View Full Version : I used to wear makeup as a teenager (Concealer)

04-19-2016, 11:43 AM
As a lot of you know, I had horrid acne starting at age 13.

I started wearing concealer that I found in my Mom's bathroom. To me, it looked like no one would be able to tell. However, while doing a group project in class during the 9th grade, a little bitch boy started making fun of me for wearing makeup. The girls in the group got right up on me and started saying "He is wearing make-up! OMG!" They all laughed at me and I just sat there about to cry.

I told the kid if he ever said anything to me again, i'd knock his ass out. He never said anything else, but the damage was done and I was outed for being a makeup wearing bitch.

04-19-2016, 11:47 AM
I had horrible acne a few years ago. People would freak out if I lifted up my hair to show them how bad it was. It's just naturally gone away over these past few years which is weird because I never did anything to treat it lol

04-19-2016, 11:48 AM
I had horrible acne a few years ago. People would freak out if I lifted up my hair to show them how bad it was. It's just naturally gone away over these past few years which is weird because I never did anything to treat it lol

I don't know who you are and I don't know where you're from...but I will find you, and I will out you.

04-19-2016, 11:52 AM
Like I never cut my hair shorter and I left the stuff I was supposed to use untouched in the bathroom. My older brother still has some hideous acne though and he's trying really hard to get rid of it

04-19-2016, 11:55 AM
Like I never cut my hair shorter and I left the stuff I was supposed to use untouched in the bathroom. My older brother still has some hideous acne though and he's trying really hard to get rid of it

Sometimes the harder you try to get rid of it, the worse it gets. If he drinks milk, tell him to stop for 3-4 weeks and see if he's lactose intolerant. He can drink lactose free milk. If I drink regular milk, I breakout.

Washing all the time and using a bunch of products could make it worse.

Accutane is the miracle drug.

04-19-2016, 11:55 AM
I did had a lot of acne and used a lot of drugs and cream that never worked. But never thought of using makeup.

04-19-2016, 11:57 AM
Sometimes the harder you try to get rid of it, the worse it gets. If he drinks milk, tell him to stop for 3-4 weeks and see if he's lactose intolerant. He can drink lactose free milk. If I drink regular milk, I breakout.

Washing all the time and using a bunch of products could make it worse.

Accutane is the miracle drug.
Accutane was the only way I could control it. But it is so expensive yo.

04-19-2016, 11:59 AM
Accutane was the only way I could control it. But it is so expensive yo.

I ended up buying it online at a much cheaper rate. And I didn't need a prescription.

04-19-2016, 12:00 PM
I never had an acne issue, but in high school (and after) every now and then I would get a pimple in a bad spot. And yeah I can remember a couple of times using my mother's concealer to hide it. It always worked for me...pimple gone, hidden behind skin colored makeup.

But I can see if you had bad acne all over and just caked concealer all over your face it would look similar to a female who wears a lot of make up and would be obvious to any one up close to you.

04-19-2016, 12:03 PM
I never had an acne issue, but in high school (and after) every now and then I would get a pimple in a bad spot. And yeah I can remember a couple of times using my mother's concealer to hide it. It always worked for me...pimple gone, hidden behind skin colored makeup.

But I can see if you had bad acne all over and just caked concealer all over your face it would look similar to a female who wears a lot of make up and would be obvious.

Damn dude, you used concealer for one pimple. Can you imagine what you'd do if you had acne covering your entire face like I did? You may have killed yourself, something I used to think of doing frequently.

Think about it...I had horrendous acne, but no redeeming qualities. I wasn't the smart kid, the jock, the good looking kid, etc...I was absolutely nothing.

04-19-2016, 12:17 PM
Damn dude, you used concealer for one pimple. Can you imagine what you'd do if you had acne covering your entire face like I did? You may have killed yourself, something I used to think of doing frequently.

Think about it...I had horrendous acne, but no redeeming qualities. I wasn't the smart kid, the jock, the good looking kid, etc...I was absolutely nothing.
Sorry man :/

You have honesty and humility on your side...good qualities

04-19-2016, 12:31 PM
using a concealer to hide a pimple ain't a big deal.

using lipstick and eyeliner though... that's another story.