View Full Version : kobe/curry family is officially the kobe/warrior family

07-04-2016, 02:52 PM
After a postseason filled with L's the kobe fam dumped curry and has been silent for weeks. They gave up on the cuck. Since attaining Durant they feel a rejuvenated purpose. Perhaps life isn't so bad? Enjoy your off season victories. It will be the only victory you will celebrate.
Ps. How bout dem lakers? :lol

07-04-2016, 02:55 PM
After op made countless Threads about KD to his team... It looks like now he is in The Butthurt Family

07-04-2016, 02:56 PM
After op made countless Threads about KD to his team... It looks like now he is in The Butthurt Family

07-04-2016, 02:57 PM
Dunno where this nonsense is coming from, but f*ck KD and f*ck the Warriors. No way in hell am I rooting for this choking team of betas.