View Full Version : Mark Cuban: NBA Should Move the Three-Point Line Back

05-19-2016, 01:35 PM

05-19-2016, 01:46 PM
lot of posters on ISH know ball

Klay 3D
05-19-2016, 01:49 PM
lol didn't read but damn this would make Curry even more valuable who consistently knocks down 3s 30ft deep.

Ben Simmons
05-19-2016, 02:02 PM
Moving the 3 point line back will just make people more eager to learn the longer 3. In the short term it would make the warriors unstoppable.

Long term we would have the same effect as today just with further distance.

05-19-2016, 02:24 PM
While Curry is the best chucker to do it...

Antoine Walker was the guy who took ill advised 3's all the time. Jim O brien encouraged it.

That Boston Celtic team had Delk, PP, Mccarty, Walker, and even Eric Williams bombing from 3 2001-2003.

"there are no 4's."- Antoine Walker.

05-19-2016, 02:30 PM
Moving the 3 point line back will just make people more eager to learn the longer 3. In the short term it would make the warriors unstoppable.

Long term we would have the same effect as today just with further distance.

The 3 ball prolongs careers. I noticed PP used to drive to the basket all the time and then he began to take nothing but 3's. Him and Carter are still in the league based off their name and ability to hit the 3.

05-19-2016, 02:36 PM
its certainly an idea, but it would only take 1 summer for 3 pt shooters to adjust to that. also, youll probably see a 300% increase on short corner 3's attempted during the season. unless his idea involves widening the court, as well. but thats a whole different discussion

Nick Young
05-19-2016, 02:39 PM
That would be such a stupid adjustment.

Curry and Klay would be the only players able to consistently hit the longer 3s and they'd continue to dominate because of it.

How do you expand the corner 3s? Is Cuban talking about making the whole courts bigger?:confusedshrug:

Curry should not be punished for being successful.


05-19-2016, 02:45 PM
Lebron made a great point when he said "Should they move the 3 point line in because I can't shoot threes?"

05-19-2016, 03:01 PM
lot of posters on ISH know ball

You don't tho.

05-19-2016, 03:05 PM
Rules are the same for everyone. If you can't hit a three pointer from the current distant, then you clearly aint as good as you'd like to be. Trying to force it back is just another push to hinder the Warriors performance.

Either man up or quit.

Klay 3D
05-19-2016, 03:36 PM
Lebron made a great point when he said "Should they move the 3 point line in because I can't shoot threes?"
Still wouldn't be able to shoot them :banana:

05-19-2016, 03:43 PM
I see that I was wrong in my op.

Ben Simmons
05-19-2016, 06:23 PM
Rules are the same for everyone. If you can't hit a three pointer from the current distant, then you clearly aint as good as you'd like to be. Trying to force it back is just another push to hinder the Warriors performance.

Either man up or quit.
How would it hinder the Warriors performance? They would be the only team able to hit from that distance

05-19-2016, 06:35 PM
Move the FT line back too. Some guys can hit 90%+. Too easy.

05-19-2016, 06:35 PM
It doesn't matter where you move the line. An open 3 is a better shot than a contested 2. All you need to do is shoot 33.33% or better from 3 and that's the same as shooting 50% from 2. With guys shooting 45% from 2, all you have to do is shoot 30% from 3 to break even. I think every 3pt shooter can make 30% of further 3pt shots, especially when you bunch in the short corner 3's.

Just get rid of the 3pt line altogether. Go back to 20's ball. Curry can chuck from 40ft if he wants, it'll only count as a 2. That is how you bring back the mid range game.

05-19-2016, 06:39 PM
This would be a good move - but it would change the game (more than the 3-point shot already has) because the court would need to be bigger - this would provide EVEN MORE spacing than there already is and make offense EVEN EASIER than it already is.

Comparisons over eras would be completely moot with no answers.

Surely, there's another way to discourage so many 3-pointers without moving the line back

05-19-2016, 07:24 PM
This would be a good move - but it would change the game (more than the 3-point shot already has) because the court would need to be bigger - this would provide EVEN MORE spacing than there already is and make offense EVEN EASIER than it already is.

Comparisons over eras would be completely moot with no answers.

Surely, there's another way to discourage so many 3-pointers without moving the line back

Proves how dumb 90's player are trying to shoot at the three pointer line when they could take a step back and have a wide open shot. :pimp:

05-19-2016, 07:34 PM
I'd prefer the NBA just widen the court and extend the corner 3. It would create more space for posting/driving near the baseline, and it would make corner 3's harder/less valuable.

05-19-2016, 07:38 PM
This would be a good move - but it would change the game (more than the 3-point shot already has) because the court would need to be bigger - this would provide EVEN MORE spacing than there already is and make offense EVEN EASIER than it already is.

Comparisons over eras would be completely moot with no answers.

Surely, there's another way to discourage so many 3-pointers without moving the line back

your head would probably explode :biggums:

05-19-2016, 08:01 PM
The best would be to make 3s only worth 2.5.

Really though, you don't need to mess with the 3 point line, just bring back handchecking and remove the defensive 3, remove the 'may not impede' on perimeter players and those rules will allow defenders to play their man much close thus limiting most of the open 3s.

05-19-2016, 08:07 PM
How would it hinder the Warriors performance? They would be the only team able to hit from that distance

WTF do you mean how would it hinder? Are you stupid? It's obviously further away from the basket. It's not like it gets easier to make the shot.

05-19-2016, 08:14 PM
The best would be to make 3s only worth 2.5.

Really though, you don't need to mess with the 3 point line, just bring back handchecking and remove the defensive 3, remove the 'may not impede' on perimeter players and those rules will allow defenders to play their man much close thus limiting most of the open 3s.


05-19-2016, 08:15 PM


05-19-2016, 08:25 PM
The best would be to make 3s only worth 2.5.

Really though, you don't need to mess with the 3 point line, just bring back handchecking and remove the defensive 3, remove the 'may not impede' on perimeter players and those rules will allow defenders to play their man much close thus limiting most of the open 3s.

This^. The reason why 3's are easier to make is because hand checking was taken out. Today's perimeter defenders have to step further away from their man to be able to stay in front of them when they drive but it gives the offensive player a lot of room to shoot.

05-19-2016, 08:27 PM
:lol :lol

05-19-2016, 08:28 PM
This^. The reason why 3's are easier to make is because hand checking was taken out. Today's perimeter defenders have to step further away from their man to be able to stay in front of them when they drive but it gives the offensive player a lot of room to shoot.

you guys are blatantly ignoring how often screens are used to open up space. Especially the illegal screens Golden State uses which would be called even less in a more physical era are really effective against tight defense.

Ben Simmons
05-19-2016, 08:30 PM
WTF do you mean how would it hinder? Are you stupid? It's obviously further away from the basket. It's not like it gets easier to make the shot.
You're thinking way too small. It would make it harder for the warriors, but make it much harder for other teams. The Warriors basically have the only players that could hit from the new distance with minimal impact. Thus making them that much better as they would continue to shoot threes, others would stop in the short run

05-19-2016, 09:01 PM
you guys are blatantly ignoring how often screens are used to open up space. Especially the illegal screens Golden State uses which would be called even less in a more physical era are really effective against tight defense.

More physical did not mean less reffed, on the contrary, refs called travel, they called carry, they called illegal screens and just like most crossovers today are carry, so are most screens today illegal screens by the 80-90s rulebook. This screening today where the screener switches direction and moves DURING a screen is a definite illegal screen in the 90s.

05-19-2016, 09:04 PM
**** Cuban. Lil bitch, same as Gilbert.

05-19-2016, 09:10 PM
Lebron made a great point when he said "Should they move the 3 point line in because I can't shoot threes?"

Well, they did it for Jordan...

05-19-2016, 10:36 PM
Well, they did it for Jordan...
Only that they moved it in when he retired, and brought it back when he came back.