View Full Version : CA High School Caught Trying to Rig Student Election for 'Diversity'

05-07-2016, 02:11 PM
One mom says officials at Raoul Wallenberg High School, a public school in San Francisco, pushed her son James Ortiz to run for student council just because of his Latino last name.

When he didn’t win, they tried to unseat the white student who was selected as vice president, according to The San Francisco Examiner.

"They were, like, bribing me into being on the student council," said Ortiz, who, despite his last name, identifies as white. "It was basically a thanks, but no thanks."

Assistant Principal Zaia Vera reportedly told Martinez she wanted Ortiz in office because it would make the student government look more diverse. Asian girls were the predominant candidates for student office in recent years.
"She said to me, ‘Mrs. Martinez, you could understand as a fellow Latina what we’re looking for here," [Ortiz’s mother, Christina] Martinez, who is not Latina, recalled.
"We only have Asian girls run for office and we want the Wallenberg website to show not only Asian girls."


Don't we do this with affirmative action every day? You get this position even though there are more qualified applicants but your name sounds exotic so you're in.

Nick Young
05-07-2016, 02:25 PM
PC identity politics are destroying unity in our country.

This is exactly what the lefty cultural Marxists responsible for feminism and affirmative action wanted.

Got to hand it to them-their long term planning and snake in the grass style of attack paid off.

I used to get offered random Latino American scholarships to cal state and cal universities in high school that I never applied for, because I got good SAT scores and have a Spanish last name. Other kids deserved those scholarships, yet they were offered to me because of my last name ONLY.

These diversity tards are shameless.

The media is finally speaking out against this bullshit-how long until change to correct the problems of affirmative action occur?

05-07-2016, 03:11 PM
San Francisco values.

Long Duck Dong
05-07-2016, 04:43 PM
Reminds of this school election in San Francisco


Apparently liberals want you to know that diversity does indeed trump democracy. The thing is the minority students told the principal they wanted their vote to count for something and the results to stand, but she withheld the results anyway stating there were way too many Asians and mixed race(i.e. half white) students elected for her not to step in. :lol

05-07-2016, 04:46 PM
I'm just trying to imagine the uproar if the situation was the principal saying "we don't all black girls on our website" instead of Asians. Asians really get the shaft the most on the racism thing

Nick Young
05-07-2016, 04:50 PM
I'm just trying to imagine the uproar if the situation was the principal saying "we don't all black girls on our website" instead of Asians. Asians really get the shaft the most on the racism thing
Racism against Asians in America is the worst. It is still considered a joke in mainstream America for a character to be Asian. In John Hughes movies it was considered hilarious that a dude from China had a Chinese accent. Some "comedy scenes" were just an Asian guy sitting there doing nothing. The joke was that he was Asian. A chinese gong would play every time a scene showed him.

Seriously, rewatch John Hughes movies, the racism against Asians is disgusting. This shit was mainstream 30 years ago.

Same kind of shit they used to do with black people in the 20s and 30s, a black person would walk in and it would play jungle music and that was the joke.

Now Asian Americans are being punished by universities because they're smarter and get better grades than other races? WTF is this bullshit? Why drag down our best and smartest in favor of lifting up dummies? :banghead:

End racism against AZNs.

05-07-2016, 05:00 PM
Racism against Asians in America is the worst. It is still considered a joke in mainstream America for a character to be Asian. In John Hughes movies it was considered hilarious that a dude from China had a Chinese accent. Some "comedy scenes" were just an Asian guy sitting there doing nothing. The joke was that he was Asian. A chinese gong would play every time a scene showed him.

Seriously, rewatch John Hughes movies, the racism against Asians is disgusting. This shit was mainstream 30 years ago.

Same kind of shit they used to do with black people in the 20s and 30s, a black person would walk in and it would play jungle music and that was the joke.

Now Asian Americans are being punished by universities because they're smarter and get better grades than other races? WTF is this bullshit? Why drag down our best and smartest in favor of lifting up dummies? :banghead:

End racism against AZNs.
Nearly everybody on the left actively support affirmative action policies that punish/discriminate Asians.

Nick Young
05-07-2016, 05:04 PM
Nearly everybody on the left actively support affirmative action policies that punish/discriminate Asians.
I know. It is also fashionable for lefties to hate and discriminate against Jews and white people.

Cultural marxism in action. Drag everyone else up by punishing the successful and dragging them down. It is a system built and designed to collapse in on itself.

05-07-2016, 05:10 PM
I know. It is also fashionable for lefties to hate and discriminate against Jews and white people.

Cultural marxism in action. Drag everyone else up by punishing the successful and dragging them down. It is a system built and designed to collapse in on itself.
The left has actually done a pretty good job of hiding their anti-semitism. Not to say that the far right doesn't have their few loons that hate Jews. They do. But it's to the point now that anti-semitism among the left is completely mainstream in Europe right now.

Nick Young
05-07-2016, 05:21 PM
The left has actually done a pretty good job of hiding their anti-semitism. Not to say that the far right doesn't have their few loons that hate Jews. They do. But it's to the point now that anti-semitism among the left is completely mainstream in Europe right now.
They don't hide it at all in Europe. It's very blatant. That's why I don't understand it is only now they are beginning to speak out against it in the UK for example. Antisemitism is still the norm in France, Sweden and Norway and many other 'civilized' nations that you regularly hear US lefties praise.

In the US the lefties have hid their antisemitism now but people are slowly starting to wake up to it.

Stalin the Cultural Marxist hero hated Jews, it's only natural that his disciples do the same.

05-07-2016, 07:07 PM
Racism against Asians in America is the worst. It is still considered a joke in mainstream America for a character to be Asian. In John Hughes movies it was considered hilarious that a dude from China had a Chinese accent. Some "comedy scenes" were just an Asian guy sitting there doing nothing. The joke was that he was Asian. A chinese gong would play every time a scene showed him.

Seriously, rewatch John Hughes movies, the racism against Asians is disgusting. This shit was mainstream 30 years ago.

Same kind of shit they used to do with black people in the 20s and 30s, a black person would walk in and it would play jungle music and that was the joke.

Now Asian Americans are being punished by universities because they're smarter and get better grades than other races? WTF is this bullshit? Why drag down our best and smartest in favor of lifting up dummies? :banghead:

End racism against AZNs.

This so much. I live in an area with heavy asian populations. The left only fights for them when it is politically beneficial; otherwise, they get screwed over and are targets of racism through affirmative action and like examples in the OP. The double-standard of racism is laughable and I wont be surprised when a lot of them start leaving and throwing their support for anti-establishment candidates. They are so motivated only to get penalized for wanting to achieve more and being disciplined. America needs to get its head checked.

Nick Young
05-07-2016, 07:22 PM
They are so motivated only to get penalized for wanting to achieve more and being disciplined. America needs to get its head checked.
EXACTLY. Why discourage the people who are the most capable, work the hardest and want want to succeed? Why should we punish hardworking successful people?

It is possible to help out people doing badly without dragging down the people doing well. Only idiotic socialists and cultural marxists think it is a wise thing to punish and discourage hardworking successful people.

05-07-2016, 07:42 PM
Hamtaro would have been a President of that school even though he's dumber than a rock.