View Full Version : Which statement is more inarguable : Vince is GOAT dunker or MJ is GOAT player?

06-17-2016, 03:16 AM
Which statement would you think is more definitive:

Vince Carter is the greatest dunker in NBA history


Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time

06-17-2016, 03:17 AM
Probably Vince Carter. While I think that everybody should know that Jordan is the greatest of all time, I'm aware that there are many who think otherwise

06-17-2016, 03:19 AM
Which statement would you think is more definitive:

Vince Carter is the greatest dunker in NBA history


Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time

Quality or quantity?

It can be argued Shaq was the greatest dunker.

06-17-2016, 03:23 AM
Both can be argued. But MJ's more solid as the GOAT than Vince because best dunker is a more subjective title and everyone has their own opinion of what makes a dunker good or bad.

06-17-2016, 03:25 AM
Both can be argued. But MJ's more solid as the GOAT than Vince because best dunker is a more subjective title and everyone has their own opinion of what makes a dunker good or bad.
Same thing can be said about GOAT player. Sports is subjective in general

06-17-2016, 03:32 AM
Same thing can be said about GOAT player. Sports is subjective in general
Dunking is an art. There is no purpose to Vince doing a reverse 360 windmill to put the ball in the hole other than being fancy. Maybe some guy likes Shawn Kemp's power dunks more. Maybe some guy doesn't care about flair and likes Shaq cuz of his effectiveness and frequency of dunks? Who can really say?

Playing basketball can be artistic but its about winning the game. You're aiming for something. It's easier (but not easy) to measure this objectively.

06-17-2016, 03:46 AM
Dunking is an art. There is no purpose to Vince doing a reverse 360 windmill to put the ball in the hole other than being fancy. Maybe some guy likes Shawn Kemp's power dunks more. Maybe some guy doesn't care about flair and likes Shaq cuz of his effectiveness and frequency of dunks? Who can really say?

Playing basketball can be artistic but its about winning the game. You're aiming for something. It's easier (but not easy) to measure this objectively.

Sure there is. There's eye test, individual awards, statistics, era, record removing a player, value to one's team......
Who can really say?

Vince is just as regarded on every list as greatest dunker as Jordan is as greatest player. Google NBA's top (pick a number) and all have Vince at number one. That's pretty definitive to me

06-17-2016, 03:58 AM
Jordan. He had the greatest resume of individual statistics, accolades, and team success. No one has a perfect resume, but Jordan's comes closest to perfection.

06-17-2016, 07:48 AM
Since my picks for GOAT player and dunker are Wilt and Carter, I'm inclined towards Carter (although these 2 statements are not necessarily connected).
What seems definite to me is that since the GOAT dunker debate isn't anywhere near as hot and popular as the GOAT player one and you're not going to catch anywhere near as much flak if you pick a different dunker from Carter compared to picking a different player from Jordan, it does seem like a lot of people don't feel the need to belong to the majority and blindly pick the most popular choice regardless of their level of history knowledge and they seem to divert more from the most popular choice, thus making it seem more arguable a debate.

06-17-2016, 09:26 AM
Honestly there are guys out there who have performed more spectacular dunks who are not in th nba

Could prime VC have been able to perform them as well? We will never know

06-17-2016, 09:39 AM
Honestly there are guys out there who have performed more spectacular dunks who are not in th nba

Could prime VC have been able to perform them as well? We will never know

Interesting point. IMO Carter is the GOAT dunker in the NBA, but there are clearly better dunkers who have never played an NBA game. The same can't be said about MJ, he is simply the GOAT in any league

06-17-2016, 09:52 AM
Tough question.

Naming the best dunker in NBA history should probably be more arguable, since it's open to interpretation due to it basically being a piece of art, open to one's opinion.

However, it seems most arguments for greatest player of all-time often tend to skew toward similar realms of opinion and interpretation. For instance, how often does one bother to define precisely what makes a player the greatest of all-time? Are we referring to the person who played the game the best? In that case, will team championships—something frequently mentioned in GOAT discussions—always offer a direct correlation of that superior skill?

