View Full Version : Pretty much any LeBron-Kobe interaction now...

Im Still Ballin
07-19-2016, 12:17 PM

07-19-2016, 12:18 PM

Im Still Ballin
07-19-2016, 12:18 PM
There's literally NO valid arguments left

07-19-2016, 12:21 PM

We've come a long way since those days... :roll:

07-19-2016, 12:24 PM
Poor kirby :lol

Im Still Ballin
07-19-2016, 12:25 PM

We've come a long way since those days... :roll:
should make a new one

"Kobe, have you seen my THREE Finals MVPs?"

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
07-19-2016, 12:29 PM


Indian guy
07-19-2016, 12:29 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.

Mr Feeny
07-19-2016, 12:31 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.


07-19-2016, 12:32 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.

Im Still Ballin
07-19-2016, 12:35 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.
This is so brutal, but it's the truth.

07-19-2016, 12:36 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.

07-19-2016, 12:43 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.
I see the same out of Curry but hole lickers on this forum. Feel sad for them , really.:sleeping

07-19-2016, 12:54 PM
Oh man Indian guy... don't do it to them like that. That's way too harsh I feel like, Kobe still does have the 3 combined MVPs across two decades to fall back on.

07-19-2016, 01:22 PM
Oh man Indian guy... don't do it to them like that. That's way too harsh I feel like, Kobe still does have the 3 combined MVPs across two decades to fall back on.
However, none of those Mvps were earned.


*=Chris Paul
**=KG injured
***=pau gasol

07-19-2016, 01:25 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.


07-19-2016, 01:26 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.


07-19-2016, 01:27 PM

07-19-2016, 01:36 PM
However, none of those Mvps were earned.


*=Chris Paul
**=KG injured
***=pau gasol

Oh boy... oh dear lord. Pretty tough to overlook those things. :applause:

Ah! Wait, he has FOUR All-Star Game MVP's! Those have to be valid...... right?! :roll:

07-19-2016, 04:32 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.
rat poison


07-19-2016, 04:35 PM



Forgot to change accounts?

07-19-2016, 04:53 PM
If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.
You just don't let your happiness hinge on something that is ultimately not important. One should appreciate great basketball no matter who it comes from. I don't like the person, but I do appreciate LeBron's on court game, always have.

Lebron fans seem fine with the fact that jordan is untouchable, no need to be depressed. Dirk fans don't seem depressed he didn't make top ten. D Wade fans seem fine with the fact that most people consider kobe to be greater. Someone is always better than your favorite player, and everyone will be surpassed eventually, even jordan.

07-19-2016, 05:21 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.


07-19-2016, 05:29 PM
Kobe was never close to the player Lebron is/was. Only thing they had was 5 rings. But now Lebron just had the greatest finals performance of all time vs the greatest team of all time and did the greatest comeback of all time. There are literally no arguments now for Kobe fans. I kind of feel bad for them.

07-19-2016, 05:30 PM
There is no longer anymore Kobe vs LeBron threads. All we see these days is 3********s doing his unnecessary LeBron vs Jordan threads.

07-19-2016, 05:33 PM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.


You went in on these kobe stans with no lube. It doesn't help their case that they are legit the dumbest player fanbase and impossible to take seriously.

07-19-2016, 05:34 PM
From someone who doesn't stan either one, Kobe is still ahead of Lebron tbh. But if Lebron knocks off the GSW superteam, I will definitely have him ahead.

07-19-2016, 06:03 PM
Hahaha!!!!! Baybayyyy! Wootwoot!

I had LeBron OVER Kobe 100/100 even BEFORE this ring with the CLEVELAND CAVALIEERS!

Before THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT OF HIS CAREER! SO of course there is no ARGUEMNT. LeBron IS WAY BETTER than this rapist who got carried by Shaq and Pau Gasol.

