View Full Version : Will Curry redeem himself?

06-21-2016, 09:02 AM
Curry this season was probably too cocky for his own good.
Now he suffered a devastating loss in the finals.

Will this loss change him? Make him more fierce and much hungrier than he is now and comeback with a vengeance?

Or will he remain the same?

I truly believe not the finals that he lost, but the offseason that follows will determine his legacy. For the first time he knows what it's like being a loser. If he can use this pain to motivate himself to reach new heights, we might see not a player who some call a fluky glorified 3-points chucker but a transcended player like the greats before him.

What say you ISH?

06-21-2016, 09:08 AM
Lebron Derrick Rose'd him in the playoffs. I love to see a more humble Curry, and please stop that $hitty dancing.

06-21-2016, 09:10 AM
Lebron Derrick Rose'd him in the playoffs. I love to see a more humble Curry, and please stop that $hitty dancing.

honestly curry isnt so bad. i just the think the circus surrounding him was so ridiculous, it wss easy to get sick of him. from him being free of criticism on anything at all to his parents and family getting close ups in the stands. it was so bizarre. :oldlol:

i'd be surprised if he doesn't come back different after getting sonned by lebron.

06-21-2016, 10:58 AM
He wont, this humiliation is too much for him, especially at age 28 hes already declining.

06-21-2016, 11:12 AM
He wont, this humiliation is too much for him, especially at age 28 hes already declining.

Wasn't MJ 28 years old when he first won a title?

06-21-2016, 11:14 AM
I can't believe Irving is 4 years younger than Irving and only 3 years younger than LeBron.

06-21-2016, 11:15 AM
Wasn't MJ 28 years old when he first won a title?

Well each player is different, some are already past prime at 26, some just enter his prime at 30.

06-21-2016, 11:21 AM
Wasn't MJ 28 years old when he first won a title?

He was also 28 when he won his first finals MVP.

06-21-2016, 11:28 AM
I think Steph's problem was buying into his own hype. He's a shooter.

He refused to take the midrange jumper and drive. So many times teams chase him off the 3 point line and jumps right back out to the 3 point line.

Next season I think you see Curry take mid-range opportunities and become a more well rounded scorer.

Hey Yo
06-21-2016, 11:35 AM
Nothing he can do will ever erase of make others think differently after choking on the biggest stage when up 3-1 and winning the most reg. season games in NBA history. They were called the best team ever.

Nothing can be done now. He and Drayfag will always be known as the biggest chokers ever until a 74 win team losses in the Finals after being up 3-1

hold this L
06-21-2016, 11:44 AM
Really curious to see what happens next year, primarily in post season. He has a lot to prove and owes his team a ship after his game 7 performance IMO. I know that's harsh, but you have to step up, despite injuries.

By the way, congrats to Lebron on 1 of the best finals performances I've seen. Dude deserved it while Curry even though I love the dude choked in the last game. I hope Bron stays with Cavs (I think he won't) and there is an epic rematch next year. These two teams HATE each other. They also don't respect each other. Reminds me of the old school rivalries without the shtty reffing calling weak fouls.

06-21-2016, 11:48 AM
the boy can't defend. that's not gonna change.

but he can make way smarter decisions.

i don't think we'll get as many espn highlights from him anymore. this was the season that he had all the confidence to do some of the most ill-advised things in basketball. and they were highlights because they were just insane. he'll probably tone it a bit down from now on. he'll still be lethal because he can shoot like a mothafugga, but he won't play that video game style of ball as much.

06-21-2016, 11:55 AM
Nothing he can do will ever erase of make others think differently after choking on the biggest stage when up 3-1 and winning the most reg. season games in NBA history. They were called the best team ever.

Nothing can be done now. He and Drayfag will always be known as the biggest chokers ever until a 74 win team losses in the Finals after being up 3-1

It's not really about the chocking but the humiliating way Lebron handled him, he was literally Lebron's rag doll out there and i don't like either player, it's just the way it is. Have never seen anything like it tbh.