View Full Version : Serbs, Croats and Bosnians can be friends

Nick Young
04-26-2016, 03:02 PM

Coexistence and peace is possible.


Make the Balkans great again.

LBJ 23
04-26-2016, 03:31 PM
My good Serbian friend got himself a girlfriend with Bosnian roots.....and her father renounced her because she's dating/ living with a Serb and he said she's dead for him. Poor girl....

Nick Young
04-26-2016, 03:56 PM
I think you mean Bosnian-Muslims/Bosnjaks?

'Bosnian' is a term that includes all ethnic groups living within 'Bosnia' (Serbs, Croats, Bosnian-Muslims etc). Hercegovians (or Hercegovci) is also a term that includes all three groups. Theyre two seperate geographical regions hence the official name of the 'country' (if it can even be called that) is Bosnia-Hercegovina).
I mean all Bosnian nationals, regardless of their ethnic background:cheers:

04-26-2016, 04:07 PM
COEXISTENCE here is impossible

peace is possible

weird, right:rockon:

Nick Young
04-26-2016, 04:13 PM
So then why are you making a distinction between Serbs, Croats, and 'Bosnians'? Serbs and Croats both get along FANTASTIC with 'Bosnians' . They just dont get along with Bosnians of the Muslim faith (or eachothers).

A better, and more correct title, would have been - Serbs, Croats and Bosnian-Muslims (Bosnjaks) can be friends.

Coexistence is possible. It can happen. Even with Bosnian Bosniaks.

I have a dream of a peacefully coexisting Balkans region.

04-26-2016, 06:36 PM
They got along fine for 100s of years before Cetniks/Ustase & then a Dictator (Slobodan, serb unfortunately) came along slaughtering people left & right trying to takeover entire ex. Yugoslavia.

04-26-2016, 06:45 PM
So then why are you making a distinction between Serbs, Croats, and 'Bosnians'? Serbs and Croats both get along FANTASTIC with 'Bosnians' . They just dont get along with Bosnians of the Muslim faith (or eachothers).

A better, and more correct title, would have been - Serbs, Croats and Bosnian-Muslims (Bosnjaks) can be friends.

Croats get along far less with Serbs than with Bosnjaks, if anything they have 0 against Bosnjaks / even actually like eachother, they have done nothing against them or vica versa, but Serbs oh my, you forgotten some history? Bosnjaks have done nothing against Serbs either ofcourse until they had to kindof get microscopically defensive after getting genocided by Slobo (who Serbs loved to support, sadly)...

04-26-2016, 07:00 PM
If the filthy Turks hadnt brought islam in the Balkans, people would get 1000x better.
Your mom is filthy

04-26-2016, 07:25 PM
Croats get along far less with Serbs than with Bosnjaks, if anything they have 0 against Bosnjaks / even actually like eachother, they have done nothing against them or vica versa, but Serbs oh my, you forgotten some history? Bosnjaks have done nothing against Serbs either ofcourse until they had to kindof get microscopically defensive after getting genocided by Slobo (who Serbs loved to support, sadly)...
Yeah, sure, a war with only one side doing anything to anyone :rolleyes: .

04-26-2016, 07:59 PM
You are way too stupid to understand what im getting get. Irregardless, I agree with the point you are trying to make. Well done.

04-26-2016, 10:02 PM
Croats get along far less with Serbs than with Bosnjaks, if anything they have 0 against Bosnjaks / even actually like eachother, they have done nothing against them or vica versa, but Serbs oh my, you forgotten some history? Bosnjaks have done nothing against Serbs either ofcourse until they had to kindof get microscopically defensive after getting genocided by Slobo (who Serbs loved to support, sadly)...

Holy fark you're dumb.

Bosnian Sajo
04-26-2016, 10:29 PM
Even the most nationalist Serbs and Croats will still proudly calll themselves 'Bosnians' if theyre from Bosnia. For them Bosnia is a geogaphical region and not an ethnicity. Its the same as an America calling himself a Californian or a Texan.

No they wont you ****ing dumbass, he is straight talking out his ass. The president of the Serb part of Bosnia (republika srpska, Milorad Dodik) said himself "we aren't Bosnian, we are Serbian".

There are a few here and there who will, but 90% claim they have nothing to do with Bosnia, even though they have lived their whole lives in the country!

I don't have a problem with Serbs as I don't really associate with them, but boy do they like to act like they are angels and point everything in the other direction. Sorry, but it's true. There are still millions who claim that there was no genocide in Bosnia (really....) and ALL OF THEM claim the war criminals who were FULLY responsible for said genocide, in the hopes that they could create a so called "greater serbia", as their heros. Straight up, they think Karadzic, Mladic, Seselj, etc. are all hero's of Serbia.

That's ****ed up.

This very Serbian poster earlier claimed that my ancestors were Serbian, and they converted to Islam. This dude has never met me in his life, doesn't even know my full name, yet knows where my ancestors come from. So arrogant, disgusting.

04-27-2016, 12:13 AM
First time agreeing with OP

Real Brotherhood and Unity is possible in the Balkans

Bosnian Sajo
04-27-2016, 01:36 AM

Need I say more? :lol

04-27-2016, 03:56 AM
Did you purposely leave out 500 years of Ottoman-Muslim enslavement of the Balkans? Must have skipped your mind.

There was no Genocide. There was a civil war where the Muslims unfortunately (for them) got their asses kicked, but just because you're the biggest loser of a war - doesn't mean its because of Genocide.

Official number of dead in the Bosnian Civil War are :

Muslim - 60 000 +
Serbs -30 000 +
Croats - 8000

People without an agenda or political angle to push laugh at the mention of genocide in the Balkans Wars. If that was genocide then every single war in history was genocide.

How would you know what they say? This is what you wrote in the next paragraph :

So how the fukc would you know what they say if you don't associate with them? How can you not associate with them when they make up over 34% of the population of your "country" (I use that term very loosely)?

Bosnian Sajo is a 'poturcin'. Meaning his ancestors were Serbs or Croats or Vlachs or Albanians who converted to the religion of his oppressors (the Ottomans) in order to avoid paying heavy taxes.

Hes too ashamed to admit his real history so he claims that his family are ethnic Turks from Serbia. He literally thinks hes an Ottoman Prince instead of what he really is - the descendant of Serbian peasants who stabbed their culture, religion, and people in the back. Theyre the Uncle Toms of the Balkans x10.

At least most Muslims can admit they're Slav-converts (while still refusing to admit their Croat, Vlach or Serb heritage) . This bloke though, hes made an elaborate story where hes the lost prince of Agrabah.

Thank god there is some more people on earth who can some truth to this region

Long live yugoslavia

04-27-2016, 04:40 AM
seeing how friendly the 5 balkan dudes have been in this thread.. OP is right.. 50+ mil people would get along just fine

04-27-2016, 05:26 AM
There was no Genocide. There was a civil war where the Muslims unfortunately (for them) got their asses kicked, but just because you're the biggest loser of a war - doesn't mean its because of Genocide.

