View Full Version : New York Knicks problem is Carmelo Anthony

06-27-2016, 11:19 PM
Knicks can't win with him and they can't rebuild because of him, so Phil Jackson just did what every single knicks gm has done the past 10 years. He aquired Rose a big name on the decline with serious injury problems. He has given knicks fans false hope just like his predecessors before him but atleast he didn't give up a valuable asset in the process. I think knicks would've been better off today if they didn't trade for Anthony because they would've build through the draft and those years wouldn't look back as wasted time for either party. They would've kept draft picks instead of trading them away for guys like Bargnani because Melo makes it win now time. I hope the knicks can turn it around sooner rather than later but I hate when they bring in a old or injured player on the decline and every one rallies for a parade. Off the top of my head these are some of the guys who have given knicks fans false hope:
Francis and Mobley
Marbury and penny
Eddy curry

All on the decline when coming to NY, I think the knicks should focus more on guys who will be good players in a year or two instead of hoping to rejuvenate players who are regressing. The Garden demands a win now mentality but it's been a while since the mecca has attracted a star free agent so trading away draft picks is alot different for the knicks than years ago. This should've been learned in the Eddy Curry deal.

06-27-2016, 11:27 PM
What's the word on Dwight Howard?

06-27-2016, 11:48 PM
Maybe the issue is with the Knicks fans getting hopeful, rather than being more realistic and understanding of the past/current issues surrounding each player?

Also, as to an earlier point, trading for Melo was the right thing to do, it just has not (yet) worked out for them. With very few exceptions, NBA teams NEED a superstar to win a title. Melo was one. They just never built properly around him.

But there's still time; he's only 31. They can still do it. I like the Knicks getting Rose, and I like Porzingis, and I like Afflalo and Galloway. Let's see what else NYK can do.