View Full Version : This league is transitioning/weak

05-26-2016, 04:22 PM
I've been wondering why the league is so weak and I've come to a conclusion. The Superstars of the early 2000's are old men that can't keep up with the rookies now. Great players like Chris Paul, T-Mac, Kobe, Wade, Carmelo, Gilbert Arenas, Tim Duncan, Ginobli, Nash, Hedo Turkoglu, Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol, Dirk, Amare, Chris bosh and many many more big names with skill are nothing now. Well, Chris is still good but you get the point.

Most starters are really bench players waiting for the young talent to mature. Just think about how many medium to high Caliber players we've lost. The league won't be good until about 3-5 years.

05-26-2016, 04:25 PM
I've been wondering why the league is so weak and I've come to a conclusion. The Superstars of the early 2000's are old men that can't keep up with the rookies now. Great players like Chris Paul, T-Mac, Kobe, Wade, Carmelo, Gilbert Arenas, Tim Duncan, Ginobli, Nash, Hedo Turkoglu, Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol, Dirk, Amare, Chris bosh and many many more big names with skill are nothing now. Well, Chris is still good but you get the point.

Most starters are really bench players waiting for the young talent to mature. Just think about how many medium to high Caliber players we've lost. The league won't be good until about 3-5 years.

Those in bold were not superstars in early 2000's.

05-26-2016, 04:33 PM
Those in bold were not superstars in early 2000's.

Those guys should still be prime, though not peak, but with the exception of Lebron, Paul, Melo, they've been hit by injuries. Pau Gasol was never a star, but still puts up star numbers (not impact) due to the extremely weak big man situation.

05-26-2016, 04:40 PM
I'm not really sure what more you want.

Historical, great reg season teams? Golden state , San Antonio...check

Star players? Lebron, Westbrook, curry, Durant, irving, Leonard...

Record breaking performances? See Cleveland, golden state and San Antonio.

What more do you want to see

05-26-2016, 04:50 PM
Those guys should still be prime, though not peak, but with the exception of Lebron, Paul, Melo, they've been hit by injuries. Pau Gasol was never a star, but still puts up star numbers (not impact) due to the extremely weak big man situation.


05-26-2016, 04:54 PM
Curry, Lebron, KD, and Westbrook is a very solid top 4.

Kawhi, Chris Paul, and Anthony Davis are a good second tier

Not sure what's weak about that.

05-26-2016, 05:55 PM
I understand that Lebron, Goatbrook, Kd, Leonard and Curry are great but the amount of talent in today's league doesn't match the early/mid 2000s. Most of the talent is in the same place. It's not even close.

AI, Lamar Odom, Vince Carter, KG, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Brandon Roy and much more. If I wasn't at work I'd name more. I want the talent to be spread out damnit!

05-26-2016, 06:04 PM
I'm not really sure what more you want.

Historical, great reg season teams? Golden state , San Antonio...check

Star players? Lebron, Westbrook, curry, Durant, irving, Leonard...

Record breaking performances? See Cleveland, golden state and San Antonio.

What more do you want to see
They're just mad because all the records their idols set are being destroyed and quite easily at that.

I understand that Lebron, Goatbrook, Kd, Leonard and Curry are great but the amount of talent in today's league doesn't match the early/mid 2000s. Most of the talent is in the same place. It's not even close.

AI, Lamar Odom, Vince Carter, KG, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Brandon Roy and much more. If I wasn't at work I'd name more. I want the talent to be spread out damnit!
LeBron, Curry, CP3, Kawhi, KD, WB, Blake, PG, Klay, Lillard, Harden, Davis, Irving, DMC, Wall, Butler, Green, LMA, etc..

Lets also not forget players like Love, Al, Big Al, Millsap, Wiggins, Wade, DJ, Dwight, Dirk, etc..

05-26-2016, 06:17 PM
Hedo Turkoglo and great player do not belong in the same sentence.

05-26-2016, 06:34 PM
Nicca said Hedo Turkeygoo was great :roll:

Newsflash bro: people grow old. TMac, Kobe, Nash, Duncan, Dirk, Ginobili were drafted in the 90s...it's 2016.

And tbh the early/mid 2000s was weak as hell. Those Celtics/Nets ECFs ain't nothing to brag on.

05-26-2016, 06:46 PM
Hedo Turkoglo and great player do not belong in the same sentence.

You don't remember all those daggers by Turk? Didn't this dude go to the finals with Howard? I could be wrong. I remember him always being clutch at one time.

05-26-2016, 06:51 PM
It could be true that the league is weaker, but everything stated in the OP is pretty much horse shit.

05-26-2016, 06:51 PM
You don't remember all those daggers by Turk? Didn't this dude go to the finals with Howard? I could be wrong. I remember him always being clutch at one time.

he was clutch one year but that's it. Don't think he ever even an all star game good player but that's it. Ben Gordon was clutch too no one calls him a star.

05-26-2016, 06:52 PM
I'm not really sure what more you want.

Historical, great reg season teams? Golden state , San Antonio...check

Star players? Lebron, Westbrook, curry, Durant, irving, Leonard...

Record breaking performances? See Cleveland, golden state and San Antonio.

What more do you want to see

When a team, in this case two teams have astronomical win record it's usually a result of a weak league.

It kind of makes sense.

05-26-2016, 07:31 PM
I'm not sure the league is weak just because a few disgruntled ex-players said so. It's in their vested interest to say things like that. There are always people on the way out, and new talented guys taking off.

05-26-2016, 07:43 PM
It's weak because only one team in the east ever had a realistic shot at the title and only 3 in the west did.

05-26-2016, 08:18 PM
I've been wondering why the league is so weak and I've come to a conclusion. The Superstars of the early 2000's are old men that can't keep up with the rookies now. Great players like Chris Paul, T-Mac, Kobe, Wade, Carmelo, Gilbert Arenas, Tim Duncan, Ginobli, Nash, Hedo Turkoglu, Dwight Howard, Pau Gasol, Dirk, Amare, Chris bosh and many many more big names with skill are nothing now. Well, Chris is still good but you get the point.

Most starters are really bench players waiting for the young talent to mature. Just think about how many medium to high Caliber players we've lost. The league won't be good until about 3-5 years.


05-26-2016, 08:52 PM
The talent pool is better than ever but bball isn't just about natural talent. It's a mix of athleticism, skill, iq and desire. It's not a 100 meter dash where the most explosive athlete wins. If basic fundamentals like footwork, midrange game and post game aren't being stressed at the highest level, that filters down to the lower levels and dummies down the game to a 3 point contest and p&r game where iso skills aren't as crucial.

05-26-2016, 10:37 PM

F**k what y'all talking bout. Turk was a menace in my eyes. Prime Turk would be a valuable piece on any team in today's league.

I'm just saying, We need time for the new guys to mature and take over.