View Full Version : CBS/NYT Poll: Hillary Lead Collapses heading into the Convention

07-14-2016, 08:37 AM
CBS/NYT Poll: Hillary Lead Collapses heading into the Convention

Heading into the two parties' conventions, the race for President is a dead heat, a change from last month when Hillary Clinton led by six points. Forty percent of registered voters now say they will back Clinton (a dip of three points), while 40 percent will vote for Trump (a bump up of three points). A month ago, Clinton led Trump 43 to 37 percent.
Must be a far right wing poll. No way that racist and sexist pig could be tied with our dear leader. Right??!?

Clinton: 40% Trump 40%
With Gary Johnson: Clinton 36% Trump 36% Johnson 12%
Favorable ratings:
Trump: 30% Favorable 54% Unfavorable (-24)
Clinton: 28% Favorable 54% Unfavorable (-26)
538 Pollster Ratings (CBS News/New York Times):
Overall Rating: A-
Cellphones: Yes
Mean-Reverted Bias: D +0.6 (Slight democratic bias)
Dondadda on suicide watch

Hilary supporters hold this L

07-14-2016, 08:56 AM
All while Hillary has had favorable media coverage, big money Wall Street donors, and establishment government support. Every advantage a politician could ever dream of.

Trump has had zero help, from anybody let alone his own party, and still continues to do well.

Not to mention she's out spent Trump 40 to 1 in PA, FL, and OH, yet is virtually tied in those states.

Patrick Chewing
07-14-2016, 09:07 AM
Just think. At this very moment, Hillary Clinton is lying to somebody.

Once a liar, always a liar.

07-14-2016, 09:14 AM
so what, it's rigged for her to win.

if it wasn't, i'd be putting down a couple G's on Trump in Vegas. His odds are pretty good at +280.

07-14-2016, 09:16 AM
so what, it's rigged for her to win.

if it wasn't, i'd be putting down a couple G's on Trump in Vegas. His odds are pretty good at +280.

I wouldn't say 'rigged', but its blatantly obvious the system is designed in such a way that she should be able to sleepwalk to a win.

07-14-2016, 09:28 AM
so what, it's rigged for her to win.

if it wasn't, i'd be putting down a couple G's on Trump in Vegas. His odds are pretty good at +280.

Ok Ayesha.

07-14-2016, 09:35 AM
so what, it's rigged for her to win.

if it wasn't, i'd be putting down a couple G's on Trump in Vegas. His odds are pretty good at +280.

Hilary is like Lebron , if she's losing big there isn't anything the refs can do, but if the score is close she will get every call.

You can bet Hilary is popular with the Computer hacker and Graveyard demographic.

Its the nature of big money in politics if they spend all that money campaigning they will definitely spend some cheating if they can get away with it.

But the Brexit vote used bias polls and All the establishment was one sided in their coverage but the will of the people still won out.

Patrick Chewing
07-14-2016, 09:35 AM
Trump should get his hands dirty since he's going up the dirtiest candidate in years.

I'd open up that fat wallet of his and start paying for votes. Whole counties I mean.

Find a BLUE county with a rusty old bridge and write a check to the mayor to fix it. Start kissing some babies and slipping a $20 down their onesies for Mom and Dad to find later.

Stage a protestor wearing a Hillary Shirt to run up on stage and yell "Sic Semper Tyrannis" and then have Trump fake punch him and knock him out.

07-14-2016, 09:43 AM
I wouldn't say 'rigged', but its blatantly obvious the system is designed in such a way that she should be able to sleepwalk to a win.
pretty much what i meant. ever since the beginning, she was destined to get the dem nomination. she's still on path to winning the election.

nothing can stop that.

07-14-2016, 11:08 AM
I don't know why Hilary supporters are acting so smug, because I think Trump could win, and that if the polls are equal by election time, he'll almost certainly win. The polls in the UK favoured Remain remember (and there is a constant trend of them underestimating the protest vote, in successive elections)--many people will vote for Trump who won't tell anyone that's what they're doing. Clinton is one of the worst candidates the Dems could've picked, because she's the ideal person to lodge a protest vote against.

