View Full Version : Michael Thompson - "Rest? What do these guys need rest for?"

03-31-2016, 11:14 AM
He was just on mike and mike. Said he can't understand why guys need rest. He says Bogut plays 25 mpg, Iggy, 22mpg or something, he was like why do they need rest?

He said, he himself, 1 season played 80 games, 38 mpg and he was fine, lol.

Guys criticize the old era and say their stats inflated, especially fans of this guy's son, yet at the same time, don't criticize today's players for being basically soft. These dudes sit with bruises, sprains, and all kinds of bs....smh..

03-31-2016, 11:18 AM
He was just on mike and mike. Said he can't understand why guys need rest. He says Bogut plays 25 mpg, Iggy, 22mpg or something, he was like why do they need rest?

He said, he himself, 1 season played 80 games, 38 mpg and he was fine, lol.

Guys criticize the old era and say their stats inflated, especially fans of this guy's son, yet at the same time, don't criticize today's players for being basically soft. These dudes sit with bruises, sprains, and all kinds of bs....smh..

one thing people forget is the MEDIA....league gets so much media attention these days...that takes a toll on you mentally and physically.

If you go back to the 80s...nba was behind the nfl and mlb as far as the media was concerned. You didn't see many nba athletes doing commercials or doing all these interviews and appearances and what not.

NBA players were not treated as celebrities in the 80s when you compare them to MLB an NFL players in that era.

All these endorsements.....public appearances....social media....it will take a toll on you.

03-31-2016, 11:19 AM
When you're going up against guys using HGH and taking breaks in Miami, you tend to need rest to have a chance to compete.

Fire Colangelo
03-31-2016, 11:24 AM
He was just on mike and mike. Said he can't understand why guys need rest. He says Bogut plays 25 mpg, Iggy, 22mpg or something, he was like why do they need rest?

He said, he himself, 1 season played 80 games, 38 mpg and he was fine, lol.

Guys criticize the old era and say their stats inflated, especially fans of this guy's son, yet at the same time, don't criticize today's players for being basically soft. These dudes sit with bruises, sprains, and all kinds of bs....smh..

Couple different ways to look at it:

1. Talent pool is deeper.... It's harder to play against role players/bench players when you're tired compared to before.

2. Everyone gets rest nowadays... Everyone comes fresh off the bench, you simply won't be able to keep up unless you're well rested as well.

Unless you believe we as humans somehow devolved that is.

03-31-2016, 11:26 AM
one thing people forget is the MEDIA....league gets so much media attention these days...that takes a toll on you mentally and physically.

If you go back to the 80s...nba was behind the nfl and mlb as far as the media was concerned. You didn't see many nba athletes doing commercials or doing all these interviews and appearances and what not.

NBA players were not treated as celebrities in the 80s when you compare them to MLB an NFL players in that era.

All these endorsements.....public appearances....social media....it will take a toll on you.
Eh, I feel you but I'm not buying that. I mean some of these guys are barely playing a bit more than half the game. 25 minutes? And you're a starter? Even guys back in the day who couldn't shoot, which is another reason given as to why guys don't play as many minutes now, would play at least 30 minutes. Dale Davis was playing 33-34 mpg on the Pacers...

And when the 80's started, and even before that, as long as TV has been around, there's been endorsements, commercials. And guys back then also didnt have all the advantages in medicine/treatment the guys have today and they still don't play as many minutes. Slower pace, better medicine = lower minutes? I don't get it.

03-31-2016, 11:30 AM
When you're going up against guys using HGH and taking breaks in Miami, you tend to need rest to have a chance to compete.

03-31-2016, 11:31 AM
Couple different ways to look at it:

1. Talent pool is deeper.... It's harder to play against role players/bench players when you're tired compared to before.

2. Everyone gets rest nowadays... Everyone comes fresh off the bench, you simply won't be able to keep up unless you're well rested as well.

Unless you believe we as humans somehow devolved that is.
Disagree on #1. Agree on #2.

