View Full Version : Earthquake just hit off the coast of Daytona Beach, FL...

07-17-2016, 12:06 PM
We're getting closer to the end.

Luke 21:11 - There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A tsunami would kill possibly millions in Florida.

I'm in central Florida, but i'm still concerned.

A large part of South Florida, from what I know, is only 6 feet or so above sea level - They will be devastatingly wiped out.

07-17-2016, 12:22 PM
Religion is one of the dumbest things ever.

07-17-2016, 12:23 PM
stalkerforlife is one of the dumbest things ever.


07-17-2016, 12:26 PM
Religion is one of the dumbest things ever.

You'll see how dumb it is when you breathe your last breath and you see Jesus Christ.

If it weren't for Christianity, people like me would be wiping people like you off the map at alarmingly high rates.

I had no morals or any sense of wrong and right before God called me.

07-17-2016, 12:29 PM
You'll see how dumb it is when you breathe your last breath and you see Jesus Christ.

If it weren't for Christianity, people like me would be wiping people like you off the map at alarmingly high rates.

I had no morals or any sense of wrong and right before God called me.

You morons have been saying this forever. Religious nuts 100 years ago thought jeebus return was just around the corner. Wrong then and wrong now.

07-17-2016, 12:32 PM
You'll see how dumb it is when you breathe your last breath and you see Jesus Christ.

If it weren't for Christianity, people like me would be wiping people like you off the map at alarmingly high rates.

I had no morals or any sense of wrong and right before God called me.

Seriously? People with a normal upbringing do not need religion to know what is right or wrong. Empathy is a normal human trait that 99% of people have. If you need a 1600 year old book to teach you a system of values and morals, then your parents and society failed you.

07-17-2016, 12:34 PM
You morons have been saying this forever. Religious nuts 100 years ago thought jeebus return was just around the corner. Wrong then and wrong now.

The Bible clearly stats no one knows when Jesus will return, but I don't doubt that God will reveal the truth to you as you breathe your last ungrateful breath.

07-17-2016, 12:34 PM
Seriously? People with a normal upbringing do not need religion to know what is right or wrong. Empathy is a normal human trait that 99% of people have. If you need a 1600 year old book to teach you a system of values and morals, then your parents and society failed you.

Then my parents and society failed me.

What's your point, coward?

07-17-2016, 12:34 PM
I had no morals or any sense of wrong and right before God called me.


If you find the time between making awesome youtube videos and playing with your beautiful kids, read this book.


07-17-2016, 12:36 PM
This thread kind of reminds me of Bladers. So glad to be rid of him here. He spammed walls of text from the bible and then stole money from ISH posters and disappeared. Typical christian.

07-17-2016, 12:37 PM

If you find the time between making awesome youtube videos and playing with your beautiful kids, read this book.


I will look into it, but I will immediately drop it if it disparages my Lord and Savior.

Thank you.

07-17-2016, 12:38 PM

You're a suicidal recluse that hates himself and his life. Your only sense of relief is by living vicariously through a fraudulent sports star and acting as if his achievements are somehow your own.

I suggest you read psalms and proverbs and take back what the enemy has stolen from you.

Praise God.

07-17-2016, 12:41 PM

Probably just said this after the Cavs lost or something. Can't believe you take that seriously.

A lot of truth is said in jest.

07-17-2016, 12:41 PM
Then my parents and society failed me.

What's your point, coward?


07-17-2016, 12:59 PM
Seriously? People with a normal upbringing do not need religion to know what is right or wrong. Empathy is a normal human trait that 99% of people have. If you need a 1600 year old book to teach you a system of values and morals, then your parents and society failed you.
Strange that you would laugh at a moral system with some actual substance to it, and whose assumptions largely underscore your own (instinctive) morality, when you have offered nothing more tangible as the basis of your own moral beliefs other than feelings.

Truth is your morality would be completely different if you didn't live in a place whose moral norms have been guided by many centuries of Christian faith. Sure, you would still feel "right" or "wrong", but what you consider right and wrong would be different. It only takes the most rudimentary examination of other civilisations to recognise this quite obvious truth.

For thousands of years the concept of goodness and that of manly courage were largely inseparable. You could not be a person of good worth and note unless you were also a man of military action and excellence. And if goodness is so changeable, then what exactly is its anchor? Or is it entirely relative? And if so, then how can you morally condemn the practices of Islam, for example (or even tribal practices of cannibalism and human sacrifice: the latter was pretty common before Christianity)--morality is relative, after all.

