View Full Version : Would a Raptors vs Thunder finals help or hurt the NBA?

TheReal Kendall
05-24-2016, 10:48 AM

I feel like the ratings would take a hit because there's not enough star power. As a bball fan the teams are kinda even except at the big man area and maybe at pg but both teams play ugly basketball and make a lot of mistakes.

Klay 3D
05-24-2016, 11:04 AM
Good for the NBA because 2/7 is too much to handle tbh

05-24-2016, 11:09 AM

GSW have been the star team for marketing purposes this year for the NBA, etc. so the NBA wants them there.

On the other side, I dont think the Raptors would be too much of a PR loss. Scrappy underdogs and Lebron is turning people off more and more with his flopping plays.

05-24-2016, 11:11 AM
Thunder have high end all-star/superstar level players vs the Raptors that have low end all star level players. That's the biggest difference.

The center advantage should be pretty even also. JV/BB vs Kanter/Adams. Both offensive/defensive subs.

05-24-2016, 11:26 AM
I'd say help. Were so used to no diversity. We need to shake it up a little. Toronto is a big market looking to dig into.

05-24-2016, 11:30 AM
Could be good to see some diversity in the league for once. Why must the same teams only be the only ones capable of getting to the finals. I like how in the nfl any team can get hot and make the superbowl without talking about which matchup will draw the most viewers, nfl makes money either way.

05-24-2016, 11:32 AM
This hurts the NBA:


05-24-2016, 11:37 AM
The ratings will hurt but it will definitely help the game.

05-24-2016, 11:40 AM
NBA wants Lebron in the Finals. Doesn't matter as much whether Curry or Durant.

Im Still Ballin
05-24-2016, 11:41 AM
Toronto is like an annoying fly that keeps buzzing around you

Can you **** off already?

We just want to see LeBron in the finals

Win or loss, just PLEASE have LeBron in the finals

Watching Toronto getting molested would be really really boring

05-24-2016, 11:45 AM
refs will never allow the craptors to make it

05-24-2016, 12:05 PM
I'd say the NBA wants LeBron in the finals. He's getting older and they need to milk ratings as long as possible. Curry should be fine for the next 5 years.

05-24-2016, 12:07 PM
Refs will do their best to get GSW and Lebron in the finals. You watch. Silver is a slimy ****.

05-24-2016, 12:09 PM
Coming from a LeBron fan,

Silver deserves an OKC Raptors finals :lol

Still want LeBron there personally doe

05-24-2016, 12:18 PM
how does the two best teams playing for a ship hurt the nba???

does it hurt mlb??
college basketball?

NBA could care less who makes the finals. NBA could care less about views...views mean nothing these days with how much they brand their stars....jersey sales are at an all time high and that's not even including accessories etc.

If anything it increases the popularity...you don't think the whole nation of canada wouldn't be glued to their tv to see the raptors try and make history?? win an nba ship?? Im sure derozan/lowry etc jersey sales/merchandise will go through the roof!!!

05-24-2016, 01:40 PM
Bad for ratings, but good that a new team will win. Everyone goes into the playoffs picking a certain few teams being the only teams capable of winning a championship. This year it was Cleveland in the East while Warriors and Spurs in the West. Everyone penciled those teams in as the only 'true' title contenders. This will remind everyone that a team can get hot and go all the way just like the Mavericks did 5 years back.

05-24-2016, 01:48 PM
Bad for ratings, but good that a new team will win. Everyone goes into the playoffs picking a certain few teams being the only teams capable of winning a championship. This year it was Cleveland in the East while Warriors and Spurs in the West. Everyone penciled those teams in as the only 'true' title contenders. This will remind everyone that a team can get hot and go all the way just like the Mavericks did 5 years back.

yet the mavs had the second best record in the west that year. smh.....I cant believe people still believe that the mavs somehow overcame some type of odds and just Got hot. They played great basketball that whole season now its the viewers fault if they didn't deem the mavs worthy of a ship that year. I wasn't shocked at all about the mavs success...I was shocked about them sweeping the lakers but the lakers was kinda looking like a team on cruise control that IMO overlooked the mavs and by the time they started taking the mvas seriously it was game 3 in dallas and yea....

05-24-2016, 02:50 PM
yet the mavs had the second best record in the west that year. smh.....I cant believe people still believe that the mavs somehow overcame some type of odds and just Got hot. They played great basketball that whole season now its the viewers fault if they didn't deem the mavs worthy of a ship that year. I wasn't shocked at all about the mavs success...I was shocked about them sweeping the lakers but the lakers was kinda looking like a team on cruise control that IMO overlooked the mavs and by the time they started taking the mvas seriously it was game 3 in dallas and yea....
I wasn't insulting the Mavs :lol I was just saying, no one (ok fine, very few) expected the run.
Everyone had the Lakers and Spurs penciled in the WCFs because I think the Spurs were the 1st seed and the Lakers were going for a Phil Jackson special 3peat

05-24-2016, 03:15 PM
Do the Cavs have a larger fan-base than the Raptors? Remember, the Raptors represent an entire Country.