Personally, from my super limited scope, discussions regarding who the best dunker of all-time have typically been just about unanimously inarguable. There's always folks who can claim someone different ("I don't know man, Larry Nance just got it done, you know?") but such assertions don't seem to last much longer than someone posting Vince Carter's Top 100 Dunks mixtape that was created before his career was even halfway done.

But still, yeah, best dunker should probably be more open to interpretation but I don't know if it is, considering the lack of a clear and agreeable definition as to what makes a player the greatest. It seems the criteria for that distinction often has just as much room for interpretation in the eye of the beholder.

06-17-2016, 10:06 AM
Quality or quantity?

It can be argued Shaq was the greatest dunker.


06-17-2016, 10:15 AM
Ilt is the goat in both

Klay 3D
06-17-2016, 10:22 AM
Both statements are inarguable to me. I'm leaning towards MJ because he won more dunk contests than Vince and beat an alien squad.

Lebron's package size is inarguable though.

06-17-2016, 10:29 AM
MJ is more definitive.

06-18-2016, 03:02 AM
Both are definitive. Vince has dunks with power. Dunks with style. Degree of difficulty. Pure vertical. Posters. Name it he had it.

06-18-2016, 07:53 AM
Interesting point. IMO Carter is the GOAT dunker in the NBA, but there are clearly better dunkers who have never played an NBA game. The same can't be said about MJ, he is simply the GOAT in any league

In the NBA he's the best dunker

Overall he's not ... plenty of streetballers do things he has never even attempted

MJ is the best basketball player ever, regardless of setting

06-18-2016, 07:57 AM
Sure there is. There's eye test, individual awards, statistics, era, record removing a player, value to one's team......
Who can really say?

Vince is just as regarded on every list as greatest dunker as Jordan is as greatest player. Google NBA's top (pick a number) and all have Vince at number one. That's pretty definitive to me

Lol, most of this shit is BS

record removing player? WTF? Value? Record removing player IS an aspect of value you idiot... what the **** is eye test. Eye test is a filter of player judgement.

Dunking is more subjective than saying if one is good at basketball or not.

06-18-2016, 11:09 AM
Jordan is GOAT period. There is no denying it. 6 rings 6 FMVP. Clutch. Billionaire.

Vince Carter was GOAT dunker, but can argue Zack Lavine got the title now.

06-18-2016, 01:06 PM
You can probably throw Steph being GOAT shooter into the same category. All 3 are probably number 1 but I guess cases can be made to various degrees against each.

06-18-2016, 01:20 PM
You can probably throw Steph being GOAT shooter into the same category. All 3 are probably number 1 but I guess cases can be made to various degrees against each.

Absolutely. Good addition

Personally I think there is more seperate on from Jordan to the next greatest than Vince to the next greatest. Curry may have the widest gap from the next greatest shooter.

Jordan is generally debated between KAJ, Russell, Wilt...

Vince's next closest competitor would be Nique, Doc, or Jordan, which I would have a greater seperation on

Curry's next closest would be Allen, Reggie, Bird? Nash and Kerr as well. Curry has an even greater gap.

All debatable but that's how I see it.

Stringer Bell
07-19-2016, 06:51 PM
They're both arguable, but the Carter one is more debatable since it has even more to do with personal preference and taste than Jordan being the GOAT player. I personally like VC as a dunker better than anyone else, but someone else may prefer the power of a Shaq or Darryl Dawkins, or love Dominique's two-footed explosions on put-back dunks.

With Jordan being the GOAT player, of course there is also personal opinion involved too, but it's more about results (rings, scoring titles, MVPS, etc...) rather than aesthetics. Carter being the best dunker ever is about all-time is about aesthetics and what kind of style you like most. It's not about effectiveness, otherwise a center like Shaq would be the best dunker when it comes to being the most effective with dunks.

07-19-2016, 07:10 PM
That Jordan is GOAT...honestly I think we put Vince on this unattainable pedestal out of nostalgia...he's an all time great dunker for sure, but we've seen players come that were just as good. I think the main difference is that these other players (richardson, lavine, gordon) aren't actually that good as far as OVERALL BASKETBALL goes and that's why we see Vince in a more favorable light.