View Full Version : remember guys.. the reason Shaq and Kobe only have 1 MVP

07-16-2016, 11:19 PM
is because they played with each other.

The NBA has NEVER seen a tandem like Kobe/Shaq. The only thing that ever came close was 2011 Wade/Bron. And who won MVP in that year they were on somewhat equal footing? Derrick Rose won MVP. Just like Allen Iverson won MVP in Kobe and Shaq's closest years as equals. Bottomline, the media wants views. Underdogs generate that. Both Rose and Iverson were granted that "david" attention, for their supposed artificial ability to beat the "goliath" super teams in front of them.

Both were handled with ease in 5 games.

soo .. whats the point tpols?

The point is media and journalist voted on accolades dont mean sh!t .. even player and coach votes dont mean sh!t because the coaches and players vote for whoever like yall cast votes in anonymous surveys about how good your professor was in the class you got a C in.

RINGS w/ superstar impact, that's all that matters when it comes to career rankings. All. that. matters.

So **** yall.

07-16-2016, 11:21 PM
Stupid meltdown post from a stupid poster

07-16-2016, 11:28 PM
Shaq was extremely hyped, extremely dominant. Just based on reputation alone he would be winning MVPs, but MVPs usually play more games than Shaq did year after year. Missing 15 to 30 games per year in your prime is just going to hurt your chances. Lucky that he was able to play 79 games the year he won else he would have had zero MVPs.

07-16-2016, 11:30 PM
So why didn't he win a MVP in 2005-16 without Shaq?

07-16-2016, 11:31 PM
Shaq was extremely hyped, extremely dominant. Just based on reputation alone he would be winning MVPs, but MVPs usually play more games than Shaq did year after year. Missing 15 to 30 games per year in your prime is just going to hurt your chances. Lucky that he was able to play 79 games the year he won else he would have had zero MVPs.

Shaq played 74 games in 2001.

He played 67 games 2002-2004.

While shaq was w/ LA he never missed 15-30 games like you're stating. Thats a bold lie. His WORST absences were 15 games.

Games played was NOT the reason why guys like Allen Iverson were winning MVP over him.. it was because the media loves an underdog story, and has a much easier time selling it.

07-16-2016, 11:34 PM
So why didn't he win a MVP in 2005-16 without Shaq?

he did you retard. :facepalm

34-24 Footwork
07-16-2016, 11:34 PM
Funny how Shaqs 1MVP is never used against him. If I didn't know better, it seems like there's an unconscious bias against certain players.

07-16-2016, 11:39 PM
Shaq played 74 games in 2001.

He played 67 games 2002-2004.

While shaq was w/ LA he never missed 15-30 games like you're stating. Thats a bold lie. His WORST absences were 15 games.

Games played was NOT the reason why guys like Allen Iverson were winning MVP over him.. it was because the media loves an underdog story, and has a much easier time selling it.

He played 79 the year he won it, 74 the following year. But even if he played 82 games every year it doesn't mean that he was automatically going to win it. The point is that he's not going to be winning a lot of MVPs winning 67 games or less. That's just going to hurt him.

07-16-2016, 11:41 PM
He played 79 the year he won it, 74 the following year. But even if he played 82 games every year it doesn't mean that he was automatically going to win it. The point is that he's not going to be winning a lot of MVPs winning 67 games or less. That's just going to hurt him.

What? Shaq lost MVP to Allen Iverson while playing 74/82 games. You said "it's hard to win MVP when you're missing 15-30 games every season" .. Does 8 games missed fall into that range? :rolleyes:

obviously not.. obviously there's other things coming into play here .. that you dont want to admit .. for, well .. obvious reasons.

34-24 Footwork
07-16-2016, 11:42 PM
he did you retard. :facepalm

Lmao. Why even respond to that dude? That guy hates Kobe so much. Lol.

07-17-2016, 12:02 AM
Lmao. Why even respond to that dude? That guy hates Kobe so much. Lol.

most of it is my fault, unfortunately. he is just a default robot for the opposite of anything i say ..

07-17-2016, 12:08 AM
What? Shaq lost MVP to Allen Iverson while playing 74/82 games. You said "it's hard to win MVP when you're missing 15-30 games every season" .. Does 8 games missed fall into that range? :rolleyes:

obviously not.. obviously there's other things coming into play here .. that you dont want to admit .. for, well .. obvious reasons.

Like I said, just because if one season he plays a significant amount of games doesn't mean he's going to win MVP automatically just because. Just like Lebron hasn't won MVP every single year that he plays a significant amount of game, neither is Shaq. It simply just gives them a chance of winning it. The point is that when you're missing 15 , 20, 30 games for the majority of your prime, it's going to hurt your MVP chances. Just like Lebron would not have as many MVPs if he was missing 15, 20, 25 games year after year.

07-17-2016, 12:08 AM
Lmao. Why even respond to that dude? That guy hates Kobe so much. Lol.

that is the guy who tried to explain to us how derek fisher was as good as kobe bryant because of ortgs :lol

07-17-2016, 12:22 AM
There were better players winning it.

07-17-2016, 12:26 AM
he did you retard. :facepalm
The thread YOU created already acknowledged the one MVP he won jackass.

Use that pea brain and explain how Kobe didn't win more than one MVP, post Shaq if Shaq was holding him back?

07-17-2016, 12:28 AM
The same Kobetards that always follow me getting riled up because I'm not praising their idol.

07-17-2016, 12:37 AM
bankaii .. you got caught in your wording again. sharpen up, and you wont get clowned. nobodys following you, lol.. you came came into our thread *****.

07-17-2016, 12:44 AM
bankaii .. you got caught in your wording again. sharpen up, and you wont get clowned. nobodys following you, lol.. you came came into our thread *****.
"Kobe only won 1 MVP because Shaq was his teammate".