05-24-2016, 04:27 PM
true nba fans will watch anyway

05-24-2016, 04:29 PM
This hurts the NBA:



05-24-2016, 04:40 PM
Watching Toronto getting molested would be really really boring

But Cleveland just got molested TWICE by this team you hate so much...

Are you in denial?

05-24-2016, 04:42 PM
USA ratings would be lower, but it wouldn't hurt NBA's popularity in the grand scheme of things.

05-24-2016, 06:16 PM
It will help in the long run. Coz that means that the league is serious in repairing its integrity

05-24-2016, 06:20 PM
It will help in the long run. Coz that means that the league is serious in repairing its integrity

Adam Silver and the other suit wearing cockbags don't give a **** about integrity, lol. It's all about ratings, advertising and MONEY.

Optimus Prime
05-24-2016, 06:22 PM
Terrible for ratings, but I would love it.

Then again, LeBron stans would be like, "But he's not 2/7 doe!" even those his super stacked team failed to make the Finals in the dumpster fire called the Least.

So I don't know. Almost better that LeBron goes 2/7 to further trash his legacy.


05-24-2016, 06:37 PM
Here's the cold hard truth....

The Raptors are irrelevant. The casual NBA fan wants to see LeBron in the Finals. The casual NBA fan represents the majority of NBA fans.

Love him or hate him, the LeBron saga has carried the league these past years. Without LeBron, the popularity of the league wouldn't be as great as it is now. People love drama and LeBron brings it. The whole leaving Cleveland and turning heel by going to Miami was huge for the league. The going home story was huge.

The NBA needs LeBron more than they need the Raptors. However we may feel about LeBron James, he's the bigger story going into the finals. The Raptors are just another obscure team that people will forget and couldn't care less about, outside of Toronto.

If the Raptors make the Finals, which I highly doubt, the story will still be about Lebron James. It will not be about the Raptors making the Finals.

And, that's the cold hard truth.

05-24-2016, 07:01 PM
Here's the cold hard truth....

The Raptors are irrelevant. The casual NBA fan wants to see LeBron in the Finals. The casual NBA fan represents the majority of NBA fans.

Love him or hate him, the LeBron saga has carried the league these past years. Without LeBron, the popularity of the league wouldn't be as great as it is now. People love drama and LeBron brings it. The whole leaving Cleveland and turning heel by going to Miami was huge for the league. The going home story was huge.

The NBA needs LeBron more than they need the Raptors. However we may feel about LeBron James, he's the bigger story going into the finals. The Raptors are just another obscure team that people will forget and couldn't care less about, outside of Toronto.

If the Raptors make the Finals, which I highly doubt, the story will still be about Lebron James. It will not be about the Raptors making the Finals.

And, that's the cold hard truth.

All the more reason for the Raptors to make the finals.

Pretty sure a multi-billion dollar league will still survive without a LeBron finals.

05-24-2016, 07:08 PM
will probably be the worst rating ever....next to 2007 spurs vs cavs.

05-24-2016, 07:43 PM
Refs will do their best to get GSW and Lebron in the finals. You watch. Silver is a slimy ****.

You guys are the funniest people. I remember a couple of years ago the NBA could have had a NY MIA LAC OKC Final Four...

We ended up with IND MIA SAS OKC Final Four...

In the deciding game 6 of Indy-NYK, the Pacers went to the free throw line 50 times more than the Knicks.

In what universe does the NBA prefer Indy over NYC? Or the Spurs over the Clippers?

Give it a rest.

05-24-2016, 08:46 PM
Raptors are not making the finals. ABC will s--t a brick if that happens. Cavs are going to wrap up the series in 6.

Remember CBS lost a s--t ton of advertising revenue when Toronto Blue Jays were in back-to-back World Series.

05-24-2016, 09:12 PM
The US networks would be in shambles if the Finals are a Raptors vs OKC matchup, especially since Toronto would have homecourt :lol

05-25-2016, 12:11 AM
Hm, the thought of a Raptors/Thunder Finals seems less absurd the more time passes by...

05-25-2016, 09:54 AM
Raptors are not making the finals. ABC will s--t a brick if that happens. Cavs are going to wrap up the series in 6.

Remember CBS lost a s--t ton of advertising revenue when Toronto Blue Jays were in back-to-back World Series.

what does baseball have to do with basketball???

Nobody watches baseball from home anymore...look over the last 10 years and youll see how baseball viwership has plummeted every year.

basketball is the fastest growing sport in Canada. FACT

IF the raptors make the finals I guarantee you 90% of people in Canada will be watching.

05-25-2016, 09:59 AM
Adam Silver and the other suit wearing cockbags don't give a **** about integrity, lol. It's all about ratings, advertising and MONEY.

Exactly if they cared about integrity GS/OKC wouldnt have a 3 day break while TOR/CLE play every other day

If they cared about integrity Green would have been suspended last game

Silver is just as big of a fcuk face as Stern

He had a chance to pave his own path and set a standard but chose to let Green play

05-25-2016, 10:08 AM
what does baseball have to do with basketball???

Nobody watches baseball from home anymore...look over the last 10 years and youll see how baseball viwership has plummeted every year.

basketball is the fastest growing sport in Canada. FACT

IF the raptors make the finals I guarantee you 90% of people in Canada will be watching.

