View Full Version : It's All Downhill For Russell Westbrook From Here??

07-16-2016, 03:54 PM
We've seen players like him before ie Steve Francis & Stephan Marbury among others. Yet his career arch went slightly different, growing next to another superstar his age. I think we've seen the best of Russ, the numbers might still come but our criticism now is gonna double as his style of play doesn't result in winning basketball. It's so funny, he was 6 mins away from going to the finals, possibly winning a chip, and being viewed in our eye's in a completely different way. This happened to another player named Kyrie Irving, had LeBron not come back to Cleveland Kyrie's career would have most certainly been - that guy who make's good commercials and dribbles around alot but doesn't actually win.

This is a crossroads for Westbrook, a key moment. We could remember him as the dominant sidekick when he played next to Durant who was making the NBA All First Team. It's not far fetched to see him fall from the NBA elite as we crown other point guards ahead of him from here on out. Sure the numbers and allstar games will still be there, but the winning might not be. If he doesn't improve his decision making we could all be looking back at what once was (5 years later...Hey guys, remember the OKC Thunder?). Maybe he was never meant to be on a championship level team like the players I mentioned earlier. I guess we'll see...

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Nick Young
07-16-2016, 04:43 PM
Westbrook is better and has more playoff success and more seasons of elite productivity than Marbury and Francis have combined together.

Awful comparison.

If he's in the East he'll probably do alright for himself. If old Wade can lead his team to a 3 seed, prime Westbrook can at least match that.

07-16-2016, 05:17 PM
Westbrook is better and has more playoff success and more seasons of elite productivity than Marbury and Francis have combined together.

Awful comparison.

If he's in the East he'll probably do alright for himself. If old Wade can lead his team to a 3 seed, prime Westbrook can at least match that.

This. Godbrook will go to the east and lay down his commandments.

07-16-2016, 05:21 PM
Rusty Assbrook

Used to be a fan of the guy, but that's because I thought he'd become more efficient.

Sadly, he's an awful shooter and turnover prone, and those two key points are why he's one of the worst clutch players in all of basketball. You can't win a championship with him as your 1st or 2nd guy. I respect and admire his work ethic, but frankly he's not talented enough for me to be a fan.

07-16-2016, 05:42 PM
As a true godbrook fan I can't front like he is a perfect player. I don't agree with him not being a Championship level player if someone like Chalmers and Rondo are.

The time it takes the average player to make 1 play, Godbrook can make 3. Godbrook looks bad because how fast he plays.

07-16-2016, 06:06 PM
Brook is nasty asf. It's going to be a shitstorm for the league come next season when he dominates

07-17-2016, 08:46 AM
If only his acumen were as strong as his athleticism. With the right coach and team he could get far. I never believed in OKC, good as they were. Emphasis on were.

07-17-2016, 09:10 AM
There's always china

07-17-2016, 09:38 AM
I disagree with OP 100%.

Westbrook is a demon of a competitor.
He will play out his contract , and in free agency look for options that will get him to the finals.
I would not put it passed him to go to the Spurs... or even a team like Boston or New York.

He is the player away from making a team become a finals team.

I actually thought he would fit perfectly with the Bucks.
If he played for them , the Bucks would be in the ECF's this year.

07-17-2016, 09:42 AM
I hope he stays in OKC.

I think the 15-16 playoffs Westbrook was the best he's ever played so I think Billy Donovan does make a difference