07-14-2016, 11:30 AM
I don't know why Hilary supporters are acting so smug, because I think Trump could win, and that if the polls are equal by election time, he'll almost certainly win. The polls in the UK favoured Remain remember (and there is a constant trend of them underestimating the protest vote, in successive elections)--many people will vote for Trump who won't tell anyone that's what they're doing. Clinton is one of the worst candidates the Dems could've picked, because she's the ideal person to lodge a protest vote against.

I don't know any Hillary supporters... :confusedshrug:

Never seen anyone post one positive thing about her on FB. :oldlol: Only on ISH.

07-14-2016, 11:54 AM
Convention bump. We'll need to wait until the Dems have had theirs as well to get a clearer picture of where the race is at...

Although I would definitely be afraid about the Brexit precedent.

I especially worry about a certain category of voter, you might call them the "sober Clinton voter": the nice, polite middle class professional who generally avoids talking about politics but looks like a Clinton supporter... until you get them a few drinks, that is.

They might've voted for Obama in 08 and 12, but it's as if they've been holding something back all this time...

So it's definitely closer than people think. As someone who consistently predicted that Trump would get the nomination (based on a gut feeling that event decent, ordinary people have a dark side politicians could theoretically tap into, but don't due to the constraining power of social norms) I'm worried.

Trump's main strength has always been that he understands the animal within. He operates based on certain unpleasants truth about human nature others are too scared to acknowledge.

To beat a candidate like this, you need someone who can turn that approach on its head, instead of pretending there's nothing to it. Assimilate the animal part and make something healthier out of it.

07-14-2016, 11:56 AM
I don't know why Hilary supporters are acting so smug, because I think Trump could win, and that if the polls are equal by election time, he'll almost certainly win. The polls in the UK favoured Remain remember (and there is a constant trend of them underestimating the protest vote, in successive elections)--many people will vote for Trump who won't tell anyone that's what they're doing. Clinton is one of the worst candidates the Dems could've picked, because she's the ideal person to lodge a protest vote against.
you're kidding yourself if you think Trump has the slightest shot in hell at winning

07-14-2016, 11:57 AM

^^^ an average of all polls

07-14-2016, 11:58 AM
I don't know any Hillary supporters... :confusedshrug:

Never seen anyone post one positive thing about her on FB. :oldlol: Only on ISH.
lol, you don't have a single female friend on FB :lol ...only men...only white men

07-14-2016, 12:08 PM
you're kidding yourself if you think Trump has the slightest shot in hell at winning
I"m not kidding myself at all. I'm a habitual pessimist who doesn't think there's much hope for America either way, but that doesn't stop me from giving my opinion regarding voting trends.

You keep taking this kind of attitude and you could be as surprised and up-in-arms as many of the people I know were over Brexit--they were so certain they'd get their way that their reactions were laughably hysterical. It's really not all that clear-cut; this is a very uncertain time in politics.

07-14-2016, 12:14 PM
I"m not kidding myself at all. I'm a habitual pessimist who doesn't think there's much hope for America either way, but that doesn't stop me from giving my opinion regarding voting trends.

You keep taking this kind of attitude and you could be as surprised and up-in-arms as many of the people I know were over Brexit--they were so certain they'd get their way that their reactions were laughably hysterical. It's really not all that clear-cut; this is a very uncertain time in politics.
It's an absolute certainty that Hillary will win, if she doesn't, then yeah my reaction will pure shock.

It's a embarrassment that Trump even made it this far.

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 12:28 PM
All while Hillary has had favorable media coverage, big money Wall Street donors, and establishment government support. Every advantage a politician could ever dream of.

Trump has had zero help, from anybody let alone his own party, and still continues to do well.

Not to mention she's out spent Trump 40 to 1 in PA, FL, and OH, yet is virtually tied in those states.
Hillary has everything going on her side and still could barely beat Tomato Can Bernie and now is having trouble putting down a reality TV star.

She just isn't likable. The public just can't connect with her. Her only hope is playing the woman card. Becoming the first woman US president is literally the only thing she has going for her right now.

07-14-2016, 12:30 PM
There won't be a worse week for her than the one she just had and she's still up in the aggregate. Not a good sign for Trump.

