View Full Version : Lol Cavs

06-09-2016, 07:51 PM

06-09-2016, 08:18 PM
Try as you might, the Timberwolves are not relevant in June. I wish you all the best in the future, though.

06-09-2016, 08:24 PM
Try as you might, the Timberwolves are not relevant in June. I wish you all the best in the future, though.
You traded away your future for a no impact player.

You would have made the finals regardless. Now instead of having someone to take the reigns from LBJ, you have....Love!

At least Wiggins knows how to close out the Warriors:D

J Shuttlesworth
06-09-2016, 08:29 PM
Honestly, Wiggins would be really bad for the Cavs spacing. Can't have 3 terrible 3 pt shooters in your starting lineup

06-09-2016, 08:49 PM
You traded away your future for a no impact player.

You would have made the finals regardless. Now instead of having someone to take the reigns from LBJ, you have....Love!

At least Wiggins knows how to close out the Warriors:D

I have no quarrel with you, friend. I hope you and yours nothing but the best come October when the 2016-17 season gets underway.


06-09-2016, 08:53 PM
Honestly, Wiggins would be really bad for the Cavs spacing. Can't have 3 terrible 3 pt shooters in your starting lineup
Wiggins isn't ready to compete on this level yet and, really, he's not even close. He struggled mightily at times defensively this past season, which is understandable. He's still learning and still growing into his body. I expect him to be a really good player when his game matures, but he's not there yet.

I was on record as wanting to keep Wiggins, FWIW, and I was against the Love trade. Those that were around on the board at the time can probably vouch for me, or just look up the posts.

I thought we had a really bright future with all of the young talent that we'd accumulated at that point (Kyrie, Wiggins, Waiters, Thompson). But, hey... they made the trade and we've made two straight Finals. Hard to complain.

It's going to suck in 5-6 years when Wiggins is in his physical prime, but sometimes you have to sell out for a title. LeBron's timeline probably can't allow for that kind of window, thought I do think the Cavs are going to be really good for longer than most people think.

11-14-2016, 01:32 PM

http://media2.newsnet5.com/photo/2016/06/28/Kevin_love_wwe_belt_GettyImages-542379388_1467137235342_41241827_ver1.0_640_480.jp g

11-14-2016, 01:59 PM


What are you trying to do brother

They are not even in our conference.
Be grateful for Wiggins and be respectful of love.
The guy gave all he could for us.

This guy was the soul of our team for six long years.
That guy gave his best years to us, and was traded away on good terms, giving us the future of our franchise.

Win Win Trade.
We get to see Love flourish. (Hate me for it, but I still appreciate the guy. He did his best, and didn't split in FA, he was traded.)

And we get to have a great young player in Andrew Wiggins, who could blossom into an All-NBA caliber player.

So let's not lower ourselves to the level of worse fanbases, and keep our dignity and respect all the way to that 2020 title.