View Full Version : If the Warriors lose game 4...

Mr Feeny
04-22-2016, 04:47 AM
Do you still rest Curry?

They were discussing this on Max and Marcellos.
Curry's health is more important than anything. Do you make sure he's 100% healthy and rest him for another game or rush him back to make sure you don't end up in a 3 game series where the margin for error is smaller?

04-22-2016, 04:57 AM
Do you still rest Curry?

They were discussing this on Max and Marcellos.
Curry's health is more important than anything. Do you make sure he's 100% healthy and rest him for another game or rush him back to make sure you don't end up in a 3 game series where the margin for error is smaller?

I think the supporting cast wraps this up in 5 in time for Curry to play game 1 next series.

But, if they do lose game 4 without him, I don't think I would be willing to sit even an 80% or less Steph Curry in a game that can put you down 3-2. It just gives them too much belief they can win. Last year we saw even this group of losing-mentality Rockets erase a 3-1 deficit vs. LAC and it's not impossible for a fluke to happen in a home Game 6 if it's Steph's first game back AND the tidal wave of pressure that comes with a first-round elimination game with a team like this.

I hope it happens just because it would be funny to see a 73-win team be on the hook by a Harden-led team regardless of how it happens, but it's not gonna come to that. Dray and Klay slam the door shut by double figures in the next two games and ensure another week of Curry rest.

Mr Feeny
04-22-2016, 05:49 AM
I think the supporting cast wraps this up in 5 in time for Curry to play game 1 next series.

But, if they do lose game 4 without him, I don't think I would be willing to sit even an 80% or less Steph Curry in a game that can put you down 3-2. It just gives them too much belief they can win. Last year we saw even this group of losing-mentality Rockets erase a 3-1 deficit vs. LAC and it's not impossible for a fluke to happen in a home Game 6 if it's Steph's first game back AND the tidal wave of pressure that comes with a first-round elimination game with a team like this.

I hope it happens just because it would be funny to see a 73-win team be on the hook by a Harden-led team regardless of how it happens, but it's not gonna come to that. Dray and Klay slam the door shut by double figures in the next two games and ensure another week of Curry rest.

And that's what remona Sherbourne said. Although, in this case, the discrepancy in talent is too much. I just don't see how these Rockets can beat even a Curry-less warriors 4 times in 6 games.

But I'm with you. If it gets to 2-2, play him and wrap it up.

04-22-2016, 05:50 AM
Rockets are the worst team in the Playoffs this year. They rely on Harden Ball.

04-22-2016, 06:16 AM
Is he even hurt? Didn't the MRI come back clean?

hold this L
04-22-2016, 08:11 AM
I'm 90% sure he will play Sunday. He could have actually played last night, but Kerr didn't want to risk it. He didn't have any pain in practice, but Kerr wants him in a 4v3 and then 5v5 practice today and tomorrow before he calls it for Sunday.

D. Toretto
04-22-2016, 08:58 AM
You only play Steph if he's 100% healthy OR do-or-die game. The rest of the team is good enough to finish these clowns. :coleman:

I know you are
04-22-2016, 09:02 AM
He should jog through game 4.