View Full Version : Pat Buchanan article: 'The Great White Hope'

05-30-2016, 12:39 AM
"Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group ... death rates in this group have been rising, not falling."

The big new killers of middle-aged white folks? Alcoholic liver disease, overdoses of heroin and opioids, and suicides. So wrote Gina Kolata in The New York Times of a stunning study by the husband-wife team of Nobel laureate Angus Deaton and Anne Case.

Deaton could cite but one parallel to this social disaster: "Only H.I.V./AIDS in contemporary times has done anything like this."

Middle-aged whites are four times as likely as middle-aged blacks to kill themselves. Their fitness levels are falling as they suffer rising levels of physical pain, emotional stress and mental depression, which helps explain the alcohol and drug addiction.

But what explains the social disaster of white Middle America?

First, an economy where, though at or near full employment, a huge slice of the labor force has dropped out. Second, the real wages of working Americans have been nearly stagnant for decades.

Two major contributors to the economic decline of the white working-class: Scores of millions of third-world immigrants, here legally and illegally, who depress U.S. wages, and tens of thousands of factories and millions of jobs shipped abroad under the label of "globalization."

Another factor in the crisis of middle and working class white men is the plunging percentage of those who are married. Where a wife and children give meaning to a man's life, and to his labors, single white men are not only being left behind by the new economy, they are becoming alienated from society.

"It's not surprising," Barack Obama volunteered to his San Francisco high-donors, that such folks, "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."

We all have seen the figure of 72 percent of black children being born out of wedlock. For working class whites, it is up to 40 percent.

A lost generation is growing up all around us.

In the popular culture of the '40s and '50s, white men were role models. They were the detectives and cops who ran down gangsters and the heroes who won World War II on the battlefields of Europe and in the islands of the Pacific.

They were doctors, journalists, lawyers, architects and clergy. White males were our skilled workers and craftsmen -- carpenters, painters, plumbers, bricklayers, machinists, mechanics.

They were the Founding Fathers, Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Hamilton, and the statesmen, Webster, Clay and Calhoun.

Lincoln and every president had been a white male. Middle-class white males were the great inventors: Eli Whitney and Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and the Wright Brothers.

Part 2 coming up....

05-30-2016, 12:40 AM
They were the great capitalists: Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford and J. P. Morgan. All the great captains of America's wars were white males: Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, U.S. Grant and John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur and George Patton.

What has changed in our culture? Everything.

The world has been turned upside-down for white children. In our schools the history books have been rewritten and old heroes blotted out, as their statues are taken down and their flags are put away.

Children are being taught that America was "discovered" by genocidal white racists, who murdered the native peoples of color, enslaved Africans to do the labor they refused to do, then went out and brutalized and colonized indigenous peoples all over the world.

In Hollywood films and TV shows, working-class white males are regularly portrayed as what was once disparaged as "white trash."

Republicans are instructed that demography is destiny, that white America is dying, and that they must court Hispanics, Asians and blacks, or go the way of the Whigs.

Since affirmative action for black Americans began in the 1960s, it has been broadened to encompass women, Hispanics, Native Americans the handicapped, indeed, almost 70 percent of the nation.

White males, now down to 31 percent of the population, have become the only Americans against whom it is not only permissible, but commendable, to discriminate.

When our cultural and political elites celebrate "diversity" and clamor for more, what are they demanding, if not fewer white males in the work force and in the freshman classes at Annapolis and Harvard?

What is the moral argument for an affirmative action that justifies unending race discrimination against a declining white working class, who have become the expendables of our multicultural regime?

"Angry white male" is now an acceptable slur in culture and politics. So it is that people of that derided ethnicity, race, and gender see in Donald Trump someone who unapologetically berates and mocks the elites who have dispossessed them, and who despise them.

Is it any surprise that militant anti-government groups attract white males? Is it so surprising that the Donald today, like Jess Willard a century ago, is seen by millions as "The Great White Hope"?


05-30-2016, 01:15 AM
White people...not as privileged as you think.

05-30-2016, 02:04 AM
Pat is pro-Trump and has always been right. :cheers:

05-30-2016, 11:21 AM
Paging Knoe Itawl, paging Knoe Itawl!!!

I thought it was hatred of blacks that was killing white people?

05-30-2016, 11:24 AM
whites whining about not enough privilege

this is really good :roll: :roll:

longtime lurker
05-30-2016, 11:34 AM
This article is such a load of horseshit :lol

05-30-2016, 11:36 AM
whites whining about not enough privilege

this is really good :roll: :roll:


Truly, a weak era for the White man. Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis are rolling over in their graves. :facepalm

05-30-2016, 12:09 PM
whites whining about not enough privilege

this is really good :roll: :roll:
Or, your attestations of "privilege" are showing themselves to be completely non-factual--the product bigotry and hatred--rather than any kind of dispassionate analysis of the facts. Ignore it all you like, but it is a complete contradiction to portray white people as massively privileged when the white working class (i.e. those without money, without "privilege") is evidently having a harder time of things than any other group. Even when they are dying at alarming rates, when life-expectancy is plunging like no other demographic, and they are succumbing to the nihilism of suicide and drug-abuse, this bigotry-based fantasy is allowed to perpetuate itself with impunity.

Meanwhile, affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs are running riot around college campuses demanding everyone else pay lip service to what a terrible persecuted minority they are. Ah, but the white working class kid, who measured above the spoiled (wealthy, upper-middle class) black bimbo by every available metric, but was denied a place to fit an affirmative action quota, is the one who is "privileged." :rolleyes:

You only need to see how these people behave around campus to see that it is they who are privileged; they frequently do and get away with disruptive and rule-breaking behaviour because of their clear privilege and special treatment. Privilege is about money and family, and not skin-colour, in this day and age. Pretending otherwise is contrary to all known facts. In fact, blacks have one privilege that white males don't have (and which they share with women), in that they can be both rich (i.e. massively privileged) and pretend to be a victim of societal injustice at the same time. That's called having your cake and eating it too, and i'm amazed people put up with it.

longtime lurker
05-30-2016, 12:18 PM
Or, your attestations of "privilege" are showing themselves to be completely non-factual--the product bigotry and hatred--rather than any kind of dispassionate analysis of the facts. Ignore it all you like, but it is a complete contradiction to portray white people as massively privileged when the white working class (i.e. those without money, without "privilege") is evidently having a harder time of things than any other group. Even when they are dying at alarming rates, when life-expectancy is plunging like no other demographic, and they are succumbing to the nihilism of suicide and drug-abuse, this bigotry-based fantasy is allowed to perpetuate itself with impunity.

Meanwhile, affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs are running riot around college campuses demanding everyone else pay lip service to what a terrible persecuted minority they are. Ah, but the white working class kid, who measured above the spoiled (wealthy, upper-middle class) black bimbo by every available metric, but was denied a place to fit an affirmative action quota, is the one who is "privileged." :rolleyes:

You only need to see how these people behave around campus to see that it is they who are privileged; they frequently do and get away with disruptive and rule-breaking behaviour because of their clear privilege and special treatment. Privilege is about money and family, and not skin-colour, in this day and age. Pretending otherwise is contrary to all known facts. In fact, blacks have one privilege that white males don't have (and which they share with women), in that they can be both rich (i.e. massively privileged) and pretend to be a victim of societal injustice at the same time. That's called having your cake and eating it too, and i'm amazed people put up with it.

So much angst and bitterness :roll: You really have no clue what you're talking about as usual.

05-30-2016, 12:34 PM

Truly, a weak era for the White man. Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis are rolling over in their graves. :facepalm


05-30-2016, 12:50 PM
So much angst and bitterness :roll: You really have no clue what you're talking about as usual.
There's no "angst or bitterness" (what post were you reading?). But unsurprisingly, you've got no argument against the facts I present, so you resort to the childish ad hominem, like usual. Anyway, what I wrote seems like a fair description of this:


And many other instances of similar bullshit. Somehow, it is the man being shouted at an abused (a person of supposed authority!) who has been forced to leave his job (along with his wife), and the girl shrieking obscenities and abuse has suffered no punishment; not long ago such behaviour would have merited instant expulsion, for anyone. But we live in an age of incredible privileges. Since when is that not remarkable privilege? To be allowed to hurl abuse at your elders and your elders be punished for it? Wow...

