View Full Version : What's the Creepiest/Scariest Thing That's Ever Happened To You?

07-18-2016, 09:08 PM

Can also just be a scary story you've read.

07-18-2016, 09:11 PM
bright white projections on the wall at night. i would wake up and see a circle that looks like a halo projected on the corner of the wall. sometimes it would be projected on the floor when i walked to the bathroom. not sure how such a light would be projected like that when no lights were on in the house. i always assumed it was supernatural and ignored it as best i could.

Patrick Chewing
07-18-2016, 10:00 PM
I've told this story on here before, but it was years ago and I was bar hopping with my friends when we came upon this old abandoned playhouse. It had a perfect little spot on the side of the building to pee in, so we decided to take a leak in this little gap before we went to the bar. Didn't make sense walking right in and going straight to the restroom.

As we started to walk back, one of us, can't remember who it was, looked up the wall of the playhouse to a second story window where standing right there at the window was a little girl staring right at us. She was dressed in a little white night gown and looked totally out of place. We all let out a girlish cry and ran down the block immediately after seeing her. The playhouse was closed. Doors chained up. No one should have been up there, yet she was. I don't remember the rest of the night, but I'm sure we passed by it again on our way to our vehicle, but did not see her again.

07-18-2016, 10:15 PM
One time in my intro to anthropology course everyone was discussing about their cultural backgrounds. So all your basic janes are saying they're half irish, half german, etc.. Then next up is this fine Indian girl who starts explaining her family, customs and what not. Then all of a sudden in the middle of her story some random Jane interrupts her and asks this Indian girl if she uses curry flavor in all her food. The class comes to a grinding halt and I just yell at this mayo eating plain girl on how culturally insensitive she is and how her privilege is triggering this poor Indian girl.

I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. It was possibly the most traumatizing moment in my life. I then posted on my Tumbler on how America is the new Nazi Germany.

07-18-2016, 10:17 PM
One time in my intro to anthropology course everyone was discussing about their cultural backgrounds. So all your basic janes are saying they're half irish, half german, etc.. Then next up is this fine Indian girl who starts explaining her family, customs and what not. Then all of a sudden in the middle of her story some random Jane interrupts her and asks this Indian girl if she uses curry flavor in all her food. The class comes to a grinding halt and I just yell at this mayo eating plain girl on how culturally insensitive she is and how her privilege is triggering this poor Indian girl.

I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. It was possibly the most traumatizing moment in my life. I then posted on my Tumbler on how America is the new Nazi Germany.
Welp, guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

07-18-2016, 10:18 PM
I've told this story on here before, but it was years ago and I was bar hopping with my friends when we came upon this old abandoned playhouse. It had a perfect little spot on the side of the building to pee in, so we decided to take a leak in this little gap before we went to the bar. Didn't make sense walking right in and going straight to the restroom.

As we started to walk back, one of us, can't remember who it was, looked up the wall of the playhouse to a second story window where standing right there at the window was a little girl staring right at us. She was dressed in a little white night gown and looked totally out of place. We all let out a girlish cry and ran down the block immediately after seeing her. The playhouse was closed. Doors chained up. No one should have been up there, yet she was. I don't remember the rest of the night, but I'm sure we passed by it again on our way to our vehicle, but did not see her again.

I would've figure a bad ass like you who's always talking about popping caps in asses would've handled that situation like the bad ass you are.

Instead you admit you screamed like a bitch and ran away from a little girl in a frilly nightgown. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Stay gold, Patrick. Stay gold.

07-18-2016, 10:29 PM
One time in my intro to anthropology course everyone was discussing about their cultural backgrounds. So all your basic janes are saying they're half irish, half german, etc.. Then next up is this fine Indian girl who starts explaining her family, customs and what not. Then all of a sudden in the middle of her story some random Jane interrupts her and asks this Indian girl if she uses curry flavor in all her food. The class comes to a grinding halt and I just yell at this mayo eating plain girl on how culturally insensitive she is and how her privilege is triggering this poor Indian girl.

I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. It was possibly the most traumatizing moment in my life. I then posted on my Tumbler on how America is the new Nazi Germany.

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/a1/a1adbdef97305ba9d34fabe0e9a107c5318d86e9baf20c6df6 fb1421ae7edcbd.jpg

07-18-2016, 11:35 PM
I was sleeping in a hotel. We got 4 people but only 2 beds so I slept on the floor. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw from below the bed a human head was staring at me. I couldn't be sure because I didn't wear my glasses and it was kind of dark. I was kind of paralyzed and just closed my eyes till morning.

07-19-2016, 12:58 AM
Probably the first time I saw my old neighbors at my last apartment. Nilicone, if you live in Columbus, you'd know west Tulane area in South clintonville. Well there. To everyone else, it was in an area of town with a lot of old, antique looking buildings in a lower elevation. It's got an eerie vibe to it. My mother says it looks like a haunted area. Well first night I got out of my car to go to my new apartment, I saw one of my neighbors and got spooked. She was this tall old black lady that wore a head scarf. She looked like some gypsy/fortune-teller type of women with a real mysterious and dark vibe. I kind of stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. I was pretty freaked out. She stayed with this other older lady in the unit across the hall from me. We lived in a big house separated with only one other unit. I swear this lady hardly ever left the house but 5 times in the 3 years i stayed there. i swear I could hear her laughing maniacally through the walls sometimes. It would bug me out because I didn't know if I was imagining it or going crazy. Man , they were a really strange people. Always secretive. No visitors. Always were quick to shut their door so you couldn't see into their apartment. Weirdest shit.