07-19-2016, 06:13 PM
What I don't get is....if kobe isn't ANYWHERE near lebronze level....why keep comparing the 2 like you lebronze stans are insecure about something? Why keep bringing kobe up all the fvcking time? I don't get you guys.....for someone who isn't even good (kobe) as you guys say....you keep comparing him to lebronze? You guys are low key giving kobe props.....and yall know kobe is till ahead of lebronze otherwise you wouldn't keep posting this stupid shit to validate your argument online......stupid fvcks:biggums: :biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

07-19-2016, 06:14 PM

Why did you post 3 different gifs for the same topic? You forgot to change accounts or something? don't get why you would need 3 accounts or more.....lol I guess lebronze stans take another L for being lonely fvcks LOL

07-19-2016, 06:21 PM
What I don't get is....if kobe isn't ANYWHERE near lebronze level....why keep comparing the 2 like you lebronze stans are insecure about something? Why keep bringing kobe up all the fvcking time? I don't get you guys.....for someone who isn't even good (kobe) as you guys say....you keep comparing him to lebronze? You guys are low key giving kobe props.....and yall know kobe is till ahead of lebronze otherwise you wouldn't keep posting this stupid shit to validate your argument online......stupid fvcks:biggums: :biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

You and your little tiny hobbit brain...this is exactly what I was talking about...stupid ****ing fanbase. :facepalm LEBRONZE LEBRONZE LEBRONZEZ...do you think that makes you clever or something? I also fail to see how everyone is saying Kobe is just not good by saying Lebron is better...but then again you are barely literate so why should I be surprised that you are confused.

07-19-2016, 06:25 PM
You and your little tiny hobbit brain...this is exactly what I was talking about...stupid ****ing fanbase. :facepalm LEBRONZE LEBRONZE LEBRONZEZ...do you think that makes you clever or something? I also fail to see how everyone is saying Kobe is just not good by saying Lebron is better...but then again you are barely literate so why should I be surprised that you are confused.
You sir are funny....claiming lebronze is better than kobe but yet kept passing the ball to kyrie in the end of the game to save him? WTF if it wasn't for kyrie making that 3 its over for your husband.....lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

So you sir can now shine my shoes......go now peasant

Hey Yo
07-19-2016, 06:32 PM
You sir are funny....claiming lebronze is better than kobe but yet kept passing the ball to kyrie in the end of the game to save him? WTF if it wasn't for kyrie making that 3 its over for your husband.....lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

So you sir can now shine my shoes......go now peasant
:oldlol: @ the jealousy from the Kobe kid. Can't face the facts about his hero. You can feel his rage.


07-19-2016, 06:34 PM
You sir are funny....claiming lebronze is better than kobe but yet kept passing the ball to kyrie in the end of the game to save him? WTF if it wasn't for kyrie making that 3 its over for your husband.....lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

So you sir can now shine my shoes......go now peasant

Cringe. It's like trying to discuss basketball with my 6 year old nephew.

07-19-2016, 07:02 PM
Cringe. It's like trying to discuss basketball with my 6 year old nephew.
its ok kid you will learn one day

07-19-2016, 07:14 PM
You sir are funny....claiming lebronze is better than kobe but yet kept passing the ball to kyrie in the end of the game to save him? WTF if it wasn't for kyrie making that 3 its over for your husband.....lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

So you sir can now shine my shoes......go now peasant
:roll: :roll: :applause: :applause:

07-19-2016, 08:07 PM
You sir are funny....claiming lebronze is better than kobe but yet kept passing the ball to kyrie in the end of the game to save him? WTF if it wasn't for kyrie making that 3 its over for your husband.....lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

So you sir can now shine my shoes......go now peasant

07-19-2016, 09:12 PM
From someone who doesn't stan either one, Kobe is still ahead of Lebron tbh. But if Lebron knocks off the GSW superteam, I will definitely have him ahead.
The only argument Kobe has over LeBron is ring count and longevity(which is overrated)

Peak and prime wise, LeBron is on another tier.

07-19-2016, 09:18 PM
lebronze can't post up....can't shoot....etc....lol can't even post up a smaller player than him..... :facepalm

The guy can't post up and shoot. How in the hell did he manage to get a back-to-back 41 pts performance in the finals? The guy must be a god or something..

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

07-19-2016, 09:20 PM
:oldlol: @ the jealousy from the Kobe kid. Can't face the facts about his hero. You can feel his rage.


the rage is KILLING him

Mr Feeny
07-20-2016, 12:38 AM
The only argument Kobe has over LeBron is ring count and longevity(which is overrated)

Peak and prime wise, LeBron is on another tier.

What longevity?
You can argue Kobe became a top nba player in 2001. Probably lasted till 2010 and then he had one the 2013 season where he had Howard, Gasol, Nash and Artest and had relatively little defense attention all the while focusing on scoring and playing abysmal defense of his own.

Let's count that though and make it 11 years as a top 8 player in the league. Lebron has already reached that 2006-2016. And he's still going.
Not only does LeBron have a better prime and peak, longevity isn't an issue. Kobe was a scrub in his early years and his last years.