Oh man, and just wait for the debates. They are going to be cringe-worthy. He refused to debate with less than 5 people in the GOP circus shows they ran through the spring.

Going 1v1 against Hillary for 2 hours in a serious policy debate. Going to be funny as shit. She went 10v1 in a 13 hour Benghazi inquisition and he wouldn't even debate Cruz 1 on 1.

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 12:30 PM
There won't be a worse week for her than the one she just had and she's still up in the aggregate. Not a good sign for Trump.

Oh man, and just wait for the debates. They are going to be cringe-worthy. He refused to debate with less than 5 people in the GOP circus shows they ran through the spring.

Going 1v1 against Hillary for 2 hours in a serious policy debate. Going to be funny as shit. She went 10v1 in a 13 hour Benghazi inquisition and he wouldn't even debate Cruz 1 on 1.


This kid is in for some heartbreak

07-14-2016, 12:49 PM

This kid is in for some heartbreak
Seriously, All the Trump camp needs to do is find one of Bill's accusers and have her give an Interview on Dateline about how Hilary harrassed her while she was the victim. Bill supposed love child is still out there.

07-14-2016, 08:09 PM
lol, you don't have a single female friend on FB :lol ...only men...only white men

It's his choice to only like white men :confusedshrug:

Get with the times, bruh, it's 2016 :facepalm

07-14-2016, 08:13 PM
Seriously, All the Trump camp needs to do is find one of Bill's accusers and have her give an Interview on Dateline about how Hilary harrassed her while she was the victim. Bill supposed love child is still out there.
Lol, I know Slick Willy had his fair share of affairs but the kid looks nothing like Bill Clinton :oldlol:

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 08:15 PM
It looks like it could be Bill's kid but I have zero problem with politicians having extramarital affairs in their personal life.

So Hillary's husband has a bastard kid-possibly many? So what, it's not my business and as long as it doesn't affect how their do their job in office, fair play to them.

This wouldn't be bad for Hillary though, it's not her fault her husband cheated on her.

07-14-2016, 08:23 PM

This kid is in for some heartbreak
If Trump didn't have such low numbers with Blacks, women, college educated whites, Latinos etc, he would be in great position to knock off the most Establishment candidate in recent times.

Fact of the matter is that if those groups get out and vote, Trump really doesn't have a chance in hell.They will deliver OH, FL, NM, NV, AR, CO, PN etc just on the stupid shit he has said about them...

Hillary sucks but Trump sucks even more :(

07-14-2016, 08:25 PM
It looks like it could be Bill's kid but I have zero problem with politicians having extramarital affairs in their personal life.

So Hillary's husband has a bastard kid-possibly many? So what, it's not my business and as long as it doesn't affect how their do their job in office, fair play to them.

This wouldn't be bad for Hillary though, it's not her fault her husband cheated on her.
Nah, they used his power and position in office to directly harass, intimidate, and defame Bill Clinton's accusers; Hilary was a big part of this concerted defamation. Character and personal integrity is one of the most important things in politics; keep voting low and dirty characters into office and public life will soon be a swamp of corruption and abuse. People can change their minds, but you can't change whether a guy is a son-of-bitch or not.

This is the man who, after all, made a deal with criminal gangsters and terrorists in order to shore up the Catholic vote. Nothing was too low for Clinton, and that could've recognised much earlier on if people had just looked at his character.

07-14-2016, 08:25 PM
If Trump didn't have such low numbers with Blacks, women, college educated whites, Latinos etc, he would be in position to knock off the most Establishment candidate in recent times.

Fact of the matter is that if those groups get out and vote, Trump really doesn't have a chance.

Hillary sucks but Trump sucks even more :(
And if young people voted, there'd be no Brexit. Some demographics just don't vote.

07-14-2016, 08:25 PM
People are aware that Slick Willy isn't running for re-reelection, right? He could have a whole army of secret bastards... So what? :confusedshrug:

Does anyone care that Melania Trump used to pose for nudey mags? Why would they?

And if young people voted, there'd be no Brexit. Some demographics just don't vote.

