View Full Version : Tracy McGrady criticizing Steph about playoff performance is hilarious

06-09-2016, 08:20 AM
He is on Mike and Mike shitting on Steph. Does anyone see this? This has to be a joke.

06-09-2016, 08:23 AM
He is on Mike and Mike shitting on Steph. Does anyone see this? This has to be a joke.

Not watching but I believe it. He's got some ego. Steph could retire tomorrow and eat him alive all-time. What is he saying exactly?

06-09-2016, 08:25 AM
I mean...he deserves some criticism..

06-09-2016, 08:28 AM
Why? Is everybody else criticising on these shows better than T-Mac? Can only Barkley and Shaq make criticism?

06-09-2016, 08:28 AM
I heard some of it. Tmac's just putting some high standards for him and it's fine that Tmac's is the one criticizing since he's not really considered an all time great.

06-09-2016, 08:41 AM
So we, here at ISH, are allowed to criticize Steph, Lebron KD etc, when we are mostly hobbyists?

I think if someone makes good points about the game it shouldn't matter how he played no matter which level of play.

06-09-2016, 08:42 AM
Why? Is everybody else criticising on these shows better than T-Mac? Can only Barkley and Shaq make criticism?

I understand that but it's hilarious. TMac is the THE playoff loser, but I understand he prob feels like it would be easy playing on the Warriors team when you aren't required to be the best player on the court every night

06-09-2016, 08:45 AM
T-Mac is the biggest joke in NBA history. It's astonishing that he gets more love than the likes of Harden, CP3, Melo etc who all achieved way more in the game.

06-09-2016, 08:46 AM
T-Mac is totally jelly. He hated on Curry after he got his MVP too.

06-09-2016, 08:47 AM
He doesn't have the right to criticize Curry? That's his job on TV... if Skip Bayless and Stephen A. can make fun of Lebron for disappearing how come a former NBA player who averaged 32 ppg for a season can't?

People cite 2003 Playoffs but his team lost by double digits when he dropped 46 points on 62% shooting, his team lost another game where he dropped 37/11/5, Curry can score 11 points and his bench can blow the other team's starters out to a point where he doesn't even need to enter the game in the 4th..

of course he's going to get criticized when his team is getting blown out and he's not doing anything on the court except fouling the guys he's defending and getting crossed over by the opposing PG who drops 30 on him

06-09-2016, 08:49 AM
I understand that but it's hilarious. TMac is the THE playoff loser, but I understand he prob feels like it would be easy playing on the Warriors team when you aren't required to be the best player on the court every night

I'm pretty sure Tmac would never compare himself to the upper echelon guys like MJ however. It's like kenny smith criticizing a star player except Tmac's obviously much better.

06-09-2016, 08:53 AM
I'm pretty sure Tmac would never compare himself to the upper echelon guys like MJ however. It's like kenny smith criticizing a star player except Tmac's obviously much better.

You don't think he honestly feels that back in his Orlando days that he couldn't give Jordan 45 on any given night ? He knows he didn't have a better career but he prob thinks very high of his peak days. Guarantee he thinks he was better than Steph

TheReal Kendall
06-09-2016, 08:56 AM
Why so much hate for tmac?

He was a great player but injuries messed his career up. His job now is to criticize players.

I didn't watch Mike and Mike but I did watch the game and curry played like a scrub.

Not hating on curry but dude really looked like garbage and he's supposed to be the "mvp".

TheReal Kendall
06-09-2016, 08:58 AM
I'm pretty sure Tmac would never compare himself to the upper echelon guys like MJ however. It's like kenny smith criticizing a star player except Tmac's obviously much better.

Tmac was never a role play like Kenny but I understand what you getting at.

06-09-2016, 08:59 AM
Didn't T-Mac playing well in playoffs but his teams were horrible?

Besides if former players like Kenny Smith can critize players, T-Mac can go savage.

Steven Kerry
06-09-2016, 09:12 AM
He doesn't have the right to criticize Curry? That's his job on TV... if Skip Bayless and Stephen A. can make fun of Lebron for disappearing how come a former NBA player who averaged 32 ppg for a season can't?

It is still amusing to see a playoff failure talk crap like this.

06-09-2016, 09:17 AM
It is still amusing to see a playoff failure talk crap like this.

He's not the reason his teams lost, he was the lone bright spot on those Orlando teams, he was injured in Houston the year they took Lakers to 7, they could have been to the Finals in 09 if both T-Mac and Yao didn't get injured

It is what it is. There are many things that go into a team making a Finals appearance. If you're the #1 option and you're injured it's hard for your team to make the Finals unless you're Steph Curry, who has 10 other all-star players on his roster.

hold this L
06-09-2016, 09:23 AM
Nothing wrong with criticizing Steph man. He deserves it. IMO if Steph played really well last night (solid D and great O), I genuenly think the Warriors would have won last night. Lebron started shooting well once they were 15-20 points ahead and if Curry wasn't hot garbage in the first half, they likely would have been leading at the half.

I'm actually worried about Steph. You need him to get to the level he was at at the last 3 games vs OKC. He just seems off. But even if he can't move as well as he used to, he should still do solid D.

06-09-2016, 09:23 AM
He is on Mike and Mike shitting on Steph. Does anyone see this? This has to be a joke.
no joke , TNac calls him out :oldlol: :lol :oldlol:

06-09-2016, 09:24 AM
Curry is injured.

You're gonna criticize someone who's not 100% healthy? Doesn't make sense to me

06-09-2016, 09:32 AM
T-Mac is the biggest joke in NBA history. It's astonishing that he gets more love than the likes of Harden, CP3, Melo etc who all achieved way more in the game.
Call me when Steph averages 32 ppg until then STFU

06-09-2016, 09:33 AM
Didn't T-Mac playing well in playoffs but his teams were horrible?

Besides if former players like Kenny Smith can critize players, T-Mac can go savage.

If guys like Skip and Stephen A can criticize, then T-Mac can go ham on whoever he wants.

06-09-2016, 10:40 AM
He doesn't have the right to criticize Curry? That's his job on TV... if Skip Bayless and Stephen A. can make fun of Lebron for disappearing how come a former NBA player who averaged 32 ppg for a season can't?

People cite 2003 Playoffs but his team lost by double digits when he dropped 46 points on 62% shooting, his team lost another game where he dropped 37/11/5, Curry can score 11 points and his bench can blow the other team's starters out to a point where he doesn't even need to enter the game in the 4th..

of course he's going to get criticized when his team is getting blown out and he's not doing anything on the court except fouling the guys he's defending and getting crossed over by the opposing PG who drops 30 on him
Yes to all of this

06-09-2016, 10:47 AM
He's not the reason his teams lost, he was the lone bright spot on those Orlando teams, he was injured in Houston the year they took Lakers to 7, they could have been to the Finals in 09 if both T-Mac and Yao didn't get injured

It is what it is. There are many things that go into a team making a Finals appearance. If you're the #1 option and you're injured it's hard for your team to make the Finals unless you're Steph Curry, who has 10 other all-star players on his roster.
09 Rockets would have won the championship if Yao stayed healthy. They didn't even need T-Mac.

06-09-2016, 10:47 AM
u gonna trust tmacs eye test? his shit is ****ed up he cant even see straight he has no idea what he is talking about

06-09-2016, 11:24 AM
He is on Mike and Mike shitting on Steph. Does anyone see this? This has to be a joke.

How is that any worse than people like Skip Bayless (averaged 2 ppg in high school or whatever it was) doing it?

06-09-2016, 11:30 AM
Call me when Steph averages 32 ppg until then STFU


People forget how good tmac was. At a point in time he was better than ai,vince carter,ray allen,and kobe.

Like he was the best player in the world playing on a sh*tty magic team AND he prolly had the best shoes out at the time that weren't jordans and he was on adidas. lol

there was nothing he couldn't do on the court and what set him apart from kobe was he could score just as much with more assists and rebounds. dude was a beast

06-09-2016, 11:30 AM
Well...He is an analyst, and it is his job to critique players and the game.

06-09-2016, 11:33 AM
What decent analysis of last night's game wouldn't include a condemnation of Wardell's play?

TMac is a top 150 player. Does that mean there are only 149 people in the world that can say anything bad about a player?

ISH... where stupid happens.

06-09-2016, 11:35 AM
i love tmac, but he shouldn't be talking at all. :lol

06-09-2016, 12:13 PM
T-mac is a better playoff performer than most who have ever graced this league, just because his teams have been basura or injured most of his career doesn't mean shit to me. He's literally put in some of the craziest performances I have seen in the postseason and he deserves respect.

The joke is you expect him to get out of the first round without help going up against great teams.

06-09-2016, 12:18 PM
meanwhile 10,000 mutha****ers who have never stepped on an NBA court are criticizing him.....

06-09-2016, 12:57 PM
OP criticizing TMac about playoff performance is hilarious.

OP hasn't even made the playoffs once

See how dumb this logic is?

06-09-2016, 01:00 PM
An NBA forum full of people who cant do shit seems an odd place to criticize a future hall of famer for not having the credibility to criticize people we critique all day. If Tmac shouldnt be talking when invited and paid to do so we need to close up shop entirely then.

06-09-2016, 01:00 PM
Stef Carried

06-09-2016, 01:31 PM
Call me when Steph averages 32 ppg until then STFU
You realize Curry's regular season accomplishments this year far outshine what McGrady did, right?

McGrady 32.1/6.5/5.5
Curry 30.1/5.4/6.7

Generally pretty close, but with McGrady slightly better in scoring. But then you look closer and see Curry scored more efficiently in every way possible. 50.4% > 45.7% fgs. 45.4% > 38.6% 3pt% (Curry's 3s are about as good as TMac's shooting altogether). 90.8% > 79.3% fg%. Curry did this with 4 less shots per game and a T% of 66.9% compared to 56.4%, which was lead leading, meaning Curry led the league in scoring and efficiency in the same year. If we want to look at PER, they both led the league, but Curry even has the notch there with 31.5 compared to 30.3. Let's not also forget the 42 wins versus 73 (a record believed to be nearly unobtainable), and Curry shattering his own 3 point record by over 100.

So congrats, T-Mac scored more by shooting more while having a worse efficiency and not leading to what really matters most, the Ws. No matter how you look at it, Curry's season was better than any season T-Mac had in his whole career. But you keep holding onto that 32ppg like it somehow makes him better.

06-09-2016, 01:40 PM
You realize Curry's regular season accomplishments this year far outshine what McGrady did, right?

McGrady 32.1/6.5/5.5
Curry 30.1/5.4/6.7

Generally pretty close, but with McGrady slightly better in scoring. But then you look closer and see Curry scored more efficiently in every way possible. 50.4% > 45.7% fgs. 45.4% > 38.6% 3pt% (Curry's 3s are about as good as TMac's shooting altogether). 90.8% > 79.3% fg%. Curry did this with 4 less shots per game and a T% of 66.9% compared to 56.4%, which was lead leading, meaning Curry led the league in scoring and efficiency in the same year. If we want to look at PER, they both led the league, but Curry even has the notch there with 31.5 compared to 30.3. Let's not also forget the 42 wins versus 73 (a record believed to be nearly unobtainable), and Curry shattering his own 3 point record by over 100.

So congrats, T-Mac scored more by shooting more while having a worse efficiency and not leading to what really matters most, the Ws. No matter how you look at it, Curry's season was better than any season T-Mac had in his whole career. But you keep holding onto that 32ppg like it somehow makes him better.

lmao it kills me when people bring up stats like that's the true test of someone being better or worse. Wilt had far better stats than prolly anyone that's ever played in the league why isn't he consider the goat???

there was NOTHING tmac couldn't do on a basketball court...just off talent he was prolly a top 3 talent that just never lived up to his potential because of injuries. He had a 3-1 lead over the pistons team that went on to win it all in 04. I don't see curry doing anything like that. You go back and look at those old magic teams and find me all-star,hall of famer, hell just find me a reliable role player and ill give you my next check. Tmac was playing on a team full of barely above average talent and had them competing and winning well enough to get to the playoffs. By the time he got to Houston he was still very productive but the nagging inuries were already slowing him down and everyone could see that.

06-09-2016, 02:23 PM
What did he say , generally ?

Knoe Itawl
06-09-2016, 02:26 PM
And yet no one in this thread has been able to answer why it's ok for a bunch of people on a message board to criticize Steph, but not a former all star MVP level NBA player whose career was derailed by injury/poor squads.

I won't wait for a reasonable answer, as there isn't one.

06-09-2016, 02:30 PM
Tracy was twice as good as curry. He has every right to criticize steph for being the most underwhelming playoff performer with an MVP.

Almost every star in history would win multiple rings with this Warriors team. They've been winning DESPITEAM steps awful play. All-time great team

06-09-2016, 02:49 PM
McGrady almost single handedly took out Detroit. That was one of the most impressive playoff performances ever. smh at you guys

06-09-2016, 02:50 PM
Tmac should be allow to talk crap....Hes been to many NBA finals.....

Nick Young
06-09-2016, 03:15 PM
T-Mac's opinions on everything have been shit.

The dude is funny but he's like a version of Charles Barkley who says stupider shit than Chuck and is always wrong.

Nick Young
06-09-2016, 03:15 PM
McGrady almost single handedly took out Detroit. That was one of the most impressive playoff performances ever. smh at you guys

The four words that describe a loser.

06-09-2016, 03:27 PM
T-Mac's opinions on everything have been shit.

The dude is funny but he's like a version of Charles Barkley who says stupider shit than Chuck and is always wrong.

having trouble finding this word in the dictionary. what does it mean?

06-09-2016, 03:32 PM
Tmac is a bitch now. I can't be the only one who saw him extremely butthurt after getting shown up by Muggsy Bogues in the celebrity game.

06-09-2016, 03:35 PM
He maybe top 40 or 50 but if he stayed healthy and got to one finals or conf finals one of those years he'd be top 25. That first round crap is so overrated,injuries and crap teams prevented him advancing.nobodys making any excuses that aren't rationale

If you saw him at his peak you'd get why he's aloud to talk about whatever he wants. Arguably top 10 peak ...ever.

06-09-2016, 03:36 PM

The four words that describe a loser.
No. Those words describe statistics. A loser is someone who given all the help, opportunity, and advantages still came up short. Like Lebron in 2011, Kobe in 04, Magic in 84, Dirk in 07. But all mistakes can be covered up by great play. Which is what all these guys did since they were given so many opportunities.

Nick Young
06-09-2016, 03:37 PM
He maybe top 40 or 50 but if he stayed healthy and got to one finals or conf finals one of those years he'd be top 25. That first round crap is so overrated,injuries and crap teams prevented him advancing.nobodys making any excuses that aren't rationale

If you saw him at his peak you'd get why he's aloud to talk about whatever he wants. Arguably top 10 peak ...ever.
woulda coulda shoulda.

I saw T-Mac at his peak. I saw him choke in the playoffs and lose in the first round over and over and over again, despite being paired with dudes like Yao Ming.

Nick Young
06-09-2016, 03:37 PM
No. Those words describe statistics. A loser is someone who given all the help, opportunity, and advantages still came up short.
So is that like a man who played with a great coach Jeff Van Gundy and a great center Yao Ming and still managed to come up short year after year? :confusedshrug:

Nick Young
06-09-2016, 03:38 PM
having trouble finding this word in the dictionary. what does it mean?
figure it out.

06-09-2016, 03:42 PM
So is that like a man who played with a great coach Jeff Van Gundy and a great center Yao Ming and still managed to come up short year after year? :confusedshrug:

and yet you still blame it all on mcgrady???? :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

if jeff was so great why couldn't he coach tmac out of the first round???

If yao really is a hall of famer why couldn't he lift tmac to the next round??

LeBron aint win a ring until he joined wade in south beach....yet we give bron all the praise for winning ships there but not thw organization for getting HIM over the hump. cool logic bruh

06-09-2016, 03:46 PM
woulda coulda shoulda.

I saw T-Mac at his peak. I saw him choke in the playoffs and lose in the first round over and over and over again, despite being paired with dudes like Yao Ming.

Who cares? He's compared to Kobe,Kd at there peak for a reason . You can't take that away from him

06-09-2016, 04:43 PM
T-Mac was the shit. Talent wise, top 5 SG in NBA history. He can say what the **** he feels.

06-09-2016, 04:47 PM
and yet you still blame it all on mcgrady???? :confusedshrug: :confusedshrug:

if jeff was so great why couldn't he coach tmac out of the first round???

If yao really is a hall of famer why couldn't he lift tmac to the next round??

LeBron aint win a ring until he joined wade in south beach....yet we give bron all the praise for winning ships there but not thw organization for getting HIM over the hump. cool logic bruh

Don't forget Grant Hill and his bum ankles.

06-09-2016, 05:49 PM
Curry is injured.

You're gonna criticize someone who's not 100% healthy? Doesn't make sense to me

This excuse doesn't fly anymore, same way as in GSW & their fans weren't taking the Cavs injured excuse last season.

Injuries are part of the game, but Steph has never been a consistent finals performer, so i'm not sure why anyone is surprised.

As said before, he's just lucky GSW are an amazing team as a whole.

06-09-2016, 06:42 PM
I'm still baffled at how people are giving a guy paid to analyze basketball shit...for analyzing basketball.

Curry is playing like garbage. You don't have to win a playoff series, play in the NBA, or ever even have played basketball to recognize that.

06-09-2016, 06:49 PM
To be fair to T-Mac, if his series against the Pistons happened a year earlier, it would've been Magic/Sixers in the second round and one of them would've been in the ECF against the Nets. He did play well in the postseason even if his team's did lose.

06-09-2016, 07:06 PM
T-Mac is the biggest loser in NBA history. The amount of excuses people make for him is hilarious.

06-09-2016, 07:20 PM
Stacy McLady was an even bigger choker than LeJoker The LeChoker is.

Seriously, just


06-09-2016, 07:28 PM
So is that like a man who played with a great coach Jeff Van Gundy and a great center Yao Ming and still managed to come up short year after year? :confusedshrug:


06-09-2016, 07:37 PM
T-Mac is totally jelly. He hated on Curry after he got his MVP too.
No he hated on, and rightfully so, the undisputed part.

As for playoffs, I don't know where this myth started that McGrady wasn't a quality playoff performer, simply because his bum squads didn't advance.

Indian guy
06-09-2016, 08:07 PM
As for playoffs, I don't know where this myth started that McGrady wasn't a quality playoff performer, simply because his bum squads didn't advance.

Quality is a major stretch. He had a sub-.500 TS% in more than half the playoff series he took part in from 00-08. That's terrible. He was also part of 3 playoff series where his team blew 2 game leads. 3! 2 of them with Houston, when he had a darn solid team around him. Remember how much we all shat on KD for blowing a 3-1 lead against a GOAT-level team? Well, T-Mac did that 3 times in his career, and none to an opposition anywhere close to GS' level.

The guy was good, but the romanticizing of his career has gotten totally out of control. T-Mac was the definition of not having 'it'. His glossy averages were often achieved on very high volume, and he no-showed in countless big games. When the going got tough, T-Mac was usually MIA.

06-09-2016, 08:24 PM
I understand that but it's hilarious. TMac is the THE playoff loser, but I understand he prob feels like it would be easy playing on the Warriors team when you aren't required to be the best player on the court every night

Tmac was never on a contending team, but he did choke away a couple.

You never really know how someone balls until they get a team that can take them to a ring, imo.


06-09-2016, 10:38 PM
James Harden > T-Mac.

The first round virgin needs to know his place. He's been making alot of sneak disses to Steph lately.

06-10-2016, 12:08 AM
Tmacs teams were terrible. Best team was the Yao, artest, Mcgrady crew but for ONE year. They broke down in the playoffs. The other years his second options were a 30game per year Yao and Shane Battier.

06-10-2016, 09:32 AM
I think Tracy feels like if he were in the game today, he'd be even better.

More spacing, he could fill it up quick. The funny thing is that Orlando Magics team was built like teams today. They gave him 3 ball shooters, and rebounders.

He was clutch, but I was felt his effort was inconsistent.

06-10-2016, 02:22 PM
Didn't T-Mac have like 3 straight series with 30/5/5? His teams never went anywhere, but dude did always up his game in the playoffs.

He is right too, Steph has to step up. Seriously, he is making 2007 Dirk and 2010 Lebron look like world beaters.

06-10-2016, 02:26 PM
I think Tracy feels like if he were in the game today, he'd be even better.

More spacing, he could fill it up quick. The funny thing is that Orlando Magics team was built like teams today. They gave him 3 ball shooters, and rebounders.

He was clutch, but I was felt his effort was inconsistent.

Most of the top perimeter players of the 2000s would be better today then they were back then.

The remnants of Riley ball and handchecking really ****ed over early 2000s stars.

06-12-2016, 07:51 PM
Most of the top perimeter players of the 2000s would be better today then they were back then.

The remnants of Riley ball and handchecking really ****ed over early 2000s stars.

This. Go back about 15 years and take guys like T-Mac, Kobe, VC, Pierce, Ray Allen and take away handchecking; they'd all light it up.

06-12-2016, 07:52 PM
This. Go back about 15 years and take guys like T-Mac, Kobe, VC, Pierce, Ray Allen and take away handchecking; they'd all light it up.

u watching the playoffs u f aggot? they been hand checking every game :lol

06-12-2016, 07:59 PM
This. Go back about 15 years and take guys like T-Mac, Kobe, VC, Pierce, Ray Allen and take away handchecking; they'd all light it up.

wait a sec are you serious? We've seen all those guys play without handchecking :oldlol:. They were better without handchecking being called but not that much better and like with most rule changes, the refs overcompensated with foul calls the the 1st few years. More stuff is allowed now than it was in say 05 or 06 which were the 1st two years of no handchecking.

06-12-2016, 09:09 PM
u watching the playoffs u f aggot? they been hand checking every game :lol

Ask your worthless c-unt of a mom if I'm a fa-g-got. :oldlol: