View Full Version : SA vs. OKC: a mediocre, one-sided series

04-30-2016, 02:06 PM
Hate to crap all over the party, but it is what it is.

For the first three quarters of Game 1, it will be an exciting series. But that's it, that's all. FT35 is about to take a week or two vacation at Kawhiian Island and be at best canceled out by his matchup, but more than likely definitively outplayed.

Which leaves our boy Russ. The man who will attempt almost as many shots a game this series as he will have field goal percentage points. 30 looks a night, 36% for the series in what will be an embarrassing defeat for this pretending "team".

For educational and reference purposes:

Game 1: Spurs pull away in 4th Q and win by double figures.
Game 2: Spurs lead by sizable margin throughout game.
Game 3: Spurs take game off to extent, SAS open 3's don't fall for stretches, Durant has only game of series over 50% shooting. Thunder eke out win.
Game 4: Back to reality, Pop and company lay the death blow by again controlling the pace throughout, never trailing in the 2nd half.
Game 5: Vintage Chuckbrook strikes, ultimate KD disappearing act, 11 turnovers between the pair en route to yet another defeat.

As you can see, the hype around this series is unwarranted and Curry's supporting cast is legitimately a better basketball team than the 3rd seed in the conference. Thank you.

04-30-2016, 02:07 PM

04-30-2016, 02:08 PM
Wow, OP going out on a limb and picking the Spurs. You're brave!

Dray n Klay
04-30-2016, 02:08 PM
Wow, OP going out on a limb and picking the Spurs. You're brave!

04-30-2016, 02:10 PM
Wow, OP going out on a limb and picking the Spurs. You're brave!

Let me be clear. I'm not just picking the Spurs. I'm outright throwing it out there that this could well be the biggest snoozer in all of Round 2. At no point beyond maybe the 1st or 2nd quarter tonight will this ever appear to be anything resembling two teams that even should be sharing the court with one another. What we have here will be a sad, brutal smackdown that will expose Westbrook as borderline top 15.

My OP was generous, in that it could quite easily be a sweep with zero truly close games.

04-30-2016, 02:11 PM
Sure, this definitely sounds plausible. But what's more fun: checking the box scores after the game to prove yourself right or watching the games and possibly seeing some great plays, execution, individual performances, etc...

If you consider the first more enjoyable, then by all means predict away. I'd rather just watch basketball when I have free time and see what happens. I enjoy it.

04-30-2016, 02:13 PM
Let me be clear. I'm not just picking the Spurs. I'm outright throwing it out there that this could well be the biggest snoozer in all of Round 2. At no point beyond maybe the 1st or 2nd quarter tonight will this ever appear to be anything resembling two teams that even should be sharing the court with one another. What we have here will be a sad, brutal smackdown that will expose Westbrook as borderline top 15.

My OP was generous, in that it could quite easily be a sweep with zero truly close games.
That's actually expected though. Spurs should beat them comfortably in every game, and of course Westbrook's style is massively overrated. (he can't ****ing shoot!)

Major upset if OKC even wins a game

04-30-2016, 02:14 PM
OKC will win this series.

04-30-2016, 02:14 PM
Sure, this definitely sounds plausible. But what's more fun: checking the box scores after the game to prove yourself right or watching the games and possibly seeing some great plays, execution, individual performances, etc...

If you consider the first more enjoyable, then by all means predict away. I'd rather just watch basketball when I have free time and see what happens. I enjoy it.

I agree entirely. Enjoying basketball is way more important than being right, though in this instance I and other courtesy sweep predictors will be able to have both.

04-30-2016, 02:17 PM
That's actually expected though. Spurs should beat them comfortably in every game, and of course Westbrook's style is massively overrated. (he can't ****ing shoot!)

Major upset if OKC even wins a game

Couldn't agree more. I just wouldn't want anyone getting their hopes up expecting a battle for the ages, which this seems to have been getting hype as. Maybe it's just by default that there's electricity around this series since the other series will be either meaningless (non-Cleveland series in East), or a foregone conclusion (Cavs, Warriors win). So I can see why this series is getting all this focus by default, but yeah no... ain't happening.