Yeah the whole Dems pandering to socialist Bernie because they are desperate to siphon off his followers thing is kind of hilarious to watch. Bern's supporters are the most fickle bunch of voters in the electorate. There's a reason why the polls in the days leading up to the Cali primary had it dead even but Hillary ended up winning comfortably. Those hipster millenials who showed up 20-30K strong to his rallies didn't bother to actually vote.

https://573e2776-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/uselectionsproject/home/voter-turnout/demographics/CPS%20age.png?attachauth=ANoY7cr33qntArjndwx0k2lhe WQc-MujvTJJGDSwx6EF4CwQ3enF9nObZG8ujSdoEbBUvBxFiAE_jQL 1zbgLUPQZYFqkbJzwTEAVpryowKeW6uyn8uGRSVbtG0ZXcxUp8 c5g_QL-69atp4-q4LgKiYIEu9jQYFeroP8RdSeg-HCENGBNEVJn19mlaNI74b1K3iz4HvC5ojTnLB6sgsRNG-zQimK_eKBj2mjrjgdZWXroNAh_eaYKdUO543QKwAbwNLrRFxAT-GZebjvWSCAroHaXjnssNWqIcQ%3D%3D&attredirects=0

Politicians overvalue the youth vote by a lot. They are notoriously unreliable, as Big Bern found out himself.

07-14-2016, 08:40 PM
And if young people voted, there'd be no Brexit. Some demographics just don't vote.
That's true, but as a Latino, I can tell you that they are super pissed off at him. Not just Mexican Americans (who make up the majority of Latinos), they felt insulted at the way Trump started his campaign calling illegal aliens criminals. You have to keep in mind that not only Mexicans are illegals in this country, many people from central and south America know friends or family members who are illegals. They are registering to vote in record numbers.


Mark my words, they will flip Arizona to blue and Trump will get his ass handed to him, unless he makes inroads with them and Blacks from now until to election day.

Only hope Trump has is that Hillary is so bad that those demographics just stay home on Nov 8.

07-14-2016, 08:48 PM
That's true, but as a Latino, I can tell you that they are super pissed off at him. Not just Mexican Americans (who make up the majority of Latinos), they felt insulted at the way Trump started his campaign calling illegal aliens criminals. You have to keep in mind that not only Mexicans are illegals in this country, many people from central and south America know friends or family members who are illegals. They arw registering to vote in record numbers.


Mark my words, they will flip Arizona to blue and Trump will get his ass handed to him, unless he makes inroads with them and Blacks from now until to election day.

Only hope Trump has is that Hillary is so bad that those demographics stay home on Nov 8.
You might be entirely right. But Trump has an interesting strategy. He's going to win the red states by smaller margins that a normal republican, but he's gonna run up the white vote in the swing states.

I'm not guaranteeing Trump will win. It can go either way. But people who don't think it can go either way are fools. Democrats are such bubble people. They never believe a republican can actually win. They laughed at the idea of Reagan winning. They thought Bush would never get re-elected. They're completely disconnected to reality outside of their little left wing bubble. They also don't realize how soft the "liberal" voting base is. The left is made up of too many demographic groups that vote in very small numbers. Republicans actually vote.

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 08:58 PM
That's true, but as a Latino, I can tell you that they are super pissed off at him. Not just Mexican Americans (who make up the majority of Latinos), they felt insulted at the way Trump started his campaign calling illegal aliens criminals. You have to keep in mind that not only Mexicans are illegals in this country, many people from central and south America know friends or family members who are illegals. They are registering to vote in record numbers.

Mark my words, they will flip Arizona to blue and Trump will get his ass handed to him, unless he makes inroads with them and Blacks from now until to election day.

Only hope Trump has is that Hillary is so bad that those demographics just stay home on Nov 8.
You don't speak for all Latinos bro. Many members of our great race that we share together proudly support Donald Trump.






As a Latino man who has pledged fealty to House Webb, I am not supporting trump, but I hope that you acknowledge that there are many Americans out there who share our noble hispanic lineage, and do indeed support the Trumpster.:cheers:

07-14-2016, 08:59 PM
You might be entirely right. But Trump has an interesting strategy. He's going to win the red states by smaller margins that a normal republican, but he's gonna run up the white vote in the swing states.

I'm not guaranteeing Trump will win. It can go either way. But people who don't think it can go either way are fools. Democrats are such bubble people. They never believe a republican can actually win. They laughed at the idea of Reagan winning. They thought Bush would never get re-elected. They're completely disconnected to reality outside of their little left wing bubble. They also don't realize how soft the "liberal" voting base is. The left is made up of too many demographic groups that vote in very small numbers. Republicans actually vote.
I hear you, the most reliable voters are old white folks but as someone who considers himself left of center (I am not a lib SJW hipster by any means, I've been called out by Duece, KevinNYC, nathanjizzle and Nanners for saying "mean things"), I can tell that they tend to overreact when poll numbers show the race tightening, they aren't smug at all :lol

Trump has an uphill battle because he has offended so any people, he did call ugly chicks pigs after all :oldlol:

07-14-2016, 09:02 PM
You don't speak for all Latinos bro. Many members of our great race that we share together proudly support Donald Trump.




As a Latino man who has pledged fealty to House Webb, I am not supporting trump, but I hope that you acknowledge that there are many Americans out there who share our noble hispanic lineage, and do indeed support the Trumpster.:cheers:
You're showing pics of the 20% of Latinos who support him, I never claimed 100% were against him :confusedshrug:

If he wants to pull the upset, he needs to take around 40% of their vote.

07-14-2016, 09:05 PM
You might be entirely right. But Trump has an interesting strategy. He's going to win the red states by smaller margins that a normal republican, but he's gonna run up the white vote in the swing states.

I'm not guaranteeing Trump will win. It can go either way. But people who don't think it can go either way are fools. Democrats are such bubble people. They never believe a republican can actually win. They laughed at the idea of Reagan winning. They thought Bush would never get re-elected. They're completely disconnected to reality outside of their little left wing bubble. They also don't realize how soft the "liberal" voting base is. The left is made up of too many demographic groups that vote in very small numbers. Republicans actually vote.

Dems show up big for GEs but not so much for mid terms, local elections, etc. There's a reason only one Republican has won a GE popular vote since 1992. Won't be any different this year or for the foreseeable future.

Many members of our great race that we share together proudly support Donald Trump.

Latest UniVision poll released today has the Donald down 67-19% with Latinos (http://fusion.net/story/325227/trump-latino-voters-univision-poll/) and Latinos are registering to vote in record numbersin key States (http://www.wsj.com/articles/hispanics-register-to-vote-in-record-numbers-in-key-states-1468269306).

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 09:05 PM
You might be entirely right. But Trump has an interesting strategy. He's going to win the red states by smaller margins that a normal republican, but he's gonna run up the white vote in the swing states.

I'm not guaranteeing Trump will win. It can go either way. But people who don't think it can go either way are fools. Democrats are such bubble people. They never believe a republican can actually win. They laughed at the idea of Reagan winning. They thought Bush would never get re-elected. They're completely disconnected to reality outside of their little left wing bubble. They also don't realize how soft the "liberal" voting base is. The left is made up of too many demographic groups that vote in very small numbers. Republicans actually vote.

This is the downside of echo chamber culture that encourages purging and censoring all dissenting opinions.

It was the same in the UK with the recent Brexit vote. The lefties were so certain they were going to have their way and when they didn't, they flipped out and threw a tantrum. They genuinely didn't see it coming, even though the pre-polls predicted it.

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 09:07 PM
Dems show up big for GEs but not so much for mid terms, local elections, etc. There's a reason only one Republican has won a GE popular vote since 1992. Won't be any different this year or for the foreseeable future.

Latest UniVision poll released today has the Donald down 67-19% with Latinos (http://fusion.net/story/325227/trump-latino-voters-univision-poll/) and Latinos are registering to vote in record numbersin key States (http://www.wsj.com/articles/hispanics-register-to-vote-in-record-numbers-in-key-states-1468269306).

This is true.

It doesn't change the fact that there are millions of Latinos in America who have indeed bent the knee to House Trump.

07-14-2016, 09:11 PM
big props to donald and ted for putting out a message of love and tolerance...

apparently this sign just went up outside the republican convention! http://cms.myspacecdn.com/cms/User_Home/HP_HeartIconSmall.png


Nick Young
07-14-2016, 09:21 PM
big props to donald and ted for putting out a message of love and tolerance...

apparently this sign just went up outside the republican convention! http://cms.myspacecdn.com/cms/User_Home/HP_HeartIconSmall.png

Sorry to spoil your emotion-based narrative with facts and reality, bro.

Donald Trump has always supported gay marriage.

Hillary Clinton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I1-r1YgK9I) on the other hand... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZkK2_6H9MM)

Hillary Clinton on gay marriage in 2004:

"I believe marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman. I have had occasion in my life to defend marriage, to stand up for marriage, to believe in the hard work and challenge of marriage. So I take umbrage at anyone who might suggest that those of us who worry about amending the Constitution are less committed to the sanctity of marriage, or to the fundamental bedrock principle that it exists between a man and a woman, going back into the midst of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults."

I wonder how much research this company did before designing this billboard and paying for it. Trump will probably think it's funny:lol

07-14-2016, 09:28 PM
Dems show up big for GEs but not so much for mid terms, local elections, etc. There's a reason only one Republican has won a GE popular vote since 1992. Won't be any different this year or for the foreseeable future.

Latest UniVision poll released today has the Donald down 67-19% with Latinos (http://fusion.net/story/325227/trump-latino-voters-univision-poll/) and Latinos are registering to vote in record numbersin key States (http://www.wsj.com/articles/hispanics-register-to-vote-in-record-numbers-in-key-states-1468269306).

*For the record, the one Repub who won the GE free of any shenanigans in the last 24 years did so while winning 40% of the Latino vote. John McCain won 31%, Mitt Romney 27% and they were both wiped out in one-sided throttlings. The Maverick won 55% of the White vote, Romney 59%. Barry O clobbered McCain by 8% of the popular vote and had a massive 365-173 electoral map win. Obama beat Romney by about 4% of the total vote but had a 332-206 electoral map advantage.

Polls have the Donald at c. 20% of the Latino vote and 51% of the White vote.

A massive poll of 60,000+ registered voters released today spanning from April-early this month shows Clinton would win 320-212 in the electoral college if the election were held now (http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-07-14/hillary-clinton-leads-donald-trump-in-massive-new-poll-losing-ohio-but-winning-white-house).

07-14-2016, 10:34 PM
@"nick young,"
ah... so you're saying that the big image placed for "republicans" to see (https://i.redd.it/7cmo0pnqva9x.jpg) that you're complaining about is in fact "honest and truthful?" haha, okay like-- so WHAT exactly is the PROBLEM there, duderino...? not to mention... considering how much difficulty you've recently had in following easy-to-click links (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=414710)-- shouldn't you be THANKING ME profusely for very kindly displaying this linked image for you ahead of time?

@hillary's quote,
#1 did you read the date on the quote before you copy-pasted it? (i.e., it's 2004)

because, you know, even worst-case scenerio for hillary (which almost certainly isn't the case anyway), are you suggesting that opinions, once formed, should NEVER change? indeed, wasn't that a central point of bush junior's strategy against the gore... that al had the f-cking balls to actually CHANGE his opinion on stuff over the course of a couple decades?

not to mention-- remember how well bush junior's unchanging hard-on for teaching the ME a lesson worked out for us and europe? good times, right? good times... meaning by normal language, "one more unnecessary clusterf-ck for the rest of us to deal with."

#2 did you notice that in the quote you specifically chose, she didn't actually say that she was against gay marriage? (i.e. the point you were trying to make)

i know, i know... it's probably a highly difficult concept for you to grasp in the black-and-white, comic book land that you live in, but see-- in life, just because you're FOR something, that doesn't mean that you're automagically AGAINST something else. i mean, look up hillary's official position on gay marriage back in 2004. i'm pretty sure it jibes with what we just read, no? anyway, so here's a major tip for you, nicholas-- in that quote, hillary was almost certainly just buttering up the assholes of pro-marriage folks. next day she was likely doing the same for the rainbow coalition.

do you know what that's called, dude? i'll give you a hint-- the middle letters are O - L - I - T - I - C. i'll let you fill in the first and last ones, if you can.