And, yes, this is an example of the most privileged and pampered elite since the pre-Revolution French aristocracy pretending to be precious little victims--it's downright farcical :oldlol:.

She is from a wealthy area, and evidently an idiot--so I would say an assumption of affirmative action is a fair one. The difference in average grade between your typical white and black and asian students is well-documented: blacks are by far the most privileged, and asians the most discriminated against. But yeah, keep denying the facts to prop up your precious "i'm so persecuted" narrative.

Real Men Wear Green
05-30-2016, 01:50 PM
OMG...Knoe Itawl is Patrick Buchanan.

05-30-2016, 02:39 PM
Or, your attestations of "privilege" are showing themselves to be completely non-factual--the product bigotry and hatred--rather than any kind of dispassionate analysis of the facts. Ignore it all you like, but it is a complete contradiction to portray white people as massively privileged when the white working class (i.e. those without money, without "privilege") is evidently having a harder time of things than any other group. Even when they are dying at alarming rates, when life-expectancy is plunging like no other demographic, and they are succumbing to the nihilism of suicide and drug-abuse, this bigotry-based fantasy is allowed to perpetuate itself with impunity.

Meanwhile, affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs are running riot around college campuses demanding everyone else pay lip service to what a terrible persecuted minority they are. Ah, but the white working class kid, who measured above the spoiled (wealthy, upper-middle class) black bimbo by every available metric, but was denied a place to fit an affirmative action quota, is the one who is "privileged." :rolleyes:

You only need to see how these people behave around campus to see that it is they who are privileged; they frequently do and get away with disruptive and rule-breaking behaviour because of their clear privilege and special treatment. Privilege is about money and family, and not skin-colour, in this day and age. Pretending otherwise is contrary to all known facts. In fact, blacks have one privilege that white males don't have (and which they share with women), in that they can be both rich (i.e. massively privileged) and pretend to be a victim of societal injustice at the same time. That's called having your cake and eating it too, and i'm amazed people put up with it.

Yes, white people are so oppressed and underprivileged and the victim of racism and bigotry, but the (implied) majority of minority students on campus are "affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs".

I'm about to die from a textbook case of irony.

It's a classic trope of white apologists and supremacists to look at a specific, contrived criteria to support their viewpoint, and exclude evidence that doesn't support them. Tell me, who has the highest incidence of poverty? Heart disease? Diabetes? Preventable illnesses? Malnutrition?

Ok, let's try another one. what is the ethnic makeup of Congress? Police officers? Judges accross the US? Members of UK Parliament? CEOs? Military leaders? Bankers? People running the universities? Millionaires? Billionaires?

Hey google, what are the overall life expectancies of some of these groups?

White women 81.3 years, black females at 78 years, white males at 76.5 years and black males have the shortest at 71.8 years.

Yikes, black men live 5 years shorter than white men and a full decade less than white women. B-b-b-but the death rate! Didn't you read the article, oarabbus? Forget about the fact that blacks die from natural and unnatural causes much more frequently, because these particular statistics about white people show that their death rate is rising (but they still significantly outlive blacks). Who gives a FLYING FU.CK about black people when one specific subset of white people are suffering? It's always all about the white people. Always.

Let's not forget either that it's orders of magnitude more difficult for Asian males than white males to get into medical school, or be elected to congress, or get into ANY school, or be elected into ANY office, or numerous other factors when we play the 'anti-discrimination' game... but that's another story for another day. Sit down little Asian boys and girls, even less of a fu.ck is given about you than blacks.

