View Full Version : Cruz and Kasich: Candidates Form Alliance to Block Donald Trump GOP Nomination

04-25-2016, 09:30 AM



This ain't f^cking Survivor :oldlol:

Wow, just announced that Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to collude in order to keep me from getting the Republican nomination. DESPERATION! They are both mathematically dead and totally desperate. Their donors & special interest groups are not happy with them. Sad! - Trump

It is sad that two grown politicians have to collude against one person who has only been a politician for ten months in order to try and stop that person from getting the Republican nomination.
Senator Cruz has done very poorly and after his New York performance, which was a total disaster, he is in free fall and as everyone has seen, he does not react well under pressure. Also, approximately 80% of the Republican Party is against him. Governor Kasich, who has only won 1 state out of 41, in other words, he is 1 for 41 and he is not even doing as well as other candidates who could have stubbornly stayed in the race like him but chose not to do so. Marco Rubio, as an example, has more delegates than Kasich and yet suspended his campaign one month ago. Others, likewise, have done much better than Kasich, who would get slaughtered by Hillary Clinton once the negative ads against him begin. 85% of Republican voters are against Kasich.
Collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two Washington insiders have had to revert to collusion in order to stay alive. They are mathematically dead and this act only shows, as puppets of donors and special interests, how truly weak they and their campaigns are. I have brought millions of voters into the Republican primary system and have received many millions of votes more than Cruz or Kasich. Additionally, I am far ahead of both candidates with delegates and would be receiving in excess of 60% of the vote except for the fact that there were so many candidates running against me.
Because of me, everyone now sees that the Republican primary system is totally rigged. When two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail!


Real Men Wear Green
04-25-2016, 10:17 AM
This was going to happen sooner or later. It's not democratic, not by any means fair, but both Cruz and Kasich will take the nomination any way that they can get it and if that means subverting the will of the voters they will do that. I disagree with most of the positions that have made Trump the Republican front-runner but he's completely right here.

Republicans are basically doomed: Trump won't win the general because he's created too much hate (of himself, not even getting to what he inspires in his supporters) but if they take the nomination away in a broken convention he and his firm supporters will sabotage whoever they pick over him. I honestly can't see how they replace him but still get him to support the nominee, doesn't seem like a guy who will accept the VP job or a spot in the cabinet.

04-25-2016, 10:33 AM
This was going to happen sooner or later. It's not democratic, not by any means fair, but both Cruz and Kasich will take the nomination any way that they can get it and if that means subverting the will of the voters they will do that. I disagree with most of the positions that have made Trump the Republican front-runner but he's completely right here.

Republicans are basically doomed: Trump won't win the general because he's created too much hate (of himself, not even getting to what he inspires in his supporters) but if they take the nomination away in a broken convention he and his firm supporters will sabotage whoever they pick over him. I honestly can't see how they replace him but still get him to support the nominee, doesn't seem like a guy who will accept the VP job or a spot in the cabinet.

The GOP establishment did it to themselves.

The country is going down the shitter anyway, may as well go out with a bang.

04-25-2016, 11:47 AM
What I find strange, is that many people who aren't Republicans, like John Kasich, and call him the only "sensible" candidate in the Republican field, while the man's foreign policy is the definition of reckless, and was, I thought, something the American people had grown tired of after Bush (and now Obomber, the man who thinks he can solve problems by lopping bombs at people; who is unwilling to risk American deaths for something, but perfectly willing to risk as many Syrian civilian deaths as is necessary--this is the hero of left now, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize :facepalm). He seems willing to start a war over the Ukraine, and is evidently in the pocket of these people:


It is common knowledge that Wall Street and its inflated compensation packages have remade Manhattan into an exclusive playground for the rich, just as tech moguls have made San Francisco unaffordable for the middle class. It is less well known that the estimated $4 trillion spent since 9/11 on the war on terrorism and billions spent on political campaigns ($6 billion on the 2012 elections alone) have trickled down so extravagantly to the New Class settled around Washington’s Beltway that they have remade the landscape of our capital.

The perfect storm—hundreds of billions in federal procurement dollars flooding into the area after 9/11, along with the easing of corporate campaign fundraising thanks to the now infamous Citizens United decision—has deepened the trough for lawyers, lobbyists, consultants, developers and contractors.

“The federal government is a $3.6 trillion beast in the district’s backyard that keeps the lights burning and the paychecks printing from government office buildings on Capitol Hill down along the Dulles Toll Road to the tech consulting firms in Virginia,” wrote Derek Thompson in The Atlantic in 2011, when the area was growing at three times the rate of the rest of the country in its post-recession years.

“Uncle Sam directly employs one-sixth of the district’s workforce and indirectly pays for much more.” It is the “much more” that Lofgren likes to focus on, pointing out that government workers, who might enjoy more job security and pensions, actually have a cap on annual salaries and benefits. It’s the private class that has remade the landscape, the worst characterized by “the K Street lawyers, political consultants, Beltway fixers and war on terrorism profiteers who run a permanent shadow government in the nation’s capital,” he writes.

04-25-2016, 11:47 AM
if that means subverting the will of the voters they will do that.

