View Full Version : Cops kill blacks 2.3 times more than whites.Blacks kill cops 3.5x more than whites

The Hick
07-08-2016, 12:36 PM
Cops kill many more whites than blacks but population adjusted, cops do kill blacks at a much higher rate than non-Hispanic whites. However, blacks kill cops at a rate 3.5 higher than whites(probably higher since Latinos and whites are lumped together in this statistic).

Which statistic do you find more disturbing?

Patrick Chewing
07-08-2016, 12:41 PM
Blacks are just more violent and commit more crimes. End of discussion.

You'd have to be a blind idiot to disagree.

07-08-2016, 12:50 PM
Cops kill many more whites than blacks but population adjusted, cops do kill blacks at a much higher rate than non-Hispanic whites. However, blacks kill cops at a rate 3.5 higher than whites(probably higher since Latinos and whites are lumped together in this statistic).

Which statistic do you find more disturbing?

In a year-long study, The Washington Post found that the kind of incidents that have ignited protests in many U.S. communities — most often, white police officers killing unarmed black men — represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.

1000 suspects killed by police last year. Nearly 600 were in possession of a firearm. A whopping 90 were 'unarmed'.

When I read your statistics, along with the rest of the statistics that paint the whole picture, I come to this conclusion:


That's the odds of you being killed by an officer if you are unarmed. You're as likely to be hit by a meteor.

07-08-2016, 01:34 PM
Blacks are just more violent and commit more crimes. End of discussion.

You'd have to be a blind idiot to disagree.

You're an idiot

Patrick Chewing
07-08-2016, 02:09 PM
You're an idiot

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2987935b64f09e26687f56a670c3b670610dcdc6b8072668e4 3379f5b5f55224.png

07-08-2016, 02:10 PM
A white guy was shot and killed by cops this week too...but no mention.

longtime lurker
07-08-2016, 02:13 PM
Oh wow the ISH Ku Klux Klan comes of out the wood work. :oldlol: Guess OP is too much of a ***** to use his real account.

07-08-2016, 02:18 PM
Oh wow the ISH Ku Klux Klan comes of out the wood work. :oldlol: Guess OP is too much of a ***** to use his real account.

longtime sensitive fakkit crybaby going full ad hominem because he's not intelligent enough to discuss the issues logically.

"breaking news" :yaohappy:

07-08-2016, 02:18 PM
Oh wow the ISH Ku Klux Klan comes of out the wood work. :oldlol: Guess OP is too much of a ***** to use his real account.
I'm not sure what the topic of this thread has to do with anything, however I am interested in knowing exactly what you take offense to the point that you feel the need to accuse people of being KKK members. Is it that you believe that these statistics are not real?

07-08-2016, 03:29 PM
We need stats for American Indians.

07-08-2016, 03:36 PM
i dont believe your stats. get better stats and explain in detail what they mean then i might take you seriously.

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 03:49 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2987935b64f09e26687f56a670c3b670610dcdc6b8072668e4 3379f5b5f55224.png
A very skewed statistic. A small percentage of blacks commit those crimes (repeat offrnders). I remember reading a stat that showed that only 5 perent of blacks commit those crimes. Which is roughly the same for whites.

And thus why I say people that promote this rhetoric are the ones doing the most damage.

07-08-2016, 03:52 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2987935b64f09e26687f56a670c3b670610dcdc6b8072668e4 3379f5b5f55224.png

Many blacks would see these stats and blame police bias though...saying there are just as many whites that commit aggravated assault, they just aren't found guilty like blacks are.

and maybe there is -SOME- truth to that

and maybe poverty is to blame for -SOME- of this as well

BUT, part of the problem is also black culture...and that problem will never be fixed as long as people are afraid to bring it up due to being seen as racist.

Black culture was a big part of my own life...I ran around with black buddies and I have a PHD in gangsta rap. Violence is glorified by many blacks...this is just a fact, it IS. It's glorified more in black culture than any other racial culture.

How can black culture change as long as we aren't allowed to talk about it??? Blacks themselves aren't even allowed to bring it up...then they will be labeled Uncle Toms...sell outs...'SOFT'...etc

07-08-2016, 03:53 PM
A very skewed statistic. A small percentage of blacks commit those crimes (repeat offrnders). I remember reading a stat that showed that only 5 perent of blacks commit those crimes. Which is roughly the same for whites.

And thus why I say people that promote this rhetoric are the ones doing the most damage.
I think everybody understands that the majority of black people have no interest in crime, violence and negativity in general.

07-08-2016, 03:54 PM
Innocent whites dying from guilty criminal blacks versus
Innocent blacks dying from trained professionals

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 03:56 PM
I think everybody understands that the majority of black people have no interest in crime, violence and negativity in general.
Come on Six. Youre an intelligent man. I assume you have some street smarts. You know why Chewing posted that stat. In an effort to say more blacks commit crimes than whites.

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 04:00 PM
Innocent whites dying from guilty criminal blacks versus
Innocent blacks dying from trained professionals paid to protect them.
Fixed it for you.