04-30-2016, 02:31 PM
Couldn't agree more. I just wouldn't want anyone getting their hopes up expecting a battle for the ages, which this seems to have been getting hype as. Maybe it's just by default that there's electricity around this series since the other series will be either meaningless (non-Cleveland series in East), or a foregone conclusion (Cavs, Warriors win). So I can see why this series is getting all this focus by default, but yeah no... ain't happening.
I feel you bro. Didn't even know people were getting excited about this. :oldlol:

Spurs are a 67 win team that lost ONE time at home all-season. :lol

And OKC no longer has the two best players in the series(as if they ever did). Kawhi is clearly head and shoulders a better player than Westbrook... and is even close to being on Durant's level. So that's no longer a legit argument for why OKC is gonna win. And if you go down the roster you'll see SAS is far superior and we already know they have arguably the GOAT coach on their side.

It would take multiple legendary ultra-efficient performances from KD to make this a series. But we know Westbrook's gonna shoot somewhere around 40% on high volume, which is gonna make Pop a very happy dude. Let WB run wild and they win the series easily. Pretty standard stuff.

04-30-2016, 03:05 PM
Wow, OP going out on a limb and picking the Spurs. You're brave!
:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-30-2016, 03:10 PM
I like both of these teams so its tough to root for either one. Think I wanna see Russ vs Steph next round though.

04-30-2016, 03:23 PM
OP is a ****ing bitch-ass **** boi **** breathed piece of shit.

04-30-2016, 03:24 PM
Wow OP, so edgy. Even so, let's try and pretend we paid attention to the games they played in the regular season. The San Antonio Spurs won the season series 4-0 and beat them by double digits every time, amirite?

OP has posted 230+ times, and I imagine for good reasons. As he is too edgy to post here.

04-30-2016, 03:36 PM
Idk man this series sounds sick if you're a basketball fan

Magic 32
04-30-2016, 04:03 PM
I completely disagree.

Duncan is pretty much done.

And LM and KL has yet to prove that they can be successful 1st and 2nd options when we get deep in the playoffs.

If OKC is at the top of their game, then it should be a 55/45 series.

04-30-2016, 04:13 PM
I agree with OP, Spurs in 5.

04-30-2016, 04:14 PM
okc is so overrated. it's like every season people have to overrate some team like the okc or the grizzlies. they're not going anywhere.

04-30-2016, 04:15 PM
OKC will win this series.
Stalker with potentially 2 wrong predictions in a row. Genius level basketball iq :roll:

04-30-2016, 04:29 PM
Unless okc play their best series every it's over.in 5

Mike smith
04-30-2016, 04:38 PM
Okc is going to destroy the Spurs on the boards and inside the paint. Russ and Durant will get green and Leonard in foul trouble so then Spurs will be forced to have party mills and ginobli guard them:roll:

Dion waiters will hit corner three after corner three on them. Tony Parker will be so frustrated with Andre Roberson denying him from getting penetration in the paint. Ibaka and Adams will block combine 7 shots a game. And even when someone misses a shot kanter will be there to get the offensive rebound and score the bucket.

Okc in 6 games

04-30-2016, 04:41 PM
Duncan gonna style all over these hicks like he did in 2014 when he lead his team to the championship as the best player for the 5th time. Kobetards on suicide watch.


04-30-2016, 04:44 PM
OKC will win this series.

Book It.

04-30-2016, 05:01 PM
okc is taking this one

04-30-2016, 10:44 PM

04-30-2016, 11:32 PM
I completely disagree.

Duncan is pretty much done.

And LM and KL has yet to prove that they can be successful 1st and 2nd options when we get deep in the playoffs.

If OKC is at the top of their game, then it should be a 55/45 series.
kome stan know its coming..........:lol

05-01-2016, 12:22 AM
I completely disagree.

Duncan is pretty much done.

And LM and KL has yet to prove that they can be successful 1st and 2nd options when we get deep in the playoffs.

If OKC is at the top of their game, then it should be a 55/45 series.

Kobe stans on suicide watch right about now.


