View Full Version : Jon Jones will be on a New Level

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-17-2016, 01:15 AM

sht is liiiiitttttttt:banana: :banana:

04-17-2016, 08:56 AM

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-17-2016, 05:56 PM
Are u ready to see the return of the greatest fighter in human history plowking:applause: :applause:

04-17-2016, 11:14 PM
Are u ready to see the return of the greatest fighter in human history plowking:applause: :applause:

He isn't the greatest.

He fights in a division which he is clearly way bigger than everyone. People were shitting on McGregor for fighting at 145, yet they don't say jack about Jones fighting at 205, than obviously being at least 225+ in the ring on fight night.

I want to see him against JDS, Stipe, Overeem, Rothwell, Cain and Werdum. Shit, lets see how he does against Struve and Bigfoot.

No one in the LHW division uses their jab to the extent that the HWs do. The one guy in Gustafsson who did put him in the hospital, because he actually set up his hits properly and moved.
I wanna see him verse a guy with good stand up and active hands. Rumble is great with his hands but not active enough IMO. He could just knock him out clean.

OSP doesn't stand much of a chance IMO. Could get him with an uppercut though. The one he threw at Cummins was mean.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-18-2016, 12:04 AM
He isn't the greatest.

He fights in a division which he is clearly way bigger than everyone. People were shitting on McGregor for fighting at 145, yet they don't say jack about Jones fighting at 205, than obviously being at least 225+ in the ring on fight night.

I want to see him against JDS, Stipe, Overeem, Rothwell, Cain and Werdum. Shit, lets see how he does against Struve and Bigfoot.

No one in the LHW division uses their jab to the extent that the HWs do. The one guy in Gustafsson who did put him in the hospital, because he actually set up his hits properly and moved.
I wanna see him verse a guy with good stand up and active hands. Rumble is great with his hands but not active enough IMO. He could just knock him out clean.

OSP doesn't stand much of a chance IMO. Could get him with an uppercut though. The one he threw at Cummins was mean.

The only one who has an argument over him right now is Fedor

He isnt clearly bigger than everyone lol. Hes taller than most and has a longer reach than most. He is a LHW. Hes never had problems making weight, his team doesnt talk about his struggle to make weight almost every fight like Conors, and he doesnt have his teammate wanting him to move up in fear of his health. Conor cuts 25+ pounds
only fighters Bones was clearly bigger than-Lyoto, Chael, Shogun, Vitor (who was juicing mad steroids) and those guys are natural MWs anyways and 3 of them fought in MW

Vera, Bader, Bonnar, Matsuenko, Rampage, Gus, Glover, DC. He was not clearly bigger than those guys and most em prolly cut more than him

Bones has been under 220lbs 3 weeks before fights in recent years since like 2013 at least. hes only been cutting like 10 or a lil over pounds which is average for an MMA fighter in this era. Bones is a much bigger guy too it takes much more % of body weight decrease for smaller ppl

Conor looks like death, Bones never looks sucked it or near death


And i thought u lifted? U should know why Bones has a relatively easy time making 205. Dude has Tyson Chandler toothpick chicken legs


i dunno about this new bodybuilder Bones but in the past couple years he hasnt been cutting anywhere near as much as Conor. And more LHWs cut more than him like Rumble, Glover and DC. Even back when he fought Lyoto back when his diet was sht and he cut more than he does now he looked fine at weigh ins

unlike Conor.........

as for HW i would only favor Werdum and Overeem. Theyre the most complete HWs and the most important thing they have better clinch games than Bones. Bones has one of the best clinches and inside games ever but those 2 have him beat and are bigger. Bones clinch game and ability to get inside is what allows him to dominate and beat guys up even when they have much much better jabs and boxing like Gus, DC and Glover. Plus Bones doesnt have much power which would be a problem and Reems chin wouldnt be a problem against him IMO. Reem also had amazing TDD, might be a better overall grappler and hes a much more technical striker. Werdum doesnt give a sht if he gets taken down cause Bones cant handle his ground game or jiu jitsu. He is better at range and with combinations too.