05-30-2016, 02:42 PM
Dresta reads books, watches youtube, and counts statistics but he has little real world experience

That is why he doesn't get it

longtime lurker
05-30-2016, 03:05 PM
There's no "angst or bitterness" (what post were you reading?). But unsurprisingly, you've got no argument against the facts I present, so you resort to the childish ad hominem, like usual. Anyway, what I wrote seems like a fair description of this:


And many other instances of similar bullshit. Somehow, it is the man being shouted at an abused (a person of supposed authority!) who has been forced to leave his job (along with his wife), and the girl shrieking obscenities and abuse has suffered no punishment; not long ago such behaviour would have merited instant expulsion, for anyone. But we live in an age of incredible privileges. Since when is that not remarkable privilege? To be allowed to hurl abuse at your elders and your elders be punished for it? Wow...

And, yes, this is an example of the most privileged and pampered elite since the pre-Revolution French aristocracy pretending to be precious little victims--it's downright farcical :oldlol:.

She is from a wealthy area, and evidently an idiot--so I would say an assumption of affirmative action is a fair one. The difference in average grade between your typical white and black and asian students is well-documented: blacks are by far the most privileged, and asians the most discriminated against. But yeah, keep denying the facts to prop up your precious "i'm so persecuted" narrative.

Your posts are filled with anecdotal evidence, conjecture and just pure bull shit. You post one youtube example of shouting down and that's supposed to dismiss the whole concept of white privilege? :facepalm Do you even know what led to the situation? You make an assumption that she's an idiot based on the fact that she's black(although you'll try to pin it on the fact that she's somehow shrieking :rolleyes:) You have no idea about her intelligence or how competent she is. And statistically speaking affirmative action has benefited white women out of any other group, not to mention that due to sheer numbers there are more underqualified white students on a campus, but its those damn minorities that are getting free rides! It's funny that you guys never bring legacy admissions as if all of them are somehow qualified for the top schools.

In fact, blacks have one privilege that white males don't have (and which they share with women), in that they can be both rich (i.e. massively privileged) and pretend to be a victim of societal injustice at the same time.

This has got to be the one of the dumbest posts and just goes to prove why nothing you post should be taken seriously. Because someone is rich they can't be a victim of injustice....you're no different than other trolls on this site you just like to pretend you're an intellectual.

longtime lurker
05-30-2016, 03:17 PM
I also find if hypocritical that the "boot straps" crowd are blaming other people for their woes and playing "victim" instead of taking "personal responsibility for their situation". Actually no I don't this is the whole right wing thought process in a nut shell.

05-30-2016, 04:09 PM
So white conservatives are now using the victim card they so accuse minorities of using? What ever happened to personal responsibility :confusedshrug:

What a time :yaohappy:

05-30-2016, 04:32 PM
So white conservatives are now using the victim card they so accuse minorities of using? What ever happened to personal responsibility :confusedshrug:

What a time :yaohappy:

Black/Latino privilege caused This (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-05-28/heroin-users-are-90-percent-white-living-outside-urban-a) to happen.

But if we got rid of all the Mexicans and stopped teaching History, it would all be better. It'd be like the 40s and the 50s again when the United States was a Utopia with no problems for any one, especially not the poor, victimized White man.





05-30-2016, 05:03 PM
Yes, white people are so oppressed and underprivileged and the victim of racism and bigotry, but the (implied) majority of minority students on campus are "affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs".

I'm about to die from a textbook case of irony.

It's a classic trope of white apologists and supremacists to look at a specific, contrived criteria to support their viewpoint, and exclude evidence that doesn't support them. Tell me, who has the highest incidence of poverty? Heart disease? Diabetes? Preventable illnesses? Malnutrition?

Ok, let's try another one. what is the ethnic makeup of Congress? Police officers? Judges accross the US? Members of UK Parliament? CEOs? Military leaders? Bankers? People running the universities? Millionaires? Billionaires?

Hey google, what are the overall life expectancies of some of these groups?

Yikes, black men live 5 years shorter than white men and a full decade less than white women. B-b-b-but the death rate! Didn't you read the article, oarabbus? Forget about the fact that blacks die from natural and unnatural causes much more frequently, because these particular statistics about white people show that their death rate is rising (but they still significantly outlive blacks). Who gives a FLYING FU.CK about black people when one specific subset of white people are suffering? It's always all about the white people. Always.

Let's not forget either that it's orders of magnitude more difficult for Asian males than white males to get into medical school, or be elected to congress, or get into ANY school, or be elected into ANY office, or numerous other factors when we play the 'anti-discrimination' game... but that's another story for another day. Sit down little Asian boys and girls, even less of a fu.ck is given about you than blacks.
Uhhhhhh why are you comparing ages of Black men and white women?

05-30-2016, 05:35 PM
Yes, white people are so oppressed and underprivileged and the victim of racism and bigotry, but the (implied) majority of minority students on campus are "affirmative actioned dumb black bimbos from the burbs".

I'm about to die from a textbook case of irony.

It's a classic trope of white apologists and supremacists to look at a specific, contrived criteria to support their viewpoint, and exclude evidence that doesn't support them. Tell me, who has the highest incidence of poverty? Heart disease? Diabetes? Preventable illnesses? Malnutrition?

Ok, let's try another one. what is the ethnic makeup of Congress? Police officers? Judges accross the US? Members of UK Parliament? CEOs? Military leaders? Bankers? People running the universities? Millionaires? Billionaires?

Hey google, what are the overall life expectancies of some of these groups?

Yikes, black men live 5 years shorter than white men and a full decade less than white women. B-b-b-but the death rate! Didn't you read the article, oarabbus? Forget about the fact that blacks die from natural and unnatural causes much more frequently, because these particular statistics about white people show that their death rate is rising (but they still significantly outlive blacks). Who gives a FLYING FU.CK about black people when one specific subset of white people are suffering? It's always all about the white people. Always.

Let's not forget either that it's orders of magnitude more difficult for Asian males than white males to get into medical school, or be elected to congress, or get into ANY school, or be elected into ANY office, or numerous other factors when we play the 'anti-discrimination' game... but that's another story for another day. Sit down little Asian boys and girls, even less of a fu.ck is given about you than blacks.

Chill out brah. All I said was that it is both inaccurate and unjust to speak of "white privilege" when the white working class is showing to be not very privileged at all. Simply, that pretending white skin grants privileges, and black skin confers victimhood, leads to abuses like the one I posted, and of many other instances of the privileged being given extra benefits, and the non-privileged being discriminate against, all on the basis of skin colour (the definition of racism btw).

I don't know if you're projecting or what, but this post of yours is beyond pathetic. Your bringing up specific subsets dominated by rich white males doesn't have any relevance to the plight of working class white males whatsoever; you are conflating two entirely different things, and two unrelated objects (except according to skin colour, the only way people like you and lurker seem capable of distinguishing one human being from another). You're only distracting from the point with all this irrelevant emoting.

Besides, you reinforce my point further by effectively calling anyone who dares to bring up this point, and to question generalised race-based discrimination regarding "white privilege", to be a "white apologist" or even "supremacist".

The way you are generalising is no different to saying: "a disproportionate number of criminals are black, therefore all black people have an inherent (and ineradicable) tendency for criminality that is a product of their skin-colour."

Your argument is effectively: "A disproportionate number of the richest and most privileged people are white, therefore all white people have an inherent (and ineradicable) privilege that is a product of their skin-colour

They are the same argument, applied different ways; i have even used the same words, in sentences that are direct copies of one another. There it is: plain as day, broken down, undeniable; certifiable proof of your clear prejudice and double standards.

05-30-2016, 05:52 PM
Your posts are filled with anecdotal evidence, conjecture and just pure bull shit. You post one youtube example of shouting down and that's supposed to dismiss the whole concept of white privilege? :facepalm Do you even know what led to the situation? You make an assumption that she's an idiot based on the fact that she's black(although you'll try to pin it on the fact that she's somehow shrieking :rolleyes:) You have no idea about her intelligence or how competent she is. And statistically speaking affirmative action has benefited white women out of any other group, not to mention that due to sheer numbers there are more underqualified white students on a campus, but its those damn minorities that are getting free rides! It's funny that you guys never bring legacy admissions as if all of them are somehow qualified for the top schools.

This has got to be the one of the dumbest posts and just goes to prove why nothing you post should be taken seriously. Because someone is rich they can't be a victim of injustice....you're no different than other trolls on this site you just like to pretend you're an intellectual.Erm.. no. I know exactly what led to it (getting upset about an email saying people could wear whatever halloween costume they wanted), and her intelligence (or lack thereof) and sense of entitlement is plain as day for anyone to see; no person that has struggled through life behaves like that; only spoiled and pampered brats behave like that.

And yes, you can't be rich and claim to be a victim of societal injustice when 90+% of the population (and 95+% of the world) has it worse than you; that's exactly right. Everyone thinks things in life that happen to them are unfair you know.

I mean, a medieval king has a lot of weight and responsibility resting on his shoulders, but no-one wants to hear him moan about it, do they? Or complain about the injustice of it all?

05-30-2016, 07:48 PM
dumbbells here talking about white privilege like it's 1950. :lol :facepalm

did warriorfan actually tell someone they need "real word experience" in this thread? :roll:

05-30-2016, 09:23 PM
At the end of the day, nothing done as far as civil rights and immigration has actually benefitted the average white American. It's multiplied the workforce, and - as liberals often point out, correctly - money does not trickle down, it flows up. The wealthy have benefitted from the multiplication of available laborers. The average man has not.

The issue is that the sons and daughters of working class immigrants of yesteryear did not face economic challenges requiring them to work in factories, work construction, open up delis, open up tailoring shops, open up family grocery stores. Instead they increasingly went to college, and became idealists. When you show up to these shores as a poor immigrant, you have no time for self-congratulation, building an ego and meticulously crafting your 'intellectual image.' You gotta work long and hard to keep the heat on and the kids fed. I myself have never been through these kinds of circumstances, but I at least have the minimal self awareness to realize what I am the product of. Liberals do not have a clue.

Liberals come from a generation who has filled the void of not having to grind out a blue collar living, with the self-congratulatory endeavor of being the world's personal robin hood, the subjective arbiters of justice and morality, and the heroes of the revolution of fighting the oppressive patriachy of capitalist buzzword buzzword buzzword fantasy. They dream of being the one who 'hits the buzzerbeater' and gets the recognition. Of course, most on the far left are terrible athletes, have no charisma, dont attract women etc, so the traditional means of glory hunting are of no use to them. They have to achieve a phony moral/intellectual 'soapbox superiority.' They have to create the illusion of importance. And SJWing is what they do. Longtime lurker isnt in Africa volunteering right now because he doesnt care about others, he cares about himself. But his only way of gainin a social edge is to insist he cares more about others than you. His actions dont back it up, but its not about action. Its not about result. It's not about altruism. He needs to be SEEN and be HEARD being MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN YOU ARE. Thats why college kids are always pushing the liberal envelope. It's not about logic. It's not about them being right, it's about them being NEW and DIFFERENT and gaining with that the presumption of being BETTER.

Therefore any historically conservative idea, Longtime Fakkit automatically opposes it. He AUTOMATICALLY opposes it. Because he has to separate himself. He needs an edge. Liberalism is his rebellion, its his non conformity, its his social trump card. Because in a traditional system he's a nobody. And he cant change himself, so he has to change the system.

But show me how these changes which idle, academic idealists came up with for self-serving moralistic/religious (liberal religion) reasons, and wealthy business owners exploited for economic reasons, has benefitted the average working class American.

Maybe it has. Just show me the stats. Take the moralism out of it, take the race card and bigotry labels out of it, take the diversion tactics out of it. Just tell me by the numbers how increasing the numbers of poor minorities with differing cultures and higher rates of crime has benefited the average working class white male.

Lemme know.

05-30-2016, 09:51 PM
What's interesting is that you can tell the Civil Rights movement was not about objective justice and altruism, but rather simply going against the conventional grain and seizing a new moral high-ground, because now that equality in law and even minority favoritism is in place and has been for decades, the new liberal fight is about RECOGNIZING the history of oppression, the patriarchy. The witch hunting, the rooting out conservative whites and their obviously racist agendas, making them admit to their sins. Forcing whites to embrace their guilt, shaming them for their privilege.

Is it rational? Necessary? No, of course not. But equality under law is not enough. Liberal whites still assume minorities must be teeming with insecurity. And that means they're a prime candidate for being 'rescued.' It's like that meme of dropping freedom bombs. Liberals need to play rescuer. Minority feels insecure? OKAY, WHO'S THE WHITE ASSHOLE THAT'S RESPONSIBLE?? I'M GONNA FIND YOU, CALL YOU OUT, AND TOTALLY IMPRESS OTHER PEOPLE.

There always has to be a battle. People cannot simply live by the cold logic and reason of reality. There always has to be fictitious battles. Civil Rights was just a convenient excuse, because there were legitimate inequalities to target. But civil rights were not an end for liberals, they were a means. Just a convenient one to supply a motivation that has nothing to do in itself with civil rights specifically. It's about perpetually standing out, being the non-conformist, creating a mutiny against convention by which they can then place themselves at the front, at the top, and the head of the new social movement and bask in all consequent glory.

It'll be amazing once all the campus cucks and grown liberal cornball men finally place the white man into a position of servitude and groveling (just to prove they're totally against the old way where like the white man had privilege) to see what the next frontier is of liberal posturing. What madness awaits us 20 years from now? We're legitimately moving toward things like plants having feelings and computers deserving to vote. And I'm not saying these things to compare them to human civil rights, because human civil rights is not the liberals actual motivation. This is what has been failed to be spotlighted. It's a persistent social trope that knows no boundaries. It's a mechanism unto itself. Civil Rights just happened to be passing along in various forms like an errant star getting sucked into a black hole. It's about identity. Liberals always need new ones. They have to be different and go against the grain by nature, because liberals are people who don't measure up in whatever the current system is. Not just today's system, but any time and place. It's the people at the bottom who want to change it, naturally. So we will forever be going through these trendy changes in social dogma because upheavel will always appeal to the large base at the bottom, and not the few at the top.

05-31-2016, 01:14 AM
This has got to be the one of the dumbest posts and just goes to prove why nothing you post should be taken seriously. Because someone is rich they can't be a victim of injustice....you're no different than other trolls on this site you just like to pretend you're an intellectual.

What he's saying, dummy, is that this is the attitude purveyed by liberals, toward moneyed whites through their ongoing attempts at class warfare. They CONSTANTLY declare that successful white persons have no possible justification to complain, criticize, or question anything. If you are white and well off financially, you literally cannot be wronged according to left wing dogma.

It you are rich and are a minority, you can still claim 'bigotry' any time you dont get your way or like how someone treats you. But because whites "dont know what it's like" liberals seek to instantly invalidate their objections to anything, ESPECIALLY if theyre middle to upper class.

05-31-2016, 03:28 AM
Why is it that having Spanish ancestry makes you a "minority" but having Russian ancestry doesn't? I mean, the vast majority of Americans aren't Russian. It is literally a minority, but why isn't Russian or Slavic-American a "protected class" minority group like Spanish/Hispanics? What's so special about the Spanish?

Why are some group granted "protected class" status while others aren't? I guess Russian-Americans aren't a large enough group to warrant political pandering.

05-31-2016, 09:53 AM
Why is it that having Spanish ancestry makes you a "minority" but having Russian ancestry doesn't? I mean, the vast majority of Americans aren't Russian. It is literally a minority, but why isn't Russian or Slavic-American a "protected class" minority group like Spanish/Hispanics? What's so special about the Spanish?

Why are some group granted "protected class" status while others aren't? I guess Russian-Americans aren't a large enough group to warrant political pandering.
Because America's establishment is filled with racist morons who can only see things in binary (and that includes the "anti-racists" who want to enforce colour based quotas, and make everyone fill out ethnicity forms when applying for jobs, or going to the doctors, or any number of things). These people, and the continuation of their moronic dogmas, can only make America a neurotic nation regarding race; their need to break everything into black/white/yellow, only means that people will see the world in such simplistic terms, and thus leads to the perpetuation of race-based thinking (and obviously racism). In the end, they are doing the work of white supremacists for them.

There are no Russian-Americans because anyone white (these days) instantly becomes a "white American" as they're shoved into the melting pot; whereas other people are allowed to keep on a simplistic (and inaccurate) vestige of their heritage. Thus blacks are called "african American" and we have courses like "African studies" even though Africa is a vast continent without any unifying culture or history, but whatever.

So unified by what? Skin-colour; it's always skin-colour with these people. It's tantamount to an obsession.

But show me how these changes which idle, academic idealists came up with for self-serving moralistic/religious (liberal religion) reasons, and wealthy business owners exploited for economic reasons, has benefitted the average working class American.

Maybe it has. Just show me the stats. Take the moralism out of it, take the race card and bigotry labels out of it, take the diversion tactics out of it. Just tell me by the numbers how increasing the numbers of poor minorities with differing cultures and higher rates of crime has benefited the average working class white male.

They won't, because the stats show that they're actually dying like no other demographic group. But bringing that up and daring to suggest that maybe large amounts of whites aren't massively privileged is "crying white tears" or some other irrelevant bs. Or it is, like oarabbus thinks, a denial that there are rich white people and unfortunate black people (who said such a thing? No-one, but he couldn't pass up an opportunity to moralise about the whole thing).

05-31-2016, 01:32 PM
72% to 40% is still a HELL of a gap of unwed children....jeez. Also,


05-31-2016, 01:58 PM
Why is it that having Spanish ancestry makes you a "minority" but having Russian ancestry doesn't? I mean, the vast majority of Americans aren't Russian. It is literally a minority, but why isn't Russian or Slavic-American a "protected class" minority group like Spanish/Hispanics? What's so special about the Spanish?

Why are some group granted "protected class" status while others aren't? I guess Russian-Americans aren't a large enough group to warrant political pandering.
This is actually a good question...

There is this Cuban girl where I work that at first glance, you assume she's your typical English speaking American white girl but she struggles with the English language. She identifies squarely as Hispanic, hangs out with other Hispanics and even though she tries speaking English, she usually ends up talking Spanish to other bilingual co-workers to make herself understood. She says it's frustrating explaining she's Hispanic when white Americans talk to her in English assuming she's fluent in English :oldlol:

She's basically a white girl who has a minority status :lol

05-31-2016, 05:40 PM
This is actually a good question...

There is this Cuban girl where I work that at first glance, you assume she's your typical English speaking American white girl but she struggles with the English language. She identifies squarely as Hispanic, hangs out with other Hispanics and even though she tries speaking English, she usually ends up talking Spanish to other bilingual co-workers to make herself understood. She says it's frustrating explaining she's Hispanic when white Americans talk to her in English assuming she's fluent in English :oldlol:

She's basically a white girl who has a minority status :lol
Literally everybody is a minority. Everybody is part of some group that isn't the majority.

05-31-2016, 06:16 PM
At the end of the day, nothing done as far as civil rights and immigration has actually benefitted the average white American. It's multiplied the workforce, and - as liberals often point out, correctly - money does not trickle down, it flows up. The wealthy have benefitted from the multiplication of available laborers. The average man has not.

The issue is that the sons and daughters of working class immigrants of yesteryear did not face economic challenges requiring them to work in factories, work construction, open up delis, open up tailoring shops, open up family grocery stores. Instead they increasingly went to college, and became idealists. When you show up to these shores as a poor immigrant, you have no time for self-congratulation, building an ego and meticulously crafting your 'intellectual image.' You gotta work long and hard to keep the heat on and the kids fed. I myself have never been through these kinds of circumstances, but I at least have the minimal self awareness to realize what I am the product of. Liberals do not have a clue.

How many hours a day did the working class immigrants who worked in factories, construction, delis, tailor shops, etc, etc have to work?

I don't know, maybe it was a hard life but didn't they feel they had a sense of purpose in their life?