This is not subverting the will of the voters. If Trump doesn't get to 1237, it's means he was not able to achieve a majority, that is to say the majority voted against him. Those are the rules for this year and previous years.

Remember that Romney wasn't facing a one on one race either.

There were 10 GOP candidates at the first debate in 2011, yet by the end Romney was clearly over 1237 and had a majority of the votes.

It basically just shows that Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney was.

04-25-2016, 11:54 AM
This is not subverting the will of the voters. If Trump doesn't get to 1237, it's means he was not able to achieve a majority, that is to say the majority voted against him. Those are the rules for this year and previous years.

Remember that Romney wasn't facing a one on one race either.

There were 10 GOP candidates at the first debate in 2011, yet by the end Romney was clearly over 1237 and had a majority of the votes.

It basically just shows that Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney was.


Newly compiled data after the New York Republican primary shows that among the states that have voted so far in 2016, GOP primary and caucus turnout is up well more than 8 million votes and well more than 60 percent over 2012’s process.

All because Trump is such a weak candidate. :lol :lol

In 2012, 14,452,500 people voted in each of the states and territories that have held contests so far in 2016. In 2016, 23,171,541 people have voted in the GOP contests so far

Weak Trump causing voter turnout to shoot up by 70%. I think you meant to say the GOP candidates in 2012 were weak, which is why nobody gave a ****.

This will explain it better:

Romney 9.95m votes (entire Primary season)
Trump 8.8m votes SO FAR.

Real Men Wear Green
04-25-2016, 11:56 AM
This is not subverting the will of the voters. If Trump doesn't get to 1237, it's means he was not able to achieve a majority, that is to say the majority voted against him. Those are the rules for this year and previous years.

Remember that Romney wasn't facing a one on one race either.

There were 10 GOP candidates at the first debate in 2011, yet by the end Romney was clearly over 1237 and had a majority of the votes.

It basically just shows that Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney was.
Yes, it is. Does Trump have the support of a majority? No. But he does have the most support. Polls have him at 40% among Republicans nationwide at worst, with the Huffington Post as high as 46. By contrast the highest of any opponent is Ted Cruz at around 30%, topping out at 31.4%. Assuming Trump doesn't win the 1237 on the first go-round and we see Cruz's delegate work bear fruit we will see a Republican nominee selected not because the voters wanted him but because the candidate did a better job of having his loyalists selected as delegates by state party insiders.

04-25-2016, 12:26 PM
Both major parties need to go. Neither of them gives one single, wet diarrhea shit about any of us.

I think Donald Trump is a whore and a piece of garbage, but on this he's absolutely right.

04-25-2016, 12:47 PM
This is not subverting the will of the voters. If Trump doesn't get to 1237, it's means he was not able to achieve a majority, that is to say the majority voted against him. Those are the rules for this year and previous years.

Remember that Romney wasn't facing a one on one race either.

There were 10 GOP candidates at the first debate in 2011, yet by the end Romney was clearly over 1237 and had a majority of the votes.

It basically just shows that Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney was.

That's because the field laid down for him once he got a ~200 delegate lead. That's how it always goes. They're not doing this for Trump. If he was an establishment candidate the primary would have been over 2 months ago.

04-25-2016, 03:00 PM
can't believe these two cucks actually came out with this plan to the public lol .. this is something you would do behind closed doors ... they've lost their minds .. it would be funny if everyone votes trump and blows them both the fk out

04-25-2016, 03:07 PM
can't believe these two cucks actually came out with this plan to the public lol .. this is something you would do behind closed doors ... they've lost their minds .. it would be funny if everyone votes trump and blows them both the fk out

Only reason I would even consider voting for him is because everyone that I don't like, doesn't like him.

04-25-2016, 08:25 PM

All because Trump is such a weak candidate. :lol :lol

Weak Trump causing voter turnout to shoot up by 70%. I think you meant to say the GOP candidates in 2012 were weak, which is why nobody gave a ****.

This will explain it better:

Romney 9.95m votes (entire Primary season)
Trump 8.8m votes SO FAR.

Good point.

Nick Young
04-25-2016, 08:34 PM
Remember when all the idiotic Dems of ISH said Kasich was a "moderate"?:hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

The dude is a bloodthirsty war-desperate psycho only a few rungs below the Ted Cruz spectrum.

04-25-2016, 09:28 PM
If it's Hilary against Trump I'm going Trump. We need tougher enforcement of immigration and Hilary is a neo-con (no better than W)

Trump's personality might be repulsive but if you always do what you always done, then you will always get what you always got and America deserves better than Two-faced Shilary.

04-25-2016, 09:41 PM
Wow, just announced that Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to collude...

LeBron just became a Republican.

04-25-2016, 10:04 PM
Only reason I would even consider voting for him is because everyone that I don't like, doesn't like him.
That's a pretty bad reason to vote. Might as well give Bush a third term

04-25-2016, 10:11 PM
That's a pretty bad reason to vote. Might as well give Bush a third term

Not that much worse to voting against someone based on a false smear campaign.

04-26-2016, 01:24 AM
I swear...Trump reads ISH. He is using the same arguments made in this forum in politics...1 for 41, collusion.