05-01-2016, 12:26 AM

Probably the right move, yeah. Personally I didn't because I was a little embarrassed about how badly even I underestimated the bludgeoning that we're in the middle of witnessing. What an absolute drubbing. :lol Can't help but wonder if Russell and KD will ever win another NBA game together. Hey, at least Westbrook is a flashy dunker. :bowdown:

05-10-2016, 10:52 PM
Bumping my own thread. I can't sit here and not do it. :lol

Impressed with the heart of OKC. STILL going with Spurs in 7 in the wake of all this. Back-to-back MELTDOWNS in the 4th quarter, you just don't expect that from a Pop-led team. With very little help, Russell Westbrook just gritted out that win while Kevin and most of the team (outside of some big plays from Kanter and Adams) were literally invisible.

Kawhi fouled Russell Westbrook for sure, and yeah... that was a bad missed call, but one call does not lose a game. Almost no one on OKC played well offensively until very late in the game. You have to win that game at home. You can't ask to be in a better situation.

That was a DISASTER from a healthy Aldridge for a second consecutive 4th quarter. I want to believe it won't happen again, but it's just such an offense-killer when you have a guy like that stopping the ball, stifling ball movement and the opportunity to get open looks from deep, AND shooting that poorly from the field. Parker was playing hurt and kind of has that excuse. Just wow.

I realize there's value in having a guy come playoff time that can score in the half-court. But Aldridge's hero ball has crippled so much of what the Spurs have done well in the recent past. And even STILL they should've handily won the game, and he clanked countless great, GREAT looks down the stretch each of the past two nights. What a DISASTER.

Spurs in 7, but GSW in 5 regardless...

05-10-2016, 10:53 PM

05-10-2016, 10:54 PM

05-10-2016, 10:54 PM
OKC will win this series.

You've been consistent, I'll give you that... but you still need #4 doe.

05-10-2016, 10:55 PM

05-10-2016, 10:56 PM
You've been consistent, I'll give you that... but you still need #4 doe.

Do you know how hyped OKC and that crowd will be?

There's not a damn chance OKC loses game 6.

I could see a blowout taking place.

Those boys will be JUICED.

05-10-2016, 10:57 PM
Vintage Chuckbrook did strike


05-10-2016, 10:58 PM
Do you know how hyped OKC and that crowd will be

Yes I do...

05-10-2016, 10:59 PM
Vintage Chuckbrook did strike


His last 6 minutes or so... that was some of the most alpha all-around play I've seen in a long time in a critical spot.

Magic 32
05-10-2016, 11:06 PM
I completely disagree.

Duncan is pretty much done.

And LM and KL has yet to prove that they can be successful 1st and 2nd options when we get deep in the playoffs.

If OKC is at the top of their game, then it should be a 55/45 series.


05-10-2016, 11:07 PM
Hate to crap all over the party, but it is what it is.

For the first three quarters of Game 1, it will be an exciting series. But that's it, that's all. FT35 is about to take a week or two vacation at Kawhiian Island and be at best canceled out by his matchup, but more than likely definitively outplayed.

Which leaves our boy Russ. The man who will attempt almost as many shots a game this series as he will have field goal percentage points. 30 looks a night, 36% for the series in what will be an embarrassing defeat for this pretending "team".

For educational and reference purposes:

Game 1: Spurs pull away in 4th Q and win by double figures.
Game 2: Spurs lead by sizable margin throughout game.
Game 3: Spurs take game off to extent, SAS open 3's don't fall for stretches, Durant has only game of series over 50% shooting. Thunder eke out win.
Game 4: Back to reality, Pop and company lay the death blow by again controlling the pace throughout, never trailing in the 2nd half.
Game 5: Vintage Chuckbrook strikes, ultimate KD disappearing act, 11 turnovers between the pair en route to yet another defeat.

As you can see, the hype around this series is unwarranted and Curry's supporting cast is legitimately a better basketball team than the 3rd seed in the conference. Thank you.


05-10-2016, 11:50 PM
another bran stan proven to be dumb:lol

05-10-2016, 11:54 PM
leave the booking to me, stalker, and jabbar

05-10-2016, 11:55 PM
OP right now:

05-11-2016, 12:10 AM
leave the booking to me, stalker, and jabbar



Im Still Ballin
05-11-2016, 12:11 AM

You didn't call this one bro


Back in january

05-11-2016, 12:12 AM
You didn't call this one bro


Back in january


05-11-2016, 08:40 AM
OP right now:

makes no sense, he bumped his own thread.. hes a good poster.