Official number of dead in the Bosnian Civil War are :

Muslim - 60 000 +
Serbs -30 000 +
Croats - 8000

People without an agenda or political angle to push laugh at the mention of genocide in the Balkans Wars. If that was genocide then every single war in history was genocide.

Of those 60k, more were among civilians than militaries (while civilian deads of other sides were a way lower %).
8k bosnjaks of all ages killed in mass executions in Srebrenica alone.
What is a genocide if this is not one?

04-27-2016, 05:37 AM
Slavs are the nigs of Europe.

04-27-2016, 06:07 AM
There are lists of the people killed (http://web.archive.org/web/20131011055512/http://www.potocarimc.ba/_ba/liste/nestali_a.php) with their birthdates, and you can find people born as far as in 1907 (88 years of age at that time) or as close as in 1987 (8 years of age), not difficult to argue that they were not exactly militaries.

However the whole operation screams genocide whatever angle you look at it.
The responsibilities of the Dutch and the UN were acknowledged, this doesn't say anything about the intentions of the Serbs.

LBJ 23
04-27-2016, 06:35 AM
Yeah, nah.

If Srebrenica is a Genocide then so are the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The bombing of Dresden and September 11 attacks as well? What about the invasion of Iraq? Thousands died in the early days of the war by bombers.

A massacre yes. A Genocide no.

You're clearly Serb so it's hard for you to be objective when it comes to this topic. And like I said in one of the posts before, I have a very good friend who is also Serb and when it comes to your nation and your people your/his mind becomes blurry and you can't discuss anything rationally. And funny enough, with every Serb I meet it's always the same, your nation and your people are heroes who won everything and never commited anything ''wrong''.

And no, I'm not Bosniak, Croat, Turk nor Macedonian etc... so I don't have a horse in this race, but one thing I know for sure is that Serbs can't talk rationally about the history of their own nation.

04-27-2016, 08:58 AM
What about the Macedonians and the Bulgarians? Or the non-Slavs like the Greeks and Albanians? Greeks and Macedonians are also on unfriendly terms?

Hell half of Western Turkey is Balkan although that is debatable.

Bosnian Sajo
04-27-2016, 09:26 AM
What about the Macedonians and the Bulgarians? Or the non-Slavs like the Greeks and Albanians? Greeks and Macedonians are also on unfriendly terms?

Hell half of Western Turkey is Balkan although that is debatable.

And Bosniaks, lol. We are not Slavic.

You're clearly Serb so it's hard for you to be objective when it comes to this topic. And like I said in one of the posts before, I have a very good friend who is also Serb and when it comes to your nation and your people your/his mind becomes blurry and you can't discuss anything rationally. And funny enough, with every Serb I meet it's always the same, your nation and your people are heroes who won everything and never commited anything ''wrong''.

And no, I'm not Bosniak, Croat, Turk nor Macedonian etc... so I don't have a horse in this race, but one thing I know for sure is that Serbs can't talk rationally about the history of their own nation.

Exactly what I was saying, thank you. Everyone sees through em, idk who he thinks he is fooling other than himself. It's hilarious how he said we were "ill prepared" for the war...we were the same nation, dumbass! Why did Serbs go around to every stronghold in Bosnia (during yugoslavia, each city had an armory in the center of town full of ammunition/guns) and take all the goods? Saying they were "upgrading" it or whatever other lie it was.

See OP, it's not as simple as forget and forgive. This isn't the first war the countries have fought against each other (city where my fathers side ancestors came from is Uzice, which used to be like 95% Muslim...now, I DOUBT you could find a single Muslim living there.), Serbs have always wanted a "greater serbia" and their plan for that is simple (and inhuman). The agenda that was being followed was 1/3 Muslims to be killed, 1/3 to be converted, and 1/3 to be ran out from their homes and forced to move, so that a "greater serbia" can be achieved.

Nikola will deny it all day, same way he says only men of fighting age were massacred in Srebrenica, even though you'll find lists of names with women and children on there, including pregnant women.

Did I mention the concentration camps?

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vADGnqDkynw/TUM7xqxRLOI/AAAAAAAACJs/rJclaX-yJqQ/s640/Bosnian%2BGenocide%2B%2528Manjaca%2Bconcentration% 2Bcamp%2529%2B25.jpg


How am I supposed to get along with someone who claims these events never happened? I know not all Serbs are like that, of course. But for the most part, this is the reality...and it's not like Serbs from Serbia were the ones coming over and doing this (although they were supported by Serbia), it was the Serbs from Republika Srpska, which is IN BOSNIA, where they lived their whole lives side by side with us and then that shit turns in a SECOND.

That's why Bosnian and Albanians get along so well, we both went through the same bullshit, although we got the Shittier end of the stick because of how 90% of the former Yugoslav army equipment, etc. The serbs took control over, illegally. How else can nik explain Serbia being so much better equipped when months before the war (idr if it was even that long) we were the same country, same nation, "bratsvo jedinstvo" :hammerhead:


And to Jasi, :cheers: I'd talk more but I got class to attend.

04-27-2016, 09:31 AM
Slavs are the nigs of Europe.

If you mean some of the most oppressed people ever, then yes.
If you mean dominating athletically even with such few numbers, then also yes.

04-27-2016, 10:23 AM
Those balkan nations should really invest hardcore in the touristic sector, now that nobody wants to visist muslim countries anymore.

Spain/Italy hotel prices are going through the roof right now.

04-27-2016, 10:24 AM
Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Yugoslavia

Subotica, Vojvodina, Serbia, Yugoslavia


That is Prague.

04-27-2016, 10:28 AM
^ So what? Prague should be part of Serbia anyways.

I kid I kid

04-27-2016, 10:30 AM
^ So what? Prague should be part of Serbia anyways.

I kid I kid
I don't really understand why he's posting all those pictures anyway. Most of those places are really nothing special.

04-27-2016, 10:44 AM
I don't really understand why he's posting all those pictures anyway. Most of those places are really nothing special.
thats because he keeps posting serbian cities.. the most ordinary country in the balkan

04-27-2016, 11:03 AM
I don't really understand why he's posting all those pictures anyway. Most of those places are really nothing special.

While some he has posted are quite average, a lot or quite amazing.

One of the funny things is, a lot of people end up travelling to Europe wanting to see France, Spain and Italy, but funnily enough, a lot come back saying Croatia and Serbia were the most beautiful and their favourite out of the lot.

04-27-2016, 11:13 AM
Yo nikola maybe you should look up the definition of genocide
Its the "the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group" , radovan karadzic was found gulity of genocide not too long ago and you are still denying it ?