Bones beats everyone else. JDS has an awful clinch game and is susceptible to getting pressed against the cage. Bones would beat him on the inside but might run into trouble.

anyways i dont see how competition is such a big issue. DC, Rumble and Gus along with Bones would all easily be top 5 HWs. Cain would get beat much the same way as DC. His defense is worse than DC too and Cain struggles bad against guys who strike in variety with knees and kicks as Werdum showed. Bones would beat him inside just like he did DC. He only fought one dimensional boxers or punchers before Werdum. Rothwell? LMAO he has a fluke chance thats it. Stipe isnt aggressive enough and doesnt have the output. He could take a round maybe two but hed losethe same reason Gus did and Stipes clinch game sucks and would get eaten up by Bones as well as his kicks

04-18-2016, 12:25 AM
People cut weight differently. My face looks fine after I cut back 20-25lbs as well. Obviously I'm not cutting at the rate they are, but I could if I really dehydrated my body and what not.
And that is another thing; how they actually cut the weight. Conor obviously cuts a lot more water weight on the day compared to Jones. Whatever works for both fighters.

Jones needs to fight at HW if he beats Cormier and Rumble. You're really overrating him calling him the greatest ever. Look at the competition he has beaten... Sonnen, Machida, Belfort, etc are some of the names. All more leaning to the natural 185lbs range. Why? There is hardly any competition.

Gustafsson and Cormier, two guys actually at their best both gave him 48-47 fights. Gonna be interesting to see him fight Rumble and Cormier again.

Goofsta Knicca
04-18-2016, 12:29 AM
OSP needs to fight dirty as sh*t. Get da first eye poke or two in... maybe a hard kick to da nuts. Then pray he can pull it off somehow.

04-18-2016, 12:31 AM
OSP needs to fight dirty as sh*t. Get da first eye poke or two in... maybe a hard kick to da nuts. Then pray he can pull it off somehow.

Totally justified when you're up against Jones. Not even kidding. Whenever the dude is in a bit of trouble or guys are tagging him standing up, an eye poke out of nowhere.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-18-2016, 12:33 AM
yeah Chael is an irrelevant win i agree. he was always sht @ LHW when he competed back then before dropping to MW and making a name for himself

Lyoto was a top win @ LHW even if undersized, and Bones strangled him to death

Vitor yeah but he was juiced to the gills with every steroid in Brazil so that matters too in context

DC, Gus, Glover, Shogun, Lyoto, Bader, Rashad, Rampage is a hell of a resume with so many former champions. And Bones isnt really defined on the strength of his schedule anyway, he is a complete and highly skilled fighter. Only Fedor i can see above him, maybe Mighty Mouse if he continues this reign or Frankie if he captures 145 belt, or Dominick if he continues beating everyone again.

And both Gus and DC fights were closer to 49-46. Gus mightve been 48-47 but i think it was more shocking to ppl that Bones looked human for once. Bones still showed tremendous heart in that fight and against Vitor. Theres no way DC won more than 1 round actually all judges had it 49-46 as well. Glover was at his best as well and Hashad arguably was too, 4 fight streak and he completely ragdolled Phil Davis who is still a top 5 LHW right now

04-18-2016, 04:17 AM
Cormier definitely got round 2 in the fight and more than likely took round 3, which he was dominating before the eye poke from Jon.

04-18-2016, 05:47 AM
the debate going on here. :applause:

in terms of legendary greatness, i have to go with fedor over everyone else. i mean, a small, pudgy HW is pretty much the last person you picture beating the best and biggest men on the planet for ten years straight. not to mention, the various times he was losing a fight, only to pull it out dramatically, only add to his legend. the rogers, arlovski and hunt fights are some examples. (don't bother mentioning the freak fights, because we already know about those. we would simply respond that he ALSO beat the best of the best in MMA during his long reign.)

also, i notice other long-term champions like mighty mouse, cyborg, aldo and barao (etc) get seriously under-respected for their MMA reigns and achievements, even though they tended to dominate their opponents more handily than fedor, jones, silva and GSP did. is that just a shitty bias we have towards smaller fighters for some reason...?

anyway, i'd say jones is clearly the greatest creative / fascinating / flawless fighter the sport has ever seen, with anderson being the runner up. both dudes are truly riveting, with silva mainly coming in second for goofing off three straight fights and such.

my problem with ISH culture is that it typically thinks there has to be one GOAT amongst GOATs to rule them all, even before watching the lord of the rings movies. really, there's never going to be a clear answer on that. instead, i think we should be able to break GOATness down by category and figure out the best from that perspective.

agree / disagree, mofos?

mighty mouse for example-- he's clearly the greatest in some way, but HOW would you categorise it? he doesn't knock people out, but he's ten steps ahead of his opponent like no one i've ever seen before.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
04-20-2016, 04:38 AM
yeah their could be different categories i just go by the eyetest mainly to see whos the best fighters

also plowking Bones at 218lbs days before weighins