On #1, there's still plenty of horrible players coming off the bench when I look around the league. I mean OKC trots out Waiters and Foye at SG and start a guy named Roberson who I think may avg. 2 ppg. I know he's out there for defense but you should accidentally score more than 2ppg.

And they never work on other aspects because they know they're not even playing 30 mpg most nights and they're out there for one reason. Some of these guys have been in the league a few years and have barely improved their jumpshot.

I dunno. It seems to work both ways. The coach may play them 35 mpg if they knew they were good enough to play that long and not have to have 3 guys fill 1 position.

But if guys knew they would get a ton of minutes, and had the trust of their coach, maybe they would work on their game...

03-31-2016, 02:01 PM
He was just on mike and mike. Said he can't understand why guys need rest. He says Bogut plays 25 mpg, Iggy, 22mpg or something, he was like why do they need rest?

He said, he himself, 1 season played 80 games, 38 mpg and he was fine, lol.

Guys criticize the old era and say their stats inflated, especially fans of this guy's son, yet at the same time, don't criticize today's players for being basically soft. These dudes sit with bruises, sprains, and all kinds of bs....smh..

I'm getting sick of old people pretending they even played the same game. His best season was 81-82.

In 1981-82 season one TEAM made more than 100 3s (Indiana made 103). Yet EVERY team averaged at lest 101 ppg. So players didn't have to defend the 3 and they still didn't stop anyone. The most 3s any team TOOK was 338. Curry has 368 makes this year. So one player has MADE 10% more than any team ATTEMPTED.

The reason players need more rest now is that their defensive responsibilities as far as real estate have grown exponentially. Running 5-8 miles isn't even the issue. Its the repeated quick changes in direction that turn your ligaments to jelly. Covering that much ground is difficult. And when you have to defend out to 30 feet its a lot tougher than it ever was for Mychal.

03-31-2016, 02:06 PM
Today's league is filled with world class athletes who play much harder.

03-31-2016, 02:10 PM
eh, i have no issue with players getting rest during the regular season.

it may cause fans here and there to become upset. but when your whole team has fresh legs come playoff time, those perturbed feelings will instantly vanish

03-31-2016, 02:17 PM
Mychal Thompson brah

03-31-2016, 02:23 PM
It's more a cultural thing. Just trying to protect their investment. Probably started with Popovich.

03-31-2016, 02:38 PM
Guys in the 60s might play 25 preseason games....play 45 minutes a night that season...back to back to back....to backs...and sleep on a twin bed after riding a bus 6 hours. Then play 48 minutes a game in the playoffs. And drink water...no gatorade. And smoke at halftime. And play 30% more possessions. In shoes made of cloth. In arenas without AC. Without athletic trainers. For 8 thousand dollars.

Iggy playing in the 60s could do the same thing.

It isnt an issue of needing rest....its just keeping everyone as fresh as possible to be at their best.

When the NBA was trying to grow stars and even role players couldnt take games off for nothing....they were trying to keep the league alive. Guys like Elgin...Wilt...they saved franchises. The Warriors were purchased for 25 thousand dollars in the early 50s and were barely staying afloat even with good teams. After they had Wilt for 4 years the owner sold them for 850 thousand. Wilt is much of the reason the Warriors still exist.

Elgin Baylor doesnt come to Minny....there are no Lakers now. They had to pay him off to leave school a year early(legal at the time) after they drafted him with a year to go. Before the Celtics drafted bird a year early to stash him and pissed jealous GMs off you could still do that. They drafted Baylor #1 overall....and asked him to quit school for extra money on the contract. It later came out that if he had said no....they were folding the team.

These guys were required to sell tickets and keep franchises afloat. They were holding up the entire league drawing crowds at road games. Why do you think Elgin Baylor still played when he was drafted to the Army?

He was leaving base and flying cross country to play...and getting right back on a plane after the game. Teams couldnt just have healthy stars not play. The league couldnt take that and survive way back. So over time...guys were just expected to play. You play more to generate income than to win.

