View Full Version : For my next trick, I will need a volunteer please.

07-18-2016, 10:50 PM
A volunteer that has a credible reputation amongst
the ISH community would be preferable...
but any volunteer will do.

Information I will need from you:

Your Birthday: _________

Girlfriend / Wife / Love interest's / Ex's Birthday: ____________

*(optinal) length of time in relationship: _____________


Think it's all bull$hit? Let's find out.

07-18-2016, 10:55 PM
You have to be more specific about the relationship

casual ****ing

open relationship

semi serious

serious but not seeing anything long term



07-18-2016, 10:58 PM
You have to be more specific about the relationship

casual ****ing

open relationship

semi serious

serious but not seeing anything long term



for your own amusement... whatever you want to specify is up to you
and will only help this experiment.

I just need two birth dates... Your's and your GFs.

The Prestige - Borden has a new trick (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V4tb3EZTgk)

07-18-2016, 11:05 PM
Can You Believe? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fxFiVNx-gU)


07-19-2016, 01:23 AM
Wow... not one person is willing to step up?


07-20-2016, 02:19 AM
you people are a bunch of *******... straight up.

not one person stepped up to the plate... is this Insidehoops anymore?

Lamar Doom
07-20-2016, 02:22 AM
I'm april 19th she's June 25th. It's me, Lamar Doom, from yesteryear

07-20-2016, 02:27 AM
I'm april 19th she's June 25th. It's me, Lamar Doom, from yesteryear

Doom... YES!... Somebody I can relate to.

So is this a relationship you're in or somebody of interest?

Lamar Doom
07-20-2016, 02:36 AM
It's my girlfriend

07-20-2016, 02:50 AM
You are an Aries and a Taurus... this trick will be difficult to perform,
but interesting nonetheless.


(Waco, OKC, Columbine, Boston)


I will begin my analysis of this relationship...... to be continued...

07-20-2016, 02:55 AM
First off Mr. Doom... it is important to remember these facts:





Lamar Doom
07-20-2016, 03:04 AM
Wait, your trick is just posting things about our zodiac signs? I thought you were going to blow minds homey, put the 7 of hearts in my pillowcase or something :)

I don't really go in for this stuff, it's kind of interesting but I think you could put the descriptions associated with every sign down for me and you'd be batting about the same %. It's broad enough that portions of it ring true but some of it is the antithesis of how I see myself. I need to go to bed but I promise I'll revisit this thread and give you a full breakdown of how close to home it is. :basketball

07-20-2016, 03:06 AM
The unspoken secret of Aries-Taurus people is that what they secretly long for most is to give up the daily battles of the world and simply submit to fantasy, pleasure, perhaps to another individual, perhaps to sheer laziness. This is usually impossible for them to accomplish for very long, but in their hard driving approach to daily life it is always a comforting thought, an idea that gets them through many tough days.

Aries-Taureses do best when they can periodically empty themselves out (through sleep, leisure time, meditation or vacations), allowing themselves to recharge. In relationships, no matter how high or low their station, Aries-Tauruese make their presence felt in their interactions with others. They are big people, capable of prodigious mistakes as well as of glittering successes, and they leave little doubt about where they stand. They tend to choose rather than to be chosen. Once they have fixed their sights on someone the matter is settled.

This is not to say their judgment is perfect: they will quickly take credit when they have chosen well, but their inability to admit to a major mistake tends to make them very long-suffering. Aries-Tauruses hang in there not only because they’re are faithful but, most important, because to quit would be an admission of failure, and failure is very hard indeed for them to handle.

keep all this in mind... still researching...

07-20-2016, 03:08 AM
I need to go to bed but I promise I'll revisit this thread and give you a full breakdown of how close to home it is. :basketball

yes... please return.

We are going to determine how accurate the Zodiac is.

Other volunteers are welcome.

07-20-2016, 03:25 AM

In relationships, they can be very sentimental and emotional. Romance is important. They are loyal partners, though sometimes the sensuality of an affair may tempt them. This sign loves without reservation, asking for little in return. They are nurturing and caring, though they can be a little smothering at times. Their loved ones hold a lot of sway and can influence them easily. They can also be easily hurt. While they appear tough on the outside, the inner Cancer personality is often tender and easily bruised. They make a loyal friend, though they may tend to exclude those who are not in the "inner circle." They also have an exceptional memory, and this may get in their way sometimes as they may have difficulty leaving the past behind.