04-27-2016, 11:24 AM
As soon as islam is gone from the Balkans, things will get better. Not trying to defend Karadzic, but what he did is a step in the right direction
Islam is not the problem bosniaks are not really a religious group, its hate being passed on from generation to generation even here in austria kids who can barely speak their native language have a hate for the other ethnic group before they even turn old enough to drive a car

Nick Young
04-27-2016, 12:20 PM
Budva and Sveti Stefan, Montenegro, Yugoslavia






What a truly beautiful region of the world

04-27-2016, 12:41 PM
Yo nikola maybe you should look up the definition of genocide
Its the "the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group" , radovan karadzic was found gulity of genocide not too long ago and you are still denying it ?
Please. It becomes more and more obvious by the day that what westerners were shown and told about the Bosnian war was little more than a propaganda campaign, one which from that point forth justified American interventionism and militarism in a post Cold War world. It was just what the American military industrial complex wanted, and they used selective reporting to manipulate public opinion so as to justify their incessant warmongering and need to bomb people.

The idea that you can have a war like this, with only one side committing atrocities, is frankly laughable, and only the naive could believe it. How many western media outlets reported the fact that Bosnia had international mujahideen fighting for them, including members who later went on to become most wanted Al-Qaeda leaders, some of the most barbaric terrorists in the world? Now, if Canada and the US were at war, and the Canadian government was supporting, equipping and funding marauding raiders of Al-Qaeda, who were beheading US citizens, how would the US and its people respond? Well, we don't know, because US citizens have been rather protected from the ravages of war throughout the previous century. We do know, however, that the US committed horrific atrocities against the South (as did the South towards the North--tis usually the way in prolonged and embittered wars) in its own Civil War, and no-one calls that "genocide"--this included "concentration" camps where people died by the thousands, and were tortured for breaking the rules, and more southern civilians were killed than Bosniak civilians, in an era when it was more difficult to do so. We also know that it has bombed to death thousands of civilians to combat these same terrorists.


What happened in Rwanda was genocide, what happened to the Armenians was genocide, or the Jews, or East Timor; these were genocides, what happened in Bosnia is not comparable, and thus should not be held under the same category; all calling it genocide does, is provide a timeless warrant for the US to intervene, wherever it chooses, whenever the practices of war become vicious, which they almost always do.

04-27-2016, 12:41 PM
Heard of this?:

Rasim Delic was born on 4 February 1949 in Celic in the Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina. From the outset he took up a military career in the Yugoslav People’s Army.

On 8 June 1993, the Presidency of Bosnia Herzegovina appointed Delic Chief of Staff of the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina..(ABiH)

On the very same day, according to the Indictment, 200 Bosnian Croat civilians and soldiers were arrested by forces of the Bosnian army following fighting in or around the village of Maline. An order was given to them to march in the direction of Mehurici, a village situated a few kilometres from Maline. Just as they were approaching the village of Poljanice, not far from Mehurici, a group of around 10 Mujahedin and Bosnian Muslim soldiers , ordered the prisoners to halt. Approximately 35 to 40 men were taken out of the formation and given the order to go back in the direction of Maline.

Shortly afterwards, this group was joined by another, smaller, group which had also been captured in Maline. Following this, they were given the order to stand in line, close to the village of Bikosi . The Mujahedin then opened up fire shooting indiscriminately at the group and finishing of any survivors with a bullet to the head.

According to the indictment, Rasim Delic was said to have been informed about these murders but did not undertake the necessary and reasonable measures to punish the perpetrators of this crime.

According to the indictment, on 21 July 1995, two soldiers from the Bosnian Serb forces (VRS) were captured and subsequently beheaded by members of the Bosnian army. Other soldiers, taken prisoner on the same day, were said to have been severely beaten over several days and then taken to the Kamenica camp. A third soldier was reported to have been decapitated there on 24 July 1995. The other prisoners were said to have been given the order to kiss the head, which was then put on display in the room where they were being held.

The prisoners in the Kamenica camp were reportedly beaten and tortured, on occasion by means of electrical shocks.

According to the indictment, on 11 September 1995, around 60 soldiers from the VRS were taken prisoner by the Bosnian army, at the same time as several civilians including three women. This group was transferred to the camp in Kamenica.

The 60 soldiers taken prisoner disappeared thereafter and are presumed to be dead.

As for the three women the indictment states that they were subjected to acts of violence, and sexual assault in particular to rape. They were released on 15 November 1995.

Another group of 10 soldiers from the VRS was also taken to the Kamenica camp on or around 17 September 1995. They were all subjected to cruel treatment there during a period of about 12 days.

According to the indictment, Rasim Delic was aware that the Mujahedin members of the Bosnian army had a distinct tendency to commit crimes especially against captured enemy combatants and civilians and that the Kamenica camp was being used as a place in which these crimes could be perpetrated. Reportedly, however, he took no measures whatsoever to stop these acts taking place.

I doubt it. This is one example of many incidences.

Whenever one side in a war is being portrayed as all good and helpless, and the other all bad and "genocidal", it is almost always a sure sign that you are being lied to for nefarious reasons.

04-27-2016, 12:53 PM
Please. It becomes more and more obvious by the day that what westerners were shown and told about the Bosnian war was little more than a propaganda campaign, one which from that point forth justified American interventionism and militarism in a post Cold War world. It was just what the American military industrial complex wanted, and they used selective reporting to manipulate public opinion so as to justify their incessant warmongering and need to bomb people.

The idea that you can have a war like this, with only one side committing atrocities, is frankly laughable, and only the naive could believe it. How many western media outlets reported the fact that Bosnia had international mujahideen fighting for them, including members who later went on to become most wanted Al-Qaeda leaders, some of the most barbaric terrorists in the world? Now, if Canada and the US were at war, and the Canadian government was supporting, equipping and funding marauding raiders of Al-Qaeda, who were beheading US citizens, how would the US and its people respond? Well, we don't know, because US citizens have been rather protected from the ravages of war throughout the previous century. We do know, however, that the US committed horrific atrocities against the South (as did the South towards the North--tis usually the way in prolonged and embittered wars) in its own Civil War, and no-one calls that "genocide"--this included "concentration" camps where people died by the thousands, and were tortured for breaking the rules, and more southern civilians were killed than Bosniak civilians, in an era when it was more difficult to do so. We also know that it has bombed to death thousands of civilians to combat these same terrorists.


What happened in Rwanda was genocide, what happened to the Armenians was genocide, or the Jews, or East Timor; these were genocides, what happened in Bosnia is not comparable, and thus should not be held under the same category; all calling it genocide does, is provide a timeless warrant for the US to intervene, wherever it chooses, whenever the practices of war become vicious, which they almost always do.

The scale of it has little to do with the definition.
It's a genocide when you implement a specific plan to exterminate people based on their ethnicity.
If you manage to kill 5,000 or 5 millions is irrelevant when it comes to judging your motivations.

This is not to decide which side was right or wrong, there's hardly ever any "right" in a war, but it's just to call things by their names.

04-27-2016, 01:18 PM
The scale of it has little to do with the definition.
It's a genocide when you implement a specific plan to exterminate people based on their ethnicity.
If you manage to kill 5,000 or 5 millions is irrelevant when it comes to judging your motivations.

This is not to decide which side was right or wrong, there's hardly ever any "right" in a war, but it's just to call things by their names.
So in 3 years of attempted genocide they only managed to take out 30,000 non-combatants? This was despite their shelling Sarajevo for years without the outside world doing a thing?

