View Full Version : *NSFW* 15 minutes of WTF | Stupid Driver | Fail | Mentally ill

06-21-2016, 02:10 PM

06-21-2016, 02:25 PM
nice clickbait

06-21-2016, 02:46 PM
For what?

06-21-2016, 03:06 PM
Using words like butthurt and antagonizing left and right, gets owned yet still thinks he's somehow won, which ISH poster is that? :oldlol:

06-21-2016, 03:07 PM

06-21-2016, 03:14 PM
that driver is retarded but that bike dude sounds like some SJW. he's probably being awarded the key to reddit as we speak.

06-21-2016, 03:18 PM
Also that bike guy though a lot more tolerable and doesn't come off as punchable was still embarrassing. He took too much of the verbal bait and gestures the Mexican guy was giving him like talking about who makes more money and what not and he stuck around too long. He should have just ignored that stuff, said his peace about being careful how you're driving, and once you realize the guy is a nut who won't listen just leave it at that and ride off. Easier said than done I'm sure with that troll prancing around talking shit but still - not a good look to take the bait.

06-21-2016, 03:25 PM
motorcyclists are idiots. they act as if they are traffic police. if you watched the whole video, the guy on the motorcycle followed the guy in the car to walmart and engaged him in a confrontation. then the guy gets mad because the guys trolling is aggravating so he physically assaults the guy for touching his bike. both idiots, both are losers. i hope the biker got arrested.

there was another biker video of a biker picking up a lit cigarette a woman discarded out the side of her car and throwing it back on her lap. but according to reddit, this guy is a hero because he fought against littering.

06-21-2016, 03:38 PM
Also that bike guy though a lot more tolerable and doesn't come off as punchable was still embarrassing. He took too much of the verbal bait and gestures the Mexican guy was giving him like talking about who makes more money and what not and he stuck around too long. He should have just ignored that stuff, said his peace about being careful how you're driving, and once you realize the guy is a nut who won't listen just leave it at that and ride off. Easier said than done I'm sure with that troll prancing around talking shit but still - not a good look to take the bait.
it's because of the camera he had and he knew he would upload it to the internet thereafter.

i've watched a couple of videos from similar people on motorcycles wearing helmet cams. a lot of them are douches and don't know it, yes, most motorists driving cars on the street can be douchebags too, but they don't get off their vehicle to confront you. these guys get off their bikes for anything minor and confront the person. this is a damn good way to encounter crazy people (especially at walmart) and start a fight.

honestly, both people here are at fault.

06-21-2016, 03:42 PM
motorcyclists are idiots. they act as if they are traffic police. if you watched the whole video, the guy on the motorcycle followed the guy in the car to walmart and engaged him in a confrontation. then the guy gets mad because the guys trolling is aggravating so he physically assaults the guy for touching his bike. both idiots, both are losers. i hope the biker got arrested.

there was another biker video of a biker picking up a lit cigarette a woman discarded out the side of her car and throwing it back on her lap. but according to reddit, this guy is a hero because he fought against littering.
yep. watched that video. fcking reddit and their SJW's. fck their moral police.

i bet these idiots don't upload footage of when they cut other motorist off in the street.

and take off your goddamn helmet if you're going to fistfight you pansie. :facepalm