07-08-2016, 04:01 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2987935b64f09e26687f56a670c3b670610dcdc6b8072668e4 3379f5b5f55224.png
It's in a nicely laid-out, graphical format with imagery and large text



The Hick
07-08-2016, 04:01 PM
i dont believe your stats. get better stats and explain in detail what they mean then i might take you seriously.

There were 511 officers killed in felonious incidents and 540 offenders from 2004 to 2013, according to FBI reports. Among the total offenders, 52 percent were white, and 43 percent were black.

The FBI provided The Fact Checker a detailed database of victim officers and offenders in felonious incidents, accidental deaths and assaults with injury, from the early 1980s.

From 1980 to 2013, there were 2,269 officers killed in felonious incidents, and 2,896 offenders. The racial breakdown of offenders over the 33-year period was on par with the 10-year period: 52 percent were white, and 41 percent were black.


07-08-2016, 04:02 PM
Come on Six. Youre an intelligent man. I assume you have some street smarts. You know why Chewing posted that stat. In an effort to say more blacks commit crimes than whites.
They do, but it's still true that most blacks don't commit any crimes at all. Most people in general don't commit crimes.

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 04:04 PM
Many blacks would see these stats and blame police bias though...saying there are just as many whites that commit aggravated assault, they just aren't found guilty like blacks are.

and maybe there is -SOME- truth to that

and maybe poverty is to blame for -SOME- of this as well

BUT, part of the problem is also black culture...and that problem will never be fixed as long as people are afraid to bring it up due to being seen as racist.

Black culture was a big part of my own life...I ran around with black buddies and I have a PHD in gangsta rap. Violence is glorified by many blacks...this is just a fact, it IS. It's glorified more in black culture than any other racial culture.

How can black culture change as long as we aren't allowed to talk about it??? Blacks themselves aren't even allowed to bring it up...then they will be labeled Uncle Toms...sell outs...'SOFT'...etc
Oh my god stop. Gangsta rap is a genre of music. Hip hop, R and B, dont promote gang violence. And they're just as popular. Heavy metal ha's a rep for being aligned with the devil. I remember Ozzie Ozbourne tore the head off a bird on stage and drank its blood.

Does that mean that white people are demons?

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 04:14 PM
They do, but it's still true that most blacks don't commit any crimes at all. Most people in general don't commit crimes.
No. They dont. More whites commit crime overall. But by percentage, blacks do. My point is that it's a skewed stat.

For example

Take 10 blacks and 3 have committed 20 crimes

Take 20 whites and 6 have committed 9.

That statistic Chewing like TOs show would lead me to believe that each black person has commtied a crime. That you're more likely to encounter a black person with a record than white. That's not true. Again. It's all blacks having to take accountability for the actions of a few. And thus why I was telling Y2K2 that these stats and stereotypes hurt more than they help.

07-08-2016, 04:25 PM
Oh my god stop. Gangsta rap is a genre of music. Hip hop, R and B, dont promote gang violence. And they're just as popular. Heavy metal ha's a rep for being aligned with the devil. I remember Ozzie Ozbourne tore the head off a bird on stage and drank its blood.

Does that mean that white people are demons?
You're trying to tell me that rap doesn't reflect an actual real life culture...I lived that shit myself okay. I was arrested a dozen times in my youth, I am familiar with wtf is going on...

Rap isn't to blame...it's a reflection of reality though. Ozzie didn't promoted gun violence...there is no white Spice-1...there is no white Bobby Schmurda. And the whites that listen to that are fascinated with BLACK CULTURE.

07-08-2016, 04:36 PM
I think everybody understands that the majority of black people have no interest in crime, violence and negativity in general.
funny but sad statement

07-08-2016, 04:47 PM
Dallas cop massacre could be probed as hate crime (http://nypost.com/2016/07/08/dallas-cop-massacre-will-be-probed-as-hate-crime/)


Nick Young
07-08-2016, 04:49 PM
Stop this idiotic racial divisionism.

Why are we all ignoring the preaching of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?

07-08-2016, 04:55 PM
Blacks are just more violent and commit more crimes. End of discussion.

You'd have to be a blind idiot to disagree.

A lot of idiots will attempt to argue with you, but it's a fact

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 05:21 PM
You're trying to tell me that rap doesn't reflect an actual real life culture...I lived that shit myself okay. I was arrested a dozen times in my youth, I am familiar with wtf is going on...

Rap isn't to blame...it's a reflection of reality though. Ozzie didn't promoted gun violence...there is no white Spice-1...there is no white Bobby Schmurda. And the whites that listen to that are fascinated with BLACK CULTURE.
No. Gangsta rap doesn't encompass the black culture as a whole. You're alluding a small percentage. They get the most pub because it's another way to make us look bad.

And please don't try to start a pissing contest with this one.

Korn - Daddy. A song about a child being molested by their father.

Cannibal Corpses - Meathook Sodomy

There are no Bobby Schmudas in heavy metal????

