View Full Version : Migrant Teen Caught Sending

Nick Young
04-30-2016, 03:00 PM
Anonymous hate letters sent to a Senegalese migrant teen living in Italy turns out to have been sent by

04-30-2016, 03:14 PM
she should start posting on ish she would probably have a pretty strong alt game

04-30-2016, 03:16 PM
It's almost like, foreigners/minorities have figured out that pretending to be a victim can be used to emotionally blackmail unsuspecting westerners.

Nick Young
04-30-2016, 03:25 PM
It's almost like, foreigners/minorities have figured out that pretending to be a victim can be used to emotionally blackmail unsuspecting westerners.
It's almost like that's what happens when society incentivizes victim hood and glorifies victims of "social injustice" at the same level that it used to venerate martyrs like Thomas Moore and Joan of Arc.

04-30-2016, 03:28 PM
nick are you white?

04-30-2016, 03:30 PM
nick are you a white?

04-30-2016, 03:32 PM
Nick, are you white?

Long Duck Dong
04-30-2016, 03:41 PM
So this doesn't only happen in American universities were it's actually pretty commonplace? Liberals love to send hate mail and messages to themselves. It's like feeling like a victim is core to their ideals . :lol

04-30-2016, 03:42 PM
It's almost like, foreigners/minorities have figured out that pretending to be a victim can be used to emotionally blackmail unsuspecting westerners.
What about the times when they are accused of rape? Which one is worse? To be falsely accused of hate or falsely accused of rape?


Nick Young
04-30-2016, 03:44 PM
Nick, are you white?
I have made no secret of the fact that I am a white jew American.

04-30-2016, 03:48 PM
I have made no secret of the fact that I am a white jew American.

what a coincidence.

Nick Young
04-30-2016, 03:59 PM
what a coincidence.
Do you have a problem with the Chosen people, bro?

04-30-2016, 04:58 PM
What about the times when they are accused of rape? Which one is worse? To be falsely accused of hate or falsely accused of rape?

Do you see anyone endorsing the idea of false rape accusations?

04-30-2016, 05:19 PM
Breaking News: Teen makes up story for attention

For real though Italians are incredibly racist to the African Immigrants

04-30-2016, 05:23 PM
It's almost like, foreigners/minorities have figured out that pretending to be a victim can be used to emotionally blackmail unsuspecting westerners.
They figured that shit out a while ago.

04-30-2016, 05:24 PM
Breaking News: Teen makes up story for attention

For real though Italians are incredibly racist to the African Immigrants
If Italians truly were "incredibly racist to the African immigrants" there wouldn't be African immigrants in Italy.

Long Duck Dong
04-30-2016, 06:12 PM
For real though Italians are incredibly racist to the African Immigrants

For real though, no one discriminates against Africans more than native Africans.

Nick Young
04-30-2016, 06:23 PM
For real though, no one discriminates against Africans more than native Africans.
People who aren't white are allowed to be racist to whoever they want to and not get called racist. There's no "punching up" bro, even though the very idea of "punching up" implies that the creator of the theory believes that non-white people are inherently below white people, simply due to the color of their skin.

Which IMO is a racist and pro-segregationist system of beliefs.

04-30-2016, 07:18 PM
If Italians truly were "incredibly racist to the African immigrants" there wouldn't be African immigrants in Italy.
Not entirely sure how you came up with that but alright. I guess your sole definition for incredibly racist is genocide?

The dudes who sell those shitty bracelets and umbrellas aren't in Sicily because the Mafia will kill you for hawking on their streets, that's why they're found more up north.

For real though, no one discriminates against Africans more than native Africans.

I won't disagree with that. Africa is a hell hole.

Nick Young
04-30-2016, 07:33 PM
Not entirely sure how you came up with that but alright. I guess your sole definition for incredibly racist is genocide?

The dudes who sell those shitty bracelets and umbrellas aren't in Sicily because the Mafia will kill you for hawking on their streets, that's why they're found more up north.

I won't disagree with that. Africa is a hell hole.
Based Sicily:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

04-30-2016, 08:42 PM
Not entirely sure how you came up with that but alright. I guess your sole definition for incredibly racist is genocide?
Not letting migrants in = genocide? :wtf:

05-01-2016, 04:59 AM
Next story: Victim of domestic abuse caught hitting herself with a baseball bat.

05-01-2016, 08:50 AM
If Italians truly were "incredibly racist to the African immigrants" there wouldn't be African immigrants in Italy.

Holy shit

05-01-2016, 09:12 AM
Most of you guys are idiots.

Right wingers - "One bad refugee/immigrant means they're all evil. Stop ALL immigration"

Left wingers - "All refugees/immigrants are amazing. They only became refugees/immigrants because the white man is so evil. Let them ALL in!"
It's more like...mass immigration right now, especially from certain country have an overall negative effect on the hosting countries. On the other hand, these people need help and as fellow human beings we should help them.

Like in the past, they should just be loaned some land and a local ruler. At least when there are crimes, it would be among their own people. Kind of like how the Amish are living among their own people with their own way of living...while still having to obey the US laws.

Nick Young
05-01-2016, 10:41 AM
Right wingers - "One bad refugee/immigrant means they're all evil. Stop ALL immigration"

Stop projecting and strawmanning. Please point to examples of people in this thread who said that.

05-01-2016, 10:42 AM
It's more like...mass immigration right now, especially from certain country have an overall negative effect on the hosting countries. On the other hand, these people need help and as fellow human beings we should help them.

Like in the past, they should just be loaned some land and a local ruler. At least when there are crimes, it would be among their own people. Kind of like how the Amish are living among their own people with their own way of living...while still having to obey the US laws.
Mass immigration hurts the host country, and in most cases, hurts the country the immigrants are leaving as well.

I've got nothing against small levels of selective immigration, but due to the sheer volume of it in recent years, it makes sense to have a moratorium, a bit like they brought in during the 1920s, when it was recognised there was a need to stem the flow so that those who were already here could become properly assimilated. Infrastructure can't keep pace with the rate of population growth (driven by immigration and the offspring of recent immigrants), and the state of many American cities is appalling (shanty towns like in some places), and it's not like the US Government has money to throw around--so the result of continued mass-immigration will be a lowering of living standards and quality of life for those already living here.

I'd like to see the country try and get to grips with its mass homelessness before creating further costs by an open door policy as regards immigration, particularly from poor countries. America already has its fill of poor people, no need to throw more into the pot, and make them compete with each other for jobs that pay a pittance due to their being such a large supply of unskilled labour.

This is primarily being driven by the self-satisfied middle classes (and large corporate interests), who can afford not to send their children to overburdened schools, and who benefit from the cheap restaurants, cheap childcare and housekeeping and luxury products that such policies provide (Deuces and his blueberries, for example). Because their favourite policies so hurt the poor, they need to make a moral posture out of their position regarding immigration, so they can pretend to be good people, while sticking it to the native poor (who are racist rednecks anyway, so who cares).

Tis kind of class elitism taking a new form.

Nick Young
05-01-2016, 10:44 AM
It's more like...mass immigration right now, especially from certain country have an overall negative effect on the hosting countries. On the other hand, these people need help and as fellow human beings we should help them.

It's not our job to save the world.

Like in the past, they should just be loaned some land and a local ruler.
That's definitely not how Muslim immigrants were treated in the past in Europe.

They are already committing crimes and wars against their own people.

At least when there are crimes, it would be among their own people. Kind of like how the Amish are living among their own people with their own way of living...while still having to obey the US laws.
So you're in favor of ethnically segregated ghettos? :confusedshrug:

05-01-2016, 11:29 AM
It's not our job to save the world.

That's definitely not how Muslim immigrants were treated in the past in Europe.

They are already committing crimes and wars against their own people.

So you're in favor of ethnically segregated ghettos? :confusedshrug:

And that is why you fail.

