View Full Version : Kobe & CP3 talked about winning titles as teammates

04-04-2016, 03:48 PM

04-04-2016, 03:55 PM



04-04-2016, 04:00 PM
That was CP3's only chance to not be a losing bitch

04-04-2016, 04:13 PM
CP3 woulda nut punched kobe before the all star break.

04-04-2016, 04:14 PM
Kobe is such a colluder :facepalm


04-04-2016, 04:20 PM
how much help did kobe need? :biggums:



04-04-2016, 04:23 PM
They wouldn't have won shit, and certainly would've clashed on the court.

Kobe gonna play primarily off the ball, and cut down his usage for a ball dominating point guard? Lol

04-04-2016, 04:24 PM
Kobe is such a colluder :facepalm



04-04-2016, 04:27 PM




04-04-2016, 04:27 PM
Kobe also talked about being champions with Dwight, and we all know how that turned out.

04-04-2016, 11:00 PM
Makes you think about how people perceive things. For example, if Paul would have joined the Lakers, and they would have won 2 rings, does that make Kobe a top ten player or GOAT despite being the same player/person without Paul. Would some of you be calling Paul a loser for not getting out of the second round, and start calling him a top 15 player?

Fire Colangelo
04-04-2016, 11:25 PM
Makes you think about how people perceive things. For example, if Paul would have joined the Lakers, and they would have won 2 rings, does that make Kobe a top ten player or GOAT despite being the same player/person without Paul. Would some of you be calling Paul a loser for not getting out of the second round, and start calling him a top 15 player?

That's exactly how people see things....

If LeBron didn't go to Miami and stayed ringless, would people consider him top 10 all time despite being the same person/player.

If Jordan didn't retire and Hakeem didn't win in 94 & 95.

04-05-2016, 12:37 AM



Kobe had people come to him. Lebron had to leave to join big 3's. Just think about it. Lol

04-05-2016, 12:42 AM
Kobe had people come to him. Lebron had to leave to join big 3's. Just think about it. Lol
love came and resigned with the cavs because of lebron, bosh joined the heat because of lebron. :confusedshrug:

04-05-2016, 12:47 AM
love came and resigned with the cavs because of lebron, bosh joined the heat because of lebron. :confusedshrug:

Bosh was gonna join the Heat REGARDLESS, you f*cking retard.

Remember this photo?


Bron was the last one to make the jump.

04-05-2016, 12:48 AM
They wouldn't have won shit, and certainly would've clashed on the court.

Kobe gonna play primarily off the ball, and cut down his usage for a ball dominating point guard? Lol

I feel they would have been contenders and maybe got 1 ring. Kobe might also have stayed healthy instead of killing himself to play PG and SG :cry:

04-05-2016, 01:25 AM



A bunch of washed up injured players vs players in their prime? Good one.

04-05-2016, 04:00 AM


Prime vs. washed up.....no wonder you flip burgers....you garbage can ho

04-05-2016, 02:15 PM


Payton Metta Nash and Malone all washed up and past their primes.


Dr Seuss
04-05-2016, 02:22 PM
They wouldn't have won shit, and certainly would've clashed on the court.

Kobe gonna play primarily off the ball, and cut down his usage for a ball dominating point guard? Lol

another poster who lets the way he perceives a player affect what was actual done ON THE COURT

when kobe played with AARP nash, he allowed him to be primary ball handler. only lasted a couple games before nash messed up his shin and was basically done for the season. but kobe made it a point to let nash run the offense, and allow kobe to get good position in his favorite spots

so if kobe played with a prime cp3, you think he wouldnt have give him the same duties he gave an almost retired nash :facepalm

kobe never wanted to be the primary playmaker, but phil made him. what other pgs in kobes history should have been playmaker? sessions got his chance, but he choked. you can understandingly blame that on browns inept offense, though

04-05-2016, 03:08 PM
There's a reason why the other owners went APE over the trade and forced an unprecedented VETO by the commissioner for "basketball reasons". Because it would have made LA a contender for another 3-5 years, attracting other big FAs to join up as well.

The veto of the trade screwed up the Lakers plan for a long time. It would have been an entirely different NBA landscape had this trade gone through.

04-05-2016, 03:42 PM
Kobe had people come to him. Lebron had to leave to join big 3's. Just think about it. Lol
I'm pretty sure Malone and Payton came to Shaq. Payton then left to follow Shaq, and Malone retired to get away from Kobe. Dwight also left to get away from Kobe.