Kurt Struebing
In 1986, Kurt Struebing of Washington thrash metallers NME ingested enough drugs to believe that he was a robot. In an unfortunate turn of events, Struebing decided to cut his mother open with a hatchet and scissors to see if she was a robot, too. She was not, and Struebing was convicted of second-degree murder, serving 8 years in prison. Struebing reformed the band upon his release, but died in 2005 by driving his car off a swing bridge in Seattle.

Sam McBride
Best known for writing songs covered by Nirvana (

97 bulls
07-08-2016, 05:25 PM
Stop this idiotic racial divisionism.

Why are we all ignoring the preaching of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?
I fear, I am integrating my people into a burning house.

longtime lurker
07-08-2016, 05:35 PM
Stop this idiotic racial divisionism.

Why are we all ignoring the preaching of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?

[QUOTE]The majority of white Americans consider themselves sincerely committed to justice for the Negro. They believe that American society is essentially hospitable to fair play and to steady growth toward a middle-class Utopia embodying racial harmony. But unfortunately this is a fantasy of self-deception and comfortable vanity.

07-09-2016, 06:25 AM
Wait, are those quotes supposed to make MLK look bad?

Long Duck Dong
07-11-2016, 12:36 PM
No outrage or denial of this fact?

So, police kill more blacks, statistically. Outrage, protests, calls for investigations and terminations.

Blacks statistically kill more police? *crickets*



07-11-2016, 07:46 PM
Well the issue with cops killing unarmed black men is implicit-racism. Implicit-racism is a bit different from the general racism we all know of, it happens subconsciously and most dont realize it happens.

For instance, if you consider that blacks are more dangerous because they on average, commit more crimes, then you are subject to implicit racism. If cops view black men as more threatening and more likely to pull out a gun than other races, they are more likely to shoot black men than white/asian men.

However, implicit racism is common among everyone, even among blacks vs blacks. Studies have shown that, not only whites consider black men to be more threatening and crime-prone, but many blacks feel the same way as well. Replacing a white cop by a black cop wont necessarily stop the killing of unarmed black men, so long as blacks are viewed as more violent in nature and more likely to pull out a gun.

So how to solve this problem? I have no idea, I am not a scientist after all. The ideal solution is for blacks to commit less crimes, so the stereotype of blacks being more violent and crime-prone will go away, effectively ending the implicit racism against blacks. But will this ever happen? I dunno, only time will tell.

longtime lurker
07-11-2016, 08:04 PM
Wait, are those quotes supposed to make MLK look bad?
No they're to prove that Nick Young is an idiot.

07-11-2016, 08:14 PM
Well the issue with cops killing unarmed black men is implicit-racism. Implicit-racism is a bit different from the general racism we all know of, it happens subconsciously and most dont realize it happens.

For instance, if you consider that blacks are more dangerous because they on average, commit more crimes, then you are subject to implicit racism. If cops view black men as more threatening and more likely to pull out a gun than other races, they are more likely to shoot black men than white/asian men.

However, implicit racism is common among everyone, even among blacks vs blacks. Studies have shown that, not only whites consider black men to be more threatening and crime-prone, but many blacks feel the same way as well. Replacing a white cop by a black cop wont necessarily stop the killing of unarmed black men, so long as blacks are viewed as more violent in nature and more likely to pull out a gun.

So how to solve this problem? I have no idea, I am not a scientist after all. The ideal solution is for blacks to commit less crimes, so the stereotype of blacks being more violent and crime-prone will go away, effectively ending the implicit racism against blacks. But will this ever happen? I dunno, only time will tell.

Implicit racism is built through observation and experiences in life.

You will never actually stop that occurance when you have widespread multiculturalism.

07-11-2016, 09:33 PM
Implicit racism is built through observation and experiences in life.

You will never actually stop that occurance when you have widespread multiculturalism.

hard to view thug life as "culture"... as most these young bloods do...

07-11-2016, 11:31 PM
hard to view thug life as "culture"... as most these young bloods do...

The rap music represents a lot of blacks who live in the projects and the struggle to get out, I get that.

The millions who grow up in the projects will always feel like the white man is to blame.

If you or I had a similar upbringing in a white ghetto, you would probably feel a sense of resentment towards black people living a better life.

The problem is, that no matter how much you tell them the facts, they will only see their own living conditions of their family and point to the white man as the cause of it.

07-12-2016, 02:17 AM
Implicit racism is built through observation and experiences in life.

You will never actually stop that occurance when you have widespread multiculturalism.

Well in a general sense you are correct, but this specific implicit bias that blacks are more dangerous/threatening than whites can be changed so long as blacks stop committing so many crimes. The Asians dont commit violent crimes, and the Whites wont think Asians will pull out guns, because stereotype of a typical asian is that hes soft and docile. The stereotype for a typical black is that hes more violent and crime-prone, thus police takes more caution against them, especially when it comes to self-defense.

07-13-2016, 06:28 PM
Blacks are just more violent and commit more crimes. End of discussion.

You'd have to be a blind idiot to disagree.