Now do you understand why Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) captured the hearts of millions INCLUDING Moses and Jesus(see Hijra) through a LIFETIME of service to man, while you're stuck on the sidelines like a jealous hater ruining the world one awful post at a time. Be it feeding 70 people while fasting, being the first to charge when fighting against a bigger force, taking down a wrestler with hundreds of more pounds of mass on him, or smiling to each and every human being, or spending that extra moment with orphans. Even as an outcast losing his wife of 18 years, his uncle who was basically his only father figure, his cousins; he still remained completely grateful to God and intent on doing his mission. And at that time, he knew Makkah was corrupt, that it exploited the poor, that it buried their daughters alive, that it worshipped false idols that wouldn't do a damn thing back, that the 3 biggest tyrants in charge held enormous wealth and influence yet wouldn't hesitate to murder an innocent, that black people were treated like crap, and the rich were having drunk orgies recklessly at the demise of people suffering, that Arabs were strong and stubborn. He still continued to plod steadfastly with no money, scant resources, in a desert, being persecuted and his only reliance being God.

You have the option to intend to do better with your life and follow in the footsteps of great men but you choose to disparage your superiors and try to tarnish their legacy. Ugh.

And you're stuck on a messageboard trolli.. talking about "peace" while tearing down an established path to eternal peace.

Do you really want to continue down your path, Nick? You're nothing new, Nick. There have been hundreds before you that pulled the same shennanigans.

05-01-2016, 11:32 AM
It's not our job to save the world.

That's definitely not how Muslim immigrants were treated in the past in Europe.

They are already committing crimes and wars against their own people.

So you're in favor of ethnically segregated ghettos? :confusedshrug:
No one says its a job.

I'm in favor of the less worse option.

05-01-2016, 12:53 PM
should be deported and banned from returning

Knoe Itawl
05-02-2016, 04:00 PM
rest of article is in the link below

haha, are you saying that she shouldn't have freedom of speech to send letters to herself?

Knoe Itawl
05-02-2016, 04:02 PM
Look Nick your anti free speech, people having the right to send letters to themselves anti-freedom agenda is obvious.

Don't get mad because people like me see through your bullshit.

Nick Young
05-02-2016, 04:04 PM
haha, are you saying that she shouldn't have freedom of speech to send letters to herself?
She has the freedom to send letters to herself. It was fraudulent to run to the media and claim victimhood benefits due to the letters she sent to herself. Luckily, the law agrees with me. :cheers:

Nick Young
05-02-2016, 04:05 PM
Look Nick your anti free speech, people having the right to send letters to themselves anti-freedom agenda is obvious.

Don't get mad because people like me see through your bullshit.
Certainly an interesting interpretation to what I've said in this thread. To each their own, bro :cheers:

Knoe Itawl
05-02-2016, 04:08 PM
She has the freedom to send letters to herself. It was fraudulent to run to the media and claim victimhood benefits due to the letters she sent to herself. Luckily, the law agrees with me. :cheers:

Law, schmaw. All I see is people taking away her right to free speech, and right to send letters to herself. Just another example of the PC police running wild. Before you know it, someone will be saying that it's bad to post racist stuff towards an 18 year old girl because she got into Harvard.

Where does it stop Nick? WHERE DOES IT STOP?????

Nick Young
05-02-2016, 04:14 PM
Law, schmaw. All I see is people taking away her right to free speech, and right to send letters to herself. Just another example of the PC police running wild. Before you know it, someone will be saying that it's bad to post racist stuff towards an 18 year old girl because she got into Harvard.

Where does it stop Nick? WHERE DOES IT STOP?????
Thanks for your feedback bro. It certainly is an interesting interpretation of events and it is always enriching to hear new and different outside perspectives. :cheers:

05-03-2016, 11:37 AM
haha, are you saying that she shouldn't have freedom of speech to send letters to herself?

Look Nick your anti free speech, people having the right to send letters to themselves anti-freedom agenda is obvious.

Don't get mad because people like me see through your bullshit.

Law, schmaw. All I see is people taking away her right to free speech, and right to send letters to herself. Just another example of the PC police running wild. Before you know it, someone will be saying that it's bad to post racist stuff towards an 18 year old girl because she got into Harvard.

Where does it stop Nick? WHERE DOES IT STOP?????

Dude, you're starting to worry me now: i actually think you might have some kind of brain damage if you think you're making even the slightest bit of sense here.