07-17-2016, 01:14 PM
You'll see how dumb it is when you breathe your last breath and you see Jesus Christ.

If it weren't for Christianity, people like me would be wiping people like you off the map at alarmingly high rates.

I had no morals or any sense of wrong and right before God called me.

In which manner did you receive your calling? What signs lead you to choosing Jesus as your savior?

07-17-2016, 01:30 PM
In which manner did you receive your calling? What signs lead you to choosing Jesus as your savior?

I was really depressed and suicidal/homicidal. Someone I knew at the time told me to read psalms and proverbs; I did and the truth hit me like a bolt.

I was planning the deaths of multiple people at the time, including myself. I didn't think I was wrong because I had no conscience.

I did later go on to beat a few people up, but I never continued the beating after they were subdued. If I didn't know right from wrong, I would've likely continued until they were dead. People that openly disrespect me and talk shit is my pet peeve, so that's why I don't make real life friends. For some reason, a "friend" can get comfortable enough to think calling you a bitch or telling you to shut the F up is fun and games; I don't think it's necessary or funny.

I've learned to walk away as I've grown in my faith and matured.

07-17-2016, 01:55 PM
I was really depressed and suicidal/homicidal. Someone I knew at the time told me to read psalms and proverbs; I did and the truth hit me like a bolt.

I was planning the deaths of multiple people at the time, including myself. I didn't think I was wrong because I had no conscience.

I did later go on to beat a few people up, but I never continued the beating after they were subdued. If I didn't know right from wrong, I would've likely continued until they were dead. People that openly disrespect me and talk shit is my pet peeve, so that's why I don't make real life friends. For some reason, a "friend" can get comfortable enough to think calling you a bitch or telling you to shut the F up is fun and games; I don't think it's necessary or funny.

I've learned to walk away as I've grown in my faith and matured.

respect. We dont share the same views at all when it comes to NBA talk (in the grand scheme of life its just a game after all) but i respect what you believe in and i'm and happy that you were blessed and put on the right path.

Bay Area Baller
07-17-2016, 11:12 PM
Stalker great posts and great topic. I would just encourage you to get plugged into a church where you can grow under a pastors direction and God's purpose. The social benefits are exponentially great when you can fellowship with people who believe in God and who adhere to a moral standard.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was the son of God and preached truth and prophetic wisdom. By staying connected with other Christians we can lead others to Christ with our testimony and shining example.

Well thats all i want to say for now. And yes I forgive even the haters. God is wise and just. God bless.

07-17-2016, 11:12 PM
Stalker great posts and great topic. I would just encourage you to get plugged into a church where you can grow under a pastors direction and God's purpose. The social benefits are exponentially great when you can fellowship with people who believe in God and who adhere to a moral standard.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was the son of God and preached truth and prophetic wisdom. By staying connected with other Christians we can lead others to Christ with our testimony and shining example.

Well thats all i want to say for now. And yes I forgive even the haters. God is wise and just. God bless.


07-17-2016, 11:23 PM
I will look into it, but I will immediately drop it if it disparages my Lord and Savior.

Thank you.

07-17-2016, 11:28 PM
Strange that you would laugh at a moral system with some actual substance to it, and whose assumptions largely underscore your own (instinctive) morality, when you have offered nothing more tangible as the basis of your own moral beliefs other than feelings.

Truth is your morality would be completely different if you didn't live in a place whose moral norms have been guided by many centuries of Christian faith. Sure, you would still feel "right" or "wrong", but what you consider right and wrong would be different. It only takes the most rudimentary examination of other civilisations to recognise this quite obvious truth.

For thousands of years the concept of goodness and that of manly courage were largely inseparable. You could not be a person of good worth and note unless you were also a man of military action and excellence. And if goodness is so changeable, then what exactly is its anchor? Or is it entirely relative? And if so, then how can you morally condemn the practices of Islam, for example (or even tribal practices of cannibalism and human sacrifice: the latter was pretty common before Christianity)--morality is relative, after all.

I don't believe in right and wrong, it's made up. I have things I believe are right and wrong, but I don't expect people to have the same feelings

07-18-2016, 12:11 PM
We're getting closer to the end.

Luke 21:11 - There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

A tsunami would kill possibly millions in Florida.

I'm in central Florida, but i'm still concerned.

A large part of South Florida, from what I know, is only 6 feet or so above sea level - They will be devastatingly wiped out.
Just recently a NOVA show talked about if a serious earthquake were to occur, most of Florida would float away.
It's worse than Andrea's fault in CA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!