View Full Version : Westbrook is 8-25 with 7 turnovers while being guarded by Curry for the series...

05-27-2016, 02:40 AM
Tim MacMahon
ESPN Staff Writer

"Per ESPN Stats and Information, Russell Westbrook is 8-of-25 FG with 7 turnovers when Steph Curry is his primary defender in this series."

The reason Curry's not on him full time is because Westbrook is allowed to dive into defenders on drives and get fouls called. Plus, you never leave the best offensive player in the world on a guy like Westbrook full time. Not even Jordan guarded his match up full time if the opposing player was a star.

05-27-2016, 03:08 AM
GOATbrook gonna GOAT

05-27-2016, 03:22 AM
Steph said himself the reason Klay guards Westbrook more is because Klay is a better defender.

Hold this L

05-27-2016, 08:34 AM
Damn...haters avoided this thread. :lol

05-27-2016, 08:36 AM
This is misleading... It doesn't account the times Curry guarded WB 1 on 1, many of those possessions Westbrook blew by Curry and was met by someone else in the paint, like Thompson and Green and Bogut.

Curry got burned 1 v 1 and watched WB run by him in transition for layups/dunks.

05-27-2016, 08:40 AM
This is misleading... It doesn't account the times Curry guarded WB 1 on 1, many of those possessions Westbrook blew by Curry and was met by someone else in the paint, like Thompson and Green and Bogut.

Curry got burned 1 v 1 and watched WB run by him in transition for layups/dunks.

Westbrick barely ever burns anyone without his illegal screen buddy Adams.

05-27-2016, 10:08 AM
Westbrick barely ever burns anyone without his illegal screen buddy Adams.
No one can stay in front of Westbrook you dumbass. He was crossing Klay over and over last night in an off game.

If Curry wants to accept the challenge of forcing Westbrook to shoot 8-25 for an entire game, I got Curry shooting 6-30 on the other end because he won't have any energy whatsoever :roll:

05-27-2016, 12:41 PM
What a simplistic reading of things. Westbrook was causing havoc for GS cos he kept blowing by Steph and getting easy buckets or fouls for himself and others..

05-27-2016, 12:43 PM
Picking up the slack for Warriorfan while he's out?

05-27-2016, 12:44 PM
Justin stop. Bad Justin.

05-27-2016, 12:51 PM
Not sure how they determine coverage.

Westbrook and Durant were blowing by their primary defenders all night long, and flying to the rim...where they were met by Bogut and Green. They were throwing up some very questionable shots down the lane. I assume that they were hoping to get foul calls, but nonetheless, they were poor shots.

Also, ...what in the hell did the Warriors put on the floor last night? I have never seen so many players slipping-and-sliding all over the floor in my life.

steve franchise
05-27-2016, 01:19 PM
Russell Westbrook is top 5 in points, assists and steals during this 2016 playoffs

05-27-2016, 01:24 PM
Russell Westbrook is top 5 in points, assists and steals during this 2016 playoffs

Has Westbrook played injured or missed any games these playoffs?

05-27-2016, 01:32 PM
Has Westbrook played injured or missed any games these playoffs?
Gods don't bleed. Curry meanwhile, has periods.

05-27-2016, 01:41 PM
Curry doesn't play defense, though. :confusedshrug:

He just gets a few steals a game...despite being a net positive on that end ALL year.

05-27-2016, 01:41 PM
It's actually come to curry fans hyping up his DEFENSE of all things :roll: :roll:

That's how bad it's gotten for you guys. You're hyping up his defense after he was out-played by ANDRE ROBERSON on both ends in a critical game 4!!! :lol

Westbrook goes 8-25 against anyone... that's a common theme for him. If Curry's such a monster on D... why is Klay the primary defender? Curry's been AWFUL on offense all series anyway.... dude is shooting terribly and almost has an even assist/turnover ratio... that's downright awful for a PG. So why can't he step on D and be Westbrook's primary defender since his offense has been terrible and thus his impact is negative. You'd think he'd step up in other ways but I honestly don't think he has the heart for that.

05-27-2016, 03:29 PM
Curry doesn't play defense, though. :confusedshrug:

He just gets a few steals a game...despite being a net positive on that end ALL year.


05-27-2016, 04:03 PM
I wonder how many assists russ got with curry as primary defender......however with the information presented we can draw a few conclusions:

1) That graphic accounts for 25 shots and 7 turnovers, in otherwords 32 possesions.

2) westbrook has 109 shots 55 assists and 23 turovers so far this series. Approximately 187 possessions.

3) we can make room for substituton patterns and what not but the reality is curry has been confirmed to spend 32/187 possesions covering russ(give a few more for any assists russ had with him there)

32/187 confirmed possessions, on the opposing star point guard.:biggums:

steve franchise
05-27-2016, 04:16 PM
Curry plays more defense on Bogut than on Westbrook:lol

05-27-2016, 06:55 PM
Tim MacMahon
ESPN Staff Writer

"Per ESPN Stats and Information, Russell Westbrook is 8-of-25 FG with 7 turnovers when Steph Curry is his primary defender in this series."

The reason Curry's not on him full time is because Westbrook is allowed to dive into defenders on drives and get fouls called. Plus, you never leave the best offensive player in the world on a guy like Westbrook full time. Not even Jordan guarded his match up full time if the opposing player was a star.

Stupid stat.

Westbrook easily blows by Curry and is met at the rim by Green and he forces up a lay up and misses.

That would be a good thing for Curry in terms of this stat.

05-27-2016, 07:02 PM
Stupid stat.

Westbrook easily blows by Curry and is met at the rim by Green and he forces up a lay up and misses.

That would be a good thing for Curry in terms of this stat.


The reality is...EVERYONE in the league knows that Glass is a defensive LIABILITY, including his OWN COACH, who is constantly trying to find a defensive match-up to minimize Chokurry's inept defense.

Gilles Simon
05-27-2016, 07:22 PM
Anyone have the stats when he was guarding Roberson and Waiters? :D

Thanks in advance.

05-27-2016, 07:40 PM


05-27-2016, 08:26 PM
It's not Curry though...it's Westbrick himself...he himself is the greatest defender he's ever faced because of how prone to stupidity and shot jacking he is.