View Full Version : This is More like if LeBron had...

07-04-2016, 08:47 PM
Joined the Celtics in 2010....and each key member of the team (KG, Pierce, Allen) were about 8 years younger

and had won 73 games

07-04-2016, 08:52 PM
Joined the Celtics in 2010....and each key member of the team (KG, Pierce, Allen) were about 8 years younger

and had won 73 games

not to mention going up 3-1 in the conference finals but choking it away

07-04-2016, 08:56 PM
Exactly! Kevin Durant, servant being the best servant.

If he went to the Spurs or Clippers, sure OK... but to join the team that was already a champion and the ones who just beat you because you choked your 3-1 lead? Wow!!! Best beta move I've seen ever!

07-04-2016, 08:56 PM
Pretty much.

Spurs m8
07-04-2016, 08:58 PM
Bitch joined a team of bitches

07-04-2016, 09:06 PM
Yes, that woulda been very similar.

40 days ago we saw OKC give up a 3-1 lead to the Warriors. We also saw a very physical series with some Draymond Green cheapshots on Steve Adams.

Durant's response wasn't to get revenge for Green's cheapshots to his teammate. Instead, he joined Green :oldlol:

07-04-2016, 09:09 PM
Yes, that woulda been very similar.

40 days ago we saw OKC give up a 3-1 lead to the Warriors. We also saw a very physical series with some Draymond Green cheapshots on Steve Adams.

Durant's response wasn't to get revenge for Green's cheapshots to his teammate. Instead, he joined Green :oldlol:

this is such a !)$@ move. team just punked you and your team. what do you do? leave your own team and join theirs.

lol! :biggums:

07-04-2016, 09:11 PM
Joined the Celtics in 2010....and each key member of the team (KG, Pierce, Allen) were about 8 years younger

and had won 73 games

But not even they won 73 games. Goes to show how big of cowardly move he made.

Magic 32
07-04-2016, 09:20 PM
Bosh, Wade and Lebron was more unfair than 2011 KG/PP/RA

That's why Lebron made the move.

Lebron likes them young.

Dray n Klay
07-04-2016, 09:23 PM
Bosh, Wade and Lebron was more unfair than 2011 KG/PP/RA

That's why Lebron made the move.

Lebron likes them young.

OP JUST said if the Big 3 were 8 years younger, so 2003 KG, Allen, Pierce

LeBron has destroyed your mind.

07-04-2016, 10:10 PM
Bosh, Wade and Lebron was more unfair than 2011 KG/PP/RA

That's why Lebron made the move.

Lebron likes them young.

Yes, Lebron/Bosh/Wade were indeed a little better than KG/Pierce/Allen.

But, Lebron did not join Lebron/Wade/Bosh now did he? He did not clone himself, and then join himself in Miami. He joined Wade/Bosh. :oldlol:

And KG/Pierce/Allen> Wade/Bosh

J Shuttlesworth
07-04-2016, 10:14 PM
Yes, Lebron/Bosh/Wade were indeed a little better than KG/Pierce/Allen.

But, Lebron did not join Lebron/Wade/Bosh now did he? He did not clone himself, and then join himself in Miami. He joined Wade/Bosh. :oldlol:

And KG/Pierce/Allen> Wade/Bosh
:roll: Magic IQ 32 is so ****ing stupid

07-04-2016, 10:29 PM
Spot on OP

Bless Mathews
07-04-2016, 11:32 PM
Op is a sucka from Vancouver.

But KD has get a couple rings, other teammates on GSW decline Hekka, then go back to okc after okc drafts a top 10-15 player and gets a prerinal all star.

Shit for brains.

Fucc op and Vancouver.

Bandwagon front runnin fuccs.

Cali Syndicate
07-05-2016, 12:28 AM
OP JUST said if the Big 3 were 8 years younger, so 2003 KG, Allen, Pierce

LeBron has destroyed your mind.

KG + ray + Pierce = dray + klay + Steph?

Are you retarded?

07-05-2016, 12:32 AM
Agreed. Durant is a scared little boy.

07-05-2016, 12:33 AM
Doesnt matter, It just sets lebron up to become the Unanimous GOAT