Tis the least efficient attempted genocide in human history then. The numbers simply don't add up. If it was truly genocide then there would have been far, far more civilian deaths than there were. An isolated event (or even several) of indiscriminate slaughter does not constitute a genocide, as that would make the vast majority of wars in human history genocidal. Genocide is a systematic attempt to eradicate a certain subset of people from the face of the Earth, which this was not.

04-27-2016, 01:19 PM
What don't you understand about what he said Jasi?

The Bosniaks (Muslims) were fighting the Serbs.

The Serbs were fighting the Bosniaks.

Each had to kill the other in order to win the war.

One side (the Serbs) were better and more successful at it than the other thanks to better training, equipment, and military personnel.

That doesn't mean they were trying to wipe the entire group out of existence (which is the accepted definition of Genocide).

Seriously, how can anyone argue that it was genocide, when the numbers of dead are 60 000 + for the Muslims (out of a population of 1.8 million) vs 30 000 for the Serbs (out of a population of 1.3 million).

I don't know what you fail to understand about what I say.
I'll put it down easy for you.
It is "ok" to kill enemy soldiers during a war.
It is a war crime to intentionally, specifically kill civilians.
It is a genocide if you plan and implement mass executions of civilians.

% of civilians killed on total casualties
Bosnia: 51%
Serbia: 16%

Notice any difference?

04-27-2016, 01:22 PM
I don't know what you fail to understand about what I say.
I'll put it down easy for you.
It is "ok" to kill enemy soldiers during a war.
It is a war crime to intentionally, specifically kill civilians.
It is a genocide if you plan and implement mass executions of civilians.

% of civilians killed on total casualties
Bosnia: 51%
Serbia: 16%

Notice any difference?
Ok, then you should bring in Harry Truman and Winston Churchill to the genocide club. Also Abe Lincoln (who purposely brought in generals who were savage proponents of total war, which was only a step away from the tactics of the Nazis), and many others. Again, calling one genocide and not excusing the other just goes to show how effective western propaganda has been over the years.

04-27-2016, 01:26 PM
So in 3 years of attempted genocide they only managed to take out 30,000 non-combatants? This was despite their shelling Sarajevo for years without the outside world doing a thing?

Tis the least efficient attempted genocide in human history then. The numbers simply don't add up. If it was truly genocide then there would have been far, far more civilian deaths than there were. An isolated event (or even several) of indiscriminate slaughter does not constitute a genocide, as that would make the vast majority of wars in human history genocidal. Genocide is a systematic attempt to eradicate a certain subset of people from the face of the Earth, which this was not.

The official UN definition includes the "in part" wording.
Now if you don't accept it it is another story.
However, I agree with it.
When you unnecessarily slaughter thousands of civilians, it is obvious that your motivations are not strategic but rather racial.

04-27-2016, 01:27 PM
Jasi, do you consider the massacres committed by Italians on Croat, Slovene, and Serb soldiers during World War 2 as Genocide? Or is that just apart of war? I would like to know how you compare these actions with the ones committed by the Bosnian-Serb army in Srebrenica...

Indeed I do.
Unlike you, I try to judge objectively, without being biased by my nationality.

04-27-2016, 01:39 PM
The atomic bombings are one of the most horrible events in the history of humanity but do you really think that the Allies had racial hate towards the Japanese?
The bombing was done as a (horribly oversized and criminal) strategic step in the war.
And even though at that time there was no specific treaty about the "allowed scope" of aerial attacks, I personally consider it a war crime.

Damn you guys making me look like I am defending the US :lol Close the internet.

04-27-2016, 02:05 PM
abandoned the city he had held/defended for three years - without a fight - and left his civilians defenseless and prime for the slaughter.

Dude you are literally describing genocide, there was no need for the killing of civilians especially kids and women they could have just held them captured

04-27-2016, 02:12 PM
Please. It becomes more and more obvious by the day that what westerners were shown and told about the Bosnian war was little more than a propaganda campaign, one which from that point forth justified American interventionism and militarism in a post Cold War world. It was just what the American military industrial complex wanted, and they used selective reporting to manipulate public opinion so as to justify their incessant warmongering and need to bomb people.

The idea that you can have a war like this, with only one side committing atrocities, is frankly laughable, and only the naive could believe it. How many western media outlets reported the fact that Bosnia had international mujahideen fighting for them, including members who later went on to become most wanted Al-Qaeda leaders, some of the most barbaric terrorists in the world? Now, if Canada and the US were at war, and the Canadian government was supporting, equipping and funding marauding raiders of Al-Qaeda, who were beheading US citizens, how would the US and its people respond? Well, we don't know, because US citizens have been rather protected from the ravages of war throughout the previous century. We do know, however, that the US committed horrific atrocities against the South (as did the South towards the North--tis usually the way in prolonged and embittered wars) in its own Civil War, and no-one calls that "genocide"--this included "concentration" camps where people died by the thousands, and were tortured for breaking the rules, and more southern civilians were killed than Bosniak civilians, in an era when it was more difficult to do so. We also know that it has bombed to death thousands of civilians to combat these same terrorists.


What happened in Rwanda was genocide, what happened to the Armenians was genocide, or the Jews, or East Timor; these were genocides, what happened in Bosnia is not comparable, and thus should not be held under the same category; all calling it genocide does, is provide a timeless warrant for the US to intervene, wherever it chooses, whenever the practices of war become vicious, which they almost always do.
The **** are you even arguing, my point is what happened in Srebrenica was genocide and if you look at what happened there and look up the definitions of genocide, with the added bonus that the people responsible for it were prosecuted for genocide it should be obvious for any sane person that it was in fact genocide. I know that you like to write a lot to display your pseudo intellectualism but next time do the smart thing and don't sway off topic.
Also can you show me were i said that only the serbs commited atrocities ?

LBJ 23
04-27-2016, 02:16 PM
You need to let go of all of your hate and realize that all sides did wrong during that terrible war. [/I]

You keep saying this. Now, I know it's completely different blahblahblah, but to get my point across, in WW2 also both ''sides'' did wrong. Russians did terrible things to German civilians, partizans doing crazy things to German hostages(I know, it happened in my village) but that doesn't mean that both ''sides'' were equally guilty and that's the end of it. Obviously one side was the aggressor and the ONLY constant which faced many different nations in that war.

Now, how come Serbs had problems with Slovenians first, then Croats and Bosniaks? How come the only constant in all this are Serbs while other nations had no problems at all between eachother? Slovenians and Croats being neighbours, no need for war there. Croats and Bosniaks? But Serbs(poor victim nation as you want to spin it) had problems with everyone? It's obvious that the only constant and aggressor in all those wars was Serbia, of course there was war and ugly shit happened on all sides but you can't just spin it ''yeah all sides did wrong so we are all equally guilty''.

04-27-2016, 02:17 PM
Yes, yes I do. Much more than the Serbs would have had against fellow white Slavs who spoke the same language.

http://www.************.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/World_War_II_Patriotic_Posters_USA_Conservation_To kio_Kid_SayLG.png



They also held them in concentration camps...




