View Full Version : 911 is a joke

07-13-2016, 11:10 AM
This morning I had to take a detour to work and it was a good thing I did for somebody. I saw what I thought was somebodies burn pile burning as I drove down the road and after a second thought , I was thinking it looked pretty close to the house . I turned around and pulled into the drive way and saw the deck to the side of the house was on fire. I parked back away to stay safe, got out my phone to call 911 as I hurried to the house. It took about 6 or 7 rings for the lady to answer the phone, asking "what my emergency was" I gave her the address and told her the house was on fire. She then asked "what fire department would you like me to contact" REALLY lady your asking me I don't know. She put me on hold, and after banging on the door and ringing the doorbell , I was able to wake the guy up. Would you answer your door at 3 in the morning ? I wouldn't have .
I told him his deck and siding was on fire , and asked if he had a hose or fire extinguisher, he had a hose in the garage. The 911 operator finally came back and connected me with who ever she thought was closest , gave the address and explained the situation and she hung up, didn't seem to concerned to stay on the line. We managed to drag the deck furniture away saving some of it, and getting the fire out by ourselves. Nobody police or fire showed by the time I was leaving. Never called or used 911 before, ,maybe I just got someone on a bad day, but it atleast it had a good ending for the guys house.

07-13-2016, 11:14 AM

07-13-2016, 12:27 PM
Cool story, bro

07-13-2016, 02:34 PM
Cool story, bro
Yeah real life experience something the juvenile posters here would know nothing about. They bitch about politics, girls , and bs but 90% of them never did anything worth reading.

07-13-2016, 02:38 PM
OP is a good guy that helped out a fellow American. Good on ya.