View Full Version : Warriors/Cavs = Clippers/Rockets

06-17-2016, 10:13 AM
Historic choke incoming.


And yes, assholes, I KNOW the Cavs are a thousand times better than the Rockets.

Klay 3D
06-17-2016, 10:35 AM
More like Pacers/Pistons.

Expecting a brawl. Lebron vs tranny in the stands after getting shoved out of bounds by Draymond.

Young X
06-17-2016, 10:50 AM
This would be worse to me. The Warriors won 16 more games than the Cavs in the regular season and have homecourt advantage.

As bad as the Clippers' choke was it was more about the way they lost than them actually losing.

A 56 win/3rd seed losing to a 56 win/2nd seed without homecourt isn't that bad, it was the way it unfolded that made it bad.

A 73 win team that is being talked about as the "GOAT team" losing to a 57 win team that looked like it had no chance with game 7 at their home is even worse.

It won't happen though. The Warriors are not losing game 7.

06-17-2016, 11:15 AM
well the Warriors are way better than last year's Clippers too so that cancels it out. Losing game 7 at home in the Finals would be pretty bad however. Ofc the Clippers also had no guarantee at a championship either so this would be worse.

06-17-2016, 11:18 AM
Clippers had to play games 5 and 7 in Houston.
GSW are playing games 5 and 7 on their own homecourt.
GSW's choke would a much bigger one.