#3 since i can't stand hillary myself, i'm deeply disappointed that you couldn't come up with anything better.
for SHAME, sir...!

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 10:38 PM
@nick young,
re: your insightful post just above,

ah... so you're saying that the big image (https://i.redd.it/7cmo0pnqva9x.jpg) you're complaining about is paradoxically "honest and truthful?" well then what exactly is the PROBLEM, duderino...? also, considering how much difficulty you've recently had in following easy-to-click links (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=414710), shouldn't you be THANKING ME profusely for very kindly displaying the linked image for you ahead of time? i did all that just for you, you know. or are you just being an ungrateful little so-and-so just to yank my chains?

in any case, no treats for you today, nick... no treats for you. but maybe it's like they say-- professional basketball players should probably refrain from discussing politics in public. :(

@hillary's quote,
#1 did you read the date on the quote before you copy-pasted it?

because, you know, even worst-case scenerio for hillary (which almost certainly isn't the case anyway), are you suggesting that opinions, once formed, should NEVER! change? indeed, wasn't that a central point to bush junior's strategy against the gore... that al had the f-cking balls to actually CHANGE his opinion on stuff over the course of a couple decades?

not to mention-- remember how well bush junior's unchanging hard-on for teaching the ME a lesson worked out for us and europe? good times, right? good times... meaning by normal language, "one more unnecessary clusterf-ck for the rest of us to deal with."

#2 did you notice that in the quote you specifically chose, she didn't actually say that she was against gay marriage? (i.e. the point you were trying to make)

i know, i know... it's probably a highly difficult concept for you to grasp in the black-and-white, comic book that you live in, but see-- in life, just because you're FOR something, that doesn't mean that you're automagically AGAINST something else. i mean, look up her official position on gay marriage in 2004. i'm pretty sure it jibes with all that. so here's a tip for you, nicholas-- in that quote, hillary was almost certainly just buttering up the assholes of pro-marriage folks. next day she was likely doing the same for the rainbow coalition.

do you know what that's called, dude? i'll give you a hint-- the middle letters are O - L - I - T - I - C. i'll let you fill in the first and last ones, if you can.

#3 since i can't stand hillary, i'm also disappointed that you couldn't come up with anything better. for SHAME, sir...!

EDIT: in future, you might possibly expect me to remind anyone who asks "so what's the point in arguing with an idiot?" for me to respond: "because that's the quickest path upon your own idiocy," and then link this discussion.

still, isn't that kind of mission accomplished for you, my boy...?
Are you attempting to sound intelligent or are you attempting to pull off patronizing sarcasm? You have to choose a position and stick with it broski. You are only going half-in on both and it isn't coming out how you want it to.

Step 1:
Type like a normal person. The intent behind your message is lost in the manic rambling and childish insults. Address me succinctly and with proper grammar and I'll be happy to reply to you in a non-trolling and respectful manner. :cheers:

EDIT: Tried to reread your above post. I understand a little of what you are trying to say.

#2 did you notice that in the quote you specifically chose, she didn't actually say that she was against gay marriage? (i.e. the point you were trying to make)

Sorry broski. The words

"I believe marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman. I have had occasion in my life to defend marriage, to stand up for marriage, to believe in the hard work and challenge of marriage. So I take umbrage at anyone who might suggest that those of us who worry about amending the Constitution are less committed to the sanctity of marriage, or to the fundamental bedrock principle that it exists between a man and a woman, going back into the midst of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults."
Do indeed mean that she was against gay marriage. That quote is Hillary directly saying that she is against gay marriage.


And now she is running as a pro-LGBT candidate :cheers:

EDIT: in future, you might possibly expect me to remind anyone who asks "so what's the point in arguing with an idiot?" for me to respond: "because that's the quickest path upon your own idiocy," and then link this discussion.

still, isn't that kind of mission accomplished for you, my boy...?
Dude, forreal you sound manic. This doesn't even make sense. Are you alright brah? I didn't know my mindraping was affecting you this much, I'm happy to tone it down. You just keep doing you, no need for meltdowns at my expense. Stay healthy, my friend :cheers:

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 10:48 PM
Even Anderson Cooper called her out on her gay marriage flip flop. Savage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI)

07-14-2016, 10:53 PM
There is nothing wrong with her changing her mind on that, it's not like Trump has been pro gay marriage his whole life

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 11:04 PM
There is nothing wrong with her changing her mind on that, it's not like Trump has been pro gay marriage his whole life
Pretty sure he was, bro. If he wasn't, so what? Stop the logical fallacy brah. Doesn't change the fact that Hillary was against gay marriage and only "changed her mind in 2013."

You people throw a tantrum every time Trump flip flops, but when Hillary does it she's just "changing her mind, and it's ok"? :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

07-14-2016, 11:09 PM
Pretty sure he was, bro. If he wasn't, so what? Stop the logical fallacy brah. Doesn't change the fact that Hillary was against gay marriage and only "changed her mind in 2013."

The whole country did a complete 180 on gay marriage in a very short period of time:

In Pew Research Center polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a margin of 57% to 35%.

Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily grown. Based on polling in 2016, a majority of Americans (55%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 37% who oppose it.

-Pew Research

Pretty remarkable. I wonder what drove that. :confusedshrug:

07-14-2016, 11:10 PM
Pretty sure he was, bro. If he wasn't, so what? Stop the logical fallacy brah. Doesn't change the fact that Hillary was against gay marriage and only "changed her mind in 2013."

You people throw a tantrum every time Trump flip flops, but when Hillary does it she's just "changing her mind, and it's ok"? :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:
Flip flops don't count across decades... Who gives a shit about 2003, this is 2016.

If Trump said he is building a wall YESTERDAY, but TODAY says he isn't then that's a true flip flop.

Nick Young
07-14-2016, 11:46 PM
Flip flops don't count across decades... Who gives a shit about 2003, this is 2016.

If Trump said he is building a wall YESTERDAY, but TODAY says he isn't then that's a true flip flop.
She only came out supporting gay marriage in 2013 breh.

07-14-2016, 11:46 PM
Flip flops don't count across decades... Who gives a shit about 2003, this is 2016.

If Trump said he is building a wall YESTERDAY, but TODAY says he isn't then that's a true flip flop.

Oh, he's buildin that wall bro.

It may not be a stone and cement operation. It may be more of a metaphysical, spiritual, symbolic wall, made of sheer collective will and cerebral might. But he's building it. We are ALL building it.

Wall = Hold this W, ALL.


07-15-2016, 12:05 AM
considering that you cheerfully skipped almost every point i challenged you upon, and then almost broke your arm patting yourself on the back... here's a question for you, "nicholas"--

what would it actually be like to live with "nick young?" as in, sharing an apt, splitting a university room, etc...?

would it be a good experience? would it be like: "there's this stoopid bball site that hugely underestimates me, but everyone else loves me!" kind of thing...?

can you please give us your insight upon this as the professional basketball player that you claim to be...?

Nick Young
07-15-2016, 12:08 AM
considering that you cheerfully skipped almost every point i challenged you upon, and then almost broke your arm patting yourself on the back... here's a question for you, "nicholas"--

what would it actually be like to live with "nick young?" as in, sharing an apt, splitting a university room, etc...?

would it be a good experience? would it be like: "there's this stoopid bball site that hugely underestimates me, but everyone else loves me!" kind of thing...?

can you please give us your insight upon this as the professional basketball player that you claim to be...?
Who is claiming to be a professional basketball player? Are you making a joke?:confusedshrug:

07-15-2016, 12:14 AM
Who is claiming to be a professional basketball player? Are you making a joke?:confusedshrug:

i GUESS so.
i.e., what the fluff do i know, anyway...?

Nick Young
07-15-2016, 12:18 AM

i GUESS so.
i.e., what the fluff do i know, anyway...?
Apparently, not a lot, but keep putting in effort at least :cheers:

07-15-2016, 01:28 AM
It looks like it could be Bill's kid but I have zero problem with politicians having extramarital affairs in their personal life.

You should, as it sets them up for potential black mail opportunities which compromise their integrity.

Remember man has as many masters as he has vices. For many, particularly people who are actually married, giving into those temptations is not just wrong but a sign of personal weakness.

Lakers Legend#32
07-15-2016, 02:52 AM
Idiot America scare easily.