Now all the owners are billionaires just trying to win. They dont need to sell out at least 35 times to keep the lights on.

They want to win the title. So they arent on coaches to ride guys to make money. Winning makes money now.

Back in the day the players had to go on stike over so many unpaid exhibition games being played. The owners forced them to play huge numbers of preseason games to help pay for the season. They needed every dollar.

Nobody needs the money from games now. They want the best performance from the players.

And resting them more than they really require....makes that more likely.

Nuff Said
03-31-2016, 03:01 PM
I always thought the minutes reduction was directly related to stars of the 80's, 90's and even early 2000's. A lot of careers were cut short due to injuries such as Bird, Barkley, TMac, Rose, etc. I think it's more of an athletic trainer precaution to reduce playing time in order to reduce the chance of injury. There's a lot less emphasis on regular season nowadays since most great teams will make the playoffs even playing haphazardly. Then they can increase minutes in the playoffs if needed.

03-31-2016, 03:17 PM
Eh, I feel you but I'm not buying that. I mean some of these guys are barely playing a bit more than half the game. 25 minutes? And you're a starter? Even guys back in the day who couldn't shoot, which is another reason given as to why guys don't play as many minutes now, would play at least 30 minutes. Dale Davis was playing 33-34 mpg on the Pacers...

And when the 80's started, and even before that, as long as TV has been around, there's been endorsements, commercials. And guys back then also didnt have all the advantages in medicine/treatment the guys have today and they still don't play as many minutes. Slower pace, better medicine = lower minutes? I don't get it.

what does medicine have to do with the fatigue of 82 game grind,social media, all the hype that comes with endorsements and just the business of the nba. The nba of today is nothing like the nba 20 years agao, 30 years ago. Yes there were endorsements.....VERY FEW....count the number of nba players that had endorsements then to now...I just saw curry in a f*cking BRITA commercial....do you know what BRITA is??????? EXACTLY....no lie..look it up

the amount of scrutiny players face today is egregious....do you remember when something happened to a player or team and you might not find out till after the season or the next season?? soon as something happens now its right in the publics face. for example the nick young,jordan Clarkson being accused of harassing some lady a week ago. Hell just go back a decade ago when kobe was falsely accused of rape. Look how late the public found out about that? lol

Its just a lot on athletes plates these days that we don't stop and think about...we look at these guys like robots but they are human too. cp3's wife has been receiving death threats while tryin to get his team in the playoffs without blake griffin...you don't think that he isn't drained,physically,emotionally, and mentally right now???

Also with athletes being more athletic than ever before you are gonna expend more energy tryin to cut,shoot,keep up with guys. The league today is way more athletic than its ever been. every team has multiple guys jumping out the gym or as fast as lightning. Your body can only go through so much. And the nba isn't like the nfl where u literally get a week between games

03-31-2016, 03:26 PM
one thing people forget is the MEDIA....league gets so much media attention these days...that takes a toll on you mentally and physically.

If you go back to the 80s...nba was behind the nfl and mlb as far as the media was concerned. You didn't see many nba athletes doing commercials or doing all these interviews and appearances and what not.

NBA players were not treated as celebrities in the 80s when you compare them to MLB an NFL players in that era.

All these endorsements.....public appearances....social media....it will take a toll on you.
AKA 'Soft'

03-31-2016, 03:36 PM
He was just on mike and mike. Said he can't understand why guys need rest. He says Bogut plays 25 mpg, Iggy, 22mpg or something, he was like why do they need rest?

He said, he himself, 1 season played 80 games, 38 mpg and he was fine, lol.

Guys criticize the old era and say their stats inflated, especially fans of this guy's son, yet at the same time, don't criticize today's players for being basically soft. These dudes sit with bruises, sprains, and all kinds of bs....smh..
Why does it bother him though?