07-19-2016, 09:16 AM
I was playing outside in my front yard when I was 5-6 years old one day while my mom cut the grass around the corner of the house. Two men pulled up in a black pickup and asked me for directions. I didn't say a word and then the passenger opened his door quickly and proceeded towards me. I took off running to the side of the house where I knew my mom was and they sped off. I lived at the corner of a suburb in the most upscale part of town, so no one ever watched their kids.

My birthday was a few days later and a police officer came during my pool party to ask me questions. There was actually another report a few weeks later of presumably the same black truck trying it again and I think they caught the guys. I never realized until I was much older how serious the situation was and how sinister the intentions of those men might have been.

07-19-2016, 09:18 AM
One time in my intro to anthropology course everyone was discussing about their cultural backgrounds. So all your basic janes are saying they're half irish, half german, etc.. Then next up is this fine Indian girl who starts explaining her family, customs and what not. Then all of a sudden in the middle of her story some random Jane interrupts her and asks this Indian girl if she uses curry flavor in all her food. The class comes to a grinding halt and I just yell at this mayo eating plain girl on how culturally insensitive she is and how her privilege is triggering this poor Indian girl.

I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. It was possibly the most traumatizing moment in my life. I then posted on my Tumbler on how America is the new Nazi Germany.


Patrick Chewing
07-19-2016, 09:18 AM
I was sleeping in a hotel. We got 4 people but only 2 beds so I slept on the floor. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw from below the bed a human head was staring at me. I couldn't be sure because I didn't wear my glasses and it was kind of dark. I was kind of paralyzed and just closed my eyes till morning.

What if it was the previous guest and they were there just still paralyzed with fear??

07-20-2016, 04:46 PM
I work in a big hospital. It's over a hundred years old, so it has areas that are much older than other parts. Well a few weeks ago I was walking with a stretcher through one of the old areas when I heard what sounded like someone running up behind me. I heard the steps but I didn't care to look..I just didn't think anything of it. It was running steps towards me and it stopped behind me. I just kept pushing the stretcher and finally looked back and there was nothing. I didn't get scared right away until later when I was sitting down and thought about it.

07-20-2016, 05:32 PM
one of the first houses i lived in as a kid, had a haunted room, which sadly, was mine.

i remember my 5 year old self laying there in the dark one night, praying my mom would come in and save me from the ghost that was in the corner staring at me. i told/begged him to leave him alone. he said "no"

spooky shit

07-20-2016, 05:35 PM
one of the first houses i lived in as a kid, had a haunted room, which sadly, was mine.

i remember my 5 year old self laying there in the dark one night, praying my mom would come in and save me from the ghost that was in the corner staring at me. i told/begged him to leave him alone. he said "no"

spooky shit
Judging from your avi you were probably just high as shit

07-20-2016, 07:38 PM
One time in my intro to anthropology course everyone was discussing about their cultural backgrounds. So all your basic janes are saying they're half irish, half german, etc.. Then next up is this fine Indian girl who starts explaining her family, customs and what not. Then all of a sudden in the middle of her story some random Jane interrupts her and asks this Indian girl if she uses curry flavor in all her food. The class comes to a grinding halt and I just yell at this mayo eating plain girl on how culturally insensitive she is and how her privilege is triggering this poor Indian girl.

I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. It was possibly the most traumatizing moment in my life. I then posted on my Tumbler on how America is the new Nazi Germany.

Scary sh!t bro.


07-21-2016, 01:40 AM
A year or so ago I was working a shift with a co-worker where we had to do a job together all day. So we're working and we got onto the subject of the supernatural or haunting...

First story was when he was raising his daughter on his own and they lived in this long house. One side of the house was on one street and the other side of the house was on another street. While living there him and his daughter would keep hearing knocking sounds on the opposite side of the house they would be on. He'd go to investigate and the knocking would go to the other side of the house. If the both stood on both sides of the house the knocking would stop. He assumed it was a demonic haunting because hes believed in that type of stuff fo a long time and he tried to pay no attention to it. One day he was alone and had a bad day at work and came home and the knocking started happening and he yelled out, "Can you f*cking knock it off please!?" After he yelled this he heard a crash downstairs in their finished basement. He went down and somehow the toilet seat in the bathroom was unattached from the toilet, and flipped upside down on the floor.

Another instance he had was him and his wife went out to see the movie Paranormal Activity. They came home, went to bed. They both had touch lamps on each side of their bed. She went to sleep, turned her lamp off. He stayed up for about 5-10 minutes reading then finally went to sleep. He touched his lamp and turned it off. He said for a split second after he laid in bed to get comfortable he had the thought, "I wonder what I would do if I ever had a demonic encounter like in the movie?" and he said the instant he had that thought in his mind, the touch lamp right next to him just turned on for no reason when it never did that before.