And the Srebrenica Massacre wasnt? Srebrenica was the last Muslim stronghold/enclave within what would soon be recognized by the Dayton Agreement as Republika Srpska (the Serbian constitutional entity of Bosnia-Hercegovina).

It was also a Muslim safe zone , as well as the home of the Bosnian-Muslim army and its greatest commander of the war ; Naser Oric (who was actually Slobodan Milosevic's personal bodyguard before the fighting began).

There's a reason there were so many Serbs stationed around the town for so long - they were expecting a huge battle that could win them the war.......but in the end Naser Oric (and his Muslim army), for reasons still not known, abandoned the city he had held/defended for three years - without a fight - and left his civilians defenseless and prime for the slaughter.

Why did he do this? Many argue that he got the orders from Izetbegovic, who in turn got his from the Americans. In their eyes if Srebrenica fell it would give the Americans an excuse to enter the war on the side of the Muslims, defeat the Serbs, and end the war (securing their own foothold in the Balkans). They believe that Izetbegovic, under pressure from the Americans, sacrificed his own people to end the war. Many Bosniaks still blame Izetbegovic for what happened in Srebrenica....

Man I am not debating the Bosnians and Americans' motivations. But what was the reason to kill civilians at that point, once the stronghold was taken?

Regarding the Usa- Japan posters... There is a not so slight difference between ethnic hate in general, and propaganda during wartime. Japan was the enemy in 1945 and was portrayed as such. BosnianSajo Muslims were the rival ethnic/religious group in the territory for centuries.

EDIT - lol at the automatic correction

LBJ 23
04-27-2016, 02:21 PM
There's a reason there were so many Serbs stationed around the town for so long - they were expecting a huge battle that could win them the war.......but in the end Naser Oric (and his Muslim army), for reasons still not known, abandoned the city he had held/defended for three years - without a fight - and left his civilians defenseless and prime for the slaughter.


And you're a liar and hypocrite too. Firstly with your debate with Jasi you say that Srebrenica was mostly ''men in military'' and you tried to sell us that no civilians(elder people and kids) were killed. Then, you get exposed by Jasi posting birth dates of people killed there and now you go and post this paragraph. So you knew all along that there was no military in Srebrenica as this paragraph clearly shows, but you still tried to sell us that shit and throw out that bait.

It's also funny how in that paragraph you try to spin everything like it was Bosniaks fault in the end for the slaughter. ''Yeah, military left so it perfectly normal to expect Serbs slaughter all the civilians, it's Bosniaks military fault''. Pathetic

And I'm not even freking Bosniak or anything but you Serbs really live in your own world when it comes to the history of your own nation like I said in one of the posts before.

Bosnian Sajo
04-27-2016, 03:07 PM
And you're a liar and hypocrite too. Firstly with your debate with Jasi you say that Srebrenica was mostly ''men in military'' and you tried to sell us that no civilians(elder people and kids) were killed. Then, you get exposed by Jasi posting birth dates of people killed there and now you go and post this paragraph. So you knew all along that there was no military in Srebrenica as this paragraph clearly shows, but you still tried to sell us that shit and throw out that bait.

It's also funny how in that paragraph you try to spin everything like it was Bosniaks fault in the end for the slaughter. ''Yeah, military left so it perfectly normal to expect Serbs slaughter all the civilians, it's Bosniaks military fault''. Pathetic

And I'm not even freking Bosniak or anything but you Serbs really live in your own world when it comes to the history of your own nation like I said in one of the posts before.

Absolutely bro, now you know what I mean from my earlier posts.

Bosnian Sajo
04-27-2016, 03:12 PM
Hilarious how Nick starts the controversial threads and just sits back while we dance for his entertainment :lol


04-27-2016, 03:55 PM
The official UN definition includes the "in part" wording.
Now if you don't accept it it is another story.
However, I agree with it.
When you unnecessarily slaughter thousands of civilians, it is obvious that your motivations are not strategic but rather racial.
Look, this isn't even officially classified as a genocide (and it kinda was):


If this, or the German treatment of Slavs, or the Russian treatment of the Germans, are not considered genocide, then what happened in Bosnia really has no claim to the title whatsoever. The fact that the numbers were low, and the famous genocidal massacre was predominantly of males, shows that the massacre was not an indiscriminate attempt at eradication, and therefore not genocide. Mass murder is not the same as genocide. To call every mass murder of a different cultural, religious or ethnic group "genocide" is to dilute the term into pointlessness (it might as well not exist--what's wrong with "ethnic cleansing" exactly?).

Again, your definition means that the fire bombing of Dresden (and other German cities) was genocide, as was the dropping of the atomic bomb. The American bombing of Vietnam should also be classified as genocide. Such a loose and malleable definition just allows what is and what is not genocide to be determined according to the dictates of expedience, by whatever powers dominate the geopolitical arena (i.e. America).

The German destruction of Warsaw wasn't genocide, though it was a horrific war crime. It was the last spiteful retaliation of the failing nazi war effort. I am Polish, and have no reason not to claim it as such, but I can simply acknowledge there was no real attempt to systematically exterminate the Polish people, except by Ukrainians.

The **** are you even arguing, my point is what happened in Srebrenica was genocide and if you look at what happened there and look up the definitions of genocide, with the added bonus that the people responsible for it were prosecuted for genocide it should be obvious for any sane person that it was in fact genocide. I know that you like to write a lot to display your pseudo intellectualism but next time do the smart thing and don't sway off topic.
Also can you show me were i said that only the serbs commited atrocities ?
Oh, what a surprise: you can't even understand the point i'm making, so you instead opt for an ad hominem diatribe to help hide your obvious lack of knowledge and understanding.


My point was crystal clear: that what happened in Bosnia was only called genocide for reasons of political expedience, so as to justify American interventionism, and its result, in the long-run, has been hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by now two decades of apparently humanitarian war-making. Learn to read, and learn how to construct an argument. Hint: "you can't be sane if you disagree with me" is not an argument, it is the vacuous cant of a poorly-informed fanatic, one incapable of addressing facts and evidence, and whose beliefs are so set in stone as to be unbreakable. It is the language of a cultist.

edit: forgot link

04-27-2016, 08:18 PM
By seeking to eliminate a part of the Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian Serb forces committed genocide. They targeted for extinction the forty thousand Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica, a group that was emblematic of Bosnian Muslims in general. They stripped all the male Muslim prisoners, military and civilian, elderly and young, of their personal belongings and identification, and deliberately and methodically killed them solely on the basis of their identity. The Bosnian Serb forces were aware, when they embarked on this genocidal venture, that the harm they caused would continue to plague the Bosnian Muslims. The Appeals Chamber states unequivocally that the law condemns, in appropriate terms, the deep and lasting injury inflicted, and calls the massacre at Srebrenica by its proper name: genocide.

Its internationally recognized as genocide. Do you have any proof that it was only called that to justify the American intervention? Because if you don't its a conspiracy theory and i wouldn't say that that is a sane mans argument.
Also calling the mujaheedins al kaida is once again nothing more than a made up theory.