03-31-2016, 04:16 PM
Why does it bother him though?
I can see why. Me myself, I haven't really played ball seriously in like 7-8 years but even my guy at work ,we talk about this. He's like 42, I'm 36. I remember just playing at the park back in the day, you would play literally ALL DAY until the sun went down and if the park had lights, you played even later. If the strategy of the game has changed today, thats one thing. You have dudes benching themselves for every thing.

If I were a paying fan and had tickets to a game where 3 outta 5 of the starters are "resting", thats unacceptable. There's 82 games, this is your job. I wish I could take a day off for "rest", but I can't. I don't understand why they get a pass. Guys like Harden play a ton of minutes, even Lebron used to. They seem relatively fine. I do see some young guys playing a lot of minutes, Justice winslow and Gary Harris come to mind.

03-31-2016, 05:43 PM
Greg Popovich

03-31-2016, 05:47 PM
It's really a generational thing.

Generation X( Barkley,MJ,Mychal,Pippen,Hakeem) were taught to work work work. Work hard, harder, hardest.

Generation Y (Lebron,Paul,Melo,Howard,) were taught to brand, save their bodies and increase their worth. they are smarter business men than previous era.

03-31-2016, 05:49 PM
It's really a generational thing.

Generation X( Barkley,MJ,Mychal,Pippen,Hakeem) were taught to work work work. Work hard, harder, hardest.

Generation Y (Lebron,Paul,Melo,Howard,) were taught to brand, save their bodies and increase their worth. they are smarter business men than previous era.
This is retarded. Coaches were the ones who started this resting thing, the players just followed suit.

People really try to pretend like generations have changed that much. The fact that you included barkley in your list as well :biggums:

03-31-2016, 07:08 PM
If you are a contending team, it's important to stay healthy specially a team like the spurs who have a lot of old players. A 30 something guy will not recover as fast as another guy in his 20's. Young guys may not need rest very much but when they get older it will come back to bite them in the ass. I agree though that players today are too soft, they complain about every little thing. :oldlol:

03-31-2016, 07:35 PM
Guys in the 60s might play 25 preseason games....play 45 minutes a night that season...back to back to back....to backs...and sleep on a twin bed after riding a bus 6 hours. Then play 48 minutes a game in the playoffs. And drink water...no gatorade. And smoke at halftime. And play 30% more possessions. In shoes made of cloth. In arenas without AC. Without athletic trainers. For 8 thousand dollars.

Iggy playing in the 60s could do the same thing.

It isnt an issue of needing rest....its just keeping everyone as fresh as possible to be at their best.

When the NBA was trying to grow stars and even role players couldnt take games off for nothing....they were trying to keep the league alive. Guys like Elgin...Wilt...they saved franchises. The Warriors were purchased for 25 thousand dollars in the early 50s and were barely staying afloat even with good teams. After they had Wilt for 4 years the owner sold them for 850 thousand. Wilt is much of the reason the Warriors still exist.

Elgin Baylor doesnt come to Minny....there are no Lakers now. They had to pay him off to leave school a year early(legal at the time) after they drafted him with a year to go. Before the Celtics drafted bird a year early to stash him and pissed jealous GMs off you could still do that. They drafted Baylor #1 overall....and asked him to quit school for extra money on the contract. It later came out that if he had said no....they were folding the team.

These guys were required to sell tickets and keep franchises afloat. They were holding up the entire league drawing crowds at road games. Why do you think Elgin Baylor still played when he was drafted to the Army?

He was leaving base and flying cross country to play...and getting right back on a plane after the game. Teams couldnt just have healthy stars not play. The league couldnt take that and survive way back. So over time...guys were just expected to play. You play more to generate income than to win.

Now all the owners are billionaires just trying to win. They dont need to sell out at least 35 times to keep the lights on.

They want to win the title. So they arent on coaches to ride guys to make money. Winning makes money now.

Back in the day the players had to go on stike over so many unpaid exhibition games being played. The owners forced them to play huge numbers of preseason games to help pay for the season. They needed every dollar.

