View Full Version : Is This How The NBA Gets Around Olympics Doping Control?

06-16-2016, 08:36 PM
Greece's national team was ordered by FIBA and the Olympics anti doping control to report for PED testing on June 16. All players present had to be tested.

The national team only gets tested once, and then after that, just an occasional player here or there, might get tested randomly during the Olympics.

In a strange coincidence, Giannis Antetokounmpo did not arrive to Greece's national team training until June 17...one day after all of the drug testing is already done and over, meaning he won't be tested, unless during a random test at the Olympics. And very few of the basketball players get randomly tested once the tournament starts, usually just a couple from each team.

On top of that, if Greece does not qualify for the Olympics, then he would be able to play without having been tested at all.

It's interesting, because in the past, they never tested Greece's national team, until all of the players were already in the camp.

So the obvious question then - is this how the NBA gets its players through the doping controls?

06-16-2016, 08:38 PM
Someone would randomly been busted by now.

06-16-2016, 08:42 PM
Someone would randomly been busted by now.

The Olympics and anti world doping agency just admitted recently that hundreds of athletes, from both men and women, from EVERY SINGLE event, tested positive at the 2012 Olympics.

And it was something like 40 countries involved. They only released the names of 14 countries, and only released the names of Russian athletes though, because of obvious political issues.

So actually, men's basketball players definitely tested positive from 2012 Olympics, and yet they never released their names, nor did they suspend anyone.