View Full Version : Have you ever cringed so hard?

07-15-2016, 03:26 PM

07-15-2016, 03:39 PM
Indoctrinating young people is the starting point of any intolerant ideological creed. Kid has clearly been brainwashed; this is really no better than what the parents of Westboro Baptists kids do, and yes, it is disgusting.

07-15-2016, 03:44 PM

07-15-2016, 03:46 PM
Yeah this kid has definitely been brainwashed into the SJW shitstorm.

07-15-2016, 04:34 PM
A little investigating shows that the private school this kid attends in Atlanta costs $23,000 a year in tuition for 8th grade students.

His parents are probably the classic Democrat voting SJW crusaders who live in a gated community and send their kids to private school yet think they can lecture everyone else about inequality and privilege.

07-15-2016, 05:14 PM
His parents are probably the classic Democrat voting SJW crusaders

These people are just so easy to peg, here's the kids mom with everyone's favorite Democrat SJW:

Wealthy white liberals stoking up racial animosity and people fall for it.

07-15-2016, 05:23 PM
A little investigating shows that the private school this kid attends in Atlanta costs $23,000 a year in tuition for 8th grade students.

His parents are probably the classic Democrat voting SJW crusaders who live in a gated community and send their kids to private school yet think they can lecture everyone else about inequality and privilege.

Shit you're right. Not only does this kid's HS tuition for one year cost more than the total tuition I have paid in my lifetime this kid has an IMDB and is a manufactured SJW while culuturally appropriating slam poetry and me thinks he is also guilty of mansplaining and whitesplaining.

And yes this kid's parents definitely live in a gated white community, probably employ hispanics and pay them minimum wage, live in their liberal bubble and never dealt with any of the issues that your average american have to go through. Ye they (they as in plural since the kid's parents have done a number on him) are here to lecture us on how we are so privileged.



Oh the whole family is in the business of self-promotion.

And the father:
