View Full Version : Just remember, you once WON a race against hundreds of millions.

04-21-2016, 02:46 PM
There are an average of 200, to 500 million sperms busted out in one nut and all those sperms have the one same objective.


You, yes you, are THE SINGULAR sperm that DESTROYED the competition by being the sole victor in a race for a chance to live against HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS from your fathers army of competition.

By the mere fact that you are alive you have proven capable to overcome odds and adversity and become the BEST in contests of hundreds of millions.

Tap into that natural born winner mentality, do not settle, keep on winning. :cheers:

04-21-2016, 02:51 PM
Just lucky, like the lottery. Someone had to win.

04-21-2016, 02:54 PM
It was your dad who won the race.

04-21-2016, 02:58 PM
The world population currently stands at about 7.125 Billion people. The real game begins. Odds much, much worse. Game on.

04-21-2016, 02:59 PM

ive always considered myself a pretty strong swimmer

04-21-2016, 03:03 PM
Couple of eeyores up above.


No one said winning was easy, that doesn't mean you should lose the competitive fire. Strive to be the best.

I know you are
04-21-2016, 03:06 PM
Just imagine how bad the other sperm must have been for Simon to have won.

04-21-2016, 03:56 PM
Ive been told its a middle of the pack to back end sperm that makes it. The first ones there just weaken the egg for the stragglers to break into. They are the vanguard there to die in the pink waste so the lords came come in with the reserve and claim victory.

04-21-2016, 04:12 PM
dam, pretty much lucked out that one

imagine actually winning a race against 500 000 000 people :lol

Patrick Chewing
04-21-2016, 04:23 PM
It was your dad who won the race.

In your case, both your dad's.

04-21-2016, 05:06 PM
I was born in a petri dish, for real.

04-21-2016, 05:15 PM
It was a weak era