07-20-2016, 01:01 AM
The guy can't post up and shoot. How in the hell did he manage to get a back-to-back 41 pts performance in the finals? The guy must be a god or something..

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Golden State's 3 best defenders were taken out of commission due to suspension or injury (Draymond Green, Andre Iguodala, and Andrew Bogut)

Goofsta Knicca
07-20-2016, 01:05 AM

07-20-2016, 01:24 AM
Honestly, I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for Kobe fans. They literally dedicated their life to hating/diminishing an athlete to protect their hero's legacy, only for none of it to matter in the end. LeBron has so thoroughly surpassed Kobe in everybody's eyes, the very thing Kobe fans long feared, that Kobe isn't even in the conversation anymore when discussing LeBron's place in history. If you are a Kobe fan, how do you cope with something like this? It's utterly depressing.



I'm literally retired from the Lebron Fam and wasn't even logged into the NBA forum, and I felt a sudden chill from this post while watching a Perfect Strangers rerun. I could actually physically feel some kind of deep, deep ether had just taken place.

Holy shit.

07-20-2016, 02:22 AM
What longevity?
You can argue Kobe became a top nba player in 2001. Probably lasted till 2010 and then he had one the 2013 season where he had Howard, Gasol, Nash and Artest and had relatively little defense attention all the while focusing on scoring and playing abysmal defense of his own.

Let's count that though and make it 11 years as a top 8 player in the league. Lebron has already reached that 2006-2016. And he's still going.
Not only does LeBron have a better prime and peak, longevity isn't an issue. Kobe was a scrub in his early years and his last years.

He was an (legit) all-star level player from 99-13, that's 15 years. He definitely has longevity and more then you're implying, but I still agree his longevity is overrated.

07-20-2016, 02:36 AM
He was an (legit) all-star level player from 99-13, that's 15 years. He definitely has longevity and more then you're implying, but I still agree his longevity is overrated.

Lebron already has 12 seasons at superstar/top 3 player in the NBA level... every year since 04-05 season he has put up at least 25, 6, 6.

As a comparison, Kobe who is known for scoring has 11 seasons in total where he put up at least 25 ppg.

Got to laugh at people who use longevity to argue Kobe is better than Lebron.

K.dot ShowTime
07-20-2016, 02:37 AM
LeCollude fam = one miserable guy with 50 alts trying to win on the internet.

As a Kobe fan I'll give you that W because you'll never get on in real life.

LeCollude > Kobe Obviously

07-20-2016, 02:38 AM
LeKing > Kobe Obviously

This alt knows whats up :applause:

Mr Feeny
07-20-2016, 02:49 AM
Lebron already has 12 seasons at superstar/top 3 player in the NBA level... every year since 04-05 season he has put up at least 25, 6, 6.

As a comparison, Kobe who is known for scoring has 11 seasons in total where he put up at least 25 ppg.

Got to laugh at people who use longevity to argue Kobe is better than Lebron.Agree and that's pretty much what I was saying.
Lebron already has more 25ppg seasons than Kobe had in 20 years of basketball.
1999 Kobe was not a top 3-4 player. Neither was 2001 Kobe.
2011-2012,2014-2016 Kobe was definitely not a top 3 player or anywhere near it.

If you count the total number of years with Kobe being at the top tier, in my opinion it's about 11 seasons. 2001-2010 and then the anomalous 2013 season where he had free reign to dominate a stacked offense and getting numbers while playing no defense.

I think lebron already had better longevity in terms of being elite (top 3-5 player in the league).
By this time next season, this won't be a discussion surely.

K.dot ShowTime
07-20-2016, 04:20 AM
This alt knows whats up :applause:

I know you're POS

07-20-2016, 02:36 PM
Lebron already has 12 seasons at superstar/top 3 player in the NBA level... every year since 04-05 season he has put up at least 25, 6, 6.

As a comparison, Kobe who is known for scoring has 11 seasons in total where he put up at least 25 ppg.

Got to laugh at people who use longevity to argue Kobe is better than Lebron.

Wasn't comparing him to Lebron. Just saying that to say he hasn't had great longevity is false. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Kareem, Malone, and Duncan that have had more all-star level seasons. I'm not going to bother getting into some arbitrary "top X". But the media/fans have misled his longevity when they talk about 20 seasons, when he was still pretty raw the first 2 and pretty terrible the last 3.