Basically this is your relationship:

Both these signs appreciate the blessing of a home, family, and put loyalty as the topmost priority in their relationship, even though the reasons for the same vary. Meaning, a Cancerian would not give up on their partner considering the emotions involved, however, in case of the Aries-Taurus cusp, it would be because not only are they absolutely faithful and committed, they would consider giving up on their partner a form of failure, or defeat. We don't give this pair a perfect rating because of one glitch―the sensitivity of the crab towards harsh and blunt remarks, which is inevitably going to come from this cusp combo. Nonetheless, with the presence of Taurus' careful analysis, understanding, and patience, these differences can be kept under control. Because the crab hates confrontation and complications in life, this zodiac will provide all the love and limelight to his/her Aries-Taurus mate. With certain adjustments, both have the potential to be happy together.

You guys are stuck together.

movie quote for you:

Damon’s character tells his psychoanalyst girlfriend that if their relationship is to end, she has to be the one to break it off because, being Irish, he never will. “I’m not capable,” he says. “I’m f- – – – – – Irish. I’ll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life.”

You will never break up with her... but your insensitive/blunt
comments could one day push her away.


07-20-2016, 05:29 AM
relationship between Aries-Tauras Cusp and Cancer A

A Struggle for Independence

Best at : Business Worst at : Love
In the most favorable scenario, this relationship will involve a rebellion against domination, a process that can stimulate personal growth. Aries-Tauruses, for example, can be rather overbearing with more sensitive Cancel I’s who will accept such attitudes for a while and then will revolt, perhaps slowly gaining momentum in their struggle and [hen emerging as full-fledged and independent personalities. Thus a negative beginning may produce a positive result here.
In many love relationships and marriages, however. Cancer I''s are far too sensitive and fearful to stand up to Aries-Tauruses, dominance. Initially, in fact, it may even be very difficult for them to figure out how to approach in Aries-Taurus, let alone actually do so.

If Aries-Tauruses set romantic sights on Cancer I’s on the other hand, even only temporarily. Cancer Is will bask in the warmth of Aries-Taurus attention and affection, never allowing themselves to face the possibility that they are being played with or used, and that the nest step may be the art. As spouses, these two often make a bad combination, since Aries-Tauruses will grow impatient with the moods and what they perceive as the ineffectual or misguided actions of Cancer I''s, while Cancer I''s will eventually cither resent or become too dependent on Aries-Tauruses'' presence and support.

Close friendships in this combination are unlikely, due to personality dashes. But easy acquaintanceships, featuring the sharing of observations about common endeavors, may prove enlightening and stimulating. And working relationship between these two can be quite successful, being a synergetic product of Cancer I technical expertise and financial strengths and Aries-Taurus initiative and steadfastness. Both parties know well (he value of money, with a constructive ha I a nee being struck between the Aries-Taurus urge to spend and the Cancer I need to save. Arguments will undoubtedly arise, since both may exhibit a know-it-all attitude, but if personal irritations, dislikes and animosities can be kept under control, the relationship is likely to survive.

I dated a Cancer once. (But it was Cancer III/C)

So..... Does any of this ring true Lamar Doom?
Any of it at all?

I leave this magic trick in your hands to decipher...

Maybe you bump this thread up two years down
the road and say "HOLY $HIT it was right"!!!

maybe you dismiss it tomorrow...

But all in all.... This is what your horoscope says to never do:


Bottom lines:

Your advice is to practice absolute complete patience
with your girlfriend's ACTIONS. Be mindful of what
(secretly) irritates her and strive to make changes
in this department. Stop being a "know-it-all" and perhaps
say "I don't know, what do you think?" a few times.
If she doesn't ever resent you... She may one day
become too dependent upon you, which isn't always
a good thing.

But good luck to both of you... And I hope that true
lasting love is the end result.

(and you may want to take more relaxing vacations,
not the vacations that require travel, work, and energy...
but simple time off from the daily grind)

Seriously... who is next?

07-20-2016, 10:10 AM




W/her for about 6 years married for 14 months

07-20-2016, 10:53 AM




W/her for about 6 years married for 14 months

Ok... give me a few moments...

Will discuss this match next.

Bosnian Sajo
07-20-2016, 11:06 AM
Goddamn dooms, you're like a teenage girl with this zodiac sign shit, get a grip homie. Not trying to be an ass but honestly, shits not real lol.

07-21-2016, 08:14 PM
Goddamn dooms, you're like a teenage girl with this zodiac sign shit, get a grip homie. Not trying to be an ass but honestly, shits not real lol.


Lamar Doom
07-27-2016, 08:48 AM
Yeah, I don't know, man. The broad stuff is always vague hit or miss, feels like it's crafted to hit home for people who want it to. The skeptic in me is quite dismissive, but it's entertaining. Thanks for the free reading, Miss Cleo