View Full Version : NONE of the superstars from the mid 90's onward...

04-21-2016, 02:29 PM
Have faced the type of onslaught Michael Jordan faced in his career from 1984 to 1993 (pre removal of hand checking) and even a few years after. Look at this video:


Hand checking galore, bodies draped all over him, double and triple teams on the perimeter, packed paints with big bodies ready to clobber you at any attempt of penetration etc...

Mental midgets like Westbrook, Durant, LeBron, Harden or Howard would literally quit after a playoff series against the 80's Pistons or 90's Knicks!. Small brittle shrimps like Curry would be on the IR consistently if he tried to go for layups instead of the red carpet they have today!

04-21-2016, 02:35 PM
Westbrook is a mental midget?

Are you serious?


04-21-2016, 02:39 PM
And it's well-documented that Jordan was the most double-teamed perimeter player ever.

Here's a video of MJ against Atlanta - he's double-teamed 12 of 13 possessions from the 6:40 mark to the 8:40 mark - the consecutive double-teams are shown in rapid succession:


During the Bulls-Pistons series, the Pistons' 4th quarter policy was to double-team MJ every single time he touched the ball.. Here's an examle from Game 6 of 1989 ECF, starting at the 9 minute mark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4W_0I82B18&t=1h21m11s) - MJ is double-teamed 10 of 13 times he touched the ball to finish out the game.. Here's all 10 double-teams shown in gifs:


The youtube channel "Nobody Touches Jordan" did a video of Payton guarding MJ in Game 4 of 1996 Finals (link here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgFWyLRNsGk)) - MJ was doubled exactly 10 of the 20 times he caught the ball with Payton guarding - all 10 double-teams are shown if gifs here:


Here's the New York Times on Jordan, 1987:

"Last season, Jordan had to overcome the harrassment of zone traps and double-triple teaming to average 37.1 points a game."


Even on the post, MJ was double-teamed equally - here's a Shaq post video that shows him being doubled 33 of 62 times he caught the ball on the post (53%) compared to 52 of 103 in the MJ post video (50%).

SHAQ'S POST MOVES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVxZs7dwCO8
MJ'S POST MOVES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfSftZvpHJg

However, MJ got doubled all over the court, not just on the post - MJ's danger from anywhere on the court resulted in teams often doubling him 10+ possessions in a row, as various videos in the OP showed.. This type of every-possession double teams for 10 consecutive possessions never happened for Shaq, not even in the 2000 Finals.

In comparison to Jordan being doubled 10+ times in a single quarter, Lebron was doubled-teamed a TOTAL of 18 times in the entire Finals

"Curry’s ability to guard one-on-one allowed the Warriors’ wing defenders to double-team LeBron James effectively. When James was double-teamed, the Cavaliers scored 5 points on 2-of-18 shooting (11 percent)".


04-21-2016, 02:42 PM
And what would you call Westbrick?!? A fundamentally sound, high IQ player? LOL!!! He almost lost his marbles when Charlie V walked in front of his stupid dance, I can only imagine his head exploding at some of the tactics of those 80's teams.

04-21-2016, 02:46 PM
Put ANY of the current so called superstars of today specially Steph Curry in place of Jordan on those Bulls teams, are they even the main guy over Pippen?!?

Curry on those late 80's Bulls in place of Jordan would've been getting MRI's every two weeks!

04-21-2016, 02:46 PM
...................................JUMPSHOOTING EFFICIENCY

............................5-9 feet............... 10-14 feet............. 15-19 feet.........Overall Midrange

M Jordan. 1997 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/shooting/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.. 49.2%.. 62/126...... 51.5%... 240/466..... 49.5%.. 294/594..... 48.9%.. 588/1202

Westbrook 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/201566/stats/shooting/):. 46.1%.. 47/102...... 41.9%.... 88/210..... 40.9%.... 72/176..... 42.4%... 129/304

D Wade.. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2548/stats/shooting/):... 40.0%.. 82/205...... 33.7%.... 57/169..... 34.8%.. 116/307..... 37.4%... 174/465

Derozan. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/201942/stats/shooting/):... 41.8%.. 71/170...... 42.5%.... 96/226...... 38.9%.. 129/332..... 38.0%... 211/555

Butler. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/202710/stats/shooting/?Season=2015-16&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):...... 36.7%... 29/79....... 36.9%.... 41/111...... 37.9%... 78/206...... 36.8%... 138/375

Lebron.. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2015-16&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.....38.1%.. 43/113...... 33.3%..... 33/99...... 42.4%.... 64/151...... 35.1%... 118/357

None of these guys are anywhere NEAR the shooter Jordan was.. :confusedshrug:

Lebron, Westbrook, Wade, Derozan and Butler all have poor 3-point AND midrange efficiency, yet they're still the top wing scorers because today's wide open spacing and hands-off defense allows athletic players easier access to the rim than ever before.

Today's spacing and hands-off defense would benefit MJ's athleticism the same way, except he had well-documented, goat midrange efficiency (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11713011&postcount=43), which would put him in Curry's category as a goat shooter, and give him a similarly massive advantage over Lebron, Westbrook and company..

04-21-2016, 02:49 PM
And what would you call Westbrick?!? A fundamentally sound, high IQ player? LOL!!! He almost lost his marbles when Charlie V walked in front of his stupid dance, I can only imagine his head exploding at some of the tactics of those 80's teams.

..(all shots inside 3-pt line but outside paint)

.......................Midrange Efficiency .

M Jordan. 1997 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/shooting/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.. 48.9%.. 588/1202

Westbrook 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/201566/stats/shooting/?Season=2014-15&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):. 36.9%.. 164/445
Westbrook 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/201566/stats/shooting/):. 42.4%.. 129/304

D Wade.. 2006 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2548/stats/shooting/?Season=2005-06&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):... 38.4%.. 174/403
D Wade.. 2012 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2548/stats/shooting/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):... 39.5%.. 115/291
D Wade.. 2013 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2548/stats/shooting/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):... 38.9%.. 144/370
D Wade.. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2548/stats/shooting/):... 36.4%.. 143/393

Derozan. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/201942/stats/shooting/):... 37.5%.. 183/488

Butler. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/202710/stats/shooting/):....... 35.9%.. 113/315

Lebron.. 2009 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2008-09&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 36.8%.. 193/525
Lebron.. 2010 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2009-10&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 38.8%.. 188/444
Lebron.. 2011 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2010-11&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 44.6%.. 217/487
Lebron.. 2012 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 42.3%.. 188/444
Lebron.. 2013 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 43.2%.. 174/403
Lebron.. 2014 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2013-14&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 38.5%.. 126/327
Lebron.. 2015 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2014-15&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 37.0%.. 127/343
Lebron.. 2016 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/shooting/?Season=2015-16&SeasonType=Regular%20Season):.... 37.1%.. 96/259

None of these guys are anywhere NEAR the shooter Jordan was.. :confusedshrug:

Lebron, Westbrook, Wade, Derozan and Butler all have poor 3-point AND midrange efficiency, yet they're still the top wing scorers because today's wide open spacing and hands-off defense allows athletic players easier access to the rim than ever before.

Today's spacing and hands-off defense would benefit MJ's athleticism the same way, except he had well-documented, goat midrange efficiency (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11713011&postcount=43), which would put him in Curry's category as a goat shooter, and give him a similarly massive advantage over Lebron, Westbrook and company.