Mr Feeny
07-20-2016, 02:44 PM
Wasn't comparing him to Lebron. Just saying that to say he hasn't had great longevity is false. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Kareem, Malone, and Duncan that have had more all-star level seasons. I'm not going to bother getting into some arbitrary "top X". But the media/fans have misled his longevity when they talk about 20 seasons, when he was still pretty raw the first 2 and pretty terrible the last 3.

As long as we all admit lebron has had more elite level seasons, we all good here :rockon:

07-20-2016, 03:01 PM
As long as we all admit lebron has had more elite level seasons, we all good here :rockon:

I'd probably say he was elite every year from 01-13 minus 05 so that's 12 seasons while Lebron has been elite from 06-16, 11 seasons. Not basing it on "top" whatever since that also depends on who else is playing. Just basing it on how good I thought they were. I'd imagine if I ranked all their seasons though, Lebron's would come out higher and at this point it seems like it would take a freak injury for him to not end up with more elite seasons.

Mr Feeny
07-20-2016, 03:10 PM
I'd probably say he was elite every year from 01-13 minus 05 so that's 12 seasons while Lebron has been elite from 06-16, 11 seasons. Not basing it on "top" whatever since that also depends on who else is playing. Just basing it on how good I thought they were. I'd imagine if I ranked all their seasons though, Lebron's would come out higher and at this point it seems like it would take a freak injury for him to not end up with more elite seasons.Would you include 2011 and 2012?

Because many people can make the case that there were always ATLEAST 5 players better than him. He came 7th in the espn list in 2011 I think. And even that was a spot higher than I had him at.


Were in my opinion all better. Durant was almost certainly better by 2012 as well.

I agree with you that he was a top 10 player those years. I just don't know if I have those count as "elite" /top 3-rank years.

07-20-2016, 04:49 PM
Would you include 2011 and 2012?

Because many people can make the case that there were always ATLEAST 5 players better than him. He came 7th in the espn list in 2011 I think. And even that was a spot higher than I had him at.


Were in my opinion all better. Durant was almost certainly better by 2012 as well.

I agree with you that he was a top 10 player those years. I just don't know if I have those count as "elite" /top 3-rank years.

Yes I would. I'd probably agree with him not being top 5 but that's my point. To me, there's no arbitrary set amount of "elite" players every season. There's been seasons where there were only 2-3 elite players and seasons where there's been around 10 elite players.

07-21-2016, 11:38 AM
Yes I would. I'd probably agree with him not being top 5 but that's my point. To me, there's no arbitrary set amount of "elite" players every season. There's been seasons where there were only 2-3 elite players and seasons where there's been around 10 elite players.

Kobe was ELITE in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2012, 2013? Lol

Mr Feeny
07-21-2016, 11:47 AM
Kobe was ELITE in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2012, 2013? Lol

That's why I disagreed with him. Kobe was a top 10 player those years but I don't think anybody can seriously make a claim that Kobe was a top 2-3 player those years. It might be a semantics issue but that's what I count as elite - the top of the tree.

In my opinion, Lebron already has more top 3 seasons than Kobe. Anything extra is just additional, now.

07-21-2016, 11:59 AM
That's why I disagreed with him. Kobe was a top 10 player those years but I don't think anybody can seriously make a claim that Kobe was a top 2-3 player those years. It might be a semantics issue but that's what I count as elite - the top of the tree.

In my opinion, Lebron already has more top 3 seasons than Kobe. Anything extra is just additional, now.

2013 is suspect


are 11 people off the top of my head who have a good case over him

So Kobe was 12th once again :oldlol:

Mr Feeny
07-21-2016, 12:01 PM
2013 is suspect


are 11 people off the top of my head who have a good case over him

So Kobe was 12th once again :oldlol:Fair enough. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's say he was a top 10 player. He was definitely not an elite / top 2-3 player in any of the seasons ArbitraryWater mentioned.

So what longevity are his fans talking about? This must be a joke.

07-21-2016, 12:04 PM
Yea, its not just a top 3-5 or whatever thing, I just dont identify with 2002, 2004-2005, 2011-2013 Kobe being elite... none of those versions could LEAD a title team under traditional supporting cast help/opposition. Anything saying otherwise is lying. 2001 Kobe probably neither, but he balled in the playoffs.

Mr Feeny
07-21-2016, 12:10 PM
That's a good definition. And agree there.