been looking for this animated short that someone made of Colangelo talking about why he wanted to sign Landry Fields

shit was gold.

03-30-2016, 07:22 PM
Sac is pretty bad, but the Suns are way worst.