View Full Version : Three consecutive historic finals opportunities

07-04-2016, 07:22 PM
After facing great teams in 2012 and more prominently, 2013 and '14, LeBron over the last two years has had the opportunity to face:

2015: LeBron vs. the world. Was so disappointed when he lost because I figured he'd never get a GOAT-tier feat laid out in front of him again.

Then 2016 happened when he knocked off a 73-win behemoth in dramatic fashion, first chip in 54 years, etc.

I was like damn. My boy Bron-Bron will never get another chance to get an historic finals win, but hell... at least he went 1-1 in them (while also going 2-1 against GREAT Thunder and Spurs teams just prior to it, but we all know that).

And now this. Now... this. 2016-17 GSW will likely only win 67-69 games since they'll take it easy and put just enough into the RS to develop the chemistry with Durant (who is proficient off-ball and should assimilate well), but this only further adds to what is already one of the most STACKED compilations of talent we've ever seen this side of the Dream Team. Could you imagine.... LeBron James beating THIS team?

How many consecutive more difficult finals than Jordan's most intimidating finals opponent in UTA/SEA does this man LeBron James have to face?

07-04-2016, 07:24 PM
OP what would have been more impressive in your opinion, LeBron winning in the fashion he did this year, or winning last year minus Kyrie/Love?

07-04-2016, 07:27 PM
we're trending back to an 80's type era where there's 3-4 really stacked teams at the top. Finals are going be exciting most likely. Playoffs could be mostly boring however. Right now I'm only looking forward to a potential Clips-Spurs matchup and Warriors vs whoever in the conference finals. I guess Warriors-Thunder would be really interesting storyline wise too and it be great to see Westbrook go 40/10/10 every game.

07-04-2016, 07:28 PM
SouBeach: Not gonna lie, last year minus Kyrie/Love.

I wanted that for the 2nd GOAT so bad. That would've been the ultimate individual achievement. It's hard to pick honestly but I think THIS ring might trump either opportunity depending on how dominant this on-court product actually turns out to be for the Dubs.

NBAGOAT: Good point. We could see a lot more insane finals now, but yeah we're trending in that direction for sure of the first few rounds growing more and more meaningless... it's unfortunate but it's such a hard thing to fix.