It's the Canadian market is what he was getting at. It doesn't register with the US ratings. Good for Toronto/Canada in general. They do like their sports teams, especially on a long playoff run.

05-25-2016, 10:52 AM
It'd help me

05-25-2016, 11:12 AM
Good for basketball , bad for ratings

Toronto - uses midrange shots, which is contrary to the fad of jacking 3s all day. It's also a Cinderella team with a Cinderella hero in Biyambo becoming a star through sheer energy and hustle plays. It's fun to watch.

And Lebron flopping on the big stage is just to embarrassing to watch.

05-25-2016, 12:28 PM
Help for sure. Not even debatable.

05-25-2016, 12:32 PM
Good for basketball , bad for ratings

Toronto - uses midrange shots, which is contrary to the fad of jacking 3s all day. It's also a Cinderella team with a Cinderella hero in Biyambo becoming a star through sheer energy and hustle plays. It's fun to watch.

And Lebron flopping on the big stage is just to embarrassing to watch.

Funniest thing that's happened all year though. There's a some parodies out there but the sad thing is... the original is still hilarious. I showed the play to some of my coworkers who dont even watch basketball and they were all in stitches.


05-25-2016, 12:33 PM
OKC in the Finals would help the NBA.

They've been the most exciting team in the league for a while now - fans and pundits simply forgot about OKC because they've been injured the last 3 years.

But now they've paid their dues.. :banana:

05-25-2016, 12:43 PM
what does baseball have to do with basketball???

Nobody watches baseball from home anymore...look over the last 10 years and youll see how baseball viwership has plummeted every year.

basketball is the fastest growing sport in Canada. FACT

IF the raptors make the finals I guarantee you 90% of people in Canada will be watching.

Please know you're WRONG.

Canadians generally don't give a shit about basketball. Do you have any idea how disrespected the sport is there? It's hockey nation. Even when the Raptors are doing as well as they are now, all the networks still dedicate 80% of their programming time to anything Canadian hockey related and that's even when none of the Canadian teams make the playoffs!

I remember years back when I was in Canada during the all-star weekend, I tried finding a TV channel that had the all star game.. Instead, all the networks played either NHL shit, baseball or Pee-Wee hockey. To make matters worse, the one channel that DID play the game, quickly cut out the MVP award presentation to cut to news about some Hockey coach and some team drama during the olympics. Apparently THAT was more important than the All-Star game.

Don't kid yourself, the only people that will be tuning are in Toronto and of those it will only be ****** bandwagon fans.

05-25-2016, 01:08 PM
Please know you're WRONG.

Canadians generally don't give a shit about basketball. Do you have any idea how disrespected the sport is there? It's hockey nation. Even when the Raptors are doing as well as they are now, all the networks still dedicate 80% of their programming time to anything Canadian hockey related and that's even when none of the Canadian teams make the playoffs!

I remember years back when I was in Canada during the all-star weekend, I tried finding a TV channel that had the all star game.. Instead, all the networks played either NHL shit, baseball or Pee-Wee hockey. To make matters worse, the one channel that DID play the game, quickly cut out the MVP award presentation to cut to news about some Hockey coach and some team drama during the olympics. Apparently THAT was more important than the All-Star game.

Don't kid yourself, the only people that will be tuning are in Toronto and of those it will only be ****** bandwagon fans.

I call bullshit on your story..but like I said in my original post basketball is the fastest growing sport in Canada. I didn't say number 1. I find it crazy that you think a nation wouldn't tune it to see their team (raptors) make history...potentially being the first Canadian team to win a nba ship. canadians take their sports seriously and are prolly only 2nd to the US in how much they value sports as a nation.

I don't think the raptors will make the finals but IF they do we should definitely make a bet. I can almost guarantee you that Canada as a nation will be watching...glued to their televisions.

You think anybody in the US cares about wrestling(not wwe) or watches it until the Olympics??? track and field? swimming???

Don't be so na

05-25-2016, 01:16 PM
Please know you're WRONG.

Canadians generally don't give a shit about basketball. Do you have any idea how disrespected the sport is there? It's hockey nation. Even when the Raptors are doing as well as they are now, all the networks still dedicate 80% of their programming time to anything Canadian hockey related and that's even when none of the Canadian teams make the playoffs!

I remember years back when I was in Canada during the all-star weekend, I tried finding a TV channel that had the all star game.. Instead, all the networks played either NHL shit, baseball or Pee-Wee hockey. To make matters worse, the one channel that DID play the game, quickly cut out the MVP award presentation to cut to news about some Hockey coach and some team drama during the olympics. Apparently THAT was more important than the All-Star game.

Don't kid yourself, the only people that will be tuning are in Toronto and of those it will only be ****** bandwagon fans.

That's bullshit. I went to Toronto for game 4 and everyone was talking about basketball everywhere. It was all about Raptors. There were raptors/Lebron references everywhere. After the game, everywhere on the streets people were chanting ''we the north''. In Montreal, basketball is also very popular. Many watches the NBA playoffs. As far as TV converage is concerned, right now, Raptors get the most TV converage by far.