Nobody needs the money from games now. They want the best performance from the players.

And resting them more than they really require....makes that more likely.

good take

It's really a generational thing.

Generation X( Barkley,MJ,Mychal,Pippen,Hakeem) were taught to work work work. Work hard, harder, hardest.

Generation Y (Lebron,Paul,Melo,Howard,) were taught to brand, save their bodies and increase their worth. they are smarter business men than previous era.

Not a generational thing at all. It's an opportunity thing. MJ is from that generation and made himself into a brand. Why? Because he could. Players simply have more opportunities today. In the past it was seen that your work on the court was basically where you make your money. Now with media and the level of the NBA's exposure that is not necessarily the case.

03-31-2016, 11:28 PM
what does medicine have to do with the fatigue of 82 game grind,social media, all the hype that comes with endorsements and just the business of the nba. The nba of today is nothing like the nba 20 years agao, 30 years ago. Yes there were endorsements.....VERY FEW....count the number of nba players that had endorsements then to now...I just saw curry in a f*cking BRITA commercial....do you know what BRITA is??????? EXACTLY....no lie..look it up

the amount of scrutiny players face today is egregious....do you remember when something happened to a player or team and you might not find out till after the season or the next season?? soon as something happens now its right in the publics face. for example the nick young,jordan Clarkson being accused of harassing some lady a week ago. Hell just go back a decade ago when kobe was falsely accused of rape. Look how late the public found out about that? lol

Its just a lot on athletes plates these days that we don't stop and think about...we look at these guys like robots but they are human too. cp3's wife has been receiving death threats while tryin to get his team in the playoffs without blake griffin...you don't think that he isn't drained,physically,emotionally, and mentally right now???

Also with athletes being more athletic than ever before you are gonna expend more energy tryin to cut,shoot,keep up with guys. The league today is way more athletic than its ever been. every team has multiple guys jumping out the gym or as fast as lightning. Your body can only go through so much. And the nba isn't like the nfl where u literally get a week between games

No offense, but this post just screams of someone who is a teenager and whose perspective is that things started happening when they became aware of them.

You're not familiar with the brand Brita, so you assume that virtually no one else is going to know what Brita is. Brita is the most famous water filter brand. Water filters is not an everyday subject, but if the topic ever comes up, the name that will come up is Brita.

Endorsements have always been huge in the 25 years that I've been watching basketball. Especially during the Jordan days when the league was at its peak in popularity. I mean, endorsements and the NBA and Shoe deals are all part of the NBA dream. In the 90s, Penny, Shaq, Hardaway, even Kobe, Iverson, these guys were all over the television. This is not a my eras is better than your era point. This is a factor of really greedy corporations. They were just as greedy then.

Now the fatigue due to endorsement argument is so retarded. I mean, it really is kind of obvious that players could play more minutes, and they aren't being taken out of games due to fatigue. So the question really becomes, why are coaches playing their star players less minutes. Why do they have players like Lebron sit out a couple of times a year. That's what a logical person would think. Not, NBA players are getting more fatigue due to endorsements.

I mean, I just can't get over how retarded it is. I mean, if Lebron didn't have any endorsements, would he had had more energy in last years Finals. Nobody had more endorsements than Shaq and Jordan. Where they getting tired at a higher rate than the other NBA players?

And more about my point that you're probably a teenager and whose perspective is that things started happening when they became aware of them. I mean, the Kobe Colorado saga. You're saying, look at how late the public found out about it. WTF? You tell me how late found out about it. I mean, you must be confusing the early 2000s to the 1930s. Since you were probably too young, back then we had 24 hours news channels, 24 hours sports channel, the internet, and this was huge news. The public knew it immediately. I think we even had ISH back then.

I guess my point is that you have a very self focused mind. And view the world in a way that it revolves around you and what you care about. So you cannot even begin to imagine the perspective of others. That's what it feels like.