04-27-2016, 08:25 PM

04-27-2016, 08:49 PM
Hilarious how Nick starts the controversial threads and just sits back while we dance for his entertainment :lol


It's educational for the non-serbs, croats, bosnians etc.

04-27-2016, 08:54 PM
Serbs, Croats and Bosnians...

They're the same race bruh just different religions.

But either way they frail in comparison to the Albanians the ubermensch of the balkans. Slavs, Turks, Greeks have been pushing our shit in for centuries because they know they need to cage the beast.

04-27-2016, 09:29 PM
Its internationally recognized as genocide. Do you have any proof that it was only called that to justify the American intervention? Because if you don't its a conspiracy theory and i wouldn't say that that is a sane mans argument.
Also calling the mujaheedins al kaida is once again nothing more than a made up theory.
Yes, because the word has become heavily politicised: that's my whole point.

This guy, was one of many mujahideen fighting in Bosnia who were prominent Al-Qaeda members:


Now you're just denying plain facts.

04-27-2016, 09:33 PM
Once again do you have any proof fort that

Ironically you are the one denying facts :oldlol:

Nick Young
04-27-2016, 09:33 PM
Hilarious how Nick starts the controversial threads and just sits back while we dance for his entertainment :lol

Bro I just want y'alls to get along. Unity is possible!

04-27-2016, 09:46 PM
Yes, because the word has become heavily politicised: that's my whole point.

This guy, was one of many mujahideen fighting in Bosnia who were prominent Al-Qaeda members:


Now you're just denying plain facts.

Yes, there was mujahideen fighting in Bosnia but that was a result of mass slaughtering of Bosnian Muslim populations by Serbian paramilitary.

It's also reported that they(Mujahideen) were very ineffective and even conflicted with the Bosnians due to differences in views & culture. They(Mujahideen) were essentially an independent fighting force by the end of the war with their own goals and objectives.

Nick Young
04-27-2016, 11:30 PM
Well isnt that convenient. :oldlol: :oldlol:

Is that why Bosnia today is the number one hot bed for training Islamic terrorists in Europe? Because the Serbs made them do it hey?




04-28-2016, 12:00 AM
Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks etc.... ex Yugoslavians... are slavic groups with same culture, upbringing and language, same shit with different ideologies, even though a very extremly tiny portion of Bosniaks can also have some Turkish heritage.... but then again actually many of us ex Yugoslavians are also "mixed" if you look into your roots (a balkan dude just needs to ask his grandpa) like me for example (half Bosniak-Croat, i have some Slovenian-Montenegrin-Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian/Bosniak relatives allover ex. Yugoslavia and i am so proud of it, nothing but love).... but i or any of us wouldnt be a "mix" if Yugoslavia was still around, you would be simply be called a Yugoslavian.

See, there is ridicilously vast & epic history in ex. Yugoslavia... politics messed up a beautiful country, everything was working fine until hell took place, even though its peaceful today we are not united.... and its cool, but still messed up, can you imagine USA's states dividing, becoming its own "countries" all of the sudden now, all the same people speaking same language (different idelogoies, dialects, who cares, i like color green u like color blue we are different!?) acting like "we are not the same", its something like that.... MESSED UP... STUPID....

Anyways, I drool at our soccer roster atm if it all were Yugoslavia again... :P Basketball kinda aswell, remember 80s/early 90s Yugoslavia Basketball? Damn...

Nick Young
04-28-2016, 02:15 AM
Continued II

Bro, you have to learn to love and respect your fellow Balkans neighbors. Only then can true coexistence and friendship be achieved.



04-28-2016, 02:49 AM
Hey Nick what about you? Whats your ethnicity and-or ideology?

Nick Young
04-28-2016, 02:54 AM
Hey Nick what about you? Whats your ethnicity and-or ideology?
Ethnicity-white American jew
Ideology-we can all coexist and be peaceful brahs :rockon:

04-28-2016, 02:59 AM
Ethnicity-white American jew
Ideology-we can all coexist and be peaceful brahs :rockon:

Oh snap! Shalom bro!

Nick Young
04-28-2016, 03:04 AM
Oh snap! Shalom bro!
peace be upon you brother, and all brothers, bros and bras out there. Even the brodettes.

04-28-2016, 03:34 AM
Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks etc.... ex Yugoslavians... are slavic groups with same culture, upbringing and language, same shit with different ideologies, even though a very extremly tiny portion of Bosniaks can also have some Turkish heritage.... but then again actually many of us ex Yugoslavians are also "mixed" if you look into your roots (a balkan dude just needs to ask his grandpa) like me for example (half Bosniak-Croat, i have some Slovenian-Montenegrin-Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian/Bosniak relatives allover ex. Yugoslavia and i am so proud of it, nothing but love).... but i or any of us wouldnt be a "mix" if Yugoslavia was still around, you would be simply be called a Yugoslavian.

See, there is ridicilously vast & epic history in ex. Yugoslavia... politics messed up a beautiful country, everything was working fine until hell took place, even though its peaceful today we are not united.... and its cool, but still messed up, can you imagine USA's states dividing, becoming its own "countries" all of the sudden now, all the same people speaking same language (different idelogoies, dialects, who cares, i like color green u like color blue we are different!?) acting like "we are not the same", its something like that.... MESSED UP... STUPID....

Anyways, I drool at our soccer roster atm if it all were Yugoslavia again... :P Basketball kinda aswell, remember 80s/early 90s Yugoslavia Basketball? Damn...

I guess you live somwhere else...only crazy people can dream of yugoslavia right now after all that has happened in the past

04-28-2016, 04:10 AM
I guess you live somwhere else...only crazy people can dream of yugoslavia right now after all that has happened in the past

Correct, but... its a good dream.

Nick Young
04-28-2016, 04:18 AM
Yugoslavia will one day reunite. Where there are dreams there is hope. Where there is hope, there is reunification :rockon:


04-28-2016, 08:01 AM
Hes given you all the proof. You're just too stupid and lacking in critical analysis skills to be able to figure out things for yourself. What you need is an article from CNN or a news report from Der Speigel to tell you what to think. :oldlol: :oldlol:
No he has exactly zero proof, he can't cite one credible source to agree with him

04-28-2016, 11:13 AM
Bosniaks and Albos the only people in Europe pathetic enough to convert to Islam, *******s.

Spain was occupied for hundreds of years, Greece too, none of them converted, damn that's weak Bosniaks.

Albos are a people from Caucasus though, the one's who call themselves Shiptari, those swarthies are not native Europeans, but people brought there under Ottoman rule.

04-28-2016, 10:06 PM
Bosniaks and Albos the only people in Europe pathetic enough to convert to Islam, *******s.

Spain was occupied for hundreds of years, Greece too, none of them converted, damn that's weak Bosniaks.

Albos are a people from Caucasus though, the one's who call themselves Shiptari, those swarthies are not native Europeans, but people brought there under Ottoman rule.