04-05-2016, 03:45 PM
when kobe played with AARP nash, he allowed him to be primary ball handler. only lasted a couple games before nash messed up his shin and was basically done for the season. but kobe made it a point to let nash run the offense, and allow kobe to get good position in his favorite spots
First, that didn't go very well. Kobe was terrible in that role. Then before Nash was done, Kobe made Nash play off ball, and that was terrible too.

So with CP3, Kobe may have deferred for a bit, but he would have been worse, and if Kobe made CP3 defer, CP3 would be worse. They both require the ball to be effective, so even if they are willing to defer, it doesn't suddenly make it a good fit.

04-05-2016, 03:46 PM
another poster who lets the way he perceives a player affect what was actual done ON THE COURT

when kobe played with AARP nash, he allowed him to be primary ball handler. only lasted a couple games before nash messed up his shin and was basically done for the season. but kobe made it a point to let nash run the offense, and allow kobe to get good position in his favorite spots

so if kobe played with a prime cp3, you think he wouldnt have give him the same duties he gave an almost retired nash :facepalm

kobe never wanted to be the primary playmaker, but phil made him. what other pgs in kobes history should have been playmaker? sessions got his chance, but he choked. you can understandingly blame that on browns inept offense, though

Great points! For MOST of the Kobe's career, he was the BEST PASSER on his teams. And let's face it, Kobe's versatility was EPIC!! He would have been great at PG, SG, or SF. Phil knew this and was smart to make Kobe his primary playmaker. Plus in the triangle, the need for a typical PG wasn't needed.

If u have a superstar like CP3 with Kobe, that would have been the best backcourt of all time peak wise. Their GOAT status would have been dependent on their success in terms of accolades. Kobe would have been in straight attack mode like always. BUT he wouldn't have to be the primary playmaker anymore. CP3 would have gotten Kobe EASIER buckets, provided Kobe with defensive help, and provide the Lakers a great 2nd scoring option.

04-05-2016, 03:47 PM
love came and resigned with the cavs because of lebron, bosh joined the heat because of lebron. :confusedshrug:
Wade and LeBron planned this together. I'm pretty sure Wade did not keep this secret from Bosh when Bosh was being recruited.

04-05-2016, 04:02 PM



You're only a "colluder" if you join up with great players and win. If you lose, people will just make the excuse that the players weren't that great anyway.

04-05-2016, 04:06 PM
Honestly, I don't know that it would help Kobe's legacy. It might even hurt him. He had already been carried to championships by two different players. To be second fiddle a THIRD time might call a little too much attention to the issue.

It's probably best that he became irrelevant after the back-2-back chips in the Pau era.

04-05-2016, 04:07 PM
You're only a "colluder" if you join up with great players and win. If you lose, people will just make the excuse that the players weren't that great anyway.
Kind of like when LeBron loses this year and people say he needs more help.

04-05-2016, 04:18 PM
CP3 would have got the most out of Dwight and likely convinced him to stay. Other players would then flock back to the Lakers as they currently do to Cleveland, and the Lakers would have been a powerhouse.

Dr Seuss
04-05-2016, 05:03 PM
First, that didn't go very well. Kobe was terrible in that role. Then before Nash was done, Kobe made Nash play off ball, and that was terrible too.

So with CP3, Kobe may have deferred for a bit, but he would have been worse, and if Kobe made CP3 defer, CP3 would be worse. They both require the ball to be effective, so even if they are willing to defer, it doesn't suddenly make it a good fit.

major props to you for making up shit :applause:

'kobe was terrible at that role'

he played it for a game and a quarter!! lol.

i know you dont remember, because boxscores can only tell you so much, but nash got hurt in game two, 2nd quarter, of the season. missed about a month after and NEVER returned to a starting caliber PG in TODAYS league. he could not beat a single defender off the dribble, even with screens.

instead, he used his IQ to be the best player his body would let him for the rest of the season. setting off ball screens to free up other players/get himself open for shots. it was a sad finish for nash, but his shin injury coupled with his nagging back injury and career of lingering injuries relented him to that role

and the nonsense that kobe NEEDS to dominate the ball to be effective. thats another old wise tale. kobe hated trying to get himself into the low/mid post with the ball in his hand, to get good position. thats why the triangle was pretty damn good for him. the ball moved around the court until kobe had position. but him being a chucker, he would throw up the ball as soon as he got it in that position. thats much different than dominating the ball.