View Full Version : Regarding Jet fuel and steel beams.

04-24-2016, 05:34 PM
I was reading a book about construction and i found this bit of information.



04-24-2016, 05:48 PM
I usually stay away from this topic...

but that was never my problem with the way the buildings fell.

Even if the steel melted...

The top encountered zero resistance as it fell to the bottom.

Not once... but twice... perfectly.

and then a third time at 5:00 (in a different fashion... Building 7)

add that to the anomalies w/ the Pentagon, Flight 93, OBL, Reports in the
media, flight maneuvers, lack of security (jets scrambled), lack of video footage (Pentagon), suspicious activity before and after 9/11, motives, dancing Israeli's, blah blah blah the list goes on forever & ever.

04-24-2016, 05:59 PM
I was reading a book about construction and i found this bit of information.

Which part are you pointing out and which part didn't you know?

04-24-2016, 06:54 PM
I usually stay away from this topic...

but that was never my problem with the way the buildings fell.

Even if the steel melted...

The top encountered zero resistance as it fell to the bottom.

Not once... but twice... perfectly.

and then a third time at 5:00 (in a different fashion... Building 7)

I have no idea how any one who has watched the video more than once can you say that there was zero resistance.

During the collapse the lower part of the building is completely intact while the point of contact of the advancing avalanche clearly shows a progressive collapse occurring.

The resistance of the bottom part is just not up to stopping the absolutely massive momentum of the avalanche.

Riddler did you ever take physics? The momentum of top part of the WTC tower would have been enormous because of gigantic amount of mass contained in those upper floors.

The collapse itself shows clear evidence of the massive momentum of the moving parts overcoming the resistance of the intact parts. This just happens very quickly. The pieces of the steel and aluminum shell of the building being snapped off and flung aside is clear evidence of the resistance of the bottom of the building as is the dust clouds of pulverized sheetrock. The fact that the steel and aluminum is falling faster that the main cloud of dust is evidence that the collapse was, in fact, slower than free fall.

What you see when you see when you see the WTC collapse is massive momentum overcoming resistance within milliseconds. You do not see ZERO resistance.

Here's another clip of massive momentum overcoming resistance within milliseconds on a much smaller scale, a car busting through a chained gate.


Would you say a bullet shot through a piece of would encountered zero resistance? It's also something we cannot see with the naked except in slow motion

The bottom of the building slowed down the avalance, but not enough to see with the human eye, just as with speeding car crashing the gate or the bullet fired through plywood, the human eye would not be able to see this slowing. It would basically be invisible to us.