On the contrary, it takes sincerity, discipline, being able to control one's appetite and sleep, waking up very early, respect to parents and the elderly, a hardworking attitude, a desire to spiritually evolve and good character to convert to Islam. Virtues I've witnessed in heaps amongst the hardworking Albanian and Bosnian population in the States. Virtues that are necessary for the trials they've endured throughout their life. Virtues that would help Greece and Spain float better economically. And they have the sense to question whether a mortal man is God.
While praying, theystate "I bear witness of the Oneness on God and that Muhammad is the Last Messenger," and state this testimony knowing God watches them, meaning they can not be Muslims if they do not truly believe. Thus, coercion would have not worked either way. It also takes strength to walk a tune different to your resident continent.

Weakness, egoism, racism, ostentation, separating people into little partitions and passing judgment on them (as an ignorant twerp), being drunk little gluttons, being enslaved to the material world, thinking this world is the only life, and whatever your filthy mind thinks to be strong is what blocks you fail to embrace the Straight Path.

I guarantee the average Albanian/Bosniak schoolboy can smash you (or a greek or a spaniard) in wrestling, get by through tougher resources, school you in math and the sciences, and can be counted on to stay strong if being tortured.

The people of Indonesia converted to Islam without any oppression enforced in them. Take one visit there and you'll witness how superior their character and consciousness is to trash like you, f*ckboy.

04-29-2016, 06:08 AM
the ottomans should have went easy on the east europeans and hard in the middle east...maybe the arabs wouldn't have the balls to backstab us if that happened.

^J$ on savage time tho:applause:

04-29-2016, 06:22 AM
Why could you want to unite former Yugoslavian countries again? They have little shared history, little shared culture and little shared beliefs.

Its like saying Israel and Lebanon should unite.

04-29-2016, 06:28 AM
Why could you want to unite former Yugoslavian countries again? They have little shared history, little shared culture and little shared beliefs.

Its like saying Israel and Lebanon should unite.

Lefties like Nick Young always dream of a world without cultural borders. They want a new world government.

04-29-2016, 02:58 PM
How have they not got shared history or culture? They lived with eachother for hundreds of years. Sure there was certain times when they fought against one another, but there were also many times they fought together. Sure theres some differences (mostly religion) ; but Germany , England, Ireland etc all had wars between protestants and Catholics as well.

The culture of the people is actually much more similar than other areas of the world

Not "no". Little.

They have shared history. Like Spain and Portugal or Germany and the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden have shared history. Doenst mean they are not totally different countries with totally different cultures and inhabitants. Israel and Egypt. Iran and Turkey. India and Pakistan. North Korea and South Korea.

Want to combine all those countries? Sure.

04-29-2016, 03:01 PM
people convert cuz of teh munny

Yes I am familiar with both systems. Oh how joyful you must have felt thinking a being half way around the world that never stepped foot in Balkan land doesn't know two details of history and therefore surely can't understand religious belief! Yayyy NikolaTesla ego you go show that dumb American neanderthal international politics and son him!

Talk about missing the forest for the trees, clown. .

A human being is neither an integrated human being nor a sincere Muslim if it only takes economic hardship to change their deep rooted beliefs and identity. Why would martyrdom and testimonies and trials through ones life to affirm their faith exist otherwise?

But apparently you think it does. What does that say about you?

What does sticking up for the evils of one nation and persistently rewriting genocide while slandering the opposition of a leader who is not even a legitimate scholar say about the condition of your heart?

What does clinging on to the achievements of one human individual (who happened to be born in the same nation) who himself states the "Secrets of the Universe are all in the energy and vibration".. A principle already adopted and practiced through rigorous prayer and Dhikr, teach you?

Fiba basketball
04-29-2016, 04:12 PM

For me this movie says it all about the war and I would recommend it to everyone

As for ex Yugoslavian countries being friends I think that will never happen because of politicians who instead of trying to make peace between countries are just making things worse by arguing and insulting each other on national bases so they could get people to vote for them.

Truth be told people who other nations the most are mostly kids who weren't even born at that time which only shows who much can someone be brainwashed by the media.

Nick Young
05-02-2016, 04:25 PM
The Balkans must unite. Friendship is possible.

05-02-2016, 05:30 PM
We should try be united in sports tho, world cup/olympics at least... always facepalm & chuckle when i see two teams full of "-vic's"/yugos playing against eachother, often can even be a bosniak/croatian/slovenian etc. from croatia/bosnia/serbia playing on the serbian/croatian/whatever team against bosnia or whatever, a serbian playing on bosnian team against serbia and so on... messed up... not to mention yugo blood with even more different citizenships (zlatan?)...

Like wtf, hajde, stop messing around, unite and start pwning... fukk can you imagine the football team like:

Handanovic (GK, one of the best GKs in the world)
Begovic (GK, awesome GK)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic (best ST in the world imo)
Modric (best midfielder in the world)
Pjanic (one of the best midfielders & freekick takers in the world)
Rakitic (one of the best midfielders in the world)
Mandzukic (super ST)
Matic (super defender)
Vidic (super defender)
Dzeko (great ST)
Perisic (great midfielder)
Srna (great defender)
Ivanovic (great defender)
Subotic (great defender)
Kampl (great midfielder)
Savic (great defender)
Ljajic (great winger)
Kovacic (great midfielder)
Kolarov (great defender)
Lulic (great midfielder)
Spahic (great defender)


05-02-2016, 08:34 PM
I know some of you guys like to think that the West destroyed Yugoslavia (there may be some validity to that argument) but the notion that the different ethnic groups would be living peacefully today is a bit misleading.

Lets be real. The only reason Yugoslavia was a "multicultural" society was because Tito crushed nationalism and people would be jailed for showing nationalism. By all means he was a dictator(a somewhat fair one) that crushed any turmoil. Tito created a state that branded loyalty to the state and to the party. He ruled with an iron fist and people were scared of him.

We know of the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the so called "Brothers" were massacring each other and the centuries old conflicts before. Truthfully, the only thing holding back the conflict in the 90's from occurring earlier was Tito. Once Tito died it gave the nationalists the green light for their independent motives. Also with a weak and crashing Yugoslav economy in the 80's & 90's (compared to the strong economy in the decade before) gave people more of a reason to be discontent.

I also like to point out another fallacy of Yugoslavia being some sort of multi ethnic paradise. If you were a slav, then yes, Yugoslavia may have been some sort of pan-slavic utopia. But if you were a non-slav ethnic group like the Albanians you faced severe discrimination. Not being able to practice your own language, no investment going to your areas, facing severe discrimination in employment where your people are the overwhelming majority(it was reported that 90% of the state jobs in Kosovo were given to the Serbs despite the region being 90% Albanian) and being jailed for showing any sense of nationalism(Kosovo was considered a police state).

05-02-2016, 10:26 PM
On the contrary, it takes sincerity, discipline, being able to control one's appetite and sleep, waking up very early, respect to parents and the elderly, a hardworking attitude, a desire to spiritually evolve and good character to convert to Islam. Virtues I've witnessed in heaps amongst the hardworking Albanian and Bosnian population in the States. Virtues that are necessary for the trials they've endured throughout their life. Virtues that would help Greece and Spain float better economically. And they have the sense to question whether a mortal man is God.
While praying, theystate "I bear witness of the Oneness on God and that Muhammad is the Last Messenger," and state this testimony knowing God watches them, meaning they can not be Muslims if they do not truly believe. Thus, coercion would have not worked either way. It also takes strength to walk a tune different to your resident continent.

Weakness, egoism, racism, ostentation, separating people into little partitions and passing judgment on them (as an ignorant twerp), being drunk little gluttons, being enslaved to the material world, thinking this world is the only life, and whatever your filthy mind thinks to be strong is what blocks you fail to embrace the Straight Path.

I guarantee the average Albanian/Bosniak schoolboy can smash you (or a greek or a spaniard) in wrestling, get by through tougher resources, school you in math and the sciences, and can be counted on to stay strong if being tortured.

The people of Indonesia converted to Islam without any oppression enforced in them. Take one visit there and you'll witness how superior their character and consciousness is to trash like you, f*ckboy.

The schisma between what muslims claim to be and what they actually do couldn't be further apart.

For example, claiming that seeing a woman not in burka makes them completely unable to control themselves, that is not the sign of dicipline but the complete lack of it. If you had dicipline you wouldn't fear your own lust by seeing some bare female flesh.

Likewise with alchohol, if you had dicipline you wouldn't fear yourself intoxicated because you could still control yourself.

People of Northern Europe for this reason don't trust people who don't drink, because they know that alchohol brings out the true character of someone. Seeing how someone behaves when drunk (happy, sad, angry) reveals the true nature of people.

As written so clearly in the Havamal (advice from Odin):

When he meets friends, the fool gapes,
Is shy and sheepish at first,
Then he sips his mead and immediately
All know what an oaf he is

Read more: https://www.ragweedforge.com/havamal.html

Nick Young
05-03-2016, 12:05 AM
The schisma between what muslims claim to be and what they actually do couldn't be further apart.

For example, claiming that seeing a woman not in burka makes them completely unable to control themselves, that is not the sign of dicipline but the complete lack of it. If you had dicipline you wouldn't fear your own lust by seeing some bare female flesh.

Likewise with alchohol, if you had dicipline you wouldn't fear yourself intoxicated because you could still control yourself.

People of Northern Europe for this reason don't trust people who don't drink, because they know that alchohol brings out the true character of someone. Seeing how someone behaves when drunk (happy, sad, angry) reveals the true nature of people.

As written so clearly in the Havamal (advice from Odin):

When he meets friends, the fool gapes,
Is shy and sheepish at first,
Then he sips his mead and immediately
All know what an oaf he is

Read more: https://www.ragweedforge.com/havamal.html
Exactly. Sexual repression does not equal discipline and happiness.

Sex is natural and repressing your sexuality goes against nature. It also probably explains why so many of these guys are so pissed off and angry all the time and are so easy to radicalize and turn in to psychotic terrorists. That's what happens when you repress an important part of your identity as a human being.

I used to go to high school in a Muslim country. The Muslim dudes all used to have weekend parties where they'd get drugged up and bang each other. Apparently buttsex doesn't count against Allah according to them. I am not the only one saying this happens. Look up what goes down in Afghanistan and Iraq if you don't believe me, not to mention amongst rich Saudis and Emiratis and Kuwaitis.

Gay buttsex is widespread across the entire middle east. They respect the woman so much they refuse to touch them until marriage, so instead they bang each other. Is that what the Koran tells them to do? I doubt it.

Repressed sexuality also explains these organized rape gangs and attacks that have been going on.

It obviously isn't healthy for humans to repress themselves. Any religious ideology that encourages sexual repression goes against nature and God, if you believe in God.

05-03-2016, 01:32 AM
Gay buttsex is nothing to joke about. Any religion that causes one to have gay buttsex is not a religion for me or society.

Come to think of it...most Muslims I meet in real life are overly nice, to a point, where I have a sense that something is wrong.

Bosnian Sajo
05-03-2016, 01:36 AM
Ima **** you in the ass if you don't shut the **** up, 9er.

Nick Young
05-03-2016, 01:42 AM
Ima **** you in the ass if you don't shut the **** up, 9er.
Many Bosnian Muslims are not sexually repressed because they aren't crazy fundamentalists and they're allowed to have girlfriends that they bang before marriage. They follow Islam in a way that is appropriate to modern world and society we live in. This is the way that Islam should be followed all over the world in this day and age.

That religion is in desperate need of a Martin Luther style reformation.

05-03-2016, 01:44 AM
Bosnians are not crazy like Sajo though. :lol:

They are actually good people. :cheers:

Nick Young
05-03-2016, 01:53 PM
The Kosovo national football team is coming to FIFA! Congratulations Kosovo, I hope you are welcomed warmly to international football by your talented brothers in the Balkans:rockon:


05-03-2016, 04:32 PM
The schisma between what muslims claim to be and what they actually do couldn't be further apart.

For example, claiming that seeing a woman not in burka makes them completely unable to control themselves, that is not the sign of dicipline but the complete lack of it. If you had dicipline you wouldn't fear your own lust by seeing some bare female flesh.

Likewise with alchohol, if you had dicipline you wouldn't fear yourself intoxicated because you could still control yourself.

People of Northern Europe for this reason don't trust people who don't drink, because they know that alchohol brings out the true character of someone. Seeing how someone behaves when drunk (happy, sad, angry) reveals the true nature of people.

As written so clearly in the Havamal (advice from Odin):

When he meets friends, the fool gapes,
Is shy and sheepish at first,
Then he sips his mead and immediately
All know what an oaf he is

Read more: https://www.ragweedforge.com/havamal.html

- Alcohol has some benefits but is overall a detriment to people's developing of their consciousness of God and spiritual cultivation (that is refining of flawed characters). That is among many reasons why it's forbidden. If you think mankind is inauthentic then what does that say about you? Likely the same origin of misperception behind "what muslims claim and what they are are entirely different" Sincerity and authenticity are also among the tenets of Islam and all of mankind in general. Not Islam's fault others lead a life of ignorance duplicity inauthenticity and hypocrisy.. And alcohols taxing on the liver ain't worth it as a truth serum.. how about legitimate comprehensivs integrity for all of mankind.

Nick Young
05-03-2016, 04:39 PM
- Alcohol has some benefits but is overall a detriment to people's developing of their consciousness of God and spiritual cultivation (that is refining of flawed characters). That is among many reasons why it's forbidden. If you think mankind is inauthentic then what does that say about you? Likely the same origin of misperception behind "what muslims claim and what they are are entirely different" Sincerity and authenticity are also among the tenets of Islam and all of mankind in general. Not Islam's fault others lead a life of ignorance duplicity inauthenticity and hypocrisy.. And alcohols taxing on the liver ain't worth it as a truth serum.. how about legitimate comprehensivs integrity for all of mankind.
Why do so many Muslim men in the Middle East and Afghanistan practice gay butt sex?:confusedshrug: