View Full Version : Why Kevin Durant is leaving OKC

06-12-2016, 08:44 PM

"According to Detroit News, the Satanic Temple hopes to have the statue placed permanently next to a Ten Commandments monument near a state courthouse in Oklahoma City"

who would want to play in a city that has possession of this? Isn't his family christian?

06-12-2016, 08:53 PM
I heard about this some time ago. From what I remember, the "Satanists" are just sick of the Christian "propaganda" entwined with American government. They're calling upon their right to religious freedom to be displayed as a monument all the while pissing Christians off. It's a publicity stunt. I think it's funny.

06-12-2016, 10:11 PM
I heard about this some time ago. From what I remember, the "Satanists" are just sick of the Christian "propaganda" entwined with American government. They're calling upon their right to religious freedom to be displayed as a monument all the while pissing Christians off. It's a publicity stunt. I think it's funny.

lol thats awesome, lol @ religious schmucks in this day and age tbh. If you have an education and have an iq above borderline retardation you have absolutely no right to follow a religion

gotta fight the troll with a troll i suppose even though these schmucks probably believe in their bullsh!t too.

06-12-2016, 10:20 PM
The guy who started this is a registered sex offender

06-12-2016, 10:26 PM
lol thats awesome, lol @ religious schmucks in this day and age tbh. If you have an education and have an iq above borderline retardation you have absolutely no right to follow a religion

gotta fight the troll with a troll i suppose even though these schmucks probably believe in their bullsh!t too.
:rolleyes: People like this are worse than "religious schmucks"

06-13-2016, 04:04 AM
Satanists trolling hard

06-13-2016, 07:53 AM
They removed the Baphomet statue like a year ago bro after the OK Supreme Court voted to do so. And yes, it was literally just non-theists trolling pointing out the unconstitutional-ness of the 10 Commandments monument on the capital and how far and obviously inconsistent it was that they said they weren't even taking applications from other religions than Christianity to display/honor their monuments.

It's a cluster **** and MAJOR waste of money, literally millions, they have spent fighting to keep the Unconstitutional 10 Commandments monument up on the Capital all in the face of an over 1.3 billion dollar budget shortfall.

And this has nothing to do with his free agency decision.

The Thunder has a coerced pregame prayer (also technically illegal) before every single game, the only professional team to do so

06-13-2016, 11:40 AM
lol thats awesome, lol @ religious schmucks in this day and age tbh. If you have an education and have an iq above borderline retardation you have absolutely no right to follow a religion

gotta fight the troll with a troll i suppose even though these schmucks probably believe in their bullsh!t too.


you're a fakkit