View Full Version : The NBA is getting worse.

06-12-2016, 03:09 PM
We already have soft rules especially when you can't get too wiled up or you will get a damn tech. Now draymond gets suspended when Bron obviously initiated the damn contact first. What the hell is wrong with Silver, stu and company ISH? Now do you doubters believe me when I say that they always kiss Bron's ass? They would of never done this for anybody else and you know it. What happened to the NBA that I loved watching in the 90s and 00s? This shit is ridiculous! I don't want to hear Kblaze defend this shit either (even tho he will for LeBron ). I don't want hear Kblaze put me down, misjudging my intelligence just because I write damn different on a damn Internet forum. Let's talk like men Kblaze. Omit all the bullshit, let's talk like regular normal people about this. No more talking ghetto like, because I don't respect you insulting my intelligence at all. That's not acceptable to me especially since you know nothing about me and what I gone through. No trolling, and I'm not trying to make you look bad Kblaze. Just be real with me on this topic. That's all I'm saying for now.

06-12-2016, 03:10 PM
stick to tha one liners

06-12-2016, 03:11 PM
Look what Delly did to Iggy...look at what Delly's done his entire career.

The NBA wants to extend this series to make money.

Bran is such a crying coward.

06-12-2016, 03:14 PM
good god the Warriors are still up 3-1 and none of you will care if the Warriors win. If people can get over something 5 times worse in Suns-Spurs 07, you idiots will get over this.

06-12-2016, 03:15 PM
Look what Delly did to Iggy...look at what Delly's done his entire career.

The NBA wants to extend this series to make money.

Bran is such a crying coward.
Yea they should be fair about making their decisions. LeBron popped Livingston in the mouth but he gets called for absolutely nothing? This is really turning into the WWE and that's pretty sickening.

Hey Yo
06-12-2016, 03:17 PM
We already have soft rules especially when you can't get too wiled up or you will get a damn tech. Now draymond gets suspended when Bron obviously initiated the damn contact first. What the hell is wrong with Silver, stu and company ISH? Now do you doubters believe me when I say that they always kiss Bron's ass? They would of never done this for anybody else and you know it. What happened to the NBA that I loved watching in the 90s and 00s? This shit is ridiculous! I don't want to hear Kblaze defend this shit either (even tho he will for LeBron ). I don't want hear Kblaze put me down, misjudging my intelligence just because I write damn different on a damn Internet forum. Let's talk like men Kblaze. Omit all the bullshit, let's talk like regular normal people about this. No more talking ghetto like, because I don't respect you insulting my intelligence at all. That's not acceptable to me especially since you know nothing about me and what I gone through. No trolling, and I'm not trying to make you look bad Kblaze. Just be real with me on this topic. That's all I'm saying for now.
Paragraphs are your friends.

06-12-2016, 03:20 PM
good god the Warriors are still up 3-1 and none of you will care if the Warriors win. If people can get over something 5 times worse in Suns-Spurs 07, you idiots will get over this.
Of course spurs-suns suspensions pissed me off but this is just obviously directed to make shit better for Lebron. Even if the Warriors win it's still not right on how to treated draymond. It's the principle of the matter man.

06-12-2016, 03:22 PM
Paragraphs are your friends.
Stop being a bitch and seriously tell me why Dray deserved to get suspended. No trolling shit either.

06-12-2016, 03:29 PM
Of course spurs-suns suspensions pissed me off but this is just obviously directed to make shit better for Lebron. Even if the Warriors win it's still not right on how to treated draymond. It's the principle of the matter man.

I mean Draymond wasn't some innocent choir boy before this :oldlol:. The flagrant was a bad call but there wasn't nothing there. If he had less flagrants from before, he wouldn't be suspended either. Ofc, most people also have a good argument that he should've been suspended earlier based on what dahntay jones got.

Yea they should be fair about making their decisions. LeBron popped Livingston in the mouth but he gets called for absolutely nothing? This is really turning into the WWE and that's pretty sickening.

so he deserves a flagrant for that, no suspension. Draymond got a suspension because he hit the flagrant quota, not just because of that one foul. You have to argue that what Draymond did isn't considered a flagrant which is a pretty good one.

06-12-2016, 04:00 PM
Stick to trolling. Your "serious" posting is even more shit.

06-12-2016, 04:03 PM
Didn't read that incoherent wall of text.

However, I do agree somewhat with the premise of this thread. Basically, the NBA looks bad with suspending Dray in the Finals and not in the OKC series. They're showing the world their hand. Yes, we want LeBron to have a chance to win the Finals. We want a game 7. We want drama and eyeballs constantly watching the NBA. By suspending Dray, that's what they're telling the world.

06-12-2016, 04:15 PM
As I said long ago....I dont know if youre an idiot. I know you acted like one online for some time. Which is why I said id probably be better speaking to you in person. Friend of mine posts on here sometimes....hes not an idiot. But you wouldnt know it the way he posts. As for not wanting to be "put down"....feel free not to make topics directed at me if you dont want me to respond accordingly. Ive not made a topic calling out you or anyone else....in 15 years. You invite me to come comment on your nonsense you might not like what I have to say about it. That said.....

My only thoughts on this issue ill explain with an unrelated series of events from over 30 years ago. I suspect you will get my point.

The stage....1981 eastern conference finals. Upstart contenders...Boston Celtics...on the road against 2 time conference champion 76ers. Heated series. Fights already...hard fouls. Teams hate eachother. Its generally considered the best series ever played. Only 2 of the 7 games were not decided by the final play. So...its tough...its close.

Cedric Maxwell....bit of an agitator like Draymond and also a noted jerk who once said:

"You know what I like to do in the offseason? I like to get in my big, fancy car, drive around to construction sites, and watch guys work. Then I roll down the window and say, 'Guess what boys? I got nothing to do today.'"

Generally known to be a pest and a bit of a dick. Anyway....

He takes out a 76er with a wild elbow going for a rebound. He is shoved by everyones favorite uncle Darryl Dawkins....he bumps a fan when hes shoved. The fan had something to say. This is how that went:


He goes into the stands to fight the fan. Other fans get in shots. Chaos ensues. And then what?

Hes ejected of course...and suspended for the playoffs....and all of next season too. Right?


Not only is he not suspended....hes not even ejected. He went on to have 17 in the 2 point win and 19 in the 1 point game 7 win....before getting finals MVP the next series.

Thats the game I was raised watching. A series....a great series....was expected to be physical. It wasnt just basketball...it was willpower. Toughness. Seeing who was man enough to walk away with the W.

I'll leave it at that and hope you can figure out what I think about the whole thing.

06-12-2016, 04:30 PM
Great post Kblaze. I'm with you on this one. I loved the toughness players had back then. Bron would roll up in the fetal position playing against those guys.