Why did Kobe not win in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 when Shaq wasn't his teammate?

No deflecting, no insults, just answer the question.

And this is like the 4th consecutive thread Cucksfan has posted some irrelevant crap in response to me, he follows me

Hey Yo
07-17-2016, 12:44 AM
Funny how Shaqs 1MVP is never used against him. If I didn't know better, it seems like there's an unconscious bias against certain players.
How ya going to use it against him with him winning 3 straight titles, 3 straight FMVP's...while looking at the sic numbers he was putting up in those Finals?

That 1MVP is just more icing on the cake. Most just remember the above ^^^^ cause he was so damn dominant.

07-17-2016, 05:50 PM
i've calmed down guys ..

and am ready for a rational discussion.

07-17-2016, 05:59 PM
Was this thread about Curry-Durant situation ?

07-17-2016, 06:10 PM
shaq and kobe both were snubbed. I can agree it's better just to measure a player's impact and have your own ranking list whether it's for a year or looking how it stacks up all time compared to other greats. Superstar impact wise at their peaks, Kobe doesn't really stand up to the other greats in the top 10 while Shaq might be the most impactful of all time. Most of the other greats have been snubbed for MVP before too so your point about Kobe being underrated by looking at accolades doesn't necessarily stand up. Plenty of people think Lebron should have like 6 for example which ik is the player you're arguing against(you've seen enough of 4/3>1/2).

07-17-2016, 06:39 PM
Superstar impact wise at their peaks, Kobe doesn't really stand up to the other greats in the top 10 while Shaq might be the most impactful of all time. .

thats just not true at all .. you're probably looking at things from a pure stats perspective since you're new to the game, and ignoring the intangible aspect of things. Shaq always dominated regular seasons, and playoffs statistically but he had a lot of key weaknesses that held him back from winning more.

it's already been documented in this thread by jstern about "shaq missing 15-30 games a season" How does that speak to his work ethic? his motivation? his leading by example for teammates? We can add on the hack a shaq method which rendered his efficiency much lower than usually presented, and lack of closing ability but that would be piling on.

Facts are Shaq is the most physically dominant player of all time with A+ skill to boot and great stats, but he lacked intangibles.. namely effort and its contagious effect, to truly capitilize on what he was given. Thats why he needed Dwayne Wade and Kobe Bryant to win, while Kobe only needed Pau, Odom and filler.

Dedication. Work Ethic. Leading by example. No holes. These are all things Shaq didn't have, that Kobe did have which made the difference in their success.. namely kobe winning more w/ less. :confusedshrug:

07-17-2016, 06:45 PM
Shaq didnt win because of missed games, thats all... no biggie.

Kobe it was just not being good enough.

When was he ever even an MVP level player?

Only in 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009... that is not alot.

07-17-2016, 06:48 PM
but guys, Shaq vs Kobe is not the point of this thread.. lets not go full troll mode. the point is they werent going to get recognition together because they were on too similar a plane. it wouldn't make any sense...

07-17-2016, 06:55 PM
thats just not true at all .. you're probably looking at things from a pure stats perspective since you're new to the game, and ignoring the intangible aspect of the things. Shaq always dominated regular seasons, and playoffs statistically but he had a lot of key weaknesses that held him back from winning more.

it's already been documented in this thread by jstern about "shaq missing 15-30 games a season" How does that speak to his work ethic? his motivation? his leading by example for teammates? We can pile on the hack a shaq method which rendered his efficiency much lower than usually presented, and lack of closing ability but that would be piling on.

Facts are Shaq is the most physically dominant player of all time with A+ skill to boot and great stats, but he lacked intangibles.. namely effort, to truly capitilize on what he was given. Thats why he need Dwayne Wade and Kobe Bryant to win, while Kobe only needed Pau, Odom and filler.

Dedication. Work Ethic. Leading by example. No holes. These are all things Shaq didn't have that Kobe had which made the difference in their success.. namely kobe winning more w/ less to work with. :confusedshrug:

effort is pretty much a regular season problem, Shaq showed up fine in the playoffs. That doesn't even matter anyway since I'm not talking careers, I'm talking for one year specifically 2000. It's why I specifically said peaks. Shaq played 79 games in 2000 and his effort was great especially on defense. Shaq needed Kobe to win but he also faced tougher top end competition in the West in the Blazers and Kings. Help is relative, the only team with more talent than the 08-10 Lakers were the Celtics during that time. Also, are you really going try to claim Shaq deserves all the blame for 03 and 04? Kobe has holes to his game please. No player is perfect and one of Kobe's flaws is his shot selection was downright stupid at times even if he was playing with Smush and Kwame. Finally, being well rounded can get overrated. I prefer dominance in one area over just be decent to good in multiple areas.

but guys, Shaq vs Kobe is not the point of this thread.. lets not go full troll mode. the point is they werent going to get recognition together because they were on too similar a plane. it wouldn't make any sense...

Shaq really got snubbed 1 year and that was 01. Iverson had a great carryjob and had 31ppg so it was pretty understandable he got MVP. Media views the game differently now or Harden would've gotten MVP last year. Kobe was never the best player in the league when playing with Shaq so those years have nothing to do with why Kobe only has 1 MVP.

07-17-2016, 07:43 PM
didn't want to keep going .. but fine.
you caught me with this.

Shaq needed Kobe to win but he also faced tougher top end competition in the West in the Blazers and Kings. Help is relative, the only team with more talent than the 08-10 Lakers were the Celtics during that time.

What? lmao.. Kobe was the one beasting through the early 00s West. funny how you didnt name drop the Lakers biggest adversary at the time.. the San Antonio Spurs. That tells me all I need to know lol.

Stop